{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables       #-}
-- |
-- Module : Database.EventStore
-- Copyright : (C) 2014 Yorick Laupa
-- License : (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Yorick Laupa <yo.eight@gmail.com>
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : non-portable
module Database.EventStore.Internal where

import Prelude (String)
import Data.Int
import Data.Maybe

import           Database.EventStore.Internal.Communication
import           Database.EventStore.Internal.Connection (connectionBuilder)
import           Database.EventStore.Internal.Control hiding (subscribe)
import           Database.EventStore.Internal.Discovery
import           Database.EventStore.Internal.Exec
import           Database.EventStore.Internal.Subscription.Catchup
import           Database.EventStore.Internal.Subscription.Persistent
import           Database.EventStore.Internal.Subscription.Types
import           Database.EventStore.Internal.Subscription.Regular
import           Database.EventStore.Internal.Logger
import qualified Database.EventStore.Internal.Operations as Op
import           Database.EventStore.Internal.Operation.Read.Common
import           Database.EventStore.Internal.Operation.Write.Common
import           Database.EventStore.Internal.Prelude
import           Database.EventStore.Internal.Stream
import           Database.EventStore.Internal.Types

-- Connection
-- | Gathers every connection type handled by the client.
data ConnectionType
    = Static String Int
      -- ^ HostName and Port.
    | Cluster ClusterSettings
    | Dns ByteString (Maybe DnsServer) Int
      -- ^ Domain name, optional DNS server and port.

-- | Represents a connection to a single EventStore node.
data Connection
    = Connection
      { _exec     :: Exec
      , _settings :: Settings
      , _type     :: ConnectionType

-- | Creates a new 'Connection' to a single node. It maintains a full duplex
--   connection to the EventStore. An EventStore 'Connection' operates quite
--   differently than say a SQL connection. Normally when you use an EventStore
--   connection you want to keep the connection open for a much longer of time
--   than when you use a SQL connection.
--   Another difference  is that with the EventStore 'Connection' all operations
--   are handled in a full async manner (even if you call the synchronous
--   behaviors). Many threads can use an EvenStore 'Connection' at the same time
--   or a single thread can make many asynchronous requests. To get the most
--   performance out of the connection it is generally recommended to use it in
--   this way.
connect :: Settings -> ConnectionType -> IO Connection
connect settings@Settings{..} tpe = do
    disc <- case tpe of
        Static host port -> return $ staticEndPointDiscovery host port
        Cluster setts    -> clusterDnsEndPointDiscovery setts
        Dns dom srv port -> return $ simpleDnsEndPointDiscovery dom srv port

    logRef  <- newLoggerRef s_loggerType s_loggerFilter s_loggerDetailed
    mainBus <- newBus logRef settings
    builder <- connectionBuilder settings
    exec    <- newExec settings mainBus builder disc
    return $ Connection exec settings tpe

-- | Waits the 'Connection' to be closed.
waitTillClosed :: Connection -> IO ()
waitTillClosed Connection{..} = execWaitTillClosed _exec

-- | Returns a 'Connection' 's 'Settings'.
connectionSettings :: Connection -> Settings
connectionSettings = _settings

-- | Asynchronously closes the 'Connection'.
shutdown :: Connection -> IO ()
shutdown Connection{..} = publishWith _exec SystemShutdown

-- | Sends a single 'Event' to given stream.
sendEvent :: Connection
          -> StreamName
          -> ExpectedVersion
          -> Event
          -> Maybe Credentials
          -> IO (Async WriteResult)
sendEvent mgr evt_stream exp_ver evt cred =
    sendEvents mgr evt_stream exp_ver [evt] cred

-- | Sends a list of 'Event' to given stream.
sendEvents :: Connection
           -> StreamName
           -> ExpectedVersion
           -> [Event]
           -> Maybe Credentials
           -> IO (Async WriteResult)
sendEvents Connection{..} evt_stream exp_ver evts cred =
    Op.writeEvents _settings _exec (streamIdRaw evt_stream) exp_ver cred evts

-- | Deletes given stream.
deleteStream :: Connection
             -> StreamName
             -> ExpectedVersion
             -> Maybe Bool       -- ^ Hard delete
             -> Maybe Credentials
             -> IO (Async Op.DeleteResult)
deleteStream Connection{..} stream expVer hardDel cred =
    Op.deleteStream _settings _exec (streamIdRaw stream) expVer hardDel cred

-- | Represents a multi-request transaction with the EventStore.
data Transaction =
    { _tStream  :: Text
    , _tTransId :: TransactionId
    , _tExpVer  :: ExpectedVersion
    , _tConn    :: Connection

-- | The id of a 'Transaction'.
newtype TransactionId =
    TransactionId { _unTransId :: Int64 }
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Gets the id of a 'Transaction'.
transactionId :: Transaction -> TransactionId
transactionId = _tTransId

-- | Starts a transaction on given stream.
startTransaction :: Connection
                 -> StreamName            -- ^ Stream name
                 -> ExpectedVersion
                 -> Maybe Credentials
                 -> IO (Async Transaction)
startTransaction conn@Connection{..} evt_stream exp_ver cred = do
    as <- Op.transactionStart _settings _exec (streamIdRaw evt_stream) exp_ver cred
    async $ do
        tid <- wait as
        return Transaction
               { _tStream  = streamIdRaw evt_stream
               , _tTransId = TransactionId tid
               , _tExpVer  = exp_ver
               , _tConn    = conn

-- | Asynchronously writes to a transaction in the EventStore.
transactionWrite :: Transaction
                 -> [Event]
                 -> Maybe Credentials
                 -> IO (Async ())
transactionWrite Transaction{..} evts cred = do
    let Connection{..} = _tConn
        raw_id = _unTransId _tTransId
    Op.transactionWrite _settings _exec _tStream _tExpVer raw_id evts cred

-- | Asynchronously commits this transaction.
transactionCommit :: Transaction -> Maybe Credentials -> IO (Async WriteResult)
transactionCommit Transaction{..} cred = do
    let Connection{..} = _tConn
        raw_id = _unTransId _tTransId
    Op.transactionCommit _settings _exec _tStream _tExpVer raw_id cred

-- | There isn't such of thing in EventStore parlance. Basically, if you want to
--   rollback, you just have to not 'transactionCommit' a 'Transaction'.
transactionRollback :: Transaction -> IO ()
transactionRollback _ = return ()

-- | Reads a single event from given stream.
readEvent :: Connection
          -> StreamName
          -> EventNumber
          -> ResolveLink
          -> Maybe Credentials
          -> IO (Async (ReadResult EventNumber Op.ReadEvent))
readEvent Connection{..} stream evtNum resLinkTos cred = do
    let evtNumRaw = eventNumberToInt64 evtNum
        linkTos = resolveLinkToBool resLinkTos
    Op.readEvent _settings _exec (streamIdRaw stream) evtNumRaw linkTos cred

-- | When batch-reading a stream, this type-level function maps the result you
--   will have whether you read a regular stream or $all stream. When reading
--   a regular stream, some read-error can occur like the stream got deleted.
--   However read-error cannot occur when reading $all stream (because $all
--   cannot get deleted).
type family BatchResult t where
    BatchResult EventNumber = ReadResult EventNumber StreamSlice
    BatchResult Position    = AllSlice

-- | Reads events from a stream forward.
readEventsForward :: Connection
                  -> StreamId t
                  -> t
                  -> Int32      -- ^ Batch size
                  -> ResolveLink
                  -> Maybe Credentials
                  -> IO (Async (BatchResult t))
readEventsForward conn = readEventsCommon conn Forward

-- | Reads events from a stream backward.
readEventsBackward :: Connection
                   -> StreamId t
                   -> t
                   -> Int32      -- ^ Batch size
                   -> ResolveLink
                   -> Maybe Credentials
                   -> IO (Async (BatchResult t))
readEventsBackward conn = readEventsCommon conn Backward

readEventsCommon :: Connection
                 -> ReadDirection
                 -> StreamId t
                 -> t
                 -> Int32
                 -> ResolveLink
                 -> Maybe Credentials
                 -> IO (Async (BatchResult t))
readEventsCommon Connection{..} dir streamId start cnt resLinkTos cred = do
    let res_link_tos = resolveLinkToBool resLinkTos
    case streamId of
        StreamName{} ->
            let name   = streamIdRaw streamId
                evtNum = eventNumberToInt64 start in
            Op.readStreamEvents _settings _exec dir name evtNum cnt res_link_tos cred
        All ->
            let Position c_pos p_pos = start in
            Op.readAllEvents _settings _exec c_pos p_pos cnt res_link_tos dir cred

-- | Subscribes to a stream.
subscribe :: Connection
          -> StreamId t
          -> ResolveLink
          -> Maybe Credentials
          -> IO (RegularSubscription t)
subscribe Connection{..} stream resLinkTos cred =
    newRegularSubscription _exec stream resLnkTos cred
    resLnkTos = resolveLinkToBool resLinkTos

-- | Subscribes to a stream. If last checkpoint is defined, this will
--   'readStreamEventsForward' from that event number, otherwise from the
--   beginning. Once last stream event reached up, a subscription request will
--   be sent using 'subscribe'.
subscribeFrom :: Connection
              -> StreamId t
              -> ResolveLink
              -> Maybe t
              -> Maybe Int32 -- ^ Batch size
              -> Maybe Credentials
              -> IO (CatchupSubscription t)
subscribeFrom Connection{..} streamId resLinkTos lastChkPt batch cred =
    newCatchupSubscription _exec resLnkTos batch cred streamId $
        case streamId of
            StreamName{} -> fromMaybe streamStart lastChkPt
            All          -> fromMaybe positionStart lastChkPt
    resLnkTos = resolveLinkToBool resLinkTos

subscribeFromCommon :: Connection
                    -> ResolveLink
                    -> Maybe Int32
                    -> Maybe Credentials
                    -> StreamId t
                    -> t
                    -> IO (CatchupSubscription t)
subscribeFromCommon Connection{..} resLinkTos batch cred kind seed =
    newCatchupSubscription _exec resLnkTos batch cred kind seed
    resLnkTos = resolveLinkToBool resLinkTos

-- | Asynchronously sets the metadata for a stream.
setStreamMetadata :: Connection
                  -> StreamName
                  -> ExpectedVersion
                  -> StreamMetadata
                  -> Maybe Credentials
                  -> IO (Async WriteResult)
setStreamMetadata Connection{..} evt_stream exp_ver metadata cred = do
    let name = streamIdRaw evt_stream
    Op.setMetaStream _settings _exec name exp_ver cred metadata

-- | Asynchronously gets the metadata of a stream.
getStreamMetadata :: Connection
                  -> StreamName
                  -> Maybe Credentials
                  -> IO (Async StreamMetadataResult)
getStreamMetadata Connection{..} stream cred =
    Op.readMetaStream _settings _exec (streamIdRaw stream) cred

-- | Asynchronously create a persistent subscription group on a stream.
createPersistentSubscription :: Connection
                             -> Text
                             -> StreamName
                             -> PersistentSubscriptionSettings
                             -> Maybe Credentials
                             -> IO (Async (Maybe PersistActionException))
createPersistentSubscription Connection{..} grp stream sett cred =
    Op.createPersist _exec grp (streamIdRaw stream) sett cred

-- | Asynchronously update a persistent subscription group on a stream.
updatePersistentSubscription :: Connection
                             -> Text
                             -> StreamName
                             -> PersistentSubscriptionSettings
                             -> Maybe Credentials
                             -> IO (Async (Maybe PersistActionException))
updatePersistentSubscription Connection{..} grp stream sett cred =
    Op.updatePersist _exec grp (streamIdRaw stream) sett cred

-- | Asynchronously delete a persistent subscription group on a stream.
deletePersistentSubscription :: Connection
                             -> Text
                             -> StreamName
                             -> Maybe Credentials
                             -> IO (Async (Maybe PersistActionException))
deletePersistentSubscription Connection{..} grp stream cred =
    Op.deletePersist _exec grp (streamIdRaw stream) cred

-- | Asynchronously connect to a persistent subscription given a group on a
--   stream.
connectToPersistentSubscription :: Connection
                                -> Text
                                -> StreamName
                                -> Int32
                                -> Maybe Credentials
                                -> IO PersistentSubscription
connectToPersistentSubscription Connection{..} group stream bufSize cred =
    newPersistentSubscription _exec group stream bufSize cred