{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Eventlog.VegaTemplate
, ChartConfig(..)
, ChartType(..)
, vegaResult
, vegaJson
, vegaJsonText
) where
import Prelude hiding (filter, lookup)
import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite as VL
import Data.Aeson.Types hiding (Number)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Aeson.Text (encodeToLazyText)
import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict)
injectJSON :: Text -> Value -> BuildLabelledSpecs
injectJSON t val = \x -> x ++ [(t,val)]
data AreaChartType
= Stacked
| Normalized
| StreamGraph
data ChartType
= AreaChart AreaChartType
| LineChart
data ChartConfig =
ChartConfig { cwidth :: Double
, cheight :: Double
, traces :: Bool
, colourScheme :: Text
, chartType :: ChartType
colourProperty :: ChartConfig -> ScaleProperty
colourProperty c = SScheme (colourScheme c) []
vegaJson :: ChartConfig -> Value
vegaJson conf = fromVL (vegaResult conf)
vegaJsonText :: ChartConfig -> Text
vegaJsonText conf = toStrict (encodeToLazyText (vegaJson conf))
vegaResult :: ChartConfig -> VegaLite
vegaResult conf = toVegaLite $
let c' = conf { cwidth = cwidth conf - 130 }
VL.width (cwidth conf),
VL.height (cheight conf),
config [],
description "Heap Profile",
case chartType conf of
LineChart -> lineChartFull c'
AreaChart ct -> areaChartFull ct c'
areaChartFull :: AreaChartType -> ChartConfig -> (VLProperty, VLSpec)
areaChartFull ct c = hConcat
asSpec [vConcat [areaChart ct c, selectionChart c]]
, legendDiagram
lineChartFull :: ChartConfig -> (VLProperty, VLSpec)
lineChartFull c = hConcat
asSpec [vConcat [lineChart c, selectionChart c]]
, legendDiagram
config :: [LabelledSpec] -> (VLProperty, VLSpec)
config =
. configuration (TextStyle [(MAlign AlignRight), (MdX (-5)), (MdY 5)])
lineChart :: ChartConfig -> VLSpec
lineChart c = asSpec [layer ([linesLayer c] ++ [tracesLayer | traces c])]
linesLayer :: ChartConfig -> VLSpec
linesLayer c = asSpec
VL.width (0.9 * cwidth c),
VL.height (0.7 * cheight c),
dataFromSource "data_json_samples" [],
VL.mark Line [],
encodingLineLayer c [],
transformLineLayer []
encodingLineLayer :: ChartConfig -> [LabelledSpec] -> (VLProperty, VLSpec)
encodingLineLayer c
= encoding
. color [MName "c", MmType Nominal, MScale [colourProperty c], MLegend []]
. position X [PName "x", PmType Quantitative, PAxis [AxTitle ""],
PScale [SDomain (DSelection "brush")]]
. position Y [PName "norm_y", PmType Quantitative, PAxis [AxTitle "Allocation", AxFormat ".1f"]]
transformLineLayer :: [LabelledSpec] -> (VLProperty, VLSpec)
transformLineLayer =
. window [([WField "y", WAggregateOp Max], "max_y")] [WFrame Nothing Nothing, WGroupBy ["k"]]
. calculateAs "datum.y / datum.max_y" "norm_y"
. filter (FSelection "legend")
encodingSelection :: ChartConfig -> [LabelledSpec] -> (VLProperty, VLSpec)
encodingSelection c =
. order [OName "k", OmType Quantitative]
. injectJSON "tooltip" Null
. color [MName "c", MmType Nominal, MScale [colourProperty c], MLegend []]
. position X [PName "x", PmType Quantitative, PAxis [AxTitle "Time (s)"]]
. position Y [PName "y", PmType Quantitative, PAxis [], PAggregate Sum, PStack StZero]
brush :: (VLProperty, VLSpec)
brush = (selection . injectJSON "brush" (object [ "type" .= String "interval"
, "init" .= object [ "x" .= [Null, Null] ] ])) []
selectionChart :: ChartConfig -> VLSpec
selectionChart c = asSpec [
VL.width (0.9 * cwidth c),
VL.height (0.1 * cheight c),
dataFromSource "data_json_samples" [],
VL.mark Area [],
encodingSelection c [],
areaChart :: AreaChartType -> ChartConfig -> VLSpec
areaChart ct c = asSpec [layer ([bandsLayer ct c] ++ [tracesLayer | traces c])]
bandsLayer :: AreaChartType -> ChartConfig -> VLSpec
bandsLayer ct c = asSpec
VL.width (0.9 * cwidth c),
VL.height (0.7 * cheight c),
dataFromSource "data_json_samples" [],
VL.mark Area [],
encodingBandsLayer ct c [],
transformBandsLayer []
encodingBandsLayer :: AreaChartType
-> ChartConfig
-> [LabelledSpec]
-> (VLProperty, VLSpec)
encodingBandsLayer ct c =
. order [OName "k", OmType Quantitative]
. color [MName "c", MmType Nominal, MScale [colourProperty c], MLegend []]
. tooltips
[ [TName "y", TmType Quantitative, TFormat "s", TTitle "Allocation"]
, [TName "c", TmType Nominal, TTitle "Type"]
. position X [PName "x", PmType Quantitative, PAxis [AxTitle ""]
, PScale [SDomain (DSelection "brush")]]
. position Y [PName "y"
, PmType Quantitative
, PAxis $ case ct of
Stacked -> [AxTitle "Allocation"
, AxFormat "s"
, AxTitlePadding 15.0
, AxMaxExtent 15.0]
Normalized -> [AxTitle "Allocation (Normalized)", AxFormat "p"]
StreamGraph -> [AxTitle "Allocation (Streamgraph)", AxLabels False, AxTicks False, AxTitlePadding 10.0]
, PAggregate Sum
, PStack (case ct of
Stacked -> StZero
Normalized -> StNormalize
StreamGraph -> StCenter)]
transformBandsLayer :: [LabelledSpec] -> (VLProperty, VLSpec)
transformBandsLayer =
. filter (FSelection "legend")
tracesLayer :: VLSpec
tracesLayer = asSpec
dataFromSource "data_json_traces" [],
VL.mark Rule [],
encodingTracesLayer []
encodingTracesLayer :: [LabelledSpec] -> (VLProperty, VLSpec)
encodingTracesLayer =
. color [MString "grey"]
. position X [PmType Quantitative, PAxis [], PName "tx", PScale [SDomain (DSelection "brush")]]
. VL.size [MNumber 2]
. tooltip [TName "desc", TmType Nominal]
legendDiagram :: VLSpec
legendDiagram = asSpec
VL.mark Point [MStroke "transparent"],
dataFromSource "data_json_samples" [],
encodingRight [],
selectionRight []
encodingRight :: [LabelledSpec] -> (VLProperty, VLSpec)
encodingRight =
. injectJSON "tooltip" Null
. color
MSelectionCondition (SelectionName "legend") [MName "c", MmType Nominal, MAggregate Min, MLegend []] [MString "lightgray"]
. position Y [PName "c"
, PmType Nominal
, PAxis [ AxOrient SRight
, AxDomain False
, AxTicks False
, AxGrid False
, AxMinExtent 100
, AxMaxExtent 100]
, PSort [(ByFieldOp "k" Mean), Descending]]
selectionRight :: [LabelledSpec] -> (VLProperty, VLSpec)
selectionRight =
. select "legend" Multi [On "click", Encodings [ChColor], ResolveSelections Global, Toggle "event.shiftKey"]