-- |
-- Module    : Text.RSS1.Import
-- Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc. 2008,
--             (c) Sigbjorn Finne 2009-
-- License   : BSD3
-- Maintainer: Sigbjorn Finne <sof@forkIO.com>
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability: portable
module Text.RSS1.Import
  ( elementToFeed
  ) where

import Prelude.Compat

import Data.XML.Compat
import Data.XML.Types as XML
import Text.DublinCore.Types
import Text.RSS1.Syntax
import Text.RSS1.Utils

import Control.Monad.Compat (guard, mplus)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Text.Util

elementToFeed :: XML.Element -> Maybe Feed
elementToFeed e = do
  guard (elementName e == rdfName "RDF")
  ver <- pAttr (Nothing, Nothing) "xmlns" e `mplus` Just rss10NS
  ch <- pNode "channel" e >>= elementToChannel
  let mbImg = pNode "image" e >>= elementToImage
  let is = maybe [] elementToItems $ pNode "items" e
  let mbTI = pNode "textinput" e >>= elementToTextInput
  let ch1 = ch {channelItemURIs = is}
  let its = pMany (Just rss10NS, Nothing) "item" elementToItem e
  let es_rest = removeKnownElts e
  let as_rest = removeKnownAttrs e
      { feedVersion = ver
      , feedChannel = ch1
      , feedImage = mbImg
      , feedItems = its
      , feedTextInput = mbTI
      , feedTopics =
          mapMaybe elementToTaxonomyTopic $ pQNodes (qualName' (taxNS, taxPrefix) "topic") e
      , feedOther = es_rest
      , feedAttrs = as_rest

elementToItems :: XML.Element -> [URIString]
elementToItems = seqLeaves

elementToTextInput :: XML.Element -> Maybe TextInputInfo
elementToTextInput e = do
  let es = children e
  uri <- pAttr' (rdfNS, rdfPrefix) "about" e
  ti <- pQLeaf (rss10NS, Nothing) "title" e
  desc <- pQLeaf (rss10NS, Nothing) "description" e
  na <- pQLeaf (rss10NS, Nothing) "name" e
  li <- pQLeaf (rss10NS, Nothing) "link" e
  let dcs = mapMaybe elementToDC es
      { textInputURI = uri
      , textInputTitle = ti
      , textInputDesc = desc
      , textInputName = na
      , textInputLink = li
      , textInputDC = dcs
      , textInputOther = es
      , textInputAttrs = elementAttributes e

elementToItem :: XML.Element -> Maybe Item
elementToItem e = do
  guard (elementName e == qualName (Just rss10NS, Nothing) "item")
  let es = children e
  uri <- pAttr' (rdfNS, rdfPrefix) "about" e
  ti <- pQLeaf (rss10NS, Nothing) "title" e
  li <- pQLeaf (rss10NS, Nothing) "link" e
  let desc = pQLeaf (rss10NS, Nothing) "description" e
  let dcs = mapMaybe elementToDC es
  let tos = maybe [] bagLeaves $ pQNode (qualName' (taxNS, taxPrefix) "topics") e
  let cs = mapMaybe elementToContent es
  let es_other = removeKnownElts e
  let as_other = removeKnownAttrs e
      { itemURI = uri
      , itemTitle = ti
      , itemLink = li
      , itemDesc = desc
      , itemDC = dcs
      , itemTopics = tos
      , itemContent = cs
      , itemOther = es_other
      , itemAttrs = as_other

elementToImage :: XML.Element -> Maybe Image
elementToImage e = do
  let es = children e
  let as = elementAttributes e
  uri <- pAttr' (rdfNS, rdfPrefix) "about" e
  ti <- pLeaf "title" e
  ur <- pLeaf "url" e
  li <- pLeaf "link" e
  let dcs = mapMaybe elementToDC es
      { imageURI = uri
      , imageTitle = ti
      , imageURL = ur
      , imageLink = li
      , imageDC = dcs
      , imageOther = es
      , imageAttrs = as

elementToChannel :: XML.Element -> Maybe Channel
elementToChannel e = do
  let es = children e
  uri <- pAttr' (rdfNS, rdfPrefix) "about" e
  ti <- pLeaf "title" e
  li <- pLeaf "link" e
  de <- pLeaf "description" e
  let mbImg = pLeaf "image" e
  let is = maybe [] seqLeaves $ pNode "items" e
  let tinp = pLeaf "textinput" e
  let dcs = mapMaybe elementToDC es
  let tos = maybe [] bagLeaves $ pQNode (qualName' (taxNS, taxPrefix) "topics") e
  let cs = mapMaybe elementToContent es
  let es_other = removeKnownElts e
  let as_other = removeKnownAttrs e
  let def_chan =
          { channelURI = uri
          , channelTitle = ti
          , channelLink = li
          , channelDesc = de
          , channelImageURI = mbImg
          , channelItemURIs = is
          , channelTextInputURI = tinp
          , channelDC = dcs
          , channelUpdatePeriod = Nothing
          , channelUpdateFreq = Nothing
          , channelUpdateBase = Nothing
          , channelContent = cs
          , channelTopics = tos
          , channelOther = es_other
          , channelAttrs = as_other
  return (addSyndication e def_chan)

addSyndication :: XML.Element -> Channel -> Channel
addSyndication e ch =
    { channelUpdatePeriod = toUpdatePeriod <$> pQLeaf' (synNS, synPrefix) "updatePeriod" e
    , channelUpdateFreq = readInt =<< pQLeaf' (synNS, synPrefix) "updateFrequency" e
    , channelUpdateBase = pQLeaf' (synNS, synPrefix) "updateBase" e
    toUpdatePeriod x =
      case x of
        "hourly" -> Update_Hourly
        "daily" -> Update_Daily
        "weekly" -> Update_Weekly
        "monthly" -> Update_Monthly
        "yearly" -> Update_Yearly
        _ -> Update_Hourly -- ToDo: whine

elementToDC :: XML.Element -> Maybe DCItem
elementToDC e = do
  guard (nameNamespace (elementName e) == Just dcNS)
  let dcItem x = DCItem {dcElt = x, dcText = strContent e}
  return $
    dcItem $
    case nameLocalName $ elementName e of
      "title" -> DC_Title
      "creator" -> DC_Creator
      "subject" -> DC_Subject
      "description" -> DC_Description
      "publisher" -> DC_Publisher
      "contributor" -> DC_Contributor
      "date" -> DC_Date
      "type" -> DC_Type
      "format" -> DC_Format
      "identifier" -> DC_Identifier
      "source" -> DC_Source
      "language" -> DC_Language
      "relation" -> DC_Relation
      "coverage" -> DC_Coverage
      "rights" -> DC_Rights
      oth -> DC_Other oth

elementToTaxonomyTopic :: XML.Element -> Maybe TaxonomyTopic
elementToTaxonomyTopic e = do
  guard (elementName e == qualName' (taxNS, taxPrefix) "topic")
  let es = children e
  uri <- pAttr' (rdfNS, rdfPrefix) "about" e
  li <- pQLeaf' (taxNS, taxPrefix) "link" e
      { taxonomyURI = uri
      , taxonomyLink = li
      , taxonomyTitle = pLeaf "title" e
      , taxonomyDesc = pLeaf "description" e
      , taxonomyTopics = maybe [] bagLeaves $ pQNode (qualName' (taxNS, taxPrefix) "topics") e
      , taxonomyDC = mapMaybe elementToDC es
      , taxonomyOther = es

elementToContent :: XML.Element -> Maybe ContentInfo
elementToContent e = do
  guard (elementName e == qualName' (conNS, conPrefix) "items")
      { contentURI = pAttr' (rdfNS, rdfPrefix) "about" e
      , contentFormat = pQLeaf' (conNS, conPrefix) "format" e
      , contentEncoding = pQLeaf' (conNS, conPrefix) "encoding" e
      , contentValue = pQLeaf' (rdfNS, rdfPrefix) "value" e

bagLeaves :: XML.Element -> [URIString]
bagLeaves be =
    (\e -> do
       guard (elementName e == qualName' (rdfNS, rdfPrefix) "li")
       pAttr' (rdfNS, rdfPrefix) "resource" e `mplus`
         fmap strContent (pQNode (qualName' (rdfNS, rdfPrefix) "li") e))
    (maybe [] children $ pQNode (qualName' (rdfNS, rdfPrefix) "Bag") be)

bagElements :: XML.Element -> [XML.Element]
bagElements be =
    (\ e -> do
      guard (elementName e == rdfName "li")
      return e)
    (fromMaybe [] $ fmap children $ pQNode (rdfName "Bag") be)
seqLeaves :: XML.Element -> [URIString]
seqLeaves se =
    (\e -> do
       guard (elementName e == rdfName "li")
       return (strContent e))
    (maybe [] children $ pQNode (rdfName "Seq") se)