{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall                       #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Werror=incomplete-patterns #-}

Module      : Fcf.Alg.List
Description : ListF structure working with Algebras, ColAlgebras, and other stuff
Copyright   : (c) gspia 2020-
License     : BSD
Maintainer  : gspia

= Fcf.Alg.List

Type-level 'ListF' to be used with Cata, Ana and Hylo.

This module also contains other list-related functions (that might move to
other place some day).



module Fcf.Alg.List where

import qualified GHC.TypeLits as TL

import           Fcf.Core (Eval, Exp)
import           Fcf.Class.Foldable (And)
import           Fcf.Class.Functor (FMap)
import           Fcf.Combinators (type (=<<), Pure)
import           Fcf.Data.List (Foldr, Reverse, ZipWith, Elem, Take, Unfoldr)
import           Fcf.Utils (If, TyEq)
import           Fcf.Data.Nat

import           Fcf.Alg.Morphism


-- For the doctests:

-- $setup
-- >>> import           Fcf.Combinators


-- | Base functor for a list of type @[a]@.
data ListF a b = ConsF a b | NilF

-- We need a functor instance for Cata and Ana to work.
type instance Eval (FMap f 'NilF) = 'NilF
type instance Eval (FMap f ('ConsF a b)) = 'ConsF a (Eval (f b))


-- | ListToFix can be used to turn a norma type-level list into the base
-- functor type ListF, to be used with e.g. Cata. For examples in use, see
-- 'LenAlg' and 'SumAlg'.
-- Ideally, we would have one ToFix type-level function for which we could
-- give type instances for different type-level types, like lists, trees
-- etc. See TODO.md.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (ListToFix '[1,2,3])
-- Eval (ListToFix '[1,2,3]) :: Fix (ListF Nat)
-- = 'Fix ('ConsF 1 ('Fix ('ConsF 2 ('Fix ('ConsF 3 ('Fix 'NilF))))))
data ListToFix :: [a] -> Exp (Fix (ListF a))
type instance Eval (ListToFix '[]) = 'Fix 'NilF
type instance Eval (ListToFix (a ': as)) = 'Fix ('ConsF a (Eval (ListToFix as)))

-- | Example algebra to calculate list length.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Cata LenAlg =<< ListToFix '[1,2,3])
-- Eval (Cata LenAlg =<< ListToFix '[1,2,3]) :: Nat
-- = 3
data LenAlg :: Algebra (ListF a) Nat
type instance Eval (LenAlg 'NilF) = 0
type instance Eval (LenAlg ('ConsF a b)) = 1 TL.+ b

-- | Example algebra to calculate the sum of Nats in a list.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Cata SumAlg =<< ListToFix '[1,2,3,4])
-- Eval (Cata SumAlg =<< ListToFix '[1,2,3,4]) :: Nat
-- = 10
data SumAlg :: Algebra (ListF Nat) Nat
type instance Eval (SumAlg 'NilF) = 0
type instance Eval (SumAlg ('ConsF a b)) = a TL.+ b

-- | Example algebra to calculate the prod of Nats in a list.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Cata ProdAlg =<< ListToFix '[1,2,3,4])
-- Eval (Cata ProdAlg =<< ListToFix '[1,2,3,4]) :: Nat
-- = 24
data ProdAlg :: Algebra (ListF Nat) Nat
type instance Eval (ProdAlg 'NilF) = 1
type instance Eval (ProdAlg ('ConsF a b)) = a TL.* b


-- | Form a Fix-structure that can be used with Para.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (ListToParaFix '[1,2,3])
-- Eval (ListToParaFix '[1,2,3]) :: Fix (ListF (Nat, [Nat]))
-- = 'Fix
--     ('ConsF
--        '(1, '[2, 3])
--        ('Fix ('ConsF '(2, '[3]) ('Fix ('ConsF '(3, '[]) ('Fix 'NilF))))))
data ListToParaFix :: [a] -> Exp (Fix (ListF (a,[a])))
type instance Eval (ListToParaFix '[]) = 'Fix 'NilF
type instance Eval (ListToParaFix (a ': as)) =
    'Fix ('ConsF '(a,as) (Eval (ListToParaFix as)))

-- | Example from recursion-package by Vanessa McHale.
-- This removes duplicates from a list (by keeping the right-most one).
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Para DedupAlg =<< ListToParaFix '[1,1,3,2,5,1,3,2])
-- Eval (Para DedupAlg =<< ListToParaFix '[1,1,3,2,5,1,3,2]) :: [Nat]
-- = '[5, 1, 3, 2]
data DedupAlg :: RAlgebra (ListF (a,[a])) [a]
type instance Eval (DedupAlg 'NilF) = '[]
type instance Eval (DedupAlg ('ConsF '(a,as) '(_fxs, past))) = Eval
    (If (Eval (TyEq (Eval (Elem a past)) 'True ))
        (Pure past)
        (Pure (a ': as))

-- | Example from Recursion Schemes by example by Tim Williams.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Sliding 3 '[1,2,3,4,5,6])
-- Eval (Sliding 3 '[1,2,3,4,5,6]) :: [[Nat]]
-- = '[ '[1, 2, 3], '[2, 3, 4], '[3, 4, 5], '[4, 5, 6], '[5, 6], '[6]]
data Sliding :: Nat -> [a] -> Exp [[a]]
type instance Eval (Sliding n lst) =
    Eval (Para (SlidingAlg n) =<< ListToParaFix lst)

-- | Tim Williams, Recursion Schemes by example, example for Para.
-- See 'Sliding'-function.
data SlidingAlg :: Nat -> RAlgebra (ListF (a, [a])) [[a]]
type instance Eval (SlidingAlg _ 'NilF) = '[]
type instance Eval (SlidingAlg n ('ConsF '(a,as) '(_fxs,past))) =
    Eval (Take n (a ': as)) ': past

-- | Tim Williams, Recursion Schemes by example, example for Histo.
data EvensStrip :: ListF a (Ann (ListF a) [a]) -> Exp [a]
type instance Eval (EvensStrip 'NilF) = '[]
type instance Eval (EvensStrip ('ConsF x y)) = x ': Eval (Attr y)

-- | Tim Williams, Recursion Schemes by example, example for Histo.
data EvensAlg :: ListF a (Ann (ListF a) [a]) -> Exp [a]
type instance Eval (EvensAlg 'NilF) = '[]
type instance Eval (EvensAlg ('ConsF _ rst )) = Eval (EvensStrip =<< Strip rst)

-- | This picks up the elements on even positions on a list and is an 
-- example on how to use Histo. This example is
-- from Tim Williams, Recursion Schemes by example.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Evens =<< RunInc 8)
-- Eval (Evens =<< RunInc 8) :: [Nat]
-- = '[2, 4, 6, 8]
data Evens :: [a] -> Exp [a]
type instance Eval (Evens lst) = Eval (Histo EvensAlg =<< ListToFix lst)

-- | For the ListRunAlg
data NumIter :: a -> Nat -> Exp (Maybe (a,Nat))
type instance Eval (NumIter a s) =
    (If (Eval (s > 0) )
        ( 'Just '( a, s TL.- 1 ))

-- | For the RunInc
data ListRunAlg :: Nat -> Exp (Maybe (Nat,Nat))
type instance Eval (ListRunAlg s) = Eval (NumIter s s )

-- | Construct a run (that is, a natuaral number sequence from 1 to arg).
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (RunInc 8)
-- Eval (RunInc 8) :: [Nat]
-- = '[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
data RunInc :: Nat -> Exp [Nat]
type instance Eval (RunInc n) = Eval (Reverse =<< Unfoldr ListRunAlg n)


-- | Sum a Nat-list.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Sum '[1,2,3])
-- Eval (Sum '[1,2,3]) :: Nat
-- = 6
data Sum :: [Nat] -> Exp Nat
type instance Eval (Sum ns) = Eval (Foldr (+) 0 ns)


-- | ToList for type-level lists.
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (ToList 1)
-- Eval (ToList 1) :: [Nat]
-- = '[1]
data ToList :: a -> Exp [a]
type instance Eval (ToList a) = '[a]

-- | Equal tests for list equality. We may change the name to (==).
-- === __Example__
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Equal '[1,2,3] '[1,2,3])
-- Eval (Equal '[1,2,3] '[1,2,3]) :: Bool
-- = 'True
-- >>> :kind! Eval (Equal '[1,2,3] '[1,3,2])
-- Eval (Equal '[1,2,3] '[1,3,2]) :: Bool
-- = 'False
data Equal :: [a] -> [a] -> Exp Bool
type instance Eval (Equal as bs) = Eval (And =<< ZipWith TyEq as bs)