fltkhs- FLTK bindings

Safe HaskellNone





data GLUTproc Source


GLUTproc (FunPtr (IO ())) 

newtype GLUTIdleFunction Source


GLUTIdleFunction (FunPtr (IO ())) 

type ID = Ptr () Source

data Ref a Source


Ref !(ForeignPtr (Ptr ())) 


Show (Ref a) 

data FunRef Source


FunRef !(FunPtr ()) 

The FLTK widget hierarchy

data CBase parent Source


Functions Base ()

The Base of the hierarchy has no functions

Functions IntInput () 
Functions SelectBrowser () 
Functions Box () 
Functions ValueTimer () 
Functions HiddenTimer () 
Functions HorValueSlider () 
Functions SimpleCounter () 
Functions LineDial () 
Functions FillDial () 
Functions HorNiceSlider () 
Functions NiceSlider () 
Functions HorFillSlider () 
Functions HorSlider () 
Functions FillSlider () 
Functions RadioLightButton () 
Functions GlContext () 
Functions Region () 
FindOp Base f (NoFunction f) 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe String)) => Op (GetErrmsg ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe String)) => Op (GetPresetFile ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (SetPresetFile ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetFilterValue ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetFilterValue ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (Filters ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (SetFilter ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe String)) => Op (GetFilter ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe String)) => Op (GetTitle ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (SetTitle ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe String)) => Op (GetDirectory ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (SetDirectory ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO (Maybe String)) => Op (GetFilenameAt ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe String)) => Op (GetFilename ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO [NativeFileChooserOption]) => Op (GetOptions ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl ([NativeFileChooserOption] -> IO ()) => Op (SetOptions ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl ([KeyBinding] -> IO ()) => Op (ReplaceKeyBindings ()) TextEditor orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO [KeyBinding]) => Op (GetDefaultKeyBindings ()) TextEditor orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetInsertMode ()) TextEditor orig impl 
(~) * impl (Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SetInsertMode ()) TextEditor orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO String) => Op (GetLinenumberFormat ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (SetLinenumberFormat ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO AlignType) => Op (GetLinenumberAlign ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (AlignType -> IO ()) => Op (SetLinenumberAlign ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetLinenumberBgcolor ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetLinenumberBgcolor ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetLinenumberFgcolor ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetLinenumberFgcolor ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO FontSize) => Op (GetLinenumberSize ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (FontSize -> IO ()) => Op (SetLinenumberSize ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Font) => Op (GetLinenumberFont ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (Font -> IO ()) => Op (SetLinenumberFont ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Width) => Op (GetLinenumberWidth ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (Width -> IO ()) => Op (SetLinenumberWidth ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> IO Double) => Op (ColToX ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> IO Double) => Op (XToCol ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> Int -> Int -> IO TextDisplayStyle) => Op (PositionStyle ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(Parent a TextBuffer, (~) * impl (Ref a -> [(Char, StyleTableEntry)] -> Maybe (Char, UnfinishedStyleCb) -> IO ())) => Op (HighlightData ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (AlignType -> IO ()) => Op (SetScrollbarAlign ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO AlignType) => Op (GetScrollbarAlign ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (CursorType -> IO ()) => Op (SetCursorStyle ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (Bool -> IO ()) => Op (ShowCursor ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (PreviousWord ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (NextWord ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Either OutOfRange ())) => Op (MoveDown ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Either OutOfRange ())) => Op (MoveUp ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Either OutOfRange ())) => Op (MoveLeft ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Either OutOfRange ())) => Op (MoveRight ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowInsertPosition ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (Position -> IO Bool) => Op (InSelection ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> IO (Either OutOfRange Position)) => Op (PositionToXy ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO BufferOffset) => Op (GetInsertPosition ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> IO ()) => Op (SetInsertPosition ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (Overstrike ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> BufferOffset -> IO ()) => Op (Scroll ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferRange -> IO ()) => Op (RedisplayRange ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Ref TextBuffer)) => Op (GetBuffer ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(Parent a TextBuffer, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (SetBuffer ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> IO (Either OutOfRange BufferOffset)) => Op (Utf8Align ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> IO BufferOffset) => Op (NextCharClipped ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> IO BufferOffset) => Op (NextChar ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> IO (Either OutOfRange BufferOffset)) => Op (PrevCharClipped ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> IO (Either OutOfRange BufferOffset)) => Op (PrevChar ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Ref TextSelection)) => Op (HighlightSelection ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Ref TextSelection)) => Op (SecondarySelection ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Ref TextSelection)) => Op (PrimarySelection ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> String -> Bool -> IO (Either NotFound BufferOffset)) => Op (SearchBackwardWithMatchcase ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> String -> Bool -> IO (Either NotFound BufferOffset)) => Op (SearchForwardWithMatchcase ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> Char -> IO (Either NotFound BufferOffset)) => Op (FindcharBackward ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> Char -> IO (Either NotFound BufferOffset)) => Op (FindcharForward ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> Int -> IO BufferOffset) => Op (RewindLines ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> Int -> IO Int) => Op (RewindLines ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> Int -> Bool -> IO BufferOffset) => Op (SkipLines ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> Int -> IO BufferOffset) => Op (SkipLines ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferRange -> Bool -> IO Int) => Op (CountLines ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferRange -> IO Int) => Op (CountLines ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> Int -> IO BufferOffset) => Op (SkipDisplayedCharacters ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferRange -> IO Int) => Op (CountDisplayedCharacters ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> IO BufferOffset) => Op (WordEnd ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> IO (Either OutOfRange BufferOffset)) => Op (WordEnd ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> IO BufferOffset) => Op (WordStart ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> IO (Either OutOfRange BufferOffset)) => Op (WordStart ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> Bool -> IO BufferOffset) => Op (LineEnd ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO (Either OutOfRange BufferOffset)) => Op (LineEnd ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> IO BufferOffset) => Op (LineStart ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO (Either OutOfRange BufferOffset)) => Op (LineStart ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO (Either OutOfRange String)) => Op (LineText ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (CallPredeleteCallbacks ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (FunPtr () -> IO ()) => Op (RemovePredeleteCallback ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (TextPredeleteCb -> IO (FunPtr ())) => Op (AddPredeleteCallback ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (CallModifyCallbacks ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (FunPtr () -> IO ()) => Op (RemoveModifyCallback ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (TextModifyCb -> IO (FunPtr ())) => Op (AddModifyCallback ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO String) => Op (HighlightText ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe BufferRange)) => Op (HighlightPosition ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Unhighlight ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferRange -> IO ()) => Op (SetHighlight ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetHighlight ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (ReplaceSecondarySelection ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (RemoveSecondarySelection ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO String) => Op (SecondarySelectionText ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO BufferRange) => Op (SecondarySelectionPosition ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (SecondaryUnselect ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (SecondarySelected ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferRange -> IO ()) => Op (SecondarySelect ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (ReplaceSelection ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (RemoveSelection ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO String) => Op (SelectionText ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO BufferRange) => Op (SelectionPosition ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Unselect ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetTabDistance ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetTabDistance ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> Int -> IO (Either DataProcessingError ())) => Op (SavefileWithBuflen ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO (Either DataProcessingError ())) => Op (Savefile ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> BufferRange -> Int -> IO (Either DataProcessingError ())) => Op (OutputfileWithBuflen ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> BufferRange -> IO (Either DataProcessingError ())) => Op (Outputfile ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> Int -> IO (Either DataProcessingError ())) => Op (LoadfileWithBuflen ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO (Either DataProcessingError ())) => Op (Loadfile ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> Int -> IO (Either DataProcessingError ())) => Op (AppendfileWithBuflen ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO (Either DataProcessingError ())) => Op (Appendfile ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> BufferOffset -> Int -> IO (Either DataProcessingError ())) => Op (InsertfileWithBuflen ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> BufferOffset -> IO (Either DataProcessingError ())) => Op (Insertfile ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (Bool -> IO ()) => Op (CanUndo ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (AppendToBuffer ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> IO Char) => Op (ByteAt ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> IO Char) => Op (CharAt ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferRange -> IO String) => Op (TextRange ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetLength ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO String) => Op (FileEncodingWarningMessage ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (InputFileWasTranscoded ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> IO Bool) => Op (Includes ()) TextSelection orig impl 
(~) * impl (Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SetSelected ()) TextSelection orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO BufferOffset) => Op (Start ()) TextSelection orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> Int -> Int -> IO ()) => Op (Update ()) TextSelection orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO TreeReasonType) => Op (GetCallbackReason ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeReasonType -> IO ()) => Op (SetCallbackReason ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (GetCallbackItem ()) Tree orig impl 
(Parent a TreeItem, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (SetCallbackItem ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (IsVscrollVisible ()) Tree orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO Bool)) => Op (IsScrollbar ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetVposition ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetVposition ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref TreeItem -> IO ()) => Op (Display ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref TreeItem -> IO ()) => Op (ShowItemBottom ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref TreeItem -> IO ()) => Op (ShowItemMiddle ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref TreeItem -> IO ()) => Op (ShowItemTop ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref TreeItem -> Maybe Int -> IO ()) => Op (ShowItemWithYoff ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO TreeSelect) => Op (Selectmode ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetItemLabelfgcolor ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Font -> IO ()) => Op (SetItemLabelfont ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeItemLocator -> IO Bool) => Op (IsSelectedWithItem ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (GetItemFocus ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref TreeItem -> IO ()) => Op (SetItemFocus ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref TreeItem -> Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SelectAllAndCallback ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref TreeItem -> Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SelectToggleAndCallback ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeItemLocator -> Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SelectAndCallback ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeItemLocator -> Bool -> IO ()) => Op (CloseAndCallback ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref TreeItem -> Bool -> IO ()) => Op (OpenToggleAndCallback ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeItemLocator -> Bool -> IO ()) => Op (OpenAndCallback ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref TreeItem -> IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (NextSelectedItemWithItem ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (NextSelectedItem ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (FirstSelectedItem ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (LastVisible ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (GetLast ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref TreeItem -> IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (PrevWithItem ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref TreeItem -> IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (NextWithItem ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (FirstVisible ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (ItemClicked ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (Root ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (RootLabel ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (LabelH ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (LabelW ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (LabelY ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (LabelX ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (IsRoot ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(Parent a TreePrefs, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO Int)) => Op (EventOnLabel ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(Parent a TreePrefs, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO Int)) => Op (EventOnCollapseIcon ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(Parent a TreePrefs, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem)))) => Op (FindClicked ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (VisibleR ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (IsVisible ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (IsActive ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (ActivateWithVal ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (DeselectAll ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref TreeItem -> IO ()) => Op (SelectAll ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (SelectAll ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref TreeItem -> IO ()) => Op (SelectToggle ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (SelectToggle ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SelectWithVal ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref TreeItem -> IO ()) => Op (OpenToggle ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (OpenToggle ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeItemLocator -> IO Bool) => Op (IsClose ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (IsClose ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeItemLocator -> IO Bool) => Op (IsOpen ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (IsOpen ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeItemLocator -> IO ()) => Op (Close ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Close ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeItemLocator -> IO ()) => Op (Open ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Open ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(Parent a TreePrefs, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem)))) => Op (PrevDisplayed ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(Parent a TreePrefs, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem)))) => Op (NextDisplayed ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (UpdatePrevNext ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (PrevSibling ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (NextSibling ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetDepth ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(Parent a TreeItem, (~) * impl (Ref a -> MoveType -> IO (Either MoveError ()))) => Op (MoveTo ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(Parent a TreeItem, (~) * impl (Ref a -> Int -> IO (Either UnknownError ()))) => Op (Reparent ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO (Either UnknownError (Ref orig))) => Op (Deparent ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(Parent a TreeItem, (~) * impl (Ref a -> String -> IO (Maybe (Ref a)))) => Op (InsertAbove ()) Tree orig impl 
(Parent a TreePrefs, (~) * impl (Ref a -> String -> IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem)))) => Op (InsertAbove ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(Parent a TreeItem, (~) * impl (String -> Ref a -> IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem)))) => Op (AddAt ()) Tree orig impl 
(Parent a TreeItem, Parent b TreePrefs, (~) * impl (Ref b -> [String] -> Maybe (Ref a) -> IO (Maybe (Ref a)))) => Op (AddAt ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (FindItem ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl ([String] -> IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (FindItem ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl ([String] -> IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (FindInChildren ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(Parent a TreeItem, (~) * impl (Ref a -> Ref a -> IO (Either TreeItemNotFound ()))) => Op (SwapChildrenByTreeItem ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> Int -> IO ()) => Op (SwapChildren ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(Parent a TreeItem, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (ClearChildren ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ClearChildren ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeItemLocator -> IO (Either UnknownError ())) => Op (RemoveChild ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeItemLocator -> IO (Maybe TreeItemIndex)) => Op (FindChild ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (HasChildren ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO (Maybe (Ref Widget))) => Op (Child ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Ref Widget)) => Op (GetWidget ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (SetWidget ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowSelf ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Maybe String -> IO ()) => Op (ShowSelf ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeSelect -> IO ()) => Op (SetSelectmode ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeSelect -> IO ()) => Op (SetSelectmode ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO TreeSelect) => Op (GetSelectmode ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SetShowroot ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SetShowroot ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetShowroot ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetShowroot ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (Boxtype -> IO ()) => Op (SetSelectbox ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Boxtype -> IO ()) => Op (SetSelectbox ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Boxtype) => Op (GetSelectbox ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Boxtype) => Op (GetSelectbox ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeSort -> IO ()) => Op (SetSortorder ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeSort -> IO ()) => Op (SetSortorder ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO TreeSort) => Op (GetSortorder ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO TreeSort) => Op (GetSortorder ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetShowcollapse ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SetShowcollapse ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetShowcollapse ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetShowcollapse ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(Parent a Image, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (SetUsericon ()) Tree orig impl 
(Parent a Image, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (SetUsericon ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(Parent a Image, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (SetUsericon ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref Image))) => Op (GetUsericon ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Ref Image)) => Op (GetUsericon ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref Image))) => Op (GetUsericon ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(Parent a Image, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (SetCloseicon ()) Tree orig impl 
(Parent a Image, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (SetCloseicon ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref Image))) => Op (GetCloseicon ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref Image))) => Op (GetCloseicon ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(Parent a Image, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (SetOpenicon ()) Tree orig impl 
(Parent a Image, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (SetOpenicon ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref Image))) => Op (GetOpenicon ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref Image))) => Op (GetOpenicon ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetConnectorwidth ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetConnectorwidth ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetConnectorwidth ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetConnectorwidth ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeConnector -> IO ()) => Op (SetConnectorstyle ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeConnector -> IO ()) => Op (SetConnectorstyle ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO TreeConnector) => Op (GetConnectorstyle ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO TreeConnector) => Op (GetConnectorstyle ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetConnectorcolor ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetConnectorcolor ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetConnectorcolor ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetConnectorcolor ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetLinespacing ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetLinespacing ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetLinespacing ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetLinespacing ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabelmarginleft ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabelmarginleft ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetLabelmarginleft ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetLabelmarginleft ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetUsericonmarginleft ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetUsericonmarginleft ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetUsericonmarginleft ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetUsericonmarginleft ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetOpenchildMarginbottom ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetOpenchildMarginbottom ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetOpenchildMarginbottom ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetOpenchildMarginbottom ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetMargintop ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetMargintop ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetMargintop ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetMargintop ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetMarginleft ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetMarginleft ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetMarginleft ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetMarginleft ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabelbgcolor ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabelbgcolor ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetLabelbgcolor ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetLabelbgcolor ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabelfgcolor ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabelfgcolor ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetLabelfgcolor ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetLabelfgcolor ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetItemLabelbgcolor ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetItemLabelbgcolor ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetItemLabelbgcolor ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetItemLabelbgcolor ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetItemLabelfgcolor ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetItemLabelfgcolor ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (FontSize -> IO ()) => Op (SetItemLabelsize ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (FontSize -> IO ()) => Op (SetItemLabelsize ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO FontSize) => Op (GetItemLabelsize ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO FontSize) => Op (GetItemLabelsize ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Font) => Op (GetItemLabelfont ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Font) => Op (GetItemLabelfont ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ClockSinceEpoch) => Op (GetValueSinceEpoch ()) Clock orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Sort ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (SortType -> IO ()) => Op (SortWithSortType ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Width -> IO ()) => Op (SetScrollbarWidth ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetScrollbarWidth ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Width) => Op (GetScrollbarWidth ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetScrollbarWidth ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetScrollbarSize ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetScrollbarSize ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetScrollbarSize ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetScrollbarSize ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (ScrollbarMode -> IO ()) => Op (SetHasScrollbar ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ScrollbarMode) => Op (GetHasScrollbar ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetHposition ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetHposition ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeItemLocator -> Bool -> IO ()) => Op (DeselectAndCallback ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO Int) => Op (DeselectAndCallback ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeItemLocator -> IO Int) => Op (Deselect ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Deselect ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (Deselect ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref TreeItem -> Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SelectOnlyAndCallback ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref TreeItem -> IO ()) => Op (SelectOnly ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (RemoveIcon ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (MakeVisible ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref TreeItem -> IO Bool) => Op (Displayed ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO Bool) => Op (Displayed ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl ([Int] -> IO ()) => Op (SetColumnWidths ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO [Int]) => Op (GetColumnWidths ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Char -> IO ()) => Op (SetColumnChar ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Char) => Op (GetColumnChar ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Char -> IO ()) => Op (SetFormatChar ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Char) => Op (GetFormatChar ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (SetText ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> String -> IO ()) => Op (SetText ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (HideLine ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (ShowWidgetLine ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (Selected ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (Selected ()) TextSelection orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO Bool) => Op (Selected ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferRange -> IO ()) => Op (Select ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (TreeItemLocator -> IO Int) => Op (Select ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Select ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> Bool -> IO Int) => Op (Select ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetMiddleline ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetBottomline ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetTopline ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> LinePosition -> IO ()) => Op (Lineposition ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetTopline ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> Int -> IO ()) => Op (Swap ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO Int) => Op (Load ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> Int -> IO (Either OutOfRange ())) => Op (Move ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> Int -> IO ()) => Op (Move ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (MakeOverlayCurrent ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (HideOverlay ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Ortho ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (SwapBuffers ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref GlContext -> Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SetContextWithDestroyFlag ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref GlContext -> IO ()) => Op (SetContext ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Ref GlContext)) => Op (GetContext ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (CanDo ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO Int) => Op (CanDoWithM ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SetContextValid ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetContextValid ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Invalidate ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SetValid ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetValid ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (TableRowSelectFlag -> IO ()) => Op (SelectAllRows ()) TableRow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO (Either OutOfRange Bool)) => Op (GetRowSelected ()) TableRow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO NativeFileChooserType) => Op (GetType ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO TableRowSelectMode) => Op (GetType ()) TableRow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetColsSuper ()) TableRow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetColsSuper ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetRowsSuper ()) TableRow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetRowsSuper ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ClearSuper ()) TableRow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ClearSuper ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (TableContext -> TableCoordinate -> IO (Maybe Rectangle)) => Op (FindCell ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO TableContext) => Op (CallbackContext ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Column) => Op (CallbackCol ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Row) => Op (CallbackRow ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (TableCoordinate -> IO Int) => Op (MoveCursor ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetSelection ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (TableCoordinate, TableCoordinate)) => Op (GetSelection ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (IsSelected ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (TableCoordinate -> IO Bool) => Op (IsSelected ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Row) => Op (GetTopRow ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Row -> IO ()) => Op (SetTopRow ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Column) => Op (GetColPosition ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Row) => Op (GetRowPosition ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Column -> IO ()) => Op (SetColPosition ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Row -> IO ()) => Op (SetRowPosition ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetColWidthAll ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetRowHeightAll ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Column -> IO Int) => Op (GetColWidth ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Column -> Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetColWidth ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Row -> IO Int) => Op (GetRowHeight ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Row -> Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetRowHeight ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetColHeaderColor ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetColHeaderColor ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetRowHeaderColor ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetRowHeaderColor ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetRowHeaderWidth ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetRowHeaderWidth ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetColHeaderHeight ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetColHeaderHeight ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SetColHeader ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetColHeader ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SetRowHeader ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetRowHeader ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetRowResizeMin ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetRowResizeMin ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetColResizeMin ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetColResizeMin ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SetColResize ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetColResize ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SetRowResize ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetRowResize ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (IsInteractiveResize ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (TableCoordinate, TableCoordinate)) => Op (GetVisibleCells ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetCols ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetCols ()) TableRow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetCols ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetRows ()) TableRow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetRows ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetRows ()) TableRow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetRows ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Boxtype) => Op (GetTableBox ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Boxtype -> IO ()) => Op (SetTableBox ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (Prev ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (Prev ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Prev ()) Wizard orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> IO ()) => Op (SetYstep ()) Positioner orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> IO ()) => Op (SetXstep ()) Positioner orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> Double -> IO ()) => Op (SetYbounds ()) Positioner orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> Double -> IO ()) => Op (SetXbounds ()) Positioner orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Double) => Op (GetYmaximum ()) Positioner orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> IO ()) => Op (SetYmaximum ()) Positioner orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Double) => Op (GetXmaximum ()) Positioner orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> IO ()) => Op (SetXmaximum ()) Positioner orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Double) => Op (GetYminimum ()) Positioner orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> IO ()) => Op (SetYminimum ()) Positioner orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Double) => Op (GetXminimum ()) Positioner orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> IO ()) => Op (SetXminimum ()) Positioner orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Double) => Op (GetYvalue ()) Positioner orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> IO ()) => Op (SetYvalue ()) Positioner orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Double) => Op (GetXvalue ()) Positioner orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> IO ()) => Op (SetXvalue ()) Positioner orig impl 
(~) * impl (Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SetSuspended ()) Timer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetSuspended ()) Timer orig impl 
(~) * impl (CountDirection -> IO ()) => Op (SetDirection ()) Timer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO CountDirection) => Op (GetDirection ()) Timer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (SetTabNav ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (GetTabNav ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetWrap ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetWrap ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetReadonly ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetReadonly ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetInputType ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetInputType ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetCursorColor ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetCursorColor ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetCursorColor ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetCursorColor ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Either NoChange ())) => Op (CopyCuts ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Either NoChange BufferOffset)) => Op (Undo ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Either NoChange ())) => Op (Undo ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> Int -> IO (Either NoChange ())) => Op (InsertWithLength ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> Int -> IO (Either NoChange ())) => Op (CutRange ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO (Either NoChange ())) => Op (CutFromCursor ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Either NoChange ())) => Op (Cut ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO (Either NoChange ())) => Op (SetMark ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetPosition ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> Maybe Int -> IO (Either NoChange ())) => Op (SetPosition ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetMark ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe BufferRange)) => Op (GetPosition ()) TextSelection orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetPosition ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetPosition ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetMaximumSize ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetMaximumSize ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO Char) => Op (Index ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> Maybe Int -> IO (Either NoChange ())) => Op (StaticValue ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO LineSize) => Op (GetLinesize ()) Scrollbar orig impl 
(~) * impl (LineSize -> IO ()) => Op (SetLinesize ()) Scrollbar orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> IO ()) => Op (SetLstep ()) Counter orig impl 
(~) * impl (Angle -> Angle -> IO ()) => Op (SetAngles ()) Dial orig impl 
(~) * impl (Angle -> IO ()) => Op (SetAngle2 ()) Dial orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Angle) => Op (GetAngle2 ()) Dial orig impl 
(~) * impl (Angle -> IO ()) => Op (SetAngle1 ()) Dial orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Angle) => Op (GetAngle1 ()) Dial orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetSoft ()) ValueOutput orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetSoft ()) ValueInput orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetSoft ()) Adjuster orig impl 
(~) * impl (Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SetSoft ()) ValueOutput orig impl 
(~) * impl (Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SetSoft ()) ValueInput orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetSoft ()) Adjuster orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (SetCurrent ()) ImageSurface orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (SetCurrent ()) CopySurface orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO String) => Op (ClassName ()) ImageSurface orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO String) => Op (ClassName ()) Image orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Uncache ()) Pixmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Uncache ()) Bitmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Uncache ()) Image orig impl 
(~) * impl (Position -> Size -> Maybe X -> Maybe Y -> IO ()) => Op (DrawResize ()) Pixmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (Position -> Size -> Maybe X -> Maybe Y -> IO ()) => Op (DrawResize ()) Bitmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (Position -> Size -> Maybe X -> Maybe Y -> IO ()) => Op (DrawResize ()) Image orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Desaturate ()) Pixmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Desaturate ()) Bitmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Desaturate ()) Image orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Inactive ()) Pixmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Inactive ()) Bitmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Inactive ()) Image orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> Float -> IO ()) => Op (ColorAverage ()) Pixmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> Float -> IO ()) => Op (ColorAverage ()) Bitmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> Float -> IO ()) => Op (ColorAverage ()) Image orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetCount ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetCount ()) Pixmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetCount ()) Bitmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetCount ()) Image orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetLd ()) Pixmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetLd ()) Bitmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetLd ()) Image orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetD ()) Pixmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetD ()) Bitmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetD ()) Image orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextcolor ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextcolor ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextcolor ()) ValueOutput orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextcolor ()) ValueInput orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextcolor ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextcolor ()) ValueSlider orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextcolor ()) Counter orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextcolor ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetTextcolor ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetTextcolor ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetTextcolor ()) ValueOutput orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetTextcolor ()) ValueInput orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetTextcolor ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetTextcolor ()) ValueSlider orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetTextcolor ()) Counter orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetTextcolor ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (FontSize -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextsize ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (FontSize -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextsize ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (FontSize -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextsize ()) ValueOutput orig impl 
(~) * impl (FontSize -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextsize ()) ValueInput orig impl 
(~) * impl (FontSize -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextsize ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (FontSize -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextsize ()) ValueSlider orig impl 
(~) * impl (FontSize -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextsize ()) Counter orig impl 
(~) * impl (FontSize -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextsize ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO FontSize) => Op (GetTextsize ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO FontSize) => Op (GetTextsize ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO FontSize) => Op (GetTextsize ()) ValueOutput orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO FontSize) => Op (GetTextsize ()) ValueInput orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO FontSize) => Op (GetTextsize ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO FontSize) => Op (GetTextsize ()) ValueSlider orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO FontSize) => Op (GetTextsize ()) Counter orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO FontSize) => Op (GetTextsize ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (Font -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextfont ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextfont ()) ValueOutput orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextfont ()) ValueInput orig impl 
(~) * impl (Font -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextfont ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (Font -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextfont ()) ValueSlider orig impl 
(~) * impl (Font -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextfont ()) Counter orig impl 
(~) * impl (Font -> IO ()) => Op (SetTextfont ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Font) => Op (GetTextfont ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Font) => Op (GetTextfont ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Font) => Op (GetTextfont ()) ValueOutput orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Font) => Op (GetTextfont ()) ValueInput orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Font) => Op (GetTextfont ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Font) => Op (GetTextfont ()) ValueSlider orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Font) => Op (GetTextfont ()) Counter orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Font) => Op (GetTextfont ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO String) => Op (GetTextWithIndex ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO String) => Op (GetText ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO String) => Op (GetText ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO String) => Op (GetText ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO String) => Op (GetText ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Ref MenuItem)) => Op (Mvalue ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Mode) => Op (GetMode ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO Int) => Op (GetMode ()) SysMenuBar orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO Int) => Op (GetMode ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (Mode -> IO Int) => Op (SetMode ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetMode ()) SysMenuBar orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetMode ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferRange -> IO ()) => Op (Remove ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref TreeItem -> IO (Either TreeItemNotFound ())) => Op (Remove ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (Remove ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (Remove ()) SysMenuBar orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (Remove ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferRange -> String -> IO ()) => Op (Replace ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> Int -> String -> IO (Either NoChange ())) => Op (Replace ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> String -> IO ()) => Op (Replace ()) SysMenuBar orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> String -> IO ()) => Op (Replace ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (AddName ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO Int) => Op (ClearSubmenu ()) SysMenuBar orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO (Either OutOfRange ())) => Op (ClearSubmenu ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetSize ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Size -> IO ()) => Op (SetSize ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetSize ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(Parent a TextBuffer, (~) * impl (Ref a -> BufferRange -> BufferOffset -> IO ())) => Op (Copy ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (Clipboard -> IO (Either NoChange ())) => Op (Copy ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (Maybe Size -> IO (Maybe (Ref Pixmap))) => Op (Copy ()) Pixmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (Maybe Size -> IO (Ref Bitmap)) => Op (Copy ()) Bitmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (Maybe Size -> IO (Ref Image)) => Op (Copy ()) Image orig impl 
(Parent a MenuItem, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (Copy ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl ([Ref MenuItem] -> IO ()) => Op (SetMenu ()) SysMenuBar orig impl 
(Parent a MenuItem, (~) * impl ([Ref a] -> IO ())) => Op (SetMenu ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Ref MenuItem)) => Op (GetMenu ()) SysMenuBar orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Ref MenuItem)) => Op (GetMenu ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Global ()) SysMenuBar orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Global ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (MenuItemLocator -> IO (Maybe Int)) => Op (FindIndex ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(Parent a MenuItem, Parent b MenuItem, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO (Ref b))) => Op (Picked ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe String)) => Op (ItemPathnameRecent ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(Parent a TreeItem, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO (Maybe String))) => Op (ItemPathname ()) Tree orig impl 
(Parent a MenuItem, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO (Maybe String))) => Op (ItemPathname ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetSize ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetSize ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetSize ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetSize ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (TableContext -> TableCoordinate -> IO ()) => Op (DoCallback ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Ref Widget -> IO ()) => Op (DoCallback ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(Parent a MenuItem, (~) * impl (Maybe Int -> Bool -> IO (Ref a))) => Op (FindShortcut ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(Parent a MenuItem, (~) * impl (IO (Ref a))) => Op (TestShortcut ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(Parent a MenuItem, (~) * impl (IO (Ref a))) => Op (TestShortcut ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Ref MenuItem)) => Op (Popup ()) MenuButton orig impl 
(Parent a MenuItem, Parent b MenuPrim, Parent c MenuItem, (~) * impl (Position -> Maybe String -> Maybe (Ref a) -> Maybe (Ref b) -> IO (Ref c))) => Op (Popup ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(Parent a MenuPrim, Parent b MenuItem, Parent c MenuItem, (~) * impl (Rectangle -> Maybe (Ref a) -> Maybe (Ref b) -> Maybe (Ref c) -> Maybe Bool -> IO (Ref MenuItem))) => Op (Pulldown ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (MenuItemFlags -> IO ()) => Op (SetFlags ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO MenuItemFlags) => Op (GetFlags ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Draw ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Draw ()) Table orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> Position -> IO ())) => Op (Draw ()) ImageSurface orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> Position -> IO ())) => Op (Draw ()) CopySurface orig impl 
(~) * impl (Position -> IO ()) => Op (Draw ()) Pixmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (Position -> IO ()) => Op (Draw ()) Bitmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (Position -> IO ()) => Op (Draw ()) Image orig impl 
(Parent a MenuPrim, (~) * impl (Rectangle -> Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (Draw ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(Parent a MenuPrim, (~) * impl (Rectangle -> Ref a -> Int -> IO ())) => Op (DrawWithT ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(Parent a MenuPrim, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO Size)) => Op (Measure ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (Activevisible ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (Visible ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO Int) => Op (Visible ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (Visible ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (Radio ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (Checkbox ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (Submenu ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Labeltype -> String -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabelWithLabeltype ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (GetFirst ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref MenuItem))) => Op (GetFirst ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (Next ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (Next ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Next ()) Wizard orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref MenuItem))) => Op (Next ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(Parent a MenuItem, (~) * impl (Int -> IO (Ref a))) => Op (NextWithStep ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Boxtype -> IO ()) => Op (SetSlider ()) Slider orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Boxtype) => Op (GetSlider ()) Slider orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> IO ()) => Op (GetSliderSize ()) Slider orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Float) => Op (SetSliderSize ()) Slider orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Int) => Op (Scrollvalue ()) Slider orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> Int -> IO Double) => Op (Increment ()) Valuator orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> IO Double) => Op (Clamp ()) Valuator orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> IO Double) => Op (Round ()) Valuator orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO Int) => Op (Format ()) Valuator orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (Precision ()) Valuator orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Rational) => Op (GetStep ()) Valuator orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rational -> IO ()) => Op (SetStep ()) Valuator orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> Double -> IO ()) => Op (Range ()) Valuator orig impl 
(~) * impl (Float -> IO ()) => Op (SetMaximum ()) Progress orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> IO ()) => Op (SetMaximum ()) Valuator orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Float) => Op (GetMaximum ()) Progress orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Double) => Op (GetMaximum ()) Valuator orig impl 
(~) * impl (Float -> IO ()) => Op (SetMinimum ()) Progress orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> IO ()) => Op (SetMinimum ()) Valuator orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Float) => Op (GetMinimum ()) Progress orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Double) => Op (GetMinimum ()) Valuator orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> Double -> IO ()) => Op (Bounds ()) Slider orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> Double -> IO ()) => Op (Bounds ()) Valuator orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetDownColor ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetDownColor ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetDownColor ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetDownColor ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (Boxtype -> IO ()) => Op (SetDownBox ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (Boxtype -> IO ()) => Op (SetDownBox ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Boxtype) => Op (GetDownBox ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Boxtype) => Op (GetDownBox ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetShortcut ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetShortcut ()) ValueInput orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetShortcut ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> ShortcutKeySequence -> IO ()) => Op (SetShortcut ()) SysMenuBar orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> ShortcutKeySequence -> IO ()) => Op (SetShortcut ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetShortcut ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetShortcut ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetShortcut ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetShortcut ()) ValueInput orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetShortcut ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetShortcut ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO FlShortcut) => Op (GetShortcut ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Setonly ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Setonly ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferRange -> IO ()) => Op (Set ()) TextSelection orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Set ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (Set ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (ClockSetTimeType -> IO ()) => Op (SetValue ()) Clock orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetValue ()) Browser orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (SetValue ()) Wizard orig impl 
(~) * impl (Float -> IO ()) => Op (SetValue ()) Progress orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> IO ()) => Op (SetValue ()) Timer orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> Maybe Int -> IO Int) => Op (SetValue ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Int) => Op (SetValue ()) Scrollbar orig impl 
(~) * impl (MenuItemReference -> IO Int) => Op (SetValue ()) Choice orig impl 
(~) * impl (MenuItemReference -> IO Int) => Op (SetValue ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (Double -> IO Int) => Op (SetValue ()) Valuator orig impl 
(~) * impl (Bool -> IO Bool) => Op (SetValue ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ClockByTime) => Op (GetValue ()) Clock orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetValue ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Ref Widget)) => Op (GetValue ()) Wizard orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Float) => Op (GetValue ()) Progress orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Double) => Op (GetValue ()) Timer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO String) => Op (GetValue ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetValue ()) Choice orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetValue ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetValue ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Double) => Op (GetValue ()) Valuator orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetValue ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Flush ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Flush ()) OverlayWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (RedrawOverlay ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (RedrawOverlay ()) OverlayWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (CanDoOverlay ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (CanDoOverlay ()) OverlayWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (WaitForExpose ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetDecoratedH ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetDecoratedW ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (CursorType -> (Maybe Color, Maybe Color) -> IO ()) => Op (SetDefaultCursorWithFgBg ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (CursorType -> IO ()) => Op (SetDefaultCursor ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (Cursor -> (Maybe Color, Maybe Color) -> IO ()) => Op (SetCursorWithFgBg ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (Cursor -> IO ()) => Op (SetCursor ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (MakeCurrent ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetYRoot ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetXRoot ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Iconize ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (Shown ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> Ref Image -> IO ()) => Op (SetIcon ()) Browser orig impl 
(Parent a Image, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (SetIcon ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO (Ref Image)) => Op (GetIcon ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref Image))) => Op (GetIcon ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (SetXclass ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO String) => Op (GetXclass ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> String -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabelWithIconlabel ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (SetIconlabel ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO String) => Op (GetIconlabel ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> Int -> OptionalSizeRangeArgs -> IO ()) => Op (SizeRangeWithArgs ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> Int -> IO ()) => Op (SizeRange ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (FreePosition ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (PositionSpec -> Maybe Bool -> IO ()) => Op (HotSpot ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetTooltipWindow ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (SetTooltipWindow ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetMenuWindow ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (SetMenuWindow ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (NonModal ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (SetNonModal ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetModal ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (SetModal ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetOverride ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (SetOverride ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetBorder ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ClearBorder ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (Bool -> IO ()) => Op (SetBorder ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (Maybe Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (FullscreenOff ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (MakeFullscreen ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (Changed ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (Changed ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (FlushSuper ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (FlushSuper ()) DoubleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (FlushSuper ()) SingleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (FlushSuper ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (HandleSuper ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO Int) => Op (HandleSuper ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO Int) => Op (HandleSuper ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO Int) => Op (HandleSuper ()) DoubleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO Int) => Op (HandleSuper ()) SingleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO Int) => Op (HandleSuper ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (DrawSuper ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (DrawSuper ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (DrawSuper ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (DrawSuper ()) DoubleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (DrawSuper ()) SingleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (DrawSuper ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO (Ref Widget)) => Op (GetChild ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO (Ref Widget)) => Op (GetChild ()) Group orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO [Ref Widget]) => Op (GetArray ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO [Ref Widget]) => Op (GetArray ()) Group orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, Parent b Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> Ref b -> IO ())) => Op (InsertWithBefore ()) Table orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> Ref b -> IO ())) => Op (InsertWithBefore ()) Group orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Ref Widget)) => Op (DdfdesignKludge ()) Group orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (Focus ()) Group orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (ClipChildren ()) Group orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (SetClipChildren ()) Group orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (Children ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (Children ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (Children ()) Group orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (InitSizes ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (InitSizes ()) Group orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (AddResizable ()) Group orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref Widget))) => Op (GetResizable ()) Group orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (SetNotResizable ()) Group orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (SetResizable ()) Group orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Clear ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Clear ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Clear ()) TableRow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Clear ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Clear ()) SysMenuBar orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Clear ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Clear ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (Clear ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Clear ()) Group orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (RemoveWidget ()) Group orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (RemoveIndex ()) Group orig impl 
(~) * impl (BufferOffset -> String -> IO ()) => Op (Insert ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(Parent a TreeItem, (~) * impl (Ref a -> String -> Int -> IO (Maybe (Ref a)))) => Op (Insert ()) Tree orig impl 
(Parent a TreePrefs, (~) * impl (Ref a -> String -> Maybe Int -> IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem)))) => Op (Insert ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> String -> IO ()) => Op (Insert ()) Browser orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> Int -> IO ())) => Op (Insert ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO (Either NoChange ())) => Op (Insert ()) Input orig impl 
(Parent a MenuPrim, (~) * impl (Int -> String -> Maybe Shortcut -> (Ref a -> IO ()) -> MenuItemFlags -> IO MenuItemIndex)) => Op (Insert ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(Parent a MenuItem, (~) * impl (Int -> String -> Maybe ShortcutKeySequence -> (Ref a -> IO ()) -> MenuItemFlags -> IO MenuItemIndex)) => Op (Insert ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> Int -> IO ())) => Op (Insert ()) Group orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (Add ()) Tree orig impl 
(Parent a TreeItem, Parent b TreePrefs, (~) * impl (Ref b -> TreeItemLocator -> IO (Maybe (Ref a)))) => Op (Add ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (Add ()) Browser orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (Add ()) Table orig impl 
(Parent a MenuPrim, (~) * impl (String -> Maybe Shortcut -> (Ref a -> IO ()) -> MenuItemFlags -> IO MenuItemIndex)) => Op (Add ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(Parent a MenuItem, (~) * impl (String -> Maybe Shortcut -> (Ref a -> IO ()) -> MenuItemFlags -> IO MenuItemIndex)) => Op (Add ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (Add ()) Group orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO Int)) => Op (Find ()) Table orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO Int)) => Op (Find ()) Group orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO BufferOffset) => Op (End ()) TextSelection orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (End ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (End ()) Group orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Begin ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Begin ()) Group orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (UpdateChild ()) Group orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (DrawOutsideLabel ()) Group orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (DrawChildren ()) Group orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (DrawChild ()) Group orig impl 
(~) * impl (Maybe (Boxtype, Rectangle) -> IO ()) => Op (DrawFocus ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (Maybe (Boxtype, Rectangle) -> IO ()) => Op (DrawFocus ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (Maybe (Boxtype, Rectangle) -> IO ()) => Op (DrawFocus ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (DrawBackdrop ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (DrawBackdrop ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (DrawBackdrop ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (Boxtype -> Color -> Maybe Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (DrawBoxWithBoxtype ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (Boxtype -> Color -> Maybe Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (DrawBoxWithBoxtype ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (Boxtype -> Color -> Maybe Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (DrawBoxWithBoxtype ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (DrawBox ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (DrawBox ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (DrawBox ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl ((Ref orig -> IO ()) -> IO ()) => Op (SetCallback ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl ((Ref orig -> IO ()) -> IO ()) => Op (SetCallback ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl ((Ref orig -> IO ()) -> IO ()) => Op (SetCallback ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (Resize ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (Resize ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (Resize ()) TableRow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (Resize ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (Resize ()) ValueOutput orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (Resize ()) ValueInput orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (Resize ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (Resize ()) Valuator orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (Resize ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (Resize ()) OverlayWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (Resize ()) DoubleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (Resize ()) SingleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (Resize ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (Resize ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (ResizeSuper ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (ResizeSuper ()) TableRow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (ResizeSuper ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (ResizeSuper ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (ResizeSuper ()) Valuator orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (ResizeSuper ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (ResizeSuper ()) DoubleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (ResizeSuper ()) SingleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (ResizeSuper ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (ResizeSuper ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Position) => Op (GetTopWindowOffset ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Ref Window)) => Op (GetTopWindow ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Ref Window)) => Op (GetWindow ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Size) => Op (MeasureLabel ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (Word8 -> Rectangle -> IO ()) => Op (GetDamageInsideWidget ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (Word8 -> IO ()) => Op (GetDamageWithText ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ClearDamage ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (Word8 -> IO ()) => Op (ClearDamageWithBitmask ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Word8) => Op (GetDamage ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (RedrawLabel ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Redraw ()) Widget orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO Int)) => Op (Inside ()) Widget orig impl 
(Parent a Widget, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO Int)) => Op (Contains ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetVisibleFocus ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (Int -> IO ()) => Op (ModifyVisibleFocus ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ClearVisibleFocus ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (SetVisibleFocus ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Either NoChange ())) => Op (TakeFocus ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ClearActive ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (SetActive ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ClearChanged ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (SetChanged ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (Takesevents ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ClearOutput ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (SetOutput ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetOutput ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Deactivate ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Deactivate ()) RepeatButton orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Deactivate ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Activate ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Activate ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Activate ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (ActiveR ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (Active ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (Active ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ClearVisible ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (SetVisible ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Hide ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Hide ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Hide ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Hide ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Hide ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Hide ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Hide ()) OverlayWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Hide ()) DoubleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Hide ()) SingleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Hide ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Hide ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (HideSuper ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (HideSuper ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (HideSuper ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (HideSuper ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (HideSuper ()) DoubleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (HideSuper ()) SingleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (HideSuper ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (HideSuper ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO NativeFileChooserUserAction) => Op (ShowWidget ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowWidget ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowWidget ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowWidget ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowWidget ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowWidget ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowWidget ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowWidget ()) OverlayWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowWidget ()) DoubleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowWidget ()) SingleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowWidget ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowWidget ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowWidgetSuper ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowWidgetSuper ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowWidgetSuper ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowWidgetSuper ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowWidgetSuper ()) DoubleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowWidgetSuper ()) SingleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowWidgetSuper ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (ShowWidgetSuper ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetVisibleR ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Bool) => Op (GetVisible ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl ([When] -> IO ()) => Op (SetWhen ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO [When]) => Op (GetWhen ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (SetTooltip ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (CopyTooltip ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO String) => Op (GetTooltip ()) Widget orig impl 
(Parent a Image, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (SetDeimage ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Ref Image)) => Op (GetDeimage ()) Widget orig impl 
(Parent a Image, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (SetImage ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Ref Image)) => Op (GetImage ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (FontSize -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabelsize ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (FontSize -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabelsize ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (FontSize -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabelsize ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (FontSize -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabelsize ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO FontSize) => Op (GetLabelsize ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO FontSize) => Op (GetLabelsize ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO FontSize) => Op (GetLabelsize ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO FontSize) => Op (GetLabelsize ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (Font -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabelfont ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Font -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabelfont ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (Font -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabelfont ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Font -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabelfont ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Font) => Op (GetLabelfont ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Font) => Op (GetLabelfont ()) TreePrefs orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Font) => Op (GetLabelfont ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Font) => Op (GetLabelfont ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabelcolor ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabelcolor ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabelcolor ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetLabelcolor ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetLabelcolor ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetLabelcolor ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (Labeltype -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabeltype ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (Labeltype -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabeltype ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Labeltype) => Op (GetLabeltype ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Labeltype) => Op (GetLabeltype ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabel ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabel ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabel ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (SetLabel ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (CopyLabel ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (String -> IO ()) => Op (CopyLabel ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO String) => Op (GetLabel ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO String) => Op (GetLabel ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO String) => Op (GetLabel ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO String) => Op (GetLabel ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetSelectionColor ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetSelectionColor ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetColorWithBgSel ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (Color -> IO ()) => Op (SetColor ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Color) => Op (GetColor ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (Boxtype -> IO ()) => Op (SetBox ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Boxtype) => Op (GetBox ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Alignments) => Op (GetAlign ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (Alignments -> IO ()) => Op (SetAlign ()) Widget orig impl 
(FindOp orig (GetX ()) (Match obj), FindOp orig (GetY ()) (Match obj), FindOp orig (GetW ()) (Match obj), FindOp orig (GetH ()) (Match obj), Op (GetX ()) obj orig (IO Int), Op (GetY ()) obj orig (IO Int), Op (GetW ()) obj orig (IO Int), Op (GetH ()) obj orig (IO Int), (~) * impl (IO Rectangle)) => Op (GetRectangle ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetH ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetH ()) Pixmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetH ()) Bitmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetH ()) Image orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetH ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetW ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetW ()) Pixmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetW ()) Bitmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetW ()) Image orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetW ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetY ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetY ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetX ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Int) => Op (GetX ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (Maybe (Rectangle, Alignments) -> IO ()) => Op (DrawLabel ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (NativeFileChooserType -> IO ()) => Op (SetType ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl (TableRowSelectMode -> IO ()) => Op (SetType ()) TableRow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Word8 -> IO ()) => Op (SetType ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO Word8) => Op (GetType_ ()) Widget orig impl 
(Parent a TreeItem, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (SetParent ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(Parent a Group, (~) * impl (Ref a -> IO ())) => Op (SetParent ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref TreeItem))) => Op (GetParent ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO (Maybe (Ref Group))) => Op (GetParent ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) TextEditor orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) Clock orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) Box orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) TableRow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) Positioner orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) Timer orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) ValueOutput orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) ValueInput orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) ValueSlider orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) Scrollbar orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) Counter orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) Roller orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) Dial orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) MenuButton orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) Choice orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) SysMenuBar orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) Slider orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) Valuator orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) RepeatButton orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) ReturnButton orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) DoubleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) SingleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (Event -> IO Int) => Op (Handle ()) Widget orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) NativeFileChooser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) TextEditor orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) TextDisplay orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) TextBuffer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Tree orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) TreeItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Browser orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) GlWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) TableRow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Table orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Wizard orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Positioner orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Progress orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Timer orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) ValueOutput orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) ValueInput orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Input orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) ValueSlider orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Scrollbar orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Counter orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Roller orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Dial orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Adjuster orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) ImageSurface orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) CopySurface orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Pixmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Bitmap orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Image orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) MenuButton orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Choice orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) SysMenuBar orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) MenuPrim orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) MenuItem orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Slider orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Valuator orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) ToggleButton orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) RepeatButton orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) RoundButton orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) ReturnButton orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) CheckButton orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) LightButton orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Button orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) OverlayWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) DoubleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) SingleWindow orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Window orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Group orig impl 
(~) * impl (IO ()) => Op (Destroy ()) Widget orig impl 

type Base = CBase () Source

type CallbackWithUserDataPrim = Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO () Source

type CallbackPrim = Ptr () -> IO () Source

type ImageDrawCallbackPrim = Ptr () -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () Source

type ImageCopyCallbackPrim = Ptr () -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr ()) Source

type FileChooserCallback = FunPtr (Ptr () -> Ptr () -> IO ()) Source

type BoxDrawF = Rectangle -> Color -> IO () Source

type BoxDrawFPrim = CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> FlColor -> IO () Source

type TextModifyCb = Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO () Source

type TextModifyCbPrim = CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr () -> IO () Source

type TextPredeleteCbPrim = CInt -> CInt -> Ptr () -> IO () Source

newtype Width Source


Width Int 


newtype Height Source


Height Int 


newtype Depth Source


Depth Int 

newtype LineSize Source


LineSize Int 

newtype X Source


X Int 


Eq X 
Show X 

newtype Y Source


Y Int 


Eq Y 
Show Y 

newtype ByX Source


ByX Double 

newtype ByY Source


ByY Double 

newtype Angle Source


Angle CShort 

data Position Source


Position X Y 


data DPI Source


DPI Float Float 

newtype BufferOffset Source


BufferOffset Int 

data ByXY Source



data Size Source


Size Width Height 


newtype FontSize Source


FontSize CInt 

newtype PixmapHs Source


PixmapHs [ByteString] 

data UnknownError Source



data NotFound Source



data OutOfRange Source




successOrOutOfRange :: a -> Bool -> (a -> IO b) -> IO (Either OutOfRange b) Source

data NoChange Source



withForeignPtrs :: [ForeignPtr a] -> ([Ptr a] -> IO c) -> IO c Source

toRefPtr :: Ptr (Ptr a) -> IO (Ptr a) Source

withRef :: Ref a -> (Ptr b -> IO c) -> IO c Source

withRefs :: [Ref a] -> (Ptr (Ptr b) -> IO c) -> IO c Source

withMaybeRef :: Maybe (Ref a) -> (Ptr () -> IO c) -> IO c Source

swapRef :: Ref a -> (Ptr b -> IO (Ptr ())) -> IO () Source