{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

-- Module      :  ELynx.Import.Tree.Newick
-- Description :  Import Newick trees
-- Copyright   :  (c) Dominik Schrempf 2020
-- License     :  GPL-3.0-or-later
-- Maintainer  :  dominik.schrempf@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  portable
-- Creation date: Thu Jan 17 14:56:27 2019.
-- Some functions are inspired by
-- [Biobase.Newick.Import](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/BiobaseNewick).
-- [Specifications](http://evolution.genetics.washington.edu/phylip/newicktree.html)
-- In particular, no conversion from _ to (space) is done right now.
-- For a description of rooted 'Tree's, please see the 'ELynx.Data.Tree.Rooted'

-- |
-- module header.
module ELynx.Import.Tree.Newick
  ( NewickFormat (..),

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import ELynx.Data.Tree.Measurable
import ELynx.Data.Tree.Phylogeny
import ELynx.Data.Tree.Rooted hiding (forest, label)
import ELynx.Data.Tree.Supported
import GHC.Generics
import Prelude hiding (takeWhile)

-- | Newick tree format.
-- >>> unlines $ map (("- " <>) . description) (allValues :: [NewickFormat])
-- - Standard: Branch support values are stored in square brackets after branch lengths.
-- - IqTree:   Branch support values are stored as node names after the closing bracket of forests.
-- - RevBayes: Key-value pairs is provided in square brackets after node names as well as branch lengths. XXX: Key value pairs are ignored at the moment.
data NewickFormat = Standard | IqTree | RevBayes
  deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Bounded, Enum, Generic)

instance FromJSON NewickFormat

instance ToJSON NewickFormat

-- | Short description of the supported Newick formats.
description :: NewickFormat -> String
description Standard =
  "Standard: Branch support values are stored in square brackets after branch lengths."
description IqTree =
  "IqTree:   Branch support values are stored as node names after the closing bracket of forests."
description RevBayes =
  "RevBayes: Key-value pairs is provided in square brackets after node names as well as branch lengths. XXX: Key value pairs are ignored at the moment."

-- | Parse a single Newick tree. Also succeeds when more trees follow.
newick :: NewickFormat -> Parser (Tree Phylo BS.ByteString)
newick Standard = newickStandard
newick IqTree = newickIqTree
newick RevBayes = newickRevBayes

-- | Parse a single Newick tree. Fails when end of file is not reached.
oneNewick :: NewickFormat -> Parser (Tree Phylo BS.ByteString)
oneNewick Standard = oneNewickStandard
oneNewick IqTree = oneNewickIqTree
oneNewick RevBayes = oneNewickRevBayes

-- | Parse one or more Newick trees until end of file.
someNewick :: NewickFormat -> Parser (Forest Phylo BS.ByteString)
someNewick Standard = someNewickStandard
someNewick IqTree = someNewickIqTree
someNewick RevBayes = someNewickRevBayes

-- Parse a single Newick tree. Also succeeds when more trees follow.
newickStandard :: Parser (Tree Phylo BS.ByteString)
newickStandard = skipWhile isSpace *> tree <* char ';' <* skipWhile isSpace <?> "newickStandard"

-- Parse a single Newick tree. Fails when end of file is not reached.
oneNewickStandard :: Parser (Tree Phylo BS.ByteString)
oneNewickStandard = newickStandard <* endOfInput <?> "oneNewickStandard"

-- Parse one ore more Newick trees until end of file.
someNewickStandard :: Parser (Forest Phylo BS.ByteString)
someNewickStandard = some newickStandard <* endOfInput <?> "someNewickStandard"

tree :: Parser (Tree Phylo BS.ByteString)
tree = branched <|> leaf <?> "tree"

branched :: Parser (Tree Phylo BS.ByteString)
branched = (<?> "branched") $ do
  f <- forest
  n <- name
  p <- phylo
  return $ Node p n f

-- A 'forest' is a set of trees separated by @,@ and enclosed by parentheses.
forest :: Parser (Forest Phylo BS.ByteString)
forest = char '(' *> (tree `sepBy1` char ',') <* char ')' <?> "forest"

-- A 'leaf' has a 'name' and a 'phylo' branch.
leaf :: Parser (Tree Phylo BS.ByteString)
leaf = (<?> "leaf") $ do
  n <- name
  p <- phylo
  return $ Node p n []

nameChar :: Char -> Bool
nameChar c = c `notElem` " :;()[],"

-- A name can be any string of printable characters except blanks, colons,
-- semicolons, parentheses, and square brackets (and commas).
name :: Parser BS.ByteString
name = takeWhile nameChar <?> "name"

phylo :: Parser Phylo
phylo = Phylo <$> optional branchLength <*> optional branchSupport <?> "phylo"

-- Branch length.
branchLength :: Parser BranchLength
branchLength = char ':' *> double <?> "branchLength"

branchSupport :: Parser BranchSupport
branchSupport = (<?> "branchSupport") $
    _ <- char '['
    s <- double
    _ <- char ']'
    return s


-- IQ-TREE stores the branch support as node names after the closing bracket of
-- a forest. Parse a single Newick tree. Also succeeds when more trees follow.
newickIqTree :: Parser (Tree Phylo BS.ByteString)
newickIqTree = skipWhile isSpace *> treeIqTree <* char ';' <* skipWhile isSpace <?> "newickIqTree"

-- See 'newickIqTree'. Parse a single Newick tree. Fails when end of file is not
-- reached.
oneNewickIqTree :: Parser (Tree Phylo BS.ByteString)
oneNewickIqTree = newickIqTree <* endOfInput <?> "oneNewickIqTree"

-- See 'newickIqTree'. Parse one ore more Newick trees until end of file.
someNewickIqTree :: Parser (Forest Phylo BS.ByteString)
someNewickIqTree = some newickIqTree <* endOfInput <?> "someNewickIqTree"

-- IQ-TREE stores the branch support as node names after the closing bracket of a forest.
treeIqTree :: Parser (Tree Phylo BS.ByteString)
treeIqTree = branchedIqTree <|> leaf <?> "treeIqTree"

-- IQ-TREE stores the branch support as node names after the closing bracket of a forest.
branchedIqTree :: Parser (Tree Phylo BS.ByteString)
branchedIqTree = (<?> "branchedIqTree") $ do
  f <- forestIqTree
  s <- optional double
  n <- name
  b <- optional branchLength
  return $ Node (Phylo b s) n f

-- IQ-TREE stores the branch support as node names after the closing bracket of a forest.
forestIqTree :: Parser (Forest Phylo BS.ByteString)
forestIqTree = (<?> "forestIqTree") $ do
  _ <- char '('
  f <- treeIqTree `sepBy1` char ','
  _ <- char ')'
  return f

-- RevBayes.

-- RevBayes uses square brackets and key-value pairs to define information
-- about nodes and branches. Parse a single Newick tree. Also succeeds when more
-- trees follow.
-- XXX: Key value pairs are ignored at the moment.
newickRevBayes :: Parser (Tree Phylo BS.ByteString)
newickRevBayes =
  skipWhile isSpace *> optional brackets *> treeRevBayes <* char ';' <* skipWhile isSpace <?> "newickRevBayes"

-- See 'newickRevBayes'. Parse a single Newick tree. Fails when end of file is
-- not reached.
oneNewickRevBayes :: Parser (Tree Phylo BS.ByteString)
oneNewickRevBayes = newickRevBayes <* endOfInput <?> "oneNewickRevBayes"

-- See 'newickRevBayes'. Parse one ore more Newick trees until end of file.
someNewickRevBayes :: Parser (Forest Phylo BS.ByteString)
someNewickRevBayes = some newickRevBayes <* endOfInput <?> "someNewickRevBayes"

treeRevBayes :: Parser (Tree Phylo BS.ByteString)
treeRevBayes = branchedRevBayes <|> leafRevBayes <?> "treeRevBayes"

branchedRevBayes :: Parser (Tree Phylo BS.ByteString)
branchedRevBayes = (<?> "branchedRevgBayes") $ do
  f <- forestRevBayes
  n <- nameRevBayes
  b <- optional branchLengthRevBayes
  return $ Node (Phylo b Nothing) n f

forestRevBayes :: Parser (Forest Phylo BS.ByteString)
forestRevBayes = (<?> "forestRevBayes") $ do
  _ <- char '('
  f <- treeRevBayes `sepBy1` char ','
  _ <- char ')'
  return f

nameRevBayes :: Parser BS.ByteString
nameRevBayes = name <* optional brackets <?> "nameRevBayes"

branchLengthRevBayes :: Parser BranchLength
branchLengthRevBayes = branchLength <* optional brackets <?> "branchLengthRevBayes"

leafRevBayes :: Parser (Tree Phylo BS.ByteString)
leafRevBayes = (<?> "leafRevBayes") $ do
  n <- nameRevBayes
  b <- optional branchLengthRevBayes
  return $ Node (Phylo b Nothing) n []

-- Drop anything between brackets.
brackets :: Parser ()
brackets = (<?> "brackets") $ do
  _ <- char '['
  _ <- takeWhile (/= ']')
  _ <- char ']'
  return ()