module Eventloop.Core where

import Control.Exception
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent.ExceptionCollection
import Control.Concurrent.Suspend.Lifted
import Control.Concurrent.Thread
import Control.Concurrent.Timer
import Control.Concurrent.Datastructures.BlockingConcurrentQueue

import Eventloop.System.DisplayExceptionThread
import Eventloop.System.EventloopThread
import Eventloop.System.InitializationThread
import Eventloop.System.OutRouterThread
import Eventloop.System.RetrieverThread
import Eventloop.System.SenderThread
import Eventloop.System.Setup
import Eventloop.System.TeardownThread
import Eventloop.Types.Events
import Eventloop.Types.Exception
import Eventloop.Types.System

{- | Starts the entire system. First the setup phase is handled to setup the different
concurrent resources. This is followed by the initialization phase where all modules are initialised.
Than, the different worker threads are spawned and finally the system thread will go to work as the eventloop thread.

Shutting down is handled centrally through the system thread (main thread).
If any of the threads(including the system thread) receive an exception, only the first exception is thrown to the system
thread which will try to shutdown immediately. This exception is logged by the system thread.
All other exceptions are logged by their respective threads. The system thread will than shutdown the worker
threads. This is done by throwing exceptions to all workerthreads except sender threads. These are sent a Stop event.
If they take longer than 1 second, to finish up, they will also be thrown an exception.
startEventloopSystem :: EventloopSetupConfiguration progstateT
                     -> IO ()
startEventloopSystem setupConfig
    = do
        systemConfig <- setupEventloopSystemConfig setupConfig -- Setup
        systemConfig' <- catch (startInitializing systemConfig) -- Initialization
                               (\shutdownException -> do
                                    logException (exceptions systemConfig) shutdownException -- Log the thrown exception
                                    return systemConfig
        failed <- hasExceptions (exceptions systemConfig')
        case failed of
            True -> return ()
            False -> do
                    moduleConfigs_ = moduleConfigs systemConfig'
                    exceptions_ = exceptions systemConfig'
                    isStoppingM_ = isStoppingM systemConfig'
                catch ( do
                                retrieverThreadActions = threadActionsBasedOnModule systemConfig' startRetrieving retrieverM moduleConfigs_
                                outRouterAction = startOutRouting systemConfig'
                                senderThreadActions = threadActionsBasedOnModule systemConfig' startSending senderConfigM moduleConfigs_
                            -- Spawn worker threads
                            mapM_ (spawnWorkerThread systemConfig' registerRetrieverThread) retrieverThreadActions
                            spawnWorkerThread systemConfig' registerOutRouterThread outRouterAction
                            mapM_ (spawnWorkerThread systemConfig' registerSenderThread) senderThreadActions
                            startEventlooping systemConfig' -- Eventlooping
                      ( \shutdownException -> do
                            swapMVar isStoppingM_ True -- If its already true, nothing happens, otherwise notify other threads the system thread is already shutting down
                            logException exceptions_ shutdownException -- Log the thrown exception

                            -- Send a stop to the OutRouter
                            outRouter <- outRouterThread systemConfig'
                                eventloopConfig_ = eventloopConfig systemConfig'
                                outEventQueue_ = outEventQueue eventloopConfig_
                            putInBlockingConcurrentQueue outEventQueue_ Stop

                            -- Wait for the Stop to propagate
                            threadDelay 1000000

                            -- Kill the outrouter and senders if need be
                            senders <- senderThreads systemConfig'
                            senderTimers <- mapM (terminateWithinOrThrowException 2000000 (toException ShuttingDownException)) (outRouter ++ senders)

                            -- Wait for the outRouter and Sender
                            joinThreads (outRouter ++ senders)

                            -- Stop all outrouter and sender kill timers if they are still active
                            mapM_ stopTimer senderTimers

                            -- Stop the retriever threads
                            retrievers <- retrieverThreads systemConfig'
                            mapM_ throwShutdownExceptionToThread retrievers

                            -- Wait for all retrievers
                            joinThreads retrievers
        -- Clean up the system
        startTeardowning systemConfig'
        startDisplayingExceptions systemConfig'

terminateWithinOrThrowException :: Int
                                -> SomeException
                                -> Thread
                                -> IO TimerIO
terminateWithinOrThrowException delay e t
    = oneShotTimer ( do
                       term <- isTerminated t
                       case term of
                        True  -> return ()
                        False -> throwTo (getThreadId t) e
                     ((usDelay.fromIntegral) delay)

{- |
Utility function in order to create the different thread actions in the system.
Assumed is that the action requires the system configuration, the module configuration and some resource
that may be available in the module configuration.
threadActionsBasedOnModule :: EventloopSystemConfiguration progstateT
                           -> (EventloopSystemConfiguration progstateT -> (EventloopModuleConfiguration, resource) -> IO ())
                           -> (EventloopModuleConfiguration -> Maybe resource)
                           -> [EventloopModuleConfiguration]
                           -> [IO ()]
threadActionsBasedOnModule _ _ _ [] = []
threadActionsBasedOnModule systemconfig action getResourceFunc (moduleConfig:mcs)
    = case (getResourceFunc moduleConfig) of
        Nothing         -> otherThreadActions
        (Just resource) -> (action systemconfig (moduleConfig, resource)):otherThreadActions
        otherThreadActions = threadActionsBasedOnModule systemconfig action getResourceFunc mcs

spawnWorkerThread :: EventloopSystemConfiguration progstateT
                  -> (EventloopSystemConfiguration progstateT -> Thread -> IO ())
                  -> IO ()
                  -> IO ()
spawnWorkerThread systemconfig logAction action
    = do
        thread <- forkThread $ do
            catch action
                ( \exception ->
                        case (fromException exception) of
                            (Just ShuttingDownException) ->
                                return ()
                            _                     -> do
                                isStopping <- takeMVar isStoppingM_
                                putMVar isStoppingM_ True
                                case isStopping of
                                    True -> do
                                        case (fromException exception) of
                                            (Just RequestShutdownException) -> return ()
                                            _                               -> logException exceptions_ exception
                                    False -> throwTo systemTid exception
        logAction systemconfig thread

        exceptions_ = exceptions systemconfig
        systemTid = systemThreadId systemconfig
        isStoppingM_ = isStoppingM systemconfig

registerRetrieverThread :: EventloopSystemConfiguration progstateT
                        -> Thread
                        -> IO ()
registerRetrieverThread systemconfig thread
    = do
        retrieverThreads <- takeMVar retrieverThreadsM_
        putMVar retrieverThreadsM_ (retrieverThreads ++ [thread])
        retrieverThreadsM_ = retrieverThreadsM systemconfig

registerOutRouterThread :: EventloopSystemConfiguration progstateT
                        -> Thread
                        -> IO ()
registerOutRouterThread systemconfig thread
    = putMVar (outRouterThreadM systemconfig) thread

registerSenderThread :: EventloopSystemConfiguration progstateT
                        -> Thread
                        -> IO ()
registerSenderThread systemconfig thread
    = do
        senderThreads <- takeMVar senderThreadsM_
        putMVar senderThreadsM_ (senderThreads ++ [thread])
        senderThreadsM_ = senderThreadsM systemconfig

throwShutdownExceptionToThread :: Thread -> IO ()
throwShutdownExceptionToThread thread
    = throwTo (getThreadId thread) ShuttingDownException

allWorkerThreads :: EventloopSystemConfiguration progstateT
                 -> IO [Thread]
allWorkerThreads systemconfig
    = do
        retrievers <- retrieverThreads systemconfig
        outRouter <- outRouterThread systemconfig
        senders <- senderThreads systemconfig
        return (retrievers ++ outRouter ++ senders)

retrieverThreads :: EventloopSystemConfiguration progstateT
                 -> IO [Thread]
retrieverThreads systemconfig
    = readMVar retrieverThreadsM_
        retrieverThreadsM_ = retrieverThreadsM systemconfig

outRouterThread :: EventloopSystemConfiguration progstateT
                -> IO [Thread]
outRouterThread systemconfig
    = do
        hasNotOutRouterThread <- isEmptyMVar outRouterThreadM_
        case hasNotOutRouterThread of
                    True  -> return []
                    False -> do
                                outRouterThread <- readMVar outRouterThreadM_
                                return [outRouterThread]
        outRouterThreadM_ = outRouterThreadM systemconfig

senderThreads :: EventloopSystemConfiguration progstateT
                 -> IO [Thread]
senderThreads systemconfig
    = readMVar senderThreadsM_
        senderThreadsM_ = senderThreadsM systemconfig