fn-extra- Extras for Fn, a functional web framework.

Safe HaskellNone




This module contains helpers to make Heist fit in more closely within Fn's stance against monad transformers and for regular functions.

In particular, it instantiates the Monad for HeistState to be a StateT that contains our context, so that in the splices we can get the context out (and modify it if needed).

Further, we add splice builders that work similar to our url routing - splices are declared to have certain attributes of specific types, and the splice that correspond is a function that takes those as arguments (and takes the context and the node as well).



class HeistContext ctxt where Source #

In order to have render be able to get the FnHeistState out of our context, we need this helper class.

Minimal complete definition



getHeist :: ctxt -> FnHeistState ctxt Source #

type FnHeistState ctxt = HeistState (StateT ctxt IO) Source #

The type of our state. We need a StateT to be able to pass the runtime context (which includes the current request) into the splices.

type FnSplice ctxt = Splice (StateT ctxt IO) Source #

The type of our splice (interpreted version). We need a StateT to be able to pass the runtime context (which includes the current request) into the splice (and sometimes modify it).

type FnCSplice ctxt = Splice (StateT ctxt IO) Source #

The type of our splice (compiled version). We need a StateT to be able to pass the runtime context (which includes the current request) into the splice (and sometimes modify it).


heistInit :: HeistContext ctxt => [Text] -> Splices (FnSplice ctxt) -> Splices (FnCSplice ctxt) -> IO (Either [String] (FnHeistState ctxt)) Source #

Initialize heist. This takes a list of paths to template directories, a set of interpreted splices, and a set of compiled splices (you can pass mempty as either)

Rendering templates

heistServe :: (RequestContext ctxt, HeistContext ctxt) => ctxt -> IO (Maybe Response) Source #

Render interpreted templates according to the request path. Note that if you have matched some parts of the path, those will not be included in the path used to find the templates. For example, if you have foo/bar.tpl in the directory where you loaded templates from,

path "foo" ==> heistServe

Will match foo/foo/bar, but not foo/bar. To match that, you could:

anything ==> heistServe

This will also try the path followed by "index" if the first doesn't match, so if you have foo/index.tpl, the path foo will be matched to it.

If no template is found, this will continue routing.

render :: HeistContext ctxt => ctxt -> Text -> IO (Maybe Response) Source #

Render a single interpreted heist template by name.

renderWithSplices :: HeistContext ctxt => ctxt -> Text -> Splices (FnSplice ctxt) -> IO (Maybe Response) Source #

Render a template, and add additional interpreted splices before doing so.

cHeistServe :: (RequestContext ctxt, HeistContext ctxt) => ctxt -> IO (Maybe Response) Source #

Like heistServe, but for compiled templates.

cRender :: HeistContext ctxt => ctxt -> Text -> IO (Maybe Response) Source #

Render a single compiled heist template by name.

Building splices

tag :: Text -> (Node -> k -> Maybe (Node, FnSplice ctxt)) -> (ctxt -> Node -> k) -> Splices (FnSplice ctxt) Source #

This declares a new splice. Given a name, an attribute matcher, and a handler function (which takes the context, the node, and the specified attributes), it will pass the handler function the provided attributes or return nothing, if the attributes are missing / not deserializable.

Note that due to the dynamism (the handler function can have any number of arguments, and the number / type of them is based on the matcher), the types of this may be a little confusing (in particular, the k contains a lot). This continuation-based style lets us achieve this style, but the types suffer. It may be easier to see via an example:

 tag "posts" (attr "num" & attr "sort") $ \ctxt node num sort -> ...

tag' :: Text -> (ctxt -> Node -> FnSplice ctxt) -> Splices (FnSplice ctxt) Source #

A tag with no attributes.

class FromAttribute a where Source #

In order to make splice definitions more functional, we declare them and the attributes they need, along with deserialization (if needed). The deserialization is facilitated be this class.

Minimal complete definition


attr :: FromAttribute a => Text -> Node -> (a -> t) -> Maybe (Node, t) Source #

This specifies that an attribute should be present and convertable to the type indicated by it's type.

attrOpt :: FromAttribute a => Text -> Node -> (Maybe a -> t) -> Maybe (Node, t) Source #

This specifies that an attribute is optional - if absent or not convertable, Nothing will be passed.

(&=) :: (Node -> k -> Maybe (Node, k')) -> (Node -> k' -> Maybe (Node, a)) -> Node -> k -> Maybe (Node, a) Source #

This combines two matchers together.