extensible-effects- An Alternative to Monad Transformers

Safe HaskellSafe




Operational Monad (https://wiki.haskell.org/Operational) implemented with extensible effects.



data Program instr v where Source #

Lift values to an effect. You can think this is a generalization of Lift.


Singleton :: instr a -> Program instr a 
Handle (Program f) r a (Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a) Source #

Given a continuation and a program, interpret it Usually, we have r ~ [Program f : r']

Instance details

Defined in Control.Eff.Operational


handle :: (Eff r a -> Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a) -> Arrs r v a -> Program f v -> Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a Source #

handle_relay :: (r ~ (Program f ': r'0), Relay (Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a) r'0) => (a -> Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a) -> (Eff r a -> Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a) -> Eff r a -> Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a Source #

respond_relay :: (a -> Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a) -> (Eff r a -> Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a) -> Eff r a -> Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a Source #

withOperational :: a -> Intrprtr f r -> Eff r a Source #

Embed a pure value

newtype Intrprtr f r Source #

General form of an interpreter




Handle (Program f) r a (Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a) Source #

Given a continuation and a program, interpret it Usually, we have r ~ [Program f : r']

Instance details

Defined in Control.Eff.Operational


handle :: (Eff r a -> Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a) -> Arrs r v a -> Program f v -> Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a Source #

handle_relay :: (r ~ (Program f ': r'0), Relay (Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a) r'0) => (a -> Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a) -> (Eff r a -> Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a) -> Eff r a -> Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a Source #

respond_relay :: (a -> Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a) -> (Eff r a -> Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a) -> Eff r a -> Intrprtr f r' -> Eff r' a Source #

singleton :: Member (Program instr) r => instr a -> Eff r a Source #

Lift a value to a monad.

runProgram :: forall f r a. (forall x. f x -> Eff r x) -> Eff (Program f ': r) a -> Eff r a Source #

Convert values using given interpreter to effects.


See Control.Eff.Operational.Example for an example of defining data using GADTs and implementing interpreters from the data to effects.

To use the interpreter, see below or consult the tests.

main :: IO ()
main = do
    let comp = runProgram adventPure prog
    putStrLn . fst . run . runMonoidWriter $ evalState comp ["foo","bar"]
    runLift $ runProgram adventIO prog