{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ExplicitNamespaces, MultiWayIf, PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, TupleSections                     #-}
module Proof.Propositional.TH where
import Proof.Propositional.Empty
import Proof.Propositional.Inhabited

import           Control.Arrow               (Kleisli (..), second)
import           Control.Monad               (forM, zipWithM)
import           Data.Foldable               (asum)
import           Data.Map                    (Map)
import qualified Data.Map                    as M
import           Data.Maybe                  (fromJust)
import           Data.Type.Equality          ((:~:) (..))
import           Language.Haskell.TH         (DecsQ, Lit (CharL, IntegerL),
                                              Name, Q, TypeQ, isInstance,
                                              newName, ppr)
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar (DClause (..), DCon (..),
                                              DConFields (..), DCxt, DDec (..),
                                              DExp (..), DInfo (..),
                                              DLetDec (DFunD),
#if MIN_VERSION_th_desugar(1,10,0)
                                              DPat (DConP, DVarP), DPred,
                                              DPat (DConPa, DVarPa), DPred(..),
                                              DTyVarBndr (..), DType (..),
                                              Overlap (Overlapping), desugar,
                                              dsReify, expandType, substTy,
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
import           Data.Semigroup              (Semigroup (..))

-- | Macro to automatically derive @'Empty'@ instance for
--   concrete (variable-free) types which may contain products.
refute :: TypeQ -> DecsQ
refute tps = do
  tp <- expandType =<< desugar =<< tps
  let Just (_, tyName, args) = splitType tp
      mkInst dxt cls = return $ sweeten
                       [DInstanceD (Just Overlapping)
#if MIN_VERSION_th_desugar(1,10,0)
                        (DAppT (DConT ''Empty) (foldl DAppT (DConT tyName) args))
                        [DLetDec $ DFunD 'eliminate cls]
  if tyName == ''(:~:)
    then do
      let [l, r] = args
      v    <- newName "_v"
      dist <- compareType l r
      case dist of
        NonEqual    -> mkInst [] [DClause [] $ DLamE [v] (DCaseE (DVarE v) []) ]
        Equal       -> fail $ "Equal: " ++ show (ppr $ sweeten l) ++ " ~ " ++ show (ppr $ sweeten r)
        Undecidable -> fail $ "No enough info to check non-equality: " ++
                         show (ppr $ sweeten l) ++ " ~ " ++ show (ppr $ sweeten r)
    else do
      (dxt, cons) <- resolveSubsts args . fromJust =<< dsReify tyName
      Just cls <- sequence <$> mapM buildRefuteClause cons
      mkInst dxt cls

-- | Macro to automatically derive @'Inhabited'@ instance for
--   concrete (variable-free) types which may contain sums.
prove :: TypeQ -> DecsQ
prove tps = do
  tp <- expandType =<< desugar =<< tps
  let Just (_, tyName, args) = splitType tp
      mkInst dxt cls = return $ sweeten
                       [DInstanceD (Just Overlapping)
#if MIN_VERSION_th_desugar(1,10,0)
                        (DAppT (DConT ''Inhabited) (foldl DAppT (DConT tyName) args))
                        [DLetDec $ DFunD 'trivial cls]
  isNum <- isInstance ''Num [sweeten tp]

  if | isNum -> mkInst [] [DClause [] $ DLitE $ IntegerL 0 ]
     | tyName == ''Char  -> mkInst [] [DClause [] $ DLitE $ CharL '\NUL']
     | tyName == ''(:~:) -> do
        let [l, r] = args
        dist <- compareType l r
        case dist of
          NonEqual    -> fail $ "Equal: " ++ show (ppr $ sweeten l) ++ " ~ " ++ show (ppr $ sweeten r)
          Equal       -> mkInst [] [DClause [] $ DConE 'Refl ]
          Undecidable -> fail $ "No enough info to check non-equality: " ++
                           show (ppr $ sweeten l) ++ " ~ " ++ show (ppr $ sweeten r)
     | otherwise -> do
        (dxt, cons) <- resolveSubsts args . fromJust =<< dsReify tyName
        Just cls <- asum <$> mapM buildProveClause cons
        mkInst dxt [cls]

buildClause :: Name -> (DType -> Q b) -> (DType -> b -> DExp)
            -> (Name -> [Maybe DExp] -> Maybe DExp) -> (Name -> [b] -> [DPat])
            -> DCon -> Q (Maybe DClause)
buildClause clsName genPlaceHolder buildFactor flattenExps toPats (DCon _ _ cName flds _) = do
  let tys = fieldsVars flds
  varDic <- mapM genPlaceHolder tys
  fmap (DClause $ toPats cName varDic) . flattenExps cName <$> zipWithM tryProc tys varDic
    tryProc ty name = do
      isEmpty <- isInstance clsName . (:[]) $ sweeten ty
      return $ if isEmpty
        then Just $ buildFactor ty name
        else Nothing

buildRefuteClause :: DCon -> Q (Maybe DClause)
buildRefuteClause =
    ''Empty (const $ newName "_x")
    (const $ (DVarE 'eliminate `DAppE`) . DVarE) (const asum)
#if MIN_VERSION_th_desugar(1,10,0)
    (\cName ps -> [DConP cName $ map DVarP ps])
    (\cName ps -> [DConPa cName $ map DVarPa ps])

buildProveClause :: DCon -> Q (Maybe DClause)
buildProveClause  =
    ''Inhabited (const $ return ())
    (const $ const $ DVarE 'trivial)
    (\ con args -> foldl DAppE (DConE con) <$> sequence args )
    (const $ const [])

fieldsVars :: DConFields -> [DType]
#if MIN_VERSION_th_desugar(1,8,0)
fieldsVars (DNormalC _ fs)
fieldsVars (DNormalC fs)
  = map snd fs
fieldsVars (DRecC fs)    = map (\(_,_,c) -> c) fs

resolveSubsts :: [DType] -> DInfo -> Q (DCxt, [DCon])
resolveSubsts args info =
  case info of
    (DTyConI (DDataD _ cxt _ tvbs
#if MIN_VERSION_th_desugar(1,9,0)
             dcons _) _) -> do
      let dic = M.fromList $ zip (map dtvbToName tvbs) args
      (cxt , ) <$> mapM (substDCon dic) dcons
    -- (DTyConI (DOpenTypeFamilyD n) _) ->  return []
    -- (DTyConI (DClosedTypeFamilyD _ ddec2) minst) ->  return []
    -- (DTyConI (DDataFamilyD _ ddec2) minst) ->  return []
    -- (DTyConI (DDataInstD _ ddec2 ddec3 ddec4 ddec5 ddec6) minst) ->  return []
    (DTyConI _ _) -> fail "Not supported data ty"
    _ -> fail "Please pass data-type"

type SubstDic = Map Name DType

substDCon :: SubstDic -> DCon -> Q DCon
substDCon dic (DCon forall'd cxt conName fields mPhantom) =
  DCon forall'd cxt conName
    <$> substFields dic fields
#if MIN_VERSION_th_desugar(1,9,0)
    <*> substTy dic mPhantom
    <*> mapM (substTy dic) mPhantom

substFields :: SubstDic -> DConFields -> Q DConFields
substFields subst
#if MIN_VERSION_th_desugar(1,8,0)
  (DNormalC fixi fs)
  (DNormalC fs)
#if MIN_VERSION_th_desugar(1,8,0)
  DNormalC fixi <$>
  DNormalC <$>
  mapM (runKleisli $ second $ Kleisli $ substTy subst) fs
substFields subst (DRecC fs) =
  DRecC <$> forM fs (\(a,b,c) -> (a, b ,) <$> substTy subst c)

dtvbToName :: DTyVarBndr -> Name
dtvbToName (DPlainTV n)    = n
dtvbToName (DKindedTV n _) = n

splitType :: DType -> Maybe ([Name], Name, [DType])
splitType (DForallT vs _ t) = (\(a,b,c) -> (map dtvbToName vs ++ a, b, c)) <$> splitType t
splitType (DAppT t1 t2) = (\(a,b,c) -> (a, b, c ++ [t2])) <$> splitType t1
splitType (DSigT t _) = splitType t
splitType (DVarT _) = Nothing
splitType (DConT n) = Just ([], n, [])
splitType DArrowT = Just ([], ''(->), [])
splitType (DLitT _) = Nothing
splitType DWildCardT = Nothing
#if !MIN_VERSION_th_desugar(1,9,0)
splitType DStarT = Nothing
#elif MIN_VERSION_th_desugar(1,10,0)
splitType (DAppKindT _ _) = Nothing

data EqlJudge = NonEqual | Undecidable | Equal
              deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Semigroup EqlJudge where
  NonEqual    <> _        = NonEqual
  Undecidable <> NonEqual = NonEqual
  Undecidable <> _        = Undecidable
  Equal       <> m        = m

instance Monoid EqlJudge where
  mappend = (<>)
  mempty = Equal

compareType :: DType -> DType -> Q EqlJudge
compareType t0 s0 = do
  t <- expandType t0
  s <- expandType s0
  compareType' t s

compareType' :: DType -> DType -> Q EqlJudge
compareType' (DSigT t1 t2) (DSigT s1 s2)
  = (<>) <$> compareType' t1 s1 <*> compareType' t2 s2
compareType' (DSigT t _) s
  = compareType' t s
compareType' t (DSigT s _)
  = compareType' t s
compareType' (DVarT t) (DVarT s)
  | t == s    = return Equal
  | otherwise = return Undecidable
compareType' (DVarT _) _ = return Undecidable
compareType' _ (DVarT _) = return Undecidable
compareType' DWildCardT _ = return Undecidable
compareType' _ DWildCardT = return Undecidable
compareType' (DForallT tTvBs tCxt t) (DForallT sTvBs sCxt s)
  | length tTvBs == length sTvBs = do
      let dic = M.fromList $ zip (map dtvbToName sTvBs) (map (DVarT . dtvbToName) tTvBs)
      s' <- substTy dic s
      pd <- compareCxt tCxt =<< mapM (substPred dic) sCxt
      bd <- compareType' t s'
      return (pd <> bd)
  | otherwise = return NonEqual
compareType' DForallT{} _   = return NonEqual
compareType' (DAppT t1 t2) (DAppT s1 s2)
  = (<>) <$> compareType' t1 s1 <*> compareType' t2 s2
compareType' (DConT t) (DConT s)
  | t == s    = return Equal
  | otherwise = return NonEqual
compareType' (DConT _) _ = return NonEqual
compareType' DArrowT DArrowT = return Equal
compareType' DArrowT _ = return NonEqual
compareType' (DLitT t) (DLitT s)
  | t == s    = return Equal
  | otherwise = return NonEqual
compareType' (DLitT _) _ = return NonEqual
#if !MIN_VERSION_th_desugar(1,9,0)
compareType' DStarT DStarT = return NonEqual
compareType' _ _ = return NonEqual

compareCxt :: DCxt -> DCxt -> Q EqlJudge
compareCxt l r = mconcat <$> zipWithM comparePred l r

comparePred :: DPred -> DPred -> Q EqlJudge
#if MIN_VERSION_th_desugar(1,10,0)
comparePred DWildCardT _ = return Undecidable
comparePred _ DWildCardT = return Undecidable
comparePred (DVarT l) (DVarT r)
  | l == r = return Equal
comparePred (DVarT _) _ = return Undecidable
comparePred _ (DVarT _) = return Undecidable
comparePred (DSigT l t) (DSigT r s) =
  (<>) <$> compareType' t s <*> comparePred l r
comparePred (DSigT l _) r = comparePred l r
comparePred l (DSigT r _) = comparePred l r
comparePred (DAppT l1 l2) (DAppT r1 r2) = do
  l2' <- expandType l2
  r2' <- expandType r2
  (<>) <$> comparePred l1 r1 <*> compareType' l2' r2'
comparePred (DAppT _ _) _ = return NonEqual
comparePred (DConT l) (DConT r)
  | l == r = return Equal
  | otherwise = return NonEqual
comparePred (DConT _) _ = return NonEqual
comparePred (DForallT _ _ _) (DForallT _ _ _) = return Undecidable
comparePred (DForallT{}) _ = return NonEqual
comparePred _ _ = fail "Kind error: Expecting type-level predicate"
comparePred DWildCardPr _ = return Undecidable
comparePred _ DWildCardPr = return Undecidable
comparePred (DVarPr l) (DVarPr r)
  | l == r = return Equal
comparePred (DVarPr _) _ = return Undecidable
comparePred _ (DVarPr _) = return Undecidable
comparePred (DSigPr l t) (DSigPr r s) =
  (<>) <$> compareType' t s <*> comparePred l r
comparePred (DSigPr l _) r = comparePred l r
comparePred l (DSigPr r _) = comparePred l r
comparePred (DAppPr l1 l2) (DAppPr r1 r2) = do
  l2' <- expandType l2
  r2' <- expandType r2
  (<>) <$> comparePred l1 r1 <*> compareType' l2' r2'
comparePred (DAppPr _ _) _ = return NonEqual
comparePred (DConPr l) (DConPr r)
  | l == r = return Equal
  | otherwise = return NonEqual
comparePred (DConPr _) _ = return NonEqual
#if MIN_VERSION_th_desugar(1,9,0)
comparePred (DForallPr _ _ _) (DForallPr _ _ _) = return Undecidable
comparePred (DForallPr{}) _ = return NonEqual

substPred :: SubstDic -> DPred -> Q DPred
#if MIN_VERSION_th_desugar(1,10,0)
substPred dic (DAppT p1 p2) = DAppT <$> substPred dic p1 <*> (expandType =<< substTy dic p2)
substPred dic (DSigT p knd) = DSigT <$> substPred dic p  <*> (expandType =<< substTy dic knd)
substPred dic prd@(DVarT p)
  | Just (DVarT t) <- M.lookup p dic = return $ DVarT t
  | Just (DConT t) <- M.lookup p dic = return $ DConT t
  | otherwise = return prd
substPred _ t = return t
substPred dic (DAppPr p1 p2) = DAppPr <$> substPred dic p1 <*> (expandType =<< substTy dic p2)
substPred dic (DSigPr p knd) = DSigPr <$> substPred dic p  <*> (expandType =<< substTy dic knd)
substPred dic prd@(DVarPr p)
  | Just (DVarT t) <- M.lookup p dic = return $ DVarPr t
  | Just (DConT t) <- M.lookup p dic = return $ DConPr t
  | otherwise = return prd
substPred _ t = return t