{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Eventloop.Utility.Vectors where

import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Fixed (mod')

type Angle = Float -- ^In degrees
type Radians = Float
type Length = Float

type X = Float
type Y = Float
type Offset = (X, Y)

data PolarCoord = PolarCoord (Length, Radians)
                deriving (Show, Eq)

data Point = Point (X, Y)
            deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)

class Coord a where
    x :: a -> X
    y :: a -> Y

instance Coord Point where
    x (Point (x_, _)) = x_
    y (Point (_, y_)) = y_

instance Coord PolarCoord where
    x = x.toPoint
    y = y.toPoint

class ExtremaCoord a where
    xMin :: a -> X
    xMax :: a -> X
    yMin :: a -> Y
    yMax :: a -> Y

instance ExtremaCoord [Point] where
    xMin points = minimum $ map x points
    xMax points = maximum $ map x points
    yMin points = minimum $ map y points
    yMax points = maximum $ map y points

degreesToRadians :: Angle -> Radians
degreesToRadians d = (pi / 180) * d

radiansToDegrees :: Radians -> Angle
radiansToDegrees rads = (180 / pi) * rads

lengthToPoint :: Point -> Length
lengthToPoint = lengthBetweenPoints originPoint

lengthBetweenPoints :: Point -> Point -> Length
lengthBetweenPoints p1 p2 = sqrt (x'^2 + y'^2)
                            (x', y') = differenceBetweenPoints p1 p2

differenceBetweenPoints :: Point -> Point -> (X, Y)
differenceBetweenPoints (Point (x1, y1)) (Point (x2, y2)) = (x2 - x1, y2 - y1)

averagePoint :: [Point] -> Point
averagePoint points
    = average
            total = foldl (|+|) originPoint points
            average = total |/ (toInteger (length points))

-- | Returns the vector perpendicular on the given vector between the 2 points. Always has positive y and vector length 1; y is inverted in canvas
downPerpendicular :: Point -> Point -> Point
downPerpendicular p1@(Point (x1, y1)) p2@(Point (x2, y2))
    | y2 > y1   = Point ((-1) * sign * (abs yv) / size, (abs xv) / size)
    | otherwise = Point (       sign * (abs yv) / size, (abs xv) / size)
        (xv, yv) = differenceBetweenPoints p1 p2
        size     = lengthBetweenPoints p1 p2
        sign     = case xv of
                    0 -> (-1)
                    _ -> xv / (abs xv)

-- | Returns the vector perpendicular on the given vector between the 2 points. Always has negative y and vector length 1; y is inverted in canvas
upPerpendicular :: Point -> Point -> Point
upPerpendicular p1 p2 = negateVector $ downPerpendicular p1 p2

followVector :: Float -> Point -> Point -> Point
followVector distance followP startP
    = (followP |* fraction) |+| startP
        fraction = distance / size
        size     = lengthBetweenPoints followP originPoint

intersectVector :: Point -> Point -> Point -> Point -> Maybe Point
intersectVector s1@(Point (sx1, sy1)) v1@(Point (vx1, vy1)) s2@(Point (sx2, sy2)) v2@(Point (vx2, vy2))
    -- Optimization
    | sx1 == sx2 && sy1 == sy2 = Just $ Point (sx1, sy1)

    -- alpha relation exists
    | alpha4_1_divisor /= 0 = Just $ Point(vx1 * alpha4_1 + sx1, vy1 * alpha4_1 + sy1)
    -- 2 or more directions are empty in such a way alpha does not exist: (v2x == 0 || v1y == 0) && (v1x == 0 && v2y == 0)

    -- 2 vector direction == zero
    | vx1 == 0 && vy1 /= 0 && vx2 == 0 && vy2 /= 0     && sx1 == sx2 = Just $ Point (sx1, alpha_vy1_zero * vy2 + sy2) -- Do as if vy1 == 0 even if it isn't. We need to choose a point
    | vx1 /= 0 && vy1 == 0 && vx2 /= 0 && vy2 == 0     && sy1 == sy2 = Just $ Point (alpha_vx1_zero * vx2 + sx2, sy1)

    | vx1 == 0 && vy1 == 0 && vx2 /= 0 && vy2 /= 0     && alpha_vx1_zero == alpha_vy1_zero = Just $ Point (alpha_vx1_zero * vx2 + sx2, alpha_vy1_zero * vy2 + sy2)
    | vx1 /= 0 && vy1 /= 0 && vx2 == 0 && vy2 == 0     && alpha_vx2_zero == alpha_vy2_zero = Just $ Point (alpha_vx2_zero * vx1 + sx1, alpha_vy2_zero * vy1 + sy1)

    -- 3 vector direction == zero
    | vx1 /= 0 && vy1 == 0 && vx2 == 0 && vy2 == 0    && sy1 == sy2 = Just $ Point (alpha_vx2_zero * vx1 + sx1, sy1)
    | vx1 == 0 && vy1 /= 0 && vx2 == 0 && vy2 == 0    && sx1 == sx2 = Just $ Point (sx1, alpha_vy2_zero * vy1 + sy1)
    | vx1 == 0 && vy1 == 0 && vx2 /= 0 && vy2 == 0    && sy1 == sy2 = Just $ Point (alpha_vx1_zero * vx2 + sx2, sy2)
    | vx1 == 0 && vy1 == 0 && vx2 == 0 && vy2 /= 0    && sx1 == sx2 = Just $ Point (sx2, alpha_vy1_zero * vy2 + sy2)

    -- 4 vector direction == zero
    | vx1 == 0 && vy1 == 0 && vx2 == 0 && vy2 == 0    && s1 == s2 = Just $ s1

    | otherwise = Nothing
        alpha4_1_divisor = vx2 * vy1 - vx1 * vy2
        alpha4 (Point (dx1, dy1)) (Point (x1, y1)) (Point (dx2, dy2)) (Point (x2, y2)) = (dy2 * x1 - x2 * dy2 + dx2 * y2 - dx2 * y1) / (dx2 * dy1 - dx1 * dy2)
        alpha4_1 = alpha4 v1 s1 v2 s2
        alpha4_2 = alpha4 v2 s2 v1 s1

        alphaZero dx1 x1 x2 = (x2 - x1) / dx1
        alpha_vx1_zero = alphaZero vx2 sx2 sx1
        alpha_vx2_zero = alphaZero vx1 sx1 sx2
        alpha_vy1_zero = alphaZero vy2 sy2 sy1
        alpha_vy2_zero = alphaZero vy1 sy1 sy2

turnToVector :: Point -> Radians -> Point -> Point
turnToVector toTurn@(Point (tux, tuy)) a turnTo@(Point (tox, toy))
    | (diffRadianCCW >= 0 && diffRadianCCW  <= half) || (diffRadianCCW' >= 0 && diffRadianCCW' <= half) = toPoint (PolarCoord (1, radianToTurn + a))
    | otherwise                                                                                         = toPoint (PolarCoord (1, radianToTurn - a))
        (PolarCoord (_, radianToTurn)) = toPolarCoord toTurn
        (PolarCoord (_, radianTurnTo)) = toPolarCoord turnTo
        whole = 2 * pi
        half = pi
        quart = 0.5 * pi
        diffRadianCCW = radianTurnTo - radianToTurn
        radianTurnTo' = mod' (radianTurnTo - quart) whole
        radianToTurn' = mod' (radianToTurn - quart) whole
        diffRadianCCW' = radianTurnTo' - radianToTurn' -- Extra check due to hard split between 0 and 360

originPoint = Point (0,0)

class Translate a where
    translate :: Point -> a -> a

class (Coord a) => Vector2D a where
    (|+|) :: a -> a -> a
    (|-|) :: a -> a -> a
    (|/)  :: (Real b) => a -> b -> a
    (|*)  :: (Real b) => a -> b -> a
    negateVector :: a -> a
    angleBetween :: a -> a -> Radians

instance Vector2D PolarCoord where
    pc1 |+| pc2 = toPolarCoord $ (toPoint pc1) |+| (toPoint pc2)
    pc1 |-| pc2 = toPolarCoord $ (toPoint pc1) |-| (toPoint pc2)
    (PolarCoord (l, a)) |/ scalar
        = PolarCoord (fromRational (l' / scalar'), a)
            l' = toRational l
            scalar' = toRational scalar
    (PolarCoord (l, a)) |* scalar
        = PolarCoord (fromRational (l' * scalar'), a)
            l' = toRational l
            scalar' = toRational scalar
    negateVector pc1 = rotateLeftAround (Point (0,0)) 180 pc1

    angleBetween pc1 pc2
        = angleBetween (toPoint pc1) (toPoint pc2)

instance Vector2D Point where
    (Point (x1, y1)) |+| (Point (x2, y2))
        = Point (x1 + x2, y1 + y2)

    (Point (x1, y1)) |-| (Point (x2, y2))
        = Point (x1 - x2, y1 - y2)

    (Point (x1, y1)) |/  scalar
        = Point (fromRational x', fromRational y')
            x' = toRational x1 / toRational scalar
            y' = toRational y1 / toRational scalar

    (Point (x1, y1)) |*  scalar
        = Point (fromRational x', fromRational y')
            x' = toRational x1 * toRational scalar
            y' = toRational y1 * toRational scalar

    negateVector (Point (x, y))
        = Point (-x, -y)

    angleBetween v1@(Point (v1x, v1y)) v2@(Point (v2x, v2y))
        = acos (dotProduct / (lv1 * lv2))
            dotProduct = v1x * v2x + v1y * v2y
            lv1 = lengthToPoint v1
            lv2 = lengthToPoint v2

class ToPoint a where
    toPoint :: a -> Point

instance ToPoint PolarCoord where
    toPoint (PolarCoord (len, rads)) = Point (len * (cos rads), len * (sin rads))

class ToPolarCoord a where
    toPolarCoord :: a -> PolarCoord

instance ToPolarCoord Point where
    toPolarCoord (Point (x, y)) | x == 0 && y == 0 = PolarCoord (0.0, 0.0)
                                | x == 0 && y > 0  = PolarCoord (y, 0.5 * pi)
                                | x == 0 && y < 0  = PolarCoord (y, 1.5 * pi)
                                | x > 0  && y == 0 = PolarCoord (x, 0.0 * pi)
                                | x < 0  && y == 0 = PolarCoord (x, 1.0 * pi)
                                | x > 0 && y > 0   = PolarCoord (len, 0.0 * pi + localRads)
                                | x < 0 && y > 0   = PolarCoord (len, 1.0 * pi - localRads)
                                | x < 0 && y < 0   = PolarCoord (len, 1.0 * pi + localRads)
                                | x > 0 && y < 0   = PolarCoord (len, 2.0 * pi - localRads)
                                    x' = abs x
                                    y' = abs y
                                    localRads = asin (y' / len)
                                    len = lengthToPoint (Point (x, y))

class RotateLeftAround a where
    rotateLeftAround :: Point -> Angle -> a -> a

instance RotateLeftAround PolarCoord where
    rotateLeftAround rotatePoint aDeg = toPolarCoord.(rotateLeftAround rotatePoint aDeg).toPoint

instance RotateLeftAround Point where
    rotateLeftAround rotatePoint aDeg p = p'' |+| rotatePoint
                                            p' = p |-| rotatePoint
                                            pc'@(PolarCoord (len', rads')) = toPolarCoord p'
                                            aRads = degreesToRadians aDeg
                                            pc'' = PolarCoord (len', rads' + aRads)
                                            p'' = toPoint pc''