module EnvStatus.Config where
import System.Posix.Files (fileExist)
import System.Posix.User (getRealUserID, getUserEntryForID, UserEntry(..))
import Data.ConfigFile (ConfigParser, readstring, emptyCP, get, set, merge, to_string)
readConfig :: String -> IO ConfigParser
readConfig configString =
case parsed of
Right configParser -> return configParser
Left cperror -> do
print cperror
return emptyCP
parsed = readstring emptyCP configString
getConfigValue :: ConfigParser -> String -> Maybe String
getConfigValue cp key =
case value of
Right v -> Just v
Left _error -> Nothing
where value = get cp "DEFAULT" key
defaultConfig :: ConfigParser
defaultConfig =
case defaultC of
Right config -> config
Left _error -> emptyCP
defaultC = do
cp <- set emptyCP "DEFAULT" "output_template" "\nenvstatus: {{foo}}"
set cp "DEFAULT" "foo" "date +%Y-%m-%d"
getAppConfig :: IO ConfigParser
getAppConfig = do
userEntry <- getRealUserID >>= getUserEntryForID
let configFilePath = homeDirectory userEntry ++ "/.envstatusrc"
configFilePresent <- fileExist configFilePath
if configFilePresent
then do
configText <- readFile configFilePath
cp <- readConfig configText
return $ merge defaultConfig cp
else return defaultConfig
showConfig :: ConfigParser -> String
showConfig = to_string