{- |
Module      :  ELynx.Data.MarkovProcess.AminoAcid
Description :  Amino acid rate matrices such as LG
Copyright   :  (c) Dominik Schrempf 2019
License     :  GPL-3

Maintainer  :  dominik.schrempf@gmail.com
Stability   :  unstable
Portability :  portable

Creation date: Tue Jan 29 09:29:19 2019.

The order of amino acids is alphabetic.


module ELynx.Data.MarkovProcess.AminoAcid
  ( lg
  , lgCustom
  , lgCustomUnnormalized
  , wag
  , wagCustom
  , wagCustomUnnormalized
  , poisson
  , poissonCustom
  ) where

import           Data.List                                  (elemIndex)
import           Data.Maybe                                 (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Word                                  (Word8)
import           Numeric.LinearAlgebra
import           Numeric.SpecFunctions

import           ELynx.Data.Alphabet.Alphabet
import           ELynx.Data.MarkovProcess.RateMatrix
import qualified ELynx.Data.MarkovProcess.SubstitutionModel as S
import           ELynx.Tools.ByteString                     (c2w)
import           ELynx.Tools.LinearAlgebra
import           ELynx.Tools.Vector

n :: Int
n = 20

-- Some matrices have to be converted from PAML order to alphabetical order. See
-- 'pamlToAlphaVec' and 'pamlToAlphaMat'.

-- Amno acids in alphabetical order.
aaAlphaOrder :: [Word8]
aaAlphaOrder = map c2w [ 'A', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'K', 'L', 'M'
                       , 'N', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'V', 'W', 'Y' ]

-- Amino acids in PAML oder.
aaPamlOrder :: [Word8]
aaPamlOrder = map c2w [ 'A', 'R', 'N', 'D', 'C', 'Q', 'E', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'L', 'K'
                      , 'M', 'F', 'P', 'S', 'T', 'W', 'Y', 'V' ]

-- -- This is a very slow implementation; since I only convert matrices once it
-- -- should not be a problem. A map would be better if performance is an issue.
-- pamlIndexToAlphaIndex :: Int -> Int
-- pamlIndexToAlphaIndex i = fromMaybe
--                           (error $ "Could not convert index " ++ show i ++ ".")
--                           (elemIndex aa aaAlphaOrder)
--   where aa = aaPamlOrder !! i

-- This is a very slow implementation; since I only convert matrices once it
-- should not be a problem. A map would be better if performance is an issue.
alphaIndexToPamlIndex :: Int -> Int
alphaIndexToPamlIndex i = fromMaybe
                          (error $ "Could not convert index " ++ show i ++ ".")
                          (elemIndex aa aaPamlOrder)
  where aa = aaAlphaOrder !! i

-- Convert an amino acid vector in PAML order to a vector in alphabetical order.
pamlToAlphaVec :: Vector R -> Vector R
pamlToAlphaVec v = build n (\i -> v ! alphaIndexToPamlIndex (round i))

-- Convert an amino acid matrix in PAML order to a matrix in alphabetical order.
pamlToAlphaMat :: Matrix R -> Matrix R
pamlToAlphaMat m = build (n,n) (\i j -> m
                                 ! alphaIndexToPamlIndex (round i)
                                 ! alphaIndexToPamlIndex (round j))

-- The next functions tackle the somewhat stupid, but not easy solvable problem
-- of converting a lower triangular matrix (excluding the diagonal) given as a
-- list into a symmetric matrix. The diagonal entries are set to zero. This is
-- how the exchangeabilities are specified in PAML.

-- Conversion from matrix indices (i,j) to list index k.
-- (i,j) k
-- (0,0) -
-- (1,0) 0  (1,1) -
-- (2,0) 1  (2,1) 2  (2,2) -
-- (3,0) 3  (3,1) 4  (3,2) 5 (3,3) -
-- (4,0) 6  (4,1) 7  (4,2) 8 (4,3) 9 (4,4) -
-- k = (i choose 2) + j.
ijToK :: Int -> Int -> Int
ijToK i j = round (i `choose` 2) + j

-- The function is a little weird because HMatrix uses Double indices for Matrix
-- Double builders.
fromListBuilder :: [Double] -> Double -> Double -> Double
fromListBuilder es i j | i > j  = es !! ijToK iI jI
                       | i == j = 0.0
                       | i < j  = es !! ijToK jI iI
                       | otherwise = error "Float indices could not be compared during matrix creation."
  where iI = round i :: Int
        jI = round j :: Int

-- Exchangeability matrix from list denoting lower triangular matrix, and
-- excluding diagonal. This is how the exchangeabilities are specified in PAML.
exchFromList :: [Double] -> ExchangeabilityMatrix
exchFromList es = build (n,n) (fromListBuilder es)

-- Lower triangular matrix of LG exchangeabilities in PAML order and in form of
-- a list.
lgExchRawPaml :: [Double]
lgExchRawPaml = [0.425093, 0.276818, 0.751878, 0.395144, 0.123954, 5.076149,
                 2.489084, 0.534551, 0.528768, 0.062556, 0.969894, 2.807908,
                 1.695752, 0.523386, 0.084808, 1.038545, 0.363970, 0.541712,
                 5.243870, 0.003499, 4.128591, 2.066040, 0.390192, 1.437645,
                 0.844926, 0.569265, 0.267959, 0.348847, 0.358858, 2.426601,
                 4.509238, 0.927114, 0.640543, 4.813505, 0.423881, 0.311484,
                 0.149830, 0.126991, 0.191503, 0.010690, 0.320627, 0.072854,
                 0.044265, 0.008705, 0.108882, 0.395337, 0.301848, 0.068427,
                 0.015076, 0.594007, 0.582457, 0.069673, 0.044261, 0.366317,
                 4.145067, 0.536518, 6.326067, 2.145078, 0.282959, 0.013266,
                 3.234294, 1.807177, 0.296636, 0.697264, 0.159069, 0.137500,
                 1.124035, 0.484133, 0.371004, 0.025548, 0.893680, 1.672569,
                 0.173735, 0.139538, 0.442472, 4.273607, 6.312358, 0.656604,
                 0.253701, 0.052722, 0.089525, 0.017416, 1.105251, 0.035855,
                 0.018811, 0.089586, 0.682139, 1.112727, 2.592692, 0.023918,
                 1.798853, 1.177651, 0.332533, 0.161787, 0.394456, 0.075382,
                 0.624294, 0.419409, 0.196961, 0.508851, 0.078281, 0.249060,
                 0.390322, 0.099849, 0.094464, 4.727182, 0.858151, 4.008358,
                 1.240275, 2.784478, 1.223828, 0.611973, 1.739990, 0.990012,
                 0.064105, 0.182287, 0.748683, 0.346960, 0.361819, 1.338132,
                 2.139501, 0.578987, 2.000679, 0.425860, 1.143480, 1.080136,
                 0.604545, 0.129836, 0.584262, 1.033739, 0.302936, 1.136863,
                 2.020366, 0.165001, 0.571468, 6.472279, 0.180717, 0.593607,
                 0.045376, 0.029890, 0.670128, 0.236199, 0.077852, 0.268491,
                 0.597054, 0.111660, 0.619632, 0.049906, 0.696175, 2.457121,
                 0.095131, 0.248862, 0.140825, 0.218959, 0.314440, 0.612025,
                 0.135107, 1.165532, 0.257336, 0.120037, 0.054679, 5.306834,
                 0.232523, 0.299648, 0.131932, 0.481306, 7.803902, 0.089613,
                 0.400547, 0.245841, 3.151815, 2.547870, 0.170887, 0.083688,
                 0.037967, 1.959291, 0.210332, 0.245034, 0.076701, 0.119013,
                 10.649107, 1.702745, 0.185202, 1.898718, 0.654683, 0.296501,
                 0.098369, 2.188158, 0.189510, 0.249313]

-- Exchangeabilities of LG model in alphabetical order.
lgExch :: ExchangeabilityMatrix
lgExch = pamlToAlphaMat $ exchFromList lgExchRawPaml

-- Stationary distribution in PAML order.
lgStatDistPaml :: StationaryDistribution
lgStatDistPaml = normalizeSumVec 1.0 $
  fromList [ 0.079066, 0.055941, 0.041977, 0.053052, 0.012937, 0.040767
           , 0.071586, 0.057337, 0.022355, 0.062157, 0.099081, 0.064600
           , 0.022951, 0.042302, 0.044040, 0.061197, 0.053287, 0.012066
           , 0.034155, 0.069147 ]

-- Stationary distribution of LG model in alphabetical order.
lgStatDist :: StationaryDistribution
lgStatDist = pamlToAlphaVec lgStatDistPaml

-- | LG substitution model.
lg :: S.SubstitutionModel
lg = S.substitutionModel Protein "LG" [] lgStatDist lgExch

-- | LG substitution model with maybe a name and a custom stationary distribution.
lgCustom :: Maybe String -> StationaryDistribution -> S.SubstitutionModel
lgCustom mn d = S.substitutionModel Protein name [] d lgExch
  where name = fromMaybe "LG-Custom" mn

-- | LG substitution model with maybe a name and a custom stationary distribution.
lgCustomUnnormalized :: Maybe String -> StationaryDistribution -> S.SubstitutionModel
lgCustomUnnormalized mn d = S.unnormalized Protein name [] d lgExch
  where name = fromMaybe "LG-Custom-Unnormalized" mn

-- WAG exchangeability list in PAML order.
wagExchRawPaml :: [Double]
wagExchRawPaml =
  [ 55.15710
  , 50.98480, 63.53460
  , 73.89980, 14.73040, 542.94200
  , 102.70400, 52.81910, 26.52560, 3.02949
  , 90.85980, 303.55000, 154.36400, 61.67830, 9.88179
  , 158.28500, 43.91570, 94.71980, 617.41600, 2.13520, 546.94700
  , 141.67200, 58.46650, 112.55600, 86.55840, 30.66740, 33.00520, 56.77170
  , 31.69540, 213.71500, 395.62900, 93.06760, 24.89720, 429.41100, 57.00250, 24.94100
  , 19.33350, 18.69790, 55.42360, 3.94370, 17.01350, 11.39170, 12.73950, 3.04501, 13.81900
  , 39.79150, 49.76710, 13.15280, 8.48047, 38.42870, 86.94890, 15.42630, 6.13037, 49.94620, 317.09700
  , 90.62650, 535.14200, 301.20100, 47.98550, 7.40339, 389.49000, 258.44300, 37.35580, 89.04320, 32.38320, 25.75550
  , 89.34960, 68.31620, 19.82210, 10.37540, 39.04820, 154.52600, 31.51240, 17.41000, 40.41410, 425.74600, 485.40200, 93.42760
  , 21.04940, 10.27110, 9.61621, 4.67304, 39.80200, 9.99208, 8.11339, 4.99310, 67.93710, 105.94700, 211.51700, 8.88360, 119.06300
  , 143.85500, 67.94890, 19.50810, 42.39840, 10.94040, 93.33720, 68.23550, 24.35700, 69.61980, 9.99288, 41.58440, 55.68960, 17.13290, 16.14440
  , 337.07900, 122.41900, 397.42300, 107.17600, 140.76600, 102.88700, 70.49390, 134.18200, 74.01690, 31.94400, 34.47390, 96.71300, 49.39050, 54.59310, 161.32800
  , 212.11100, 55.44130, 203.00600, 37.48660, 51.29840, 85.79280, 82.27650, 22.58330, 47.33070, 145.81600, 32.66220, 138.69800, 151.61200, 17.19030, 79.53840, 437.80200
  , 11.31330, 116.39200, 7.19167, 12.97670, 71.70700, 21.57370, 15.65570, 33.69830, 26.25690, 21.24830, 66.53090, 13.75050, 51.57060, 152.96400, 13.94050, 52.37420, 11.08640
  , 24.07350, 38.15330, 108.60000, 32.57110, 54.38330, 22.77100, 19.63030, 10.36040, 387.34400, 42.01700, 39.86180, 13.32640, 42.84370, 645.42800, 21.60460, 78.69930, 29.11480, 248.53900
  , 200.60100, 25.18490, 19.62460, 15.23350, 100.21400, 30.12810, 58.87310, 18.72470, 11.83580, 782.13000, 180.03400, 30.54340, 205.84500, 64.98920, 31.48870, 23.27390, 138.82300, 36.53690, 31.47300 ]

-- WAG exchangeability matrix n alphabetical order.
wagExch :: ExchangeabilityMatrix
wagExch = pamlToAlphaMat $ exchFromList wagExchRawPaml

-- WAG stationary distribution in PAML order.
wagStatDistPaml :: StationaryDistribution
wagStatDistPaml = normalizeSumVec 1.0 $
  fromList [ 0.0866279, 0.043972,  0.0390894, 0.0570451, 0.0193078, 0.0367281
           , 0.0580589, 0.0832518, 0.0244313, 0.048466,  0.086209,  0.0620286
           , 0.0195027, 0.0384319, 0.0457631, 0.0695179, 0.0610127, 0.0143859
           , 0.0352742, 0.0708957 ]

-- WAG stationary distribution in alphabetical order.
wagStatDist :: StationaryDistribution
wagStatDist = pamlToAlphaVec wagStatDistPaml

-- | LG substitution model.
wag :: S.SubstitutionModel
wag = S.substitutionModel Protein "WAG" [] wagStatDist wagExch

-- | LG substitution model with maybe a name and a custom stationary distribution.
wagCustom :: Maybe String -> StationaryDistribution -> S.SubstitutionModel
wagCustom mn d = S.substitutionModel Protein name [] d wagExch
  where name = fromMaybe "WAG-Custom" mn

-- | LG substitution model with maybe a name and a custom stationary distribution.
wagCustomUnnormalized :: Maybe String -> StationaryDistribution -> S.SubstitutionModel
wagCustomUnnormalized mn d = S.unnormalized Protein name [] d wagExch
  where name = fromMaybe "WAG-Custom-Unnormalized" mn

uniformExch :: ExchangeabilityMatrix
uniformExch = matrixSetDiagToZero $ matrix n $ replicate (n*n) 1.0

poissonExch :: ExchangeabilityMatrix
poissonExch = uniformExch

-- | Poisson substitution model.
poisson :: S.SubstitutionModel
poisson = S.substitutionModel Protein "Poisson" [] (uniformVec n) poissonExch

-- | Poisson substitution model with maybe a name and a custom stationary distribution.
poissonCustom :: Maybe String -> StationaryDistribution -> S.SubstitutionModel
poissonCustom mn d = S.substitutionModel Protein name [] d poissonExch
  where name = fromMaybe "Poisson-Custom" mn