{-# LANGUAGE CPP                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams           #-}
{- | This module provides a replacement for the normal (unicode unaware) IO functions of haskell.
     By using implicit parameters, it can be used almost as a drop-in replacement.
     For example, consider the following simple echo program:

     > main = do
     >   str <- getContents
     >   putStr str

     To make this program process UTF-8 data, change the program to:

     > {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
     > import Prelude hiding (getContents,putStr)
     > import System.IO.Encoding
     > import Data.Encoding.UTF8
     > main = do
     >   let ?enc = UTF8
     >   str <- getContents
     >   putStr str

     Or, if you want to use the standard system encoding:

     > {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
     > import Prelude hiding (getContents,putStr)
     > import System.IO.Encoding
     > main = do
     >   e <- getSystemEncoding
     >   let ?enc = e
     >   str <- getContents
     >   putStr str
module System.IO.Encoding
    ,hPrint) where

import           Foreign.C.String

import           Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT)
import qualified Data.ByteString      as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import           Data.Encoding
import           Prelude              hiding (appendFile, getChar, getContents,
                                       getLine, interact, print, putChar,
                                       putStr, putStrLn, readFile, writeFile)
import           System.IO            (Handle, stdin, stdout)

-- | Like the normal 'System.IO.hGetContents', but decodes the input using an
--   encoding.
hGetContents :: (Encoding e,?enc :: e) => Handle -> IO String
hGetContents h = do
        str <- LBS.hGetContents h
        return $ decodeLazyByteString ?enc str

getContents :: (Encoding e,?enc :: e) => IO String
getContents = do
    str <- LBS.getContents
    return $ decodeLazyByteString ?enc str

putStr :: (Encoding e,?enc :: e) => String -> IO ()
putStr = hPutStr stdout

putStrLn :: (Encoding e,?enc :: e) => String -> IO ()
putStrLn = hPutStrLn stdout

-- | Like the normal 'System.IO.hPutStr', but encodes the output using an
--   encoding.
hPutStr :: (Encoding e,?enc :: e) => Handle -> String -> IO ()
hPutStr h str = LBS.hPut h (encodeLazyByteString ?enc str)

hPutStrLn :: (Encoding e,?enc :: e) => Handle -> String -> IO ()
hPutStrLn h str = do
    LBS.hPut h (encodeLazyByteString ?enc str)
    LBS.hPut h (encodeLazyByteString ?enc "\n")

print :: (Encoding e,Show a,?enc :: e) => a -> IO ()
print = hPrint stdout

hPrint :: (Encoding e,Show a,?enc :: e) => Handle -> a -> IO ()
hPrint h x = hPutStrLn h (show x)

readFile :: (Encoding e,?enc :: e) => FilePath -> IO String
readFile fn = LBS.readFile fn >>= return.(decodeLazyByteString ?enc)

writeFile :: (Encoding e,?enc :: e) => FilePath -> String -> IO ()
writeFile fn str = LBS.writeFile fn $ encodeLazyByteString ?enc str

appendFile :: (Encoding e,?enc :: e) => FilePath -> String -> IO ()
appendFile fn str = LBS.appendFile fn $ encodeLazyByteString ?enc str

getChar :: (Encoding e,?enc :: e) => IO Char
getChar = hGetChar stdin

hGetChar :: (Encoding e,?enc :: e) => Handle -> IO Char
hGetChar h = runReaderT (decodeChar ?enc) h

getLine :: (Encoding e,?enc :: e) => IO String
getLine = hGetLine stdin

hGetLine :: (Encoding e,?enc :: e) => Handle -> IO String
hGetLine h = do
  line <- BS.hGetLine h
  return $ decodeStrictByteString ?enc line

putChar :: (Encoding e,?enc :: e) => Char -> IO ()
putChar = hPutChar stdout

hPutChar :: (Encoding e,?enc :: e) => Handle -> Char -> IO ()
hPutChar h c = runReaderT (encodeChar ?enc c) h

interact :: (Encoding e,?enc :: e) => (String -> String) -> IO ()
interact f = do
  line <- hGetLine stdin
  hPutStrLn stdout (f line)

foreign import ccall "system_encoding.h get_system_encoding"
        get_system_encoding :: IO CString

-- | Returns the encoding used on the current system. Currently only supported
-- on Linux-alikes.
getSystemEncoding :: IO DynEncoding
getSystemEncoding = do
        enc <- get_system_encoding
        str <- peekCString enc
        return $ encodingFromString str
        error "getSystemEncoding is not supported on this platform"