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event-list-0.1.2: Event lists with relative or absolute time stamps

Copyright(c) Henning Thielemann 2007-2009
PortabilityHaskell 98
Safe HaskellSafe



Event list with absolute times starting with a time and ending with a body



data T time body Source #


(Eq time, Eq body) => Eq (T time body) Source # 


(==) :: T time body -> T time body -> Bool #

(/=) :: T time body -> T time body -> Bool #

(Ord time, Ord body) => Ord (T time body) Source # 


compare :: T time body -> T time body -> Ordering #

(<) :: T time body -> T time body -> Bool #

(<=) :: T time body -> T time body -> Bool #

(>) :: T time body -> T time body -> Bool #

(>=) :: T time body -> T time body -> Bool #

max :: T time body -> T time body -> T time body #

min :: T time body -> T time body -> T time body #

(Show time, Show body) => Show (T time body) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> T time body -> ShowS #

show :: T time body -> String #

showList :: [T time body] -> ShowS #

pause :: time -> T time body Source #

isPause :: T time body -> Bool Source #

viewL :: T time body -> (time, Maybe (body, T time body)) Source #

switchL :: (time -> a) -> ((time, body) -> T time body -> a) -> T time body -> a Source #

cons :: time -> body -> T time body -> T time body Source #

snoc :: T time body -> body -> time -> T time body Source #

mapBody :: (body0 -> body1) -> T time body0 -> T time body1 Source #

mapTime :: (time0 -> time1) -> T time0 body -> T time1 body Source #

concatMapMonoid :: Monoid m => (time -> m) -> (body -> m) -> T time body -> m Source #

traverse :: Applicative m => (time0 -> m time1) -> (body0 -> m body1) -> T time0 body0 -> m (T time1 body1) Source #

traverse_ :: Applicative m => (time -> m ()) -> (body -> m ()) -> T time body -> m () Source #

traverseBody :: Applicative m => (body0 -> m body1) -> T time body0 -> m (T time body1) Source #

traverseTime :: Applicative m => (time0 -> m time1) -> T time0 body -> m (T time1 body) Source #

mapM :: Monad m => (time0 -> m time1) -> (body0 -> m body1) -> T time0 body0 -> m (T time1 body1) Source #

mapM_ :: Monad m => (time -> m ()) -> (body -> m ()) -> T time body -> m () Source #

mapBodyM :: Monad m => (body0 -> m body1) -> T time body0 -> m (T time body1) Source #

mapTimeM :: Monad m => (time0 -> m time1) -> T time0 body -> m (T time1 body) Source #

getTimes :: T time body -> [time] Source #

getBodies :: T time body -> [body] Source #

duration :: Num time => T time body -> time Source #

merge :: (Ord time, Ord body) => T time body -> T time body -> T time body Source #

mergeBy :: Ord time => (body -> body -> Bool) -> T time body -> T time body -> T time body Source #

insert :: (Ord time, Ord body) => time -> body -> T time body -> T time body Source #

insertBy :: Ord time => (body -> body -> Bool) -> time -> body -> T time body -> T time body Source #

moveForward :: (Ord time, Num time) => T time (time, body) -> T time body Source #

Move events towards the front of the event list. You must make sure, that no event is moved before time zero. This works only for finite lists.

decreaseStart :: (Ord time, Num time) => time -> T time body -> T time body Source #

delay :: (Ord time, Num time) => time -> T time body -> T time body Source #

filter :: Num time => (body -> Bool) -> T time body -> T time body Source #

partition :: (body -> Bool) -> T time body -> (T time body, T time body) Source #

slice :: (Eq a, Num time) => (body -> a) -> T time body -> [(a, T time body)] Source #

foldr :: (time -> a -> b) -> (body -> b -> a) -> a -> T time body -> b Source #

mapMaybe :: Num time => (body0 -> Maybe body1) -> T time body0 -> T time body1 Source #

catMaybes :: Num time => T time (Maybe body) -> T time body Source #

normalize :: (Ord time, Num time, Ord body) => T time body -> T time body Source #

sort sorts a list of coinciding events, that is all events but the first one have time difference 0. normalize sorts all coinciding events in a list thus yielding a canonical representation of a time ordered list.

isNormalized :: (Ord time, Num time, Ord body) => T time body -> Bool Source #

collectCoincident :: Eq time => T time body -> T time [body] Source #

flatten :: Ord time => T time [body] -> T time body Source #

mapCoincident :: Ord time => ([a] -> [b]) -> T time a -> T time b Source #

Apply a function to the lists of coincident events.

append :: (Ord time, Num time) => T time body -> T time body -> T time body Source #

concat :: (Ord time, Num time) => [T time body] -> T time body Source #

cycle :: (Ord time, Num time) => T time body -> T time body Source #

discretize :: (RealFrac time, Integral i) => T time body -> T i body Source #

resample :: (RealFrac time, Integral i) => time -> T time body -> T i body Source #