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eveff- Efficient effect handlers based on evidence translation.

Copyright(c) 2020 Microsoft Research; Daan Leijen; Ningning Xie
Maintainerxnning@hku.hk; daan@microsoft.com
Safe HaskellNone




Primitive module that implements type safe multi-prompt control. Used by the Control.Ev.Eff module to implement effect handlers.



data Marker a Source #

An abstract prompt marker

Eq (Marker a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Ev.Ctl


(==) :: Marker a -> Marker a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Marker a -> Marker a -> Bool #

Show (Marker a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Ev.Ctl


showsPrec :: Int -> Marker a -> ShowS #

show :: Marker a -> String #

showList :: [Marker a] -> ShowS #

markerEq :: Marker a -> Marker b -> Bool Source #

Compare two markers of different types for equality

Control monad

data Ctl a Source #

The Multi Prompt control monad, with existentials ans and b: where ans is the answer type, i.e. the type of the handler/prompt context, and b the result type of the operation.


Pure !a

Pure results (only exported for use in the Control.Ev.Eff module)

Monad Ctl Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Ev.Ctl


(>>=) :: Ctl a -> (a -> Ctl b) -> Ctl b #

(>>) :: Ctl a -> Ctl b -> Ctl b #

return :: a -> Ctl a #

fail :: String -> Ctl a #

Functor Ctl Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Ev.Ctl


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Ctl a -> Ctl b #

(<$) :: a -> Ctl b -> Ctl a #

Applicative Ctl Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Ev.Ctl


pure :: a -> Ctl a #

(<*>) :: Ctl (a -> b) -> Ctl a -> Ctl b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Ctl a -> Ctl b -> Ctl c #

(*>) :: Ctl a -> Ctl b -> Ctl b #

(<*) :: Ctl a -> Ctl b -> Ctl a #

runCtl :: Ctl a -> a Source #

Run a control monad. This may fail with an "unhandled operation" error if there is a yield to a marker that escaped its prompt scope.

prompt :: (Marker a -> Ctl a) -> Ctl a Source #

Install a prompt with a specific prompt Marker to which one can yield. This connects creation of a marker with instantiating the prompt. The marker passed to the action argument should not escape the action (but this is not statically checked, only at runtime when yielding to it).

yield :: Marker ans -> ((b -> Ctl ans) -> Ctl ans) -> Ctl b Source #

yield m op yields to a specific marker and calls op in that context with a resumption k :: b -> Ctl ans that resumes at the original call-site with a result of type b. If the marker is no longer in the evaluation context, (i.e. it escaped outside its prompt) the yield fails with an "unhandled operation" error.

Unsafe primitives for Control.Ev.Eff

unsafeIO :: IO a -> Ctl a Source #

Unsafe IO in the Ctl monad.

unsafePromptIORef :: a -> (Marker b -> IORef a -> Ctl b) -> Ctl b Source #

Create an IORef connected to a prompt. The value of the IORef is saved and restored through resumptions.