fclabels- First class accessor labels implemented as lenses.

Safe HaskellNone




Template Haskell functions for automatically generating labels for algebraic datatypes, newtypes and GADTs. There are two basic modes of label generation, the mkLabels family of functions create labels (and optionally type signatures) in scope as top level funtions, the getLabel family of funtions create labels as expressions that can be named and typed manually.

In the case of multi-constructor datatypes some fields might not always be available and the derived labels will be partial. Partial labels are provided with an additional type context that forces them to be only usable in the Partial or Failing context.


Generate labels in scope.

mkLabel :: Name -> Q [Dec] Source

Derive labels including type signatures for all the record selectors in a single datatype. The types will be polymorphic and can be used in an arbitrary context.

mkLabels :: [Name] -> Q [Dec] Source

Derive labels including type signatures for all the record selectors for a collection of datatypes. The types will be polymorphic and can be used in an arbitrary context.

mkLabelsNamed :: (String -> String) -> [Name] -> Q [Dec] Source

Like mkLabels, but uses the specified function to produce custom names for the labels.

For instance, (drop 1 . dropWhile (/='_')) creates a label val from a record Rec { rec_val :: X }.

Produce labels as expressions.

getLabel :: Name -> Q Exp Source

Derive unnamed labels as n-tuples that can be named manually. The types will be polymorphic and can be used in an arbitrary context.


(left, right) = $(getLabel ''Either)

The lenses can now also be typed manually:

left  :: (Either a b -> Either c b) :~> (a -> c)
right :: (Either a b -> Either a c) :~> (b -> c)

Note: Because of the abstract nature of the generated lenses and the top level pattern match, it might be required to use NoMonomorphismRestriction in some cases.

First class record labels.

fclabels :: Q [Dec] -> Q [Dec] Source

Derive labels for all the record types in the supplied declaration. The record fields don't need an underscore prefix. Multiple data types / newtypes are allowed at once.

The advantage of this approach is that you don't need to explicitly hide the original record accessors from being exported and they won't show up in the derived Show instance.


fclabels [d|
  data Record = Record
    { int  :: Int
    , bool :: Bool
    } deriving Show
ghci> modify int (+2) (Record 1 False)
Record 3 False

Low level derivation functions.

mkLabelsWith Source


:: (String -> String)

Supply a function to perform custom label naming.

-> Bool

Generate type signatures or not.

-> Bool

Generate concrete type or abstract type. When true the signatures will be concrete and can only be used in the appropriate context. Total labels will use (:->) and partial labels will use either `Lens Partial` or `Lens Failing` dependent on the following flag:

-> Bool

Use ArrowFail for failure instead of ArrowZero.

-> Bool

Generate inline pragma or not.

-> Name

The type to derive labels for.

-> Q [Dec] 

Low level standalone label derivation function.

getLabelWith Source


:: Bool

Generate type signatures or not.

-> Bool

Generate concrete type or abstract type. When true the signatures will be concrete and can only be used in the appropriate context. Total labels will use (:->) and partial labels will use either `Lens Partial` or `Lens Failing` dependent on the following flag:

-> Bool

Use ArrowFail for failure instead of ArrowZero.

-> Name

The type to derive labels for.

-> Q Exp 

Low level label as expression derivation function.

defaultNaming :: String -> String Source

Default way of generating a label name from the Haskell record selector name. If the original selector starts with an underscore, remove it and make the next character lowercase. Otherwise, add l, and make the next character uppercase.