module Text.Email.Validate
    ( isValid
    , validate
    , emailAddress
    , canonicalizeEmail

    -- Re-exports:

    , EmailAddress
    , domainPart
    , localPart
    , toByteString
    , unsafeEmailAddress

import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (endOfInput, parseOnly)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)

import Text.Email.Parser
    ( EmailAddress
    , addrSpec
    , domainPart
    , localPart
    , toByteString
    , unsafeEmailAddress)

-- $setup

-- This is required for all examples:


-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings

-- | Smart constructor for an email address

emailAddress :: ByteString -> Maybe EmailAddress
emailAddress = either (const Nothing) Just . validate

-- | Checks that an email is valid and returns a version of it

--   where comments and whitespace have been removed.


-- Example:


-- >>> canonicalizeEmail "spaces. are."

-- Just ""

canonicalizeEmail :: ByteString -> Maybe ByteString
canonicalizeEmail = fmap toByteString . emailAddress

-- | Validates whether a particular string is an email address

--   according to RFC5322.

isValid :: ByteString -> Bool
isValid = either (const False) (const True) . validate

-- | If you want to find out *why* a particular string is not

--   an email address, use this.


-- Examples:


-- >>> validate ""

-- Right ""


-- >>> validate "not.good"

-- Left "at sign > @: not enough input"

validate :: ByteString -> Either String EmailAddress
validate = parseOnly (addrSpec >>= \r -> endOfInput >> return r)