feldspar-language-0.3.1: A functional embedded language for DSP and parallelismSource codeContentsIndex

A high-level interface to the operations in the core language (Feldspar.Core). Many of the functions defined here are imitations of Haskell's list operations, and to a first approximation they behave accordingly.

A symbolic vector (Vector) can be thought of as a representation of a parallel core array. This view is made precise by the function freezeVector, which converts a symbolic vector to a core vector using parallel.

Vector is instantiated under the Computable class, which means that symbolic vectors can be used quite seamlessly with the interface in Feldspar.Core.

Unlike core arrays vectors don't use any physical memory. All operations on vectors are "fused" which means that intermediate vectors are removed. As an example, the following function uses only constant space despite using two intermediate vectors of length n.

 sumSq n = sum (map (^2) (1...n))

Memory is only introduced when a vector is explicitly written to memory using the function memorize or converted to a core array using freezeVector. The function vector for creating a vector also allocates memory.

Note also that most operations only introduce a small constant overhead on the vector. The exceptions are

These functions introduce overhead that is linear in the length of the vector.

Finally, note that freezeVector can be introduced implicitly by functions overloaded by the Computable class. This means that, for example, printCore f, where f :: Vector (Data Int) -> Vector (Data Int), will introduce storage for the input and output of f.

type Ix = Int
data Vector a = Indexed {
length :: Data Length
index :: Data Ix -> a
type DVector a = Vector (Data a)
freezeVector :: Storable a => Vector (Data a) -> Data [a]
unfreezeVector :: Storable a => Data Length -> Data [a] -> Vector (Data a)
memorize :: Storable a => Vector (Data a) -> Vector (Data a)
indexed :: Data Length -> (Data Ix -> a) -> Vector a
vector :: Storable a => [a] -> Vector (Data a)
modifyLength :: (Data Length -> Data Length) -> Vector a -> Vector a
setLength :: Data Length -> Vector a -> Vector a
boundVector :: Int -> Vector a -> Vector a
(++) :: Computable a => Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a
take :: Data Int -> Vector a -> Vector a
drop :: Data Int -> Vector a -> Vector a
dropWhile :: (a -> Data Bool) -> Vector a -> Vector a
splitAt :: Data Int -> Vector a -> (Vector a, Vector a)
head :: Vector a -> a
last :: Vector a -> a
tail :: Vector a -> Vector a
init :: Vector a -> Vector a
tails :: Vector a -> Vector (Vector a)
inits :: Vector a -> Vector (Vector a)
inits1 :: Vector a -> Vector (Vector a)
permute :: (Data Length -> Data Ix -> Data Ix) -> Vector a -> Vector a
reverse :: Vector a -> Vector a
replicate :: Data Int -> a -> Vector a
enumFromTo :: Data Int -> Data Int -> Vector (Data Int)
(...) :: Data Int -> Data Int -> Vector (Data Int)
zip :: Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector (a, b)
unzip :: Vector (a, b) -> (Vector a, Vector b)
map :: (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector c
fold :: Computable a => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector b -> a
fold1 :: Computable a => (a -> a -> a) -> Vector a -> a
sum :: Numeric a => Vector (Data a) -> Data a
maximum :: Ord a => Vector (Data a) -> Data a
minimum :: Ord a => Vector (Data a) -> Data a
scalarProd :: Numeric a => Vector (Data a) -> Vector (Data a) -> Data a
type Ix = IntSource
Vector index
data Vector a Source
Symbolic vector
length :: Data Length
index :: Data Ix -> a
show/hide Instances
type DVector a = Vector (Data a)Source
Short-hand for non-nested parallel vector
freezeVector :: Storable a => Vector (Data a) -> Data [a]Source
Converts a non-nested vector to a core vector.
unfreezeVector :: Storable a => Data Length -> Data [a] -> Vector (Data a)Source
Converts a non-nested core vector to a parallel vector.
memorize :: Storable a => Vector (Data a) -> Vector (Data a)Source
Optimizes vector lookup by computing all elements and storing them in a core array.
indexed :: Data Length -> (Data Ix -> a) -> Vector aSource
vector :: Storable a => [a] -> Vector (Data a)Source
Constructs a non-nested vector. The elements are stored in a core vector.
modifyLength :: (Data Length -> Data Length) -> Vector a -> Vector aSource
setLength :: Data Length -> Vector a -> Vector aSource
boundVector :: Int -> Vector a -> Vector aSource
(++) :: Computable a => Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector aSource
Introduces an ifThenElse for each element; use with care!
take :: Data Int -> Vector a -> Vector aSource
drop :: Data Int -> Vector a -> Vector aSource
dropWhile :: (a -> Data Bool) -> Vector a -> Vector aSource
splitAt :: Data Int -> Vector a -> (Vector a, Vector a)Source
head :: Vector a -> aSource
last :: Vector a -> aSource
tail :: Vector a -> Vector aSource
init :: Vector a -> Vector aSource
tails :: Vector a -> Vector (Vector a)Source
inits :: Vector a -> Vector (Vector a)Source
inits1 :: Vector a -> Vector (Vector a)Source
permute :: (Data Length -> Data Ix -> Data Ix) -> Vector a -> Vector aSource
reverse :: Vector a -> Vector aSource
replicate :: Data Int -> a -> Vector aSource
enumFromTo :: Data Int -> Data Int -> Vector (Data Int)Source
(...) :: Data Int -> Data Int -> Vector (Data Int)Source
zip :: Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector (a, b)Source
unzip :: Vector (a, b) -> (Vector a, Vector b)Source
map :: (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector bSource
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector cSource
fold :: Computable a => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector b -> aSource
Corresponds to foldl.
fold1 :: Computable a => (a -> a -> a) -> Vector a -> aSource
Corresponds to foldl1.
sum :: Numeric a => Vector (Data a) -> Data aSource
maximum :: Ord a => Vector (Data a) -> Data aSource
minimum :: Ord a => Vector (Data a) -> Data aSource
scalarProd :: Numeric a => Vector (Data a) -> Vector (Data a) -> Data aSource
Scalar product of two vectors
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