{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TupleSections, BangPatterns, ConstraintKinds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} -- | This module extends "Data.List" with extra functions of a similar nature. -- The package also exports the existing "Data.List" functions. -- Some of the names and semantics were inspired by the -- <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/text text> package. module Data.List.Extra( module Data.List, -- * String operations lower, upper, trim, trimStart, trimEnd, word1, line1, escapeHTML, escapeJSON, unescapeHTML, unescapeJSON, -- * Splitting dropEnd, takeEnd, splitAtEnd, breakEnd, spanEnd, dropWhileEnd, dropWhileEnd', takeWhileEnd, stripSuffix, stripInfix, stripInfixEnd, dropPrefix, dropSuffix, wordsBy, linesBy, breakOn, breakOnEnd, splitOn, split, chunksOf, -- * Basics notNull, list, uncons, unsnoc, cons, snoc, drop1, mconcatMap, -- * List operations groupSort, groupSortOn, groupSortBy, nubOrd, nubOrdBy, nubOrdOn, nubOn, groupOn, sortOn, nubSort, nubSortBy, nubSortOn, maximumOn, minimumOn, disjoint, allSame, anySame, repeatedly, for, firstJust, concatUnzip, concatUnzip3, zipFrom, zipWithFrom, replace, merge, mergeBy, ) where import Partial import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Function import Data.Char import Data.Tuple.Extra import Data.Monoid import Numeric import Data.Functor import Prelude -- | Apply some operation repeatedly, producing an element of output -- and the remainder of the list. -- -- > \xs -> repeatedly (splitAt 3) xs == chunksOf 3 xs -- > \xs -> repeatedly word1 (trim xs) == words xs -- > \xs -> repeatedly line1 xs == lines xs repeatedly :: ([a] -> (b, [a])) -> [a] -> [b] repeatedly f [] = [] repeatedly f as = b : repeatedly f as' where (b, as') = f as -- | /DEPRECATED/ Use @flip map@ directly, since this function clashes with @Data.Traversable.for@. -- -- Flipped version of 'map'. {-# DEPRECATED for "Use flip map directly, since this function clashes with Data.Traversable.for" #-} for :: [a] -> (a -> b) -> [b] for = flip map -- | Are two lists disjoint, with no elements in common. -- -- > disjoint [1,2,3] [4,5] == True -- > disjoint [1,2,3] [4,1] == False disjoint :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool disjoint xs = null . intersect xs -- | Is there any element which occurs more than once. -- -- > anySame [1,1,2] == True -- > anySame [1,2,3] == False -- > anySame (1:2:1:undefined) == True -- > anySame [] == False -- > \xs -> anySame xs == (length (nub xs) < length xs) anySame :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool anySame = f [] where f seen (x:xs) = x `elem` seen || f (x:seen) xs f seen [] = False -- | Are all elements the same. -- -- > allSame [1,1,2] == False -- > allSame [1,1,1] == True -- > allSame [1] == True -- > allSame [] == True -- > allSame (1:1:2:undefined) == False -- > \xs -> allSame xs == (length (nub xs) <= 1) allSame :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool allSame [] = True allSame (x:xs) = all (x ==) xs -- | A composition of 'not' and 'null'. -- -- > notNull [] == False -- > notNull [1] == True -- > \xs -> notNull xs == not (null xs) notNull :: [a] -> Bool notNull = not . null -- | Non-recursive transform over a list, like 'maybe'. -- -- > list 1 (\v _ -> v - 2) [5,6,7] == 3 -- > list 1 (\v _ -> v - 2) [] == 1 -- > \nil cons xs -> maybe nil (uncurry cons) (uncons xs) == list nil cons xs list :: b -> (a -> [a] -> b) -> [a] -> b list nil cons [] = nil list nil cons (x:xs) = cons x xs #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709 -- | If the list is empty returns 'Nothing', otherwise returns the 'head' and the 'tail'. -- -- > uncons "test" == Just ('t',"est") -- > uncons "" == Nothing -- > \xs -> uncons xs == if null xs then Nothing else Just (head xs, tail xs) uncons :: [a] -> Maybe (a, [a]) uncons [] = Nothing uncons (x:xs) = Just (x,xs) #endif -- | If the list is empty returns 'Nothing', otherwise returns the 'init' and the 'last'. -- -- > unsnoc "test" == Just ("tes",'t') -- > unsnoc "" == Nothing -- > \xs -> unsnoc xs == if null xs then Nothing else Just (init xs, last xs) unsnoc :: [a] -> Maybe ([a], a) unsnoc [] = Nothing unsnoc [x] = Just ([], x) unsnoc (x:xs) = Just (x:a, b) where Just (a,b) = unsnoc xs -- | Append an element to the start of a list, an alias for '(:)'. -- -- > cons 't' "est" == "test" -- > \x xs -> uncons (cons x xs) == Just (x,xs) cons :: a -> [a] -> [a] cons = (:) -- | Append an element to the end of a list, takes /O(n)/ time. -- -- > snoc "tes" 't' == "test" -- > \xs x -> unsnoc (snoc xs x) == Just (xs,x) snoc :: [a] -> a -> [a] snoc xs x = xs ++ [x] -- | Take a number of elements from the end of the list. -- -- > takeEnd 3 "hello" == "llo" -- > takeEnd 5 "bye" == "bye" -- > takeEnd (-1) "bye" == "" -- > \i xs -> takeEnd i xs `isSuffixOf` xs -- > \i xs -> length (takeEnd i xs) == min (max 0 i) (length xs) takeEnd :: Int -> [a] -> [a] takeEnd i xs = f xs (drop i xs) where f (x:xs) (y:ys) = f xs ys f xs _ = xs -- | Drop a number of elements from the end of the list. -- -- > dropEnd 3 "hello" == "he" -- > dropEnd 5 "bye" == "" -- > dropEnd (-1) "bye" == "bye" -- > \i xs -> dropEnd i xs `isPrefixOf` xs -- > \i xs -> length (dropEnd i xs) == max 0 (length xs - max 0 i) -- > \i -> take 3 (dropEnd 5 [i..]) == take 3 [i..] dropEnd :: Int -> [a] -> [a] dropEnd i xs = f xs (drop i xs) where f (x:xs) (y:ys) = x : f xs ys f _ _ = [] -- | @'splitAtEnd' n xs@ returns a split where the second element tries to -- contain @n@ elements. -- -- > splitAtEnd 3 "hello" == ("he","llo") -- > splitAtEnd 3 "he" == ("", "he") -- > \i xs -> uncurry (++) (splitAt i xs) == xs -- > \i xs -> splitAtEnd i xs == (dropEnd i xs, takeEnd i xs) splitAtEnd :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) splitAtEnd i xs = f xs (drop i xs) where f (x:xs) (y:ys) = first (x:) $ f xs ys f xs _ = ([], xs) -- | 'zip' against an enumeration. -- Never truncates the output - raises an error if the enumeration runs out. -- -- > \i xs -> zip [i..] xs == zipFrom i xs -- > zipFrom False [1..3] == undefined zipFrom :: (Partial, Enum a) => a -> [b] -> [(a, b)] zipFrom = zipWithFrom (,) -- | 'zipFrom' generalised to any combining operation. -- Never truncates the output - raises an error if the enumeration runs out. -- -- > \i xs -> zipWithFrom (,) i xs == zipFrom i xs zipWithFrom :: (Partial, Enum a) => (a -> b -> c) -> a -> [b] -> [c] zipWithFrom f a xs = go a xs where -- if we aren't strict in the accumulator, it's highly like to be a space leak go !a [] = [] go !a (x:xs) = f a x : go (succ a) xs -- | A merging of 'unzip' and 'concat'. -- -- > concatUnzip [("a","AB"),("bc","C")] == ("abc","ABC") concatUnzip :: [([a], [b])] -> ([a], [b]) concatUnzip = (concat *** concat) . unzip -- | A merging of 'unzip3' and 'concat'. -- -- > concatUnzip3 [("a","AB",""),("bc","C","123")] == ("abc","ABC","123") concatUnzip3 :: [([a],[b],[c])] -> ([a],[b],[c]) concatUnzip3 xs = (concat a, concat b, concat c) where (a,b,c) = unzip3 xs -- | A version of 'takeWhile' operating from the end. -- -- > takeWhileEnd even [2,3,4,6] == [4,6] takeWhileEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] takeWhileEnd f = reverse . takeWhile f . reverse -- | Remove spaces from the start of a string, see 'trim'. trimStart :: String -> String trimStart = dropWhile isSpace -- | Remove spaces from the end of a string, see 'trim'. trimEnd :: String -> String trimEnd = dropWhileEnd isSpace -- | Remove spaces from either side of a string. A combination of 'trimEnd' and 'trimStart'. -- -- > trim " hello " == "hello" -- > trimStart " hello " == "hello " -- > trimEnd " hello " == " hello" -- > \s -> trim s == trimEnd (trimStart s) trim :: String -> String trim = trimEnd . trimStart -- | Convert a string to lower case. -- -- > lower "This is A TEST" == "this is a test" -- > lower "" == "" lower :: String -> String lower = map toLower -- | Convert a string to upper case. -- -- > upper "This is A TEST" == "THIS IS A TEST" -- > upper "" == "" upper :: String -> String upper = map toUpper -- | Split the first word off a string. Useful for when starting to parse the beginning -- of a string, but you want to accurately preserve whitespace in the rest of the string. -- -- > word1 "" == ("", "") -- > word1 "keyword rest of string" == ("keyword","rest of string") -- > word1 " keyword\n rest of string" == ("keyword","rest of string") -- > \s -> fst (word1 s) == concat (take 1 $ words s) -- > \s -> words (snd $ word1 s) == drop 1 (words s) word1 :: String -> (String, String) word1 = second (dropWhile isSpace) . break isSpace . dropWhile isSpace -- | Split the first line off a string. -- -- > line1 "" == ("", "") -- > line1 "test" == ("test","") -- > line1 "test\n" == ("test","") -- > line1 "test\nrest" == ("test","rest") -- > line1 "test\nrest\nmore" == ("test","rest\nmore") line1 :: String -> (String, String) line1 = second drop1 . break (== '\n') -- | Escape a string such that it can be inserted into an HTML document or @\"@ attribute -- without any special interpretation. This requires escaping the @<@, @>@, @&@ and @\"@ characters. -- Note that it will escape @\"@ and @\'@ even though that is not required in an HTML body (but is not harmful). -- -- > escapeHTML "this is a test" == "this is a test" -- > escapeHTML "<b>\"g&t\"</n>" == "<b>"g&t"</n>" -- > escapeHTML "t'was another test" == "t'was another test" escapeHTML :: String -> String escapeHTML = concatMap f where f '>' = ">" f '<' = "<" f '&' = "&" f '\"' = """ f '\'' = "'" f x = [x] -- | Invert of 'escapeHTML' (does not do general HTML unescaping) -- -- > \xs -> unescapeHTML (escapeHTML xs) == xs unescapeHTML :: String -> String unescapeHTML ('&':xs) | Just xs <- stripPrefix "lt;" xs = '<' : unescapeHTML xs | Just xs <- stripPrefix "gt;" xs = '>' : unescapeHTML xs | Just xs <- stripPrefix "amp;" xs = '&' : unescapeHTML xs | Just xs <- stripPrefix "quot;" xs = '\"' : unescapeHTML xs | Just xs <- stripPrefix "#39;" xs = '\'' : unescapeHTML xs unescapeHTML (x:xs) = x : unescapeHTML xs unescapeHTML [] = [] -- | Escape a string so it can form part of a JSON literal. -- This requires escaping the special whitespace and control characters. Additionally, -- Note that it does /not/ add quote characters around the string. -- -- > escapeJSON "this is a test" == "this is a test" -- > escapeJSON "\ttab\nnewline\\" == "\\ttab\\nnewline\\\\" -- > escapeJSON "\ESC[0mHello" == "\\u001b[0mHello" escapeJSON :: String -> String escapeJSON x = concatMap f x where f '\"' = "\\\"" f '\\' = "\\\\" -- the spaces are technically optional, but we include them so the JSON is readable f '\b' = "\\b" f '\f' = "\\f" f '\n' = "\\n" f '\r' = "\\r" f '\t' = "\\t" f x | isControl x = "\\u" ++ takeEnd 4 ("0000" ++ showHex (ord x) "") f x = [x] -- | General JSON unescaping, inversion of 'escapeJSON' and all other JSON escapes. -- -- > \xs -> unescapeJSON (escapeJSON xs) == xs unescapeJSON :: String -> String unescapeJSON ('\\':x:xs) | x == '\"' = '\"' : unescapeJSON xs | x == '\\' = '\\' : unescapeJSON xs | x == '/' = '/' : unescapeJSON xs | x == 'b' = '\b' : unescapeJSON xs | x == 'f' = '\f' : unescapeJSON xs | x == 'n' = '\n' : unescapeJSON xs | x == 'r' = '\r' : unescapeJSON xs | x == 't' = '\t' : unescapeJSON xs | x == 'u', let (a,b) = splitAt 4 xs, length a == 4, [(i, "")] <- readHex a = chr i : unescapeJSON b unescapeJSON (x:xs) = x : unescapeJSON xs unescapeJSON [] = [] #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709 -- | Sort a list by comparing the results of a key function applied to each -- element. @sortOn f@ is equivalent to @sortBy (comparing f)@, but has the -- performance advantage of only evaluating @f@ once for each element in the -- input list. This is called the decorate-sort-undecorate paradigm, or -- Schwartzian transform. -- -- > sortOn fst [(3,"z"),(1,""),(3,"a")] == [(1,""),(3,"z"),(3,"a")] sortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] sortOn f = map snd . sortBy (compare `on` fst) . map (\x -> let y = f x in y `seq` (y, x)) #endif -- | A version of 'group' where the equality is done on some extracted value. groupOn :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]] groupOn f = groupBy ((==) `on2` f) -- redefine on so we avoid duplicate computation for most values. where (.*.) `on2` f = \x -> let fx = f x in \y -> fx .*. f y -- | A version of 'nub' where the equality is done on some extracted value. -- @nubOn f@ is equivalent to @nubBy ((==) `on` f)@, but has the -- performance advantage of only evaluating @f@ once for each element in the -- input list. nubOn :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] nubOn f = map snd . nubBy ((==) `on` fst) . map (\x -> let y = f x in y `seq` (y, x)) -- | A version of 'maximum' where the comparison is done on some extracted value. maximumOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> a maximumOn f = maximumBy (compare `on` f) -- | A version of 'minimum' where the comparison is done on some extracted value. minimumOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> a minimumOn f = minimumBy (compare `on` f) -- | A combination of 'group' and 'sort'. -- -- > groupSort [(1,'t'),(3,'t'),(2,'e'),(2,'s')] == [(1,"t"),(2,"es"),(3,"t")] -- > \xs -> map fst (groupSort xs) == sort (nub (map fst xs)) -- > \xs -> concatMap snd (groupSort xs) == map snd (sortOn fst xs) groupSort :: Ord k => [(k, v)] -> [(k, [v])] groupSort = map (\x -> (fst $ head x, map snd x)) . groupOn fst . sortOn fst -- | A combination of 'group' and 'sort', using a part of the value to compare on. -- -- > groupSortOn length ["test","of","sized","item"] == [["of"],["test","item"],["sized"]] groupSortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]] groupSortOn f = map (map snd) . groupBy ((==) `on` fst) . sortBy (compare `on` fst) . map (f &&& id) -- | A combination of 'group' and 'sort', using a predicate to compare on. -- -- > groupSortBy (compare `on` length) ["test","of","sized","item"] == [["of"],["test","item"],["sized"]] groupSortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [[a]] groupSortBy f = groupBy (\a b -> f a b == EQ) . sortBy f -- | Merge two lists which are assumed to be ordered. -- -- > merge "ace" "bd" == "abcde" -- > \xs ys -> merge (sort xs) (sort ys) == sort (xs ++ ys) merge :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] merge = mergeBy compare -- | Like 'merge', but with a custom ordering function. mergeBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] mergeBy f xs [] = xs mergeBy f [] ys = ys mergeBy f (x:xs) (y:ys) | f x y /= GT = x : mergeBy f xs (y:ys) | otherwise = y : mergeBy f (x:xs) ys -- | Replace a subsequence everywhere it occurs. The first argument must -- not be the empty list. -- -- > replace "el" "_" "Hello Bella" == "H_lo B_la" -- > replace "el" "e" "Hello" == "Helo" -- > replace "" "e" "Hello" == undefined -- > \xs ys -> not (null xs) ==> replace xs xs ys == ys replace :: (Partial, Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] replace [] _ _ = error "Extra.replace, first argument cannot be empty" replace from to xs | Just xs <- stripPrefix from xs = to ++ replace from to xs replace from to (x:xs) = x : replace from to xs replace from to [] = [] -- | Break, but from the end. -- -- > breakEnd isLower "youRE" == ("you","RE") -- > breakEnd isLower "youre" == ("youre","") -- > breakEnd isLower "YOURE" == ("","YOURE") -- > \f xs -> breakEnd (not . f) xs == spanEnd f xs breakEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) breakEnd f = swap . both reverse . break f . reverse -- | Span, but from the end. -- -- > spanEnd isUpper "youRE" == ("you","RE") -- > spanEnd (not . isSpace) "x y z" == ("x y ","z") -- > \f xs -> uncurry (++) (spanEnd f xs) == xs -- > \f xs -> spanEnd f xs == swap (both reverse (span f (reverse xs))) spanEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) spanEnd f = breakEnd (not . f) -- | A variant of 'words' with a custom test. In particular, -- adjacent separators are discarded, as are leading or trailing separators. -- -- > wordsBy (== ':') "::xyz:abc::123::" == ["xyz","abc","123"] -- > \s -> wordsBy isSpace s == words s wordsBy :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]] wordsBy f s = case dropWhile f s of [] -> [] x:xs -> (x:w) : wordsBy f (drop1 z) where (w,z) = break f xs -- | A variant of 'lines' with a custom test. In particular, -- if there is a trailing separator it will be discarded. -- -- > linesBy (== ':') "::xyz:abc::123::" == ["","","xyz","abc","","123",""] -- > \s -> linesBy (== '\n') s == lines s -- > linesBy (== ';') "my;list;here;" == ["my","list","here"] linesBy :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]] linesBy f [] = [] linesBy f s = cons $ case break f s of (l, s) -> (l,) $ case s of [] -> [] _:s -> linesBy f s where cons ~(h, t) = h : t -- to fix a space leak, see the GHC defn of lines -- | Find the first element of a list for which the operation returns 'Just', along -- with the result of the operation. Like 'find' but useful where the function also -- computes some expensive information that can be reused. Particular useful -- when the function is monadic, see 'firstJustM'. -- -- > firstJust id [Nothing,Just 3] == Just 3 -- > firstJust id [Nothing,Nothing] == Nothing firstJust :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Maybe b firstJust f = listToMaybe . mapMaybe f -- | Equivalent to @drop 1@, but likely to be faster and a single lexeme. -- -- > drop1 "" == "" -- > drop1 "test" == "est" -- > \xs -> drop 1 xs == drop1 xs drop1 :: [a] -> [a] drop1 [] = [] drop1 (x:xs) = xs -- | Version on `concatMap` generalised to a `Monoid` rather than just a list. -- -- > mconcatMap Sum [1,2,3] == Sum 6 -- > \f xs -> mconcatMap f xs == concatMap f xs mconcatMap :: Monoid b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> b mconcatMap f = mconcat . map f -- | Find the first instance of @needle@ in @haystack@. -- The first element of the returned tuple -- is the prefix of @haystack@ before @needle@ is matched. The second -- is the remainder of @haystack@, starting with the match. -- If you want the remainder /without/ the match, use 'stripInfix'. -- -- > breakOn "::" "a::b::c" == ("a", "::b::c") -- > breakOn "/" "foobar" == ("foobar", "") -- > \needle haystack -> let (prefix,match) = breakOn needle haystack in prefix ++ match == haystack breakOn :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) breakOn needle haystack | needle `isPrefixOf` haystack = ([], haystack) breakOn needle [] = ([], []) breakOn needle (x:xs) = first (x:) $ breakOn needle xs -- | Similar to 'breakOn', but searches from the end of the -- string. -- -- The first element of the returned tuple is the prefix of @haystack@ -- up to and including the last match of @needle@. The second is the -- remainder of @haystack@, following the match. -- -- > breakOnEnd "::" "a::b::c" == ("a::b::", "c") breakOnEnd :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) breakOnEnd needle haystack = both reverse $ swap $ breakOn (reverse needle) (reverse haystack) -- | Break a list into pieces separated by the first -- list argument, consuming the delimiter. An empty delimiter is -- invalid, and will cause an error to be raised. -- -- > splitOn "\r\n" "a\r\nb\r\nd\r\ne" == ["a","b","d","e"] -- > splitOn "aaa" "aaaXaaaXaaaXaaa" == ["","X","X","X",""] -- > splitOn "x" "x" == ["",""] -- > splitOn "x" "" == [""] -- > \s x -> s /= "" ==> intercalate s (splitOn s x) == x -- > \c x -> splitOn [c] x == split (==c) x splitOn :: (Partial, Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [[a]] splitOn [] _ = error "splitOn, needle may not be empty" splitOn _ [] = [[]] splitOn needle haystack = a : if null b then [] else splitOn needle $ drop (length needle) b where (a,b) = breakOn needle haystack -- | Splits a list into components delimited by separators, -- where the predicate returns True for a separator element. The -- resulting components do not contain the separators. Two adjacent -- separators result in an empty component in the output. -- -- > split (== 'a') "aabbaca" == ["","","bb","c",""] -- > split (== 'a') "" == [""] -- > split (== ':') "::xyz:abc::123::" == ["","","xyz","abc","","123","",""] -- > split (== ',') "my,list,here" == ["my","list","here"] split :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]] split f [] = [[]] split f (x:xs) | f x = [] : split f xs split f (x:xs) | y:ys <- split f xs = (x:y) : ys #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 704 dropWhileEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] dropWhileEnd p = foldr (\x xs -> if p x && null xs then [] else x : xs) [] #endif -- | A version of 'dropWhileEnd' but with different strictness properties. -- The function 'dropWhileEnd' can be used on an infinite list and tests the property -- on each character. In contrast, 'dropWhileEnd'' is strict in the spine of the list -- but only tests the trailing suffix. -- This version usually outperforms 'dropWhileEnd' if the list is short or the test is expensive. -- Note the tests below cover both the prime and non-prime variants. -- -- > dropWhileEnd isSpace "ab cde " == "ab cde" -- > dropWhileEnd' isSpace "ab cde " == "ab cde" -- > last (dropWhileEnd even [undefined,3]) == undefined -- > last (dropWhileEnd' even [undefined,3]) == 3 -- > head (dropWhileEnd even (3:undefined)) == 3 -- > head (dropWhileEnd' even (3:undefined)) == undefined dropWhileEnd' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] dropWhileEnd' p = foldr (\x xs -> if null xs && p x then [] else x : xs) [] -- | Drops the given prefix from a list. -- It returns the original sequence if the sequence doesn't start with the given prefix. -- -- > dropPrefix "Mr. " "Mr. Men" == "Men" -- > dropPrefix "Mr. " "Dr. Men" == "Dr. Men" dropPrefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] dropPrefix a b = fromMaybe b $ stripPrefix a b -- | Drops the given suffix from a list. -- It returns the original sequence if the sequence doesn't end with the given suffix. -- -- > dropSuffix "!" "Hello World!" == "Hello World" -- > dropSuffix "!" "Hello World!!" == "Hello World!" -- > dropSuffix "!" "Hello World." == "Hello World." dropSuffix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] dropSuffix a b = fromMaybe b $ stripSuffix a b -- | Return the prefix of the second list if its suffix -- matches the entire first list. -- -- Examples: -- -- > stripSuffix "bar" "foobar" == Just "foo" -- > stripSuffix "" "baz" == Just "baz" -- > stripSuffix "foo" "quux" == Nothing stripSuffix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a] stripSuffix a b = reverse <$> stripPrefix (reverse a) (reverse b) -- | Return the the string before and after the search string, -- or 'Nothing' if the search string is not present. -- -- Examples: -- -- > stripInfix "::" "a::b::c" == Just ("a", "b::c") -- > stripInfix "/" "foobar" == Nothing stripInfix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe ([a], [a]) stripInfix needle haystack | Just rest <- stripPrefix needle haystack = Just ([], rest) stripInfix needle [] = Nothing stripInfix needle (x:xs) = first (x:) <$> stripInfix needle xs -- | Similar to 'stripInfix', but searches from the end of the -- string. -- -- > stripInfixEnd "::" "a::b::c" == Just ("a::b", "c") stripInfixEnd :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe ([a], [a]) stripInfixEnd needle haystack = both reverse . swap <$> stripInfix (reverse needle) (reverse haystack) -- | Split a list into chunks of a given size. The last chunk may contain -- fewer than n elements. The chunk size must be positive. -- -- > chunksOf 3 "my test" == ["my ","tes","t"] -- > chunksOf 3 "mytest" == ["myt","est"] -- > chunksOf 8 "" == [] -- > chunksOf 0 "test" == undefined chunksOf :: Partial => Int -> [a] -> [[a]] chunksOf i xs | i <= 0 = error $ "chunksOf, number must be positive, got " ++ show i chunksOf i xs = repeatedly (splitAt i) xs -- | /O(n log n)/. The 'nubSort' function sorts and removes duplicate elements from a list. -- In particular, it keeps only the first occurrence of each element. -- -- > nubSort "this is a test" == " aehist" -- > \xs -> nubSort xs == nub (sort xs) nubSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] nubSort = nubSortBy compare -- | A version of 'nubSort' which operates on a portion of the value. -- -- > nubSortOn length ["a","test","of","this"] == ["a","of","test"] nubSortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] nubSortOn f = nubSortBy (compare `on` f) -- | A version of 'nubSort' with a custom predicate. -- -- > nubSortBy (compare `on` length) ["a","test","of","this"] == ["a","of","test"] nubSortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a] nubSortBy cmp = f . sortBy cmp where f (x1:x2:xs) | cmp x1 x2 == EQ = f (x1:xs) f (x:xs) = x : f xs f [] = [] -- | /O(n log n)/. The 'nubOrd' function removes duplicate elements from a list. -- In particular, it keeps only the first occurrence of each element. -- Unlike the standard 'nub' operator, this version requires an 'Ord' instance -- and consequently runs asymptotically faster. -- -- > nubOrd "this is a test" == "this ae" -- > nubOrd (take 4 ("this" ++ undefined)) == "this" -- > \xs -> nubOrd xs == nub xs nubOrd :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] nubOrd = nubOrdBy compare -- | A version of 'nubOrd' which operates on a portion of the value. -- -- > nubOrdOn length ["a","test","of","this"] == ["a","test","of"] nubOrdOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] nubOrdOn f = map snd . nubOrdBy (compare `on` fst) . map (f &&& id) -- | A version of 'nubOrd' with a custom predicate. -- -- > nubOrdBy (compare `on` length) ["a","test","of","this"] == ["a","test","of"] nubOrdBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a] nubOrdBy cmp xs = f E xs where f seen [] = [] f seen (x:xs) | memberRB cmp x seen = f seen xs | otherwise = x : f (insertRB cmp x seen) xs --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- OKASAKI RED BLACK TREE -- Taken from http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/smk/redblack/Untyped.hs data Color = R | B deriving Show data RB a = E | T Color (RB a) a (RB a) deriving Show {- Insertion and membership test as by Okasaki -} insertRB :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> a -> RB a -> RB a insertRB cmp x s = T B a z b where T _ a z b = ins s ins E = T R E x E ins s@(T B a y b) = case cmp x y of LT -> balance (ins a) y b GT -> balance a y (ins b) EQ -> s ins s@(T R a y b) = case cmp x y of LT -> T R (ins a) y b GT -> T R a y (ins b) EQ -> s memberRB :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> a -> RB a -> Bool memberRB cmp x E = False memberRB cmp x (T _ a y b) = case cmp x y of LT -> memberRB cmp x a GT -> memberRB cmp x b EQ -> True {- balance: first equation is new, to make it work with a weaker invariant -} balance :: RB a -> a -> RB a -> RB a balance (T R a x b) y (T R c z d) = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d) balance (T R (T R a x b) y c) z d = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d) balance (T R a x (T R b y c)) z d = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d) balance a x (T R b y (T R c z d)) = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d) balance a x (T R (T R b y c) z d) = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d) balance a x b = T B a x b