fernet- Generates and verifies HMAC-based authentication tokens.

Safe HaskellNone




Fernet generates and verifies HMAC-based authentication tokens.

Originally designed for use within OpenStack clusters, it was intended to be fast and light-weight, with non-persistent tokens. Integrity and confidentiality of the token contents are implemented with HMAC SHA256 and AES128 CBC.

See the Fernet Spec for a little more information.


To encrypt a token:

>>> import Network.Fernet
>>> k <- generateKey
>>> keyToBase64 k
>>> token <- encrypt k "secret text"
>>> print token

The resulting token can be distributed to clients. To check and decrypt the token, use the same key:

>>> decrypt k 60 token
Right "secret text"

When decrypting, a TTL value is supplied to determine whether the token has expired. The timestamp is stored in plain text and can also be checked with hasExpired.

Related Modules



encrypt Source #


:: Key

The encryption and signing keys.

-> ByteString

Token contents.

-> IO ByteString

An encoded Fernet token.

Encrypts, encodes, and signs the given token contents with the given key.

Its timestamp is set to the current time and stored unencrypted in the token.

decrypt Source #


:: Key

The encryption and signing keys.

-> NominalDiffTime

Token TTL.

-> ByteString

The encoded token.

-> IO (Either DecryptError ByteString)

Token contents, or an error.

Decodes, checks, and decrypts, the given Fernet token.

If the token's age (determined by its timestamp) exceeds the given TTL, then this function will fail.

encrypt' Source #


:: Key

The encryption and signing keys.

-> POSIXTime


-> ByteString

Initialization Vector.

-> ByteString

Token contents.

-> ByteString

An encoded Fernet token.

Encrypts, encodes, and signs the given token contents with the given key.

The provided timestamp is stored unencrypted in the token.

The given IV (initialization vector) string should be a random sequence of exactly 128 bits.

decrypt' Source #


:: Key

The encryption and signing keys.

-> NominalDiffTime

Token TTL.

-> POSIXTime

The current time, used to determine token age.

-> ByteString

The encoded token.

-> Either DecryptError ByteString

Token contents, or an error.

Decodes, checks, and decrypts, the given Fernet token.

If the token's age (determined by its timestamp) exceeds the given TTL, then this function will fail.

data DecryptError Source #

Some of the reasons why decryption can fail.



The token could not be decoded into fields.


Signature verification failed.


Token age exceeded given TTL value.


Token timestamp is too far in the future.


The key was not suitable for decryption.


The ciphertext length was not a multiple of the block size.


The version was not 0x80.

isExpired Source #


:: NominalDiffTime

TTL value.

-> ByteString

Encoded token.

-> POSIXTime

The time to consider.

-> Either String Bool 

Returns Right True if the token is expired at the given time, Left _ if the token could not be parsed.

hasExpired Source #


:: NominalDiffTime

TTL value.

-> ByteString

Encoded token.

-> IO (Either String Bool) 

Returns Right True if the token has expired, Left _ if the token could not be parsed.


data Key Source #

Contains the signing key and encryption key. Create one with key, keyFromBase64, or generateKeyFromPassword.


Eq Key Source # 


(==) :: Key -> Key -> Bool #

(/=) :: Key -> Key -> Bool #

Show Key Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Key -> ShowS #

show :: Key -> String #

showList :: [Key] -> ShowS #

key Source #


:: ByteArrayAccess a 
=> a

Signing Key

-> a

Encryption Key

-> Maybe Key 

Constructs a pair of signing and encryption keys. Each key must be exactly 16 bytes long or this will fail.

generateKey :: IO Key Source #

Generates new keys from the PRNG.

generateKeyFromPassword Source #


:: Byteable p 
=> Int

Number of key derivation function iterations.

-> p

The password.

-> IO (Key, ByteString)

The key and random salt used.

Stretches the given password into a Key using PBKDF2.

keyFromBase64 Source #


:: ByteString

URL-safe base64.

-> Either String Key 

Decodes urlsafe base64-encoded bytes into a key. This will fail if the input is not exactly 256 bits long (43 characters in base64).

keyToBase64 Source #


:: Key 
-> ByteString

URL-safe base64.

Encodes the given key as urlsafe base64.


version :: Word8 Source #

0x80 is the latest token format version, and the only one supported by this library.