eventsourcing-0.9.0: CQRS/ES library.

Safe HaskellSafe




type Aggregator event agg = event -> State agg () Source #

Function aggregating a state in memory.

runAggregator :: forall m stream aggregate. (MonadError Error m, Show (EventIdentifier stream), Stream m stream) => Aggregator (EventWithContext' stream) aggregate -> stream -> StreamBounds' stream -> aggregate -> m (aggregate, Maybe (EventIdentifier stream), Int) Source #

Run an Aggregator on events from a stream starting with a given state and return the new aggregate state, the identifier of the last event processed if any and how many of them were processed.

type Projection event st action = event -> State st [action] Source #

Projection returning actions that can be batched and executed.

This can be used to batch changes to tables in a database for example.

runProjection Source #


:: (MonadError Error m, Hashable (StreamIdentifier streamFamily), Ord (EventIdentifier (StreamType streamFamily)), Ord (StreamIdentifier streamFamily), Stream m (StreamType streamFamily), StreamFamily m streamFamily, TrackingTable m trackingTable (StreamIdentifier streamFamily) (EventIdentifier (StreamType streamFamily)) st) 
=> streamFamily 
-> (StreamIdentifier streamFamily -> st)

Initialise state when no events have been processed yet.

-> Projection (EventWithContext' (StreamType streamFamily)) st action 
-> trackingTable 
-> (trackingTable -> (st, [action], StreamIdentifier streamFamily, EventIdentifier (StreamType streamFamily)) -> m ())

Commit the custom actions. See executeSqlActions for SqlActions. This consumer is expected to update the tracking table accordingly.

-> m () 

data TrackedState identifier st Source #


SuccessAt identifier st 
FailureAt (Maybe (identifier, st)) identifier String

Last succeeded at, failed at.

(Eq identifier, Eq st) => Eq (TrackedState identifier st) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.CQRS.Projection


(==) :: TrackedState identifier st -> TrackedState identifier st -> Bool #

(/=) :: TrackedState identifier st -> TrackedState identifier st -> Bool #

(Show identifier, Show st) => Show (TrackedState identifier st) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.CQRS.Projection


showsPrec :: Int -> TrackedState identifier st -> ShowS #

show :: TrackedState identifier st -> String #

showList :: [TrackedState identifier st] -> ShowS #

class TrackingTable m table streamId eventId st | table -> streamId, table -> eventId, table -> st where Source #


getTrackedState :: table -> streamId -> m (TrackedState eventId st) Source #

upsertError :: table -> streamId -> eventId -> String -> m () Source #

(Hashable streamId, MonadIO m, Ord streamId) => TrackingTable m (InMemoryTrackingTable streamId eventId st) streamId eventId st Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.CQRS.Projection


getTrackedState :: InMemoryTrackingTable streamId eventId st -> streamId -> m (TrackedState eventId st) Source #

upsertError :: InMemoryTrackingTable streamId eventId st -> streamId -> eventId -> String -> m () Source #

newtype InMemoryTrackingTable streamId eventId st Source #


InMemoryTrackingTable (TVar (HashMap streamId (Maybe (eventId, st), Maybe (eventId, String)))) 
(Hashable streamId, MonadIO m, Ord streamId) => TrackingTable m (InMemoryTrackingTable streamId eventId st) streamId eventId st Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.CQRS.Projection


getTrackedState :: InMemoryTrackingTable streamId eventId st -> streamId -> m (TrackedState eventId st) Source #

upsertError :: InMemoryTrackingTable streamId eventId st -> streamId -> eventId -> String -> m () Source #

executeInMemoryActions Source #


:: (MonadError Error m, Hashable streamId, MonadIO m, Ord streamId) 
=> TVar projected 
-> (projected -> action -> Either Error projected)

For tabular data actions, use applyTabularDataAction.

-> InMemoryTrackingTable streamId eventId st 
-> (st, [action], streamId, eventId) 
-> m ()