flags-applicative- Applicative flag parsing

Safe HaskellNone




This module implements a lightweight flags parser, inspired by optparse-applicative.

Sample usage (note the default log level and optional context):

module Main where

import Control.Applicative ((<|>), optional)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Flags.Applicative

-- Custom flags for our example.
data Flags = Flags
  { rootPath :: Text
  , logLevel :: Int
  , context :: Maybe Text
  } deriving Show

-- Returns a parser from CLI arguments to our custom flags.
flagsParser :: FlagsParser Flags
flagsParser = Flags
  <$> flag textVal "root" "path to the root"
  <*> (flag autoVal "log_level" "" <|> pure 0)
  <*> (optional $ flag textVal "context" "")

main :: IO ()
main = do
  (flags, args) <- parseSystemFlagsOrDie flagsParser
  print flags

Declaring flags

type Name = Text Source #

The name of a flag (without the -- prefix). Names can use all valid utf-8 characters except = (the value delimiter). In general, it's good practice for flag names to be lowercase ASCII with underscores.

The following names are reserved and attempting to define a flag with the same name will cause an error:

  • help, displays usage when set.
  • swallowed_flags, flags in this list which are set but undeclared will be ignored rather than cause an error during parsing.
  • swallowed_switches, similar to swallowed_flags but for switches (nullary flags).

type Description = Text Source #

An human-readable explanation of what the flag does. It is displayed when the parser is invoked with the --help flag.

Nullary flags

switch :: Name -> Description -> FlagsParser () Source #

Returns a parser with the given name and description for a flag with no value, failing if the flag is not present. See also boolFlag for a variant which doesn't fail when the flag is missing.

boolFlag :: Name -> Description -> FlagsParser Bool Source #

Returns a parser with the given name and description for a flag with no value, returning whether the flag was present.

Unary flags

flag :: Reader a -> Name -> Description -> FlagsParser a Source #

Returns a parser using the given value reader, name, and description for a flag with an associated value.

type Reader a = Text -> Either String a Source #

The type used to read flag values.

Common readers

autoVal :: Read a => Reader a Source #

Returns a reader for any value with a Read instance. Prefer textVal for textual values since autoVal will expect its values to be double-quoted and might not work as expected.

textVal :: Reader Text Source #

Returns a reader for a single text value.

stringVal :: Reader String Source #

Returns a reader for a single string value. This can useful when interfacing with non-text APIs (e.g. FilePath) but in general prefer textVal.

fracVal :: Fractional a => Reader a Source #

Returns a reader for any number with a Fractional instance (e.g. Double, Float).

intVal :: Integral a => Reader a Source #

Returns a reader for any number with an 'Integral instance (e.g. Int, Integer).

enumVal :: (Bounded a, Enum a, Show a) => Reader a Source #

Returns a reader for Enum instances. This reader assumes that enum (Haskell) constructors are written in PascalCase and expects UPPER_SNAKE_CASE as command-line flag values. For example:

data Mode = Flexible | Strict deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show)
modeFlag = flag enumVal "mode" "the mode" :: FlagsParser Mode

The above flag will accept values --mode=FLEXIBLE and --mode=STRICT.

hostVal :: Reader (HostName, Maybe PortNumber) Source #

Returns a reader for network hosts of the form hostname:port. The port part is optional.

Reader combinators

listOf :: Reader a -> Reader [a] Source #

Transforms a single-valued unary flag into one which accepts multiple comma-separated values. For example, to parse a comma-separated list of integers:

countsFlag = flag (listOf intVal) "counts" "the counts"

Empty text values are ignored, which means both that trailing commas are supported and that an empty list can be specified simply by specifying an empty value on the command line. Note that escapes are not supported, so values should not contain any commas.

mapOf :: Ord a => Reader a -> Reader b -> Reader (Map a b) Source #

Transforms a single-valued unary flag into one which accepts a comma-separated list of colon-delimited key-value pairs. The syntax is key:value[,key:value...]. Note that escapes are not supported, so neither keys not values should contain colons or commas.

Running parsers

data FlagsParser a Source #

Flags parser.

There are two types of flags:

  • Nullary flags created with switch and boolFlag, which do not accept a value.
  • Unary flags created with flag. These expect a value to be passed in either after an equal sign (--foo=value) or as the following input value (--foo value). If the value starts with --, only the first form is accepted.

You can run a parser using parseFlags or parseSystemFlagsOrDie.

Functor FlagsParser Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Flags.Applicative


fmap :: (a -> b) -> FlagsParser a -> FlagsParser b #

(<$) :: a -> FlagsParser b -> FlagsParser a #

Applicative FlagsParser Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Flags.Applicative


pure :: a -> FlagsParser a #

(<*>) :: FlagsParser (a -> b) -> FlagsParser a -> FlagsParser b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> FlagsParser a -> FlagsParser b -> FlagsParser c #

(*>) :: FlagsParser a -> FlagsParser b -> FlagsParser b #

(<*) :: FlagsParser a -> FlagsParser b -> FlagsParser a #

Alternative FlagsParser Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Flags.Applicative

data FlagsError Source #

The possible parsing errors.


DuplicateFlag Name

A flag was declared multiple times.


The parser was empty.

Help Text

The input included the --help flag.

InconsistentFlagValues Name

At least one unary flag was specified multiple times with different values.

InvalidFlagValue Name Text String

A unary flag's value failed to parse.

MissingFlags (NonEmpty Name)

A required flag was missing; at least one of the returned flags should be set.

MissingFlagValue Name

A unary flag was missing a value. This can happen either if a value-less unary flag was the last token or was followed by a value which is also a flag name (in which case you should use the single-token form: --flag=--value).

ReservedFlag Name

A flag with a reserved name was declared.

UnexpectedFlagValue Name

A nullary flag was given a value.

UnexpectedFlags (NonEmpty Name)

At least one flag was set but unused. This can happen when optional flags are set but their branch is not selected.

UnknownFlag Name

An unknown flag was set.

Eq FlagsError Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Flags.Applicative

Show FlagsError Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Flags.Applicative

parseFlags :: FlagsParser a -> [String] -> Either FlagsError (a, [String]) Source #

Runs a parser on a list of tokens, returning the parsed flags alongside other non-flag arguments (i.e. which don't start with --). If the special -- token is found, all following tokens will be considered arguments even if they look like flags.

parseSystemFlagsOrDie :: FlagsParser a -> IO (a, [String]) Source #

Runs a parser on the system's arguments, or exits with code 1 and prints the relevant error message in case of failure.