feed- Interfacing with RSS (v 0.9x, 2.x, 1.0) + Atom feeds.

Copyright(c) Galois Inc. 2008
(c) Sigbjorn Finne 2009-
MaintainerSigbjorn Finne <sof@forkIO.com>
Safe HaskellSafe



Description: Module for an abstraction layer between different kinds of feeds.



data FeedKind Source #

The kinds of feed documents supported.

Eq FeedKind Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Feed.Types

Show FeedKind Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Feed.Types

newFeed :: FeedKind -> Feed Source #

Construct an empty feed document, intending to output it in the fk feed format.

type FeedSetter a = a -> Feed -> Feed Source #

withFeedHTML :: FeedSetter URLString Source #

withFeedHTML sets the URL where an HTML version of the feed is published.

withFeedDescription :: FeedSetter Text Source #

withFeedHTML sets the URL where an HTML version of the feed is published.

withFeedDate :: FeedSetter DateString Source #

'withFeedDate dt' is the composition of withFeedPubDate and withFeedLastUpdate, setting both publication date and last update date to dt. Notice that RSS2.0 is the only format supporting both pub and last-update.

type ItemSetter a = a -> Item -> Item Source #

withItemTitle :: ItemSetter Text Source #

'withItemTitle myTitle' associates a new title, myTitle, with a feed item.

withItemLink :: ItemSetter URLString Source #

'withItemTitle myLink' associates a new URL, myLink, with a feed item.

withItemPubDate :: ItemSetter DateString Source #

'withItemPubDate dt' associates the creation/ publication date dt with a feed item.

withItemAuthor :: ItemSetter Text Source #

'withItemAuthor auStr' associates new author info with a feed item.

withItemCommentLink :: ItemSetter Text Source #

'withItemCommentLink url' sets the URL reference to the comment page to url.

withItemEnclosure :: Text -> Maybe Text -> ItemSetter (Maybe Integer) Source #

'withItemEnclosure url mbTy len' sets the URL reference to the comment page to url.

withItemFeedLink :: Text -> ItemSetter Text Source #

'withItemFeedLink name myFeed' associates the parent feed URL myFeed with a feed item. It is labelled as name.

withItemId :: Bool -> ItemSetter Text Source #

'withItemId isURL id' associates new unique identifier with a feed item. If isURL is True, then the id is assumed to point to a valid web resource.

withItemDescription :: ItemSetter Text Source #

'withItemDescription desc' associates a new descriptive string (aka summary) with a feed item.

withItemRights :: ItemSetter Text Source #

'withItemRights rightStr' associates the rights information rightStr with a feed item.