module Evdev (
    pattern SyncEvent,
    pattern KeyEvent,
    pattern RelativeEvent,
    pattern AbsoluteEvent,
    pattern MiscEvent,
    pattern SwitchEvent,
    pattern LEDEvent,
    pattern SoundEvent,
    pattern RepeatEvent,
    pattern ForceFeedbackEvent,
    pattern PowerEvent,
    pattern ForceFeedbackStatusEvent,
    ReadFlags (..),
) where

import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad (filterM)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.Int (Int16,Int32)
import Data.List.Extra (enumerate)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Time.Clock (DiffTime)
import Foreign ((.|.))
import Foreign.C (CUInt)
import Foreign.C.Error (Errno(Errno),errnoToIOError)
import Safe (initSafe,tailSafe)
import System.Posix.ByteString (Fd,RawFilePath)
import System.Posix.IO.ByteString (fdToHandle)

import qualified Evdev.LowLevel as LL
import Evdev.LowLevel (ReadFlags(..))
import Evdev.Codes

-- stores path that was originally used, as it seems impossible to recover this later
-- We don't allow the user to access the underlying low-level C device.
data Device = Device { cDevice :: LL.Device, devicePath :: RawFilePath }
instance Show Device where
    show = show . devicePath

data Event = Event {
    evType :: EventType,
    evCode :: EventCode,
    evValue :: EventValue,
    evTime :: DiffTime}
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- aligns with the pattern synonyms below
prettyEvent :: Event -> String
prettyEvent x = showTime (evTime x) ++ ":" ++ " " ++ case x of
        SyncEvent t -> show t
        KeyEvent k t -> unwords [show k, show t]
        RelativeEvent c v -> unwords [show c, showE v]
        AbsoluteEvent c v -> unwords [show c, showE v]
        MiscEvent c v -> unwords [show c, showE v]
        SwitchEvent c v -> unwords [show c, showE v]
        LEDEvent c v -> unwords [show c, showE v]
        SoundEvent c v -> unwords [show c, showE v]
        RepeatEvent c v -> unwords [show c, showE v]
        ForceFeedbackEvent c v -> unwords [showE c, showE v]
        PowerEvent c v -> unwords [showE c, showE v]
        ForceFeedbackStatusEvent c v -> unwords [showE c, showE v]
        _ -> error $ "show: unrecognised Event: " ++ unwords
            [showE $ evType x, showE $ evCode x, showE $ evValue x]
            showE :: Enum x => x -> String
            showE = show . fromEnum
            showTime t = -- fix time string to always have same length after '.', by adding 0s
                let (n,r) = second tailSafe $ span (/= '.') $ initSafe $ show t
                in  n ++ "." ++ take 6 (r ++ ['0'..]) ++ "s"

pattern SyncEvent :: SyncEventType -> Event
pattern SyncEvent c <- Event EvSyn (convertEnum -> c) _ _

pattern KeyEvent :: Key -> KeyEventType -> Event
pattern KeyEvent c v <- Event EvKey (convertEnum -> c) (convertEnum -> v) _

pattern RelativeEvent :: RelativeAxis -> EventValue -> Event
pattern RelativeEvent c v <- Event EvRel (convertEnum -> c) v _

pattern AbsoluteEvent :: AbsoluteAxis -> EventValue -> Event
pattern AbsoluteEvent c v <- Event EvAbs (convertEnum -> c) v _

pattern MiscEvent :: MiscEventType -> EventValue -> Event
pattern MiscEvent c v <- Event EvMsc (convertEnum -> c) v _

pattern SwitchEvent :: SwitchEventType -> EventValue -> Event
pattern SwitchEvent c v <- Event EvSw (convertEnum -> c) v _

pattern LEDEvent :: LEDEventType -> EventValue -> Event
pattern LEDEvent c v <- Event EvLed (convertEnum -> c) v _

pattern SoundEvent :: SoundEventType -> EventValue -> Event
pattern SoundEvent c v <- Event EvSnd (convertEnum -> c) v _

pattern RepeatEvent :: RepeatEventType -> EventValue -> Event
pattern RepeatEvent c v <- Event EvRep (convertEnum -> c) v _

pattern ForceFeedbackEvent :: EventCode -> EventValue -> Event
pattern ForceFeedbackEvent c v <- Event EvFf c v _

pattern PowerEvent :: EventCode -> EventValue -> Event
pattern PowerEvent c v <- Event EvPwr c v _

pattern ForceFeedbackStatusEvent :: EventCode -> EventValue -> Event
pattern ForceFeedbackStatusEvent c v <- Event EvFfStatus c v _

newtype EventCode = EventCode Int16 deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
newtype EventValue = EventValue Int32 deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

data KeyEventType
    = Released
    | Pressed
    | Repeated
    deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

convertFlags :: Set ReadFlags -> CUInt
convertFlags = fromIntegral . foldr ((.|.) . fromEnum) 0

defaultReadFlags :: Set ReadFlags
defaultReadFlags = [Normal,Blocking]

grabDevice :: Device -> IO ()
grabDevice = grabDevice' LL.LibevdevGrab
ungrabDevice :: Device -> IO ()
ungrabDevice = grabDevice' LL.LibevdevUngrab

nextEvent :: Device -> Set ReadFlags -> IO Event
nextEvent dev flags = do
    (t,c,v,time) <- LL.convertEvent =<<
        throwCErrors "nextEvent" (Right dev) (LL.nextEvent (cDevice dev) (convertFlags flags))
    return $ Event (toEnum t) (EventCode c) (EventValue v) time

newDevice :: RawFilePath -> IO Device
newDevice path = do
    dev <- throwCErrors "newDevice" (Left path) $ LL.newDevice path
    return $ Device dev path

evdevDir :: RawFilePath
evdevDir = "/dev/input"

deviceName :: Device -> IO ByteString
deviceName = fmap BS.pack . LL.deviceName . cDevice

deviceFd :: Device -> IO Fd
deviceFd = LL.deviceFd . cDevice

deviceProperties :: Device -> IO [DeviceProperty]
deviceProperties dev = filterM (LL.hasProperty $ cDevice dev) enumerate

{- Util -}

-- run the action, throwing a relevant exception if the C errno is not 0
throwCErrors :: String -> Either ByteString Device -> IO (Errno, a) -> IO a
throwCErrors func pathOrDev x = do
    (errno, res) <- x
    case errno of
        Errno 0 -> return res
        Errno n -> do
            (handle,path) <- case pathOrDev of
                Left path -> return (Nothing,path)
                Right dev -> do
                    h <- fdToHandle =<< deviceFd dev
                    return (Just h, devicePath dev)
            ioError $ errnoToIOError func (Errno $ abs n) handle (Just $ BS.unpack path)

grabDevice' :: LL.GrabMode -> Device -> IO ()
grabDevice' mode dev = throwCErrors "grabDevice" (Right dev) $ LL.grabDevice (cDevice dev) mode

-- obviously this isn't safe in general
-- we use it only after matching on 'EventType', to get the corresponding 'EventCode' and 'EventValue'
convertEnum :: (Enum a, Enum b) => a -> b
convertEnum = toEnum . fromEnum