module Language.Rust.Parser.Literals (
) where
import Language.Rust.Syntax.Token ( LitTok(..) )
import Language.Rust.Syntax.AST ( IntRep(..), Lit(..), StrStyle(..), Suffix(..) )
import Data.Char ( chr, digitToInt, ord, isHexDigit, isSpace )
import Data.List ( unfoldr )
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import Data.Word ( Word8 )
import Text.Read ( readMaybe )
translateLit :: LitTok -> Suffix -> a -> Lit a
translateLit (ByteTok s) = Byte (unescapeByte' s)
translateLit (CharTok s) = Char (unescapeChar' s)
translateLit (FloatTok s) = Float (unescapeFloat s)
translateLit (StrTok s) = Str (unfoldr (unescapeChar True) s) Cooked
translateLit (StrRawTok s n) = Str s (Raw n)
translateLit (ByteStrTok s) = ByteStr (unfoldr (unescapeByte True) s) Cooked
translateLit (ByteStrRawTok s n) = ByteStr (map (fromIntegral . ord) s) (Raw n)
translateLit (IntegerTok s) = \suf -> case (suf, unescapeInteger s) of
(F32, (Dec, n)) -> Float (fromInteger n) F32
(F64, (Dec, n)) -> Float (fromInteger n) F64
(_, (rep, n)) -> Int rep n s suf
unescapeChar :: Bool
-> String
-> Maybe (Char, String)
unescapeChar multiline ('\\':c:cs) = case c of
'n' -> pure ('\n', cs)
'r' -> pure ('\r', cs)
't' -> pure ('\t', cs)
'\\' -> pure ('\\', cs)
'\'' -> pure ('\'', cs)
'"' -> pure ('"', cs)
'0' -> pure ('\0', cs)
'x' -> do (h,cs') <- readHex 2 cs; pure (chr h, cs')
'X' -> do (h,cs') <- readHex 2 cs; pure (chr h, cs')
'U' -> do (h,cs') <- readHex 8 cs; pure (chr h, cs')
'u' -> case cs of
'{':x1:'}':cs' -> do (h,_) <- readHex 1 [x1]; pure (chr h, cs')
'{':x1:x2:'}':cs' -> do (h,_) <- readHex 2 [x1,x2]; pure (chr h, cs')
'{':x1:x2:x3:'}':cs' -> do (h,_) <- readHex 3 [x1,x2,x3]; pure (chr h, cs')
'{':x1:x2:x3:x4:'}':cs' -> do (h,_) <- readHex 4 [x1,x2,x3,x4]; pure (chr h, cs')
'{':x1:x2:x3:x4:x5:'}':cs' -> do (h,_) <- readHex 5 [x1,x2,x3,x4,x5]; pure (chr h, cs')
'{':x1:x2:x3:x4:x5:x6:'}':cs' -> do (h,_) <- readHex 6 [x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6]; pure (chr h, cs')
_ -> do (h,cs') <- readHex 4 cs; pure (chr h, cs')
'\n' | multiline -> unescapeChar multiline $ dropWhile isSpace cs
_ -> error "unescape char: bad escape sequence"
unescapeChar _ (c:cs) = Just (c, cs)
unescapeChar _ [] = fail "unescape char: empty string"
unescapeByte :: Bool
-> String
-> Maybe (Word8, String)
unescapeByte multiline ('\\':c:cs) = case c of
'n' -> pure (toEnum $ fromEnum '\n', cs)
'r' -> pure (toEnum $ fromEnum '\r', cs)
't' -> pure (toEnum $ fromEnum '\t', cs)
'\\' -> pure (toEnum $ fromEnum '\\', cs)
'\'' -> pure (toEnum $ fromEnum '\'', cs)
'"' -> pure (toEnum $ fromEnum '"', cs)
'0' -> pure (toEnum $ fromEnum '\0', cs)
'x' -> do (h,cs') <- readHex 2 cs; pure (h, cs')
'X' -> do (h,cs') <- readHex 2 cs; pure (h, cs')
'\n' | multiline -> unescapeByte multiline $ dropWhile isSpace cs
_ -> error "unescape byte: bad escape sequence"
unescapeByte _ (c:cs) = Just (toEnum $ fromEnum c, cs)
unescapeByte _ [] = fail "unescape byte: empty string"
unescapeChar' :: String -> Char
unescapeChar' s = case unescapeChar False s of
Just (c, "") -> c
_ -> error "unescape char: bad character literal"
unescapeByte' :: String -> Word8
unescapeByte' s = case unescapeByte False s of
Just (w8, "") -> w8
_ -> error "unescape byte: bad byte literal"
unescapeInteger :: Num a => String -> (IntRep,a)
unescapeInteger ('0':'b':cs@(_:_)) | all (`elem` "_01") cs = (Bin, numBase 2 (filter (/= '_') cs))
unescapeInteger ('0':'o':cs@(_:_)) | all (`elem` "_01234567") cs = (Oct, numBase 8 (filter (/= '_') cs))
unescapeInteger ('0':'x':cs@(_:_)) | all (`elem` "_0123456789abcdefABCDEF") cs = (Hex, numBase 16 (filter (/= '_') cs))
unescapeInteger cs@(_:_) | all (`elem` "_0123456789") cs = (Dec, numBase 10 (filter (/= '_') cs))
unescapeInteger _ = error "unescape integer: bad decimal literal"
unescapeFloat :: String -> Double
unescapeFloat cs = fromMaybe (error $ "unescape float: cannot parse float " ++ cs') (readMaybe cs')
where cs' = filter (/= '_') (if last cs == '.' then cs ++ "0" else cs)
readHex :: Num a => Int -> String -> Maybe (a, String)
readHex n cs = let digits = take n cs
in if length digits == n && all isHexDigit digits
then Just (numBase 16 digits, drop n cs)
else Nothing
numBase :: Num a => a -> String -> a
numBase b = foldl (\n x -> fromIntegral (digitToInt x) + b * n) 0