feldspar-language-0.2: A functional embedded language for DSP and parallelism



Functions for reifying expressions (Data / Expr) to graphs (Graph) and to textual format.



class Program a whereSource

Types that represent core language programs


reify :: a -> GraphSource

Converts a program to a Graph

numArgs :: T a -> IntSource

Returns whether or not the program has an argument. This is needed because the Graph type always assumes the existence of an input. So for programs without input, the Graph representation will have a "dummy" input, which is indistinguishable from a real input.


Computable a => Program a 
(Computable a, Computable b, Computable c, Computable d, Computable e) => Program (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) 
(Computable a, Computable b, Computable c, Computable d) => Program (a -> b -> c -> d) 
(Computable a, Computable b, Computable c) => Program (a -> b -> c) 
(Computable a, Computable b) => Program (a -> b) 
(Computable a, Computable b) => Program (a, b) 
(Computable a, Computable b, Computable c) => Program (a, b, c) 
(Computable a, Computable b, Computable c, Computable d) => Program (a, b, c, d) 

showCore :: forall a. Program a => a -> StringSource

Shows the core code generated by the program.

showCoreWithSize :: forall a. Program a => a -> StringSource

Shows the core code with size information as comments.

printCore :: Program a => a -> IO ()Source

printCore = putStrLn . showCore

printCoreWithSize :: Program a => a -> IO ()Source

printCoreWithSize = putStrLn . showCoreWithSize