{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Elminator.Elm19
( generateElm
, elmFront
, typeDescriptorToDecoder
) where
import Control.Monad.Reader as R
import Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.List as DL
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text as T hiding (any, zipWith)
import Elminator.ELM.CodeGen
import Elminator.Generics.Simple
import Elminator.Lib
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Prelude
import qualified Prelude as P
elmFront :: Text -> Text
elmFront imports =
[ "\
\module Autogen exposing (..)\n\
, imports
, "\n\n"
, "import Json.Encode as E\n\
\import Json.Decode as D\n\
\seqApp : D.Decoder (a1 -> v) -> D.Decoder a1 -> D.Decoder v\n\
\seqApp inDec oDec =\n\
\ let\n\
\ mapFn v = D.map (\\x -> x v) inDec\n\
\ in D.andThen mapFn oDec\n\
\encodeMaybe : (a -> E.Value)-> Maybe a -> E.Value\n\
\encodeMaybe fn ma = case ma of\n\
\ Just a -> fn a\n\
\ Nothing -> E.null"
generateTupleEncoder :: Int -> [TypeDescriptor] -> EDec
generateTupleEncoder idx types =
EFunc (T.concat ["encodeTuple", pack $ show idx]) Nothing [tlVar] $
ELet [EBinding (ETupleP patterns) (EName tlVar)] eexpr
tlVar = T.concat ["a", pack $ show idx, "1"]
indexVar :: Int -> Text
indexVar y = T.concat ["b", pack $ show idx, "_", pack $ show y]
varList :: [Text]
varList = zipWith (\_ y -> indexVar y) types [1 ..]
patterns = EVarP <$> varList
eexpr =
EFuncApp (EFuncApp "E.list" "identity") $
EList $
(\x i -> EFuncApp (getEncoderExpr (idx + 1) x) (EName $ indexVar i))
[1 ..]
generateTupleDecoder :: Int -> [TypeDescriptor] -> EDec
generateTupleDecoder nidx types =
EFunc (T.concat ["decodeTuple", pack $ show nidx]) Nothing [] $
ELet [mkTupleMaker mktName nidx types] $
aggregateDecoders mktName $
(\t idx ->
EFuncApp (EFuncApp "D.index" (ELiteral $ EIntL idx)) $
getDecoderExpr (nidx + 1) t)
[0 ..]
mktName = T.concat ["mkTuple", pack $ show nidx]
generateElm :: GenOption -> HType -> Options -> LibM Text
generateElm d h opts = do
td <- toTypeDescriptor h
collectExtRefs td
src <-
case d of
Definiton Mono -> do
def <- generateElmDef td False
pure $ ElmSrc [def]
Definiton Poly -> do
def <- generateElmDef td True
pure $ ElmSrc [def]
Everything Mono -> do
let decoder = typeDescriptorToDecoder opts td
def <- generateElmDef td False
encSrc <- generateEncoder (td, decoder)
decSrc <- generateDecoder (td, decoder)
pure $ ElmSrc [def, encSrc, decSrc]
Everything Poly -> do
def <- generateElmDef td True
let decoder = typeDescriptorToDecoder opts td
encSrc <- generateEncoder (td, decoder)
decSrc <- generateDecoder (td, decoder)
pure $ ElmSrc [def, encSrc, decSrc]
EncoderDecoder -> do
let decoder = typeDescriptorToDecoder opts td
encSrc <- generateEncoder (td, decoder)
decSrc <- generateDecoder (td, decoder)
pure $ ElmSrc [encSrc, decSrc]
pure $ renderElm src
generateDecoder :: (TypeDescriptor, Decoder) -> LibM EDec
generateDecoder (td, decoder) = do
tdisplay <- renderType td
pure $
case td of
(TOccupied md _ _ _) -> fn (_mTypeName md) tdisplay
_ -> error "Encoders/decoders can only be made for user defined types"
fn :: Text -> Text -> EDec
fn tn tdisp =
(T.concat ["decode", tn])
(Just $ T.concat ["D.Decoder", " (", tdisp, ")"])
[] $
decoderToDecoderEExpr decoder
firstOf3 :: (a, b, c) -> a
firstOf3 (a, _, _) = a
prependMk :: Text -> Text
prependMk x = T.concat ["mk", x]
decoderToDecoderEExpr :: Decoder -> EExpr
decoderToDecoderEExpr d =
case d of
DUnderConKey cds ->
(EList $ zipWith decodeUnderConKey cds (prependMk . firstOf3 <$> cds))
DTagged tfn cfn cds ->
let expr =
(EFuncApp "D.andThen" "tryCons")
(EFuncApp "D.field" (ELiteral $ EStringL $ unpack tfn))
in ELet [mkTryCons (Just cfn) cds] expr
DTwoElement cds ->
let expr =
(EFuncApp "D.index" (ELiteral $ EIntL 1))))
(EFuncApp (EFuncApp "D.index" (ELiteral $ EIntL 0)) "D.string")
in ELet [mkTryCons Nothing cds] expr
DUntagged cds ->
EFuncApp "D.oneOf" (EList $ uncurry (contentDecoderToExp Nothing) <$> cds)
mkTryCons :: Maybe Text -> [(ConName, ConTag, ContentDecoder)] -> EDec
mkTryCons mcntFname cds =
EFunc "tryCons" Nothing ["v"] $ ECase "v" ((fn1 <$> cds) ++ [emptyPattern])
emptyPattern =
( EWildP
, EFuncApp "D.fail" (ELiteral $ EStringL "None of the constructors match"))
fn1 :: (ConName, ConTag, ContentDecoder) -> ECaseBranch
fn1 (cname, ctag, cd) =
let pat = ELitP (EStringL $ unpack ctag)
expression = contentDecoderToExp mcntFname cname cd
in (pat, expression)
decodeUnderConKey :: (ConName, ConTag, ContentDecoder) -> Text -> EExpr
decodeUnderConKey (cname, ctag, cd) _ =
EFuncApp (EFuncApp "D.field" (ELiteral $ EStringL $ unpack ctag)) $
contentDecoderToExp Nothing cname cd
contentDecoderToExp :: Maybe Text -> ConName -> ContentDecoder -> EExpr
contentDecoderToExp mcntFname cname cd =
case cd of
CDRecord nfds ->
let makerFnName = prependMk cname
makerFn = mkRecorderMaker makerFnName cname nfds
in ELet [makerFn] $ aggregateDecoders makerFnName $ mapFn <$> nfds
CDRecordRaw nfd@(_, _, td) ->
let makerFnName = prependMk cname
makerFn = mkRecorderMaker makerFnName cname [nfd]
in ELet [makerFn] $ aggregateDecoders makerFnName [getDecoderExpr 0 td]
CDList tds ->
let agg = aggregateDecoders cname $ zipWith zipFn [0 ..] tds
in case mcntFname of
Just cntFname ->
(EFuncApp "D.field" (ELiteral $ EStringL $ unpack cntFname))
Nothing -> agg
CDRaw td ->
let agg = aggregateDecoders cname [getDecoderExpr 0 td]
in case mcntFname of
Just cntFname ->
(EFuncApp "D.field" (ELiteral $ EStringL $ unpack cntFname))
Nothing -> agg
CDEmpty -> EFuncApp "D.succeed" (EName cname)
mapFn :: (FieldName, FieldTag, TypeDescriptor) -> EExpr
mapFn (_, ft, td) =
case td of
TMaybe wtd ->
(EFuncApp "D.field" (ELiteral $ EStringL $ unpack ft))
(getDecoderExpr 0 wtd))
_ ->
(EFuncApp "D.field" (ELiteral $ EStringL $ unpack ft))
(getDecoderExpr 0 td)
zipFn :: Int -> TypeDescriptor -> EExpr
zipFn idx td =
EFuncApp (EFuncApp "D.index" (ELiteral $ EIntL idx)) (getDecoderExpr 0 td)
aggregateDecoders :: Text -> [EExpr] -> EExpr
aggregateDecoders mfn exprs =
let fieldCount = P.length exprs
field8 = DL.take 8 exprs
field8L = P.length field8
decU8 =
(EName $
[ "D.map"
, if field8L > 1
then pack $ show field8L
else ""
(EName mfn))
in if fieldCount < 9
then decU8
else DL.foldl' (\a v -> EFuncApp (EFuncApp "seqApp" a) v) decU8 $
DL.drop 8 exprs
mkRecorderMaker ::
Text -> ConName -> [(FieldName, FieldTag, TypeDescriptor)] -> EDec
mkRecorderMaker rmName cname fds =
let args = zipWith (\_ y -> T.concat ["a", pack $ show y]) fds [(1 :: Int) ..]
in EFunc rmName Nothing args $
EFuncApp (EName cname) (ERec $ zipWith mkField fds args)
mkField :: (FieldName, FieldTag, TypeDescriptor) -> Text -> EField
mkField (fn, _, _) a = (fn, EName a)
mkTupleMaker :: Text -> Int -> [TypeDescriptor] -> EDec
mkTupleMaker tmName idx fds =
let args =
(\_ y -> T.concat ["a", pack $ show idx, "_", pack $ show y])
[(1 :: Int) ..]
in EFunc tmName Nothing args $ ETuple (EName <$> args)
generateEncoder :: (TypeDescriptor, Decoder) -> LibM EDec
generateEncoder (td, decoder) = do
tdisplay <- renderType td
pure $
case td of
(TOccupied md _ _ _) -> fn (_mTypeName md) tdisplay
_ -> error "Encoders/decoders can only be made for user defined types"
fn :: Text -> Text -> EDec
fn tname tdisp =
(T.concat ["encode", tname])
(Just $ T.concat [tdisp, " -> ", "E.Value"])
["a"] $
decoderToEncoderEExpr decoder
decoderToEncoderEExpr :: Decoder -> EExpr
decoderToEncoderEExpr d =
case d of
DUnderConKey cons_ -> ECase "a" $ mapFn <$> cons_
DTagged tfn cfn cons_ -> ECase "a" $ mapFn2 tfn cfn <$> cons_
DTwoElement cons_ -> ECase "a" $ mapFn3 <$> cons_
DUntagged cons_ -> ECase "a" $ mapFn4 <$> cons_
mapFn4 :: (ConName, ContentDecoder) -> ECaseBranch
mapFn4 (cname, cd) =
(makePattern (cname, "", cd), contentDecoderToEncoderExp Nothing cd)
mapFn3 :: (ConName, ConTag, ContentDecoder) -> ECaseBranch
mapFn3 a@(_, ctag, cd) =
( makePattern a
, EFuncApp (EFuncApp "E.list" "identity") $
[ EFuncApp "E.string" $ ELiteral $ EStringL $ unpack ctag
, contentDecoderToEncoderExp Nothing cd
mapFn2 :: Text -> Text -> (ConName, ConTag, ContentDecoder) -> ECaseBranch
mapFn2 tfn cfn a = (makePattern a, encoderTagged tfn cfn a)
mapFn :: (ConName, ConTag, ContentDecoder) -> ECaseBranch
mapFn a = (makePattern a, encoderUnderConKey a)
makePattern :: (ConName, ConTag, ContentDecoder) -> EPattern
makePattern (cname, _, cd) =
case cd of
CDRecord _ -> EConsP cname [EVarP "x"]
CDRecordRaw _ -> EConsP cname [EVarP "x"]
CDList tds ->
EConsP cname $
(\x _ -> EVarP $ T.concat ["a", pack $ show x])
[(1 :: Int) ..]
CDRaw _ -> EConsP cname [EVarP "a1"]
CDEmpty -> EConsP cname []
encoderUnderConKey :: (ConName, ConTag, ContentDecoder) -> EExpr
encoderUnderConKey (_, ctag, cd) =
EFuncApp "E.object" $
[ ETuple
[ ELiteral $ EStringL $ unpack ctag
, contentDecoderToEncoderExp Nothing cd
encoderTagged :: Text -> Text -> (ConName, ConTag, ContentDecoder) -> EExpr
encoderTagged tfn cfn (_, ctag, cd) =
case cd of
CDRecord _ -> contentDecoderToEncoderExp (Just (tfn, ctag)) cd
CDRecordRaw _ -> contentDecoderToEncoderExp Nothing cd
_ ->
EFuncApp "E.object" $
[ ETuple
[ ELiteral $ EStringL $ unpack tfn
, EFuncApp "E.string" $ ELiteral $ EStringL $ unpack ctag
, ETuple
[ ELiteral $ EStringL $ unpack cfn
, contentDecoderToEncoderExp Nothing cd
contentDecoderToEncoderExp ::
Maybe (FieldName, ConTag) -> ContentDecoder -> EExpr
contentDecoderToEncoderExp mct cd =
case cd of
CDRecord fds ->
EFuncApp "E.object" $
case mct of
Nothing -> EList (mapFn <$> fds)
Just (tn, ctag) ->
let x =
[ ELiteral $ EStringL $ unpack tn
, EFuncApp "E.string" $ ELiteral $ EStringL $ unpack ctag
in EList $ x : (mapFn <$> fds)
CDRecordRaw (fn, _, td) ->
EFuncApp (getEncoderExpr 0 td) $ EName $ T.concat ["x", ".", fn]
CDList tds ->
EFuncApp (EFuncApp "E.list" "identity") $ EList $ zipWith zipFn tds [1 ..]
CDRaw td -> EFuncApp (getEncoderExpr 0 td) "a1"
CDEmpty -> EFuncApp (EFuncApp "E.list" "identity") $ EList []
zipFn :: TypeDescriptor -> Int -> EExpr
zipFn td idx =
EFuncApp (getEncoderExpr 0 td) $ EName $ T.concat ["a", pack $ show idx]
mapFn :: (FieldName, FieldTag, TypeDescriptor) -> EExpr
mapFn (fn, ft, td) =
[ ELiteral $ EStringL $ unpack ft
, EFuncApp (getEncoderExpr 0 td) $ EName $ T.concat ["x", ".", fn]
getEncoderExpr :: Int -> TypeDescriptor -> EExpr
getEncoderExpr idx (TTuple tds) =
case tds of
[] -> ELambda (EFuncApp (EFuncApp "E.list" "identity") $ EList [])
(_:_) ->
[generateTupleEncoder idx tds]
(EName $ T.concat ["encodeTuple", pack $ show idx])
getEncoderExpr _ (TOccupied md _ _ _) =
EName $ T.concat ["encode", _mTypeName md]
getEncoderExpr _ (TPrimitive n) = EName $ getPrimitiveEncoder $ _mTypeName n
getEncoderExpr idx (TList x) = EFuncApp "E.list" (getEncoderExpr idx x)
getEncoderExpr idx (TMaybe x) = EFuncApp "encodeMaybe" (getEncoderExpr idx x)
getEncoderExpr _ (TRecusrive md) = EName $ T.concat ["encode", _mTypeName md]
getEncoderExpr _ (TExternal (ExInfo _ (Just ei) _ _)) =
EName $ T.concat [snd ei]
getEncoderExpr _ (TExternal (ExInfo {})) = error "Encoder not found"
getEncoderExpr _ _ = error "Encoder not found"
getDecoderExpr :: Int -> TypeDescriptor -> EExpr
getDecoderExpr idx td =
let expr =
case td of
TEmpty {} -> error "Cannot decode empty types"
TTuple tds ->
case tds of
[] -> EFuncApp "D.succeed" "()"
(_:_) ->
ELet [generateTupleDecoder idx tds] $
EName $ T.concat ["decodeTuple", pack $ show idx]
TOccupied md _ _ _ -> EName $ T.concat ["decode", _mTypeName md]
TPrimitive n -> EName $ getPrimitiveDecoder $ _mTypeName n
TList x -> EFuncApp (EName "D.list") (getDecoderExpr idx x)
TRecusrive md ->
EFuncApp "D.lazy" $
ELambda $ EName $ T.concat ["decode", _mTypeName md]
TMaybe x -> (EFuncApp "D.maybe" (getDecoderExpr idx x))
TExternal (ExInfo _ _ (Just ei) _) -> EName $ T.concat [snd ei]
TExternal ExInfo {} -> error "Decoder not found"
in if checkRecursion td
then EFuncApp "D.lazy" $ ELambda expr
else expr
checkRecursion :: TypeDescriptor -> Bool
checkRecursion td_ =
case td_ of
TOccupied _ _ _ cnstrs -> or $ checkRecursion <$> getTypeDescriptors cnstrs
TList td -> checkRecursion td
TMaybe td -> checkRecursion td
TPrimitive _ -> False
TRecusrive _ -> True
TExternal _ -> False
TTuple tds -> or $ checkRecursion <$> tds
TEmpty {} -> False
getTypeDescriptors :: Constructors -> [TypeDescriptor]
getTypeDescriptors ncd = P.concat $ NE.toList $ NE.map getFromCd ncd
getFromCd :: ConstructorDescriptor -> [TypeDescriptor]
getFromCd (RecordConstructor _ fds) = NE.toList $ NE.map snd fds
getFromCd (SimpleConstructor _ fds) = NE.toList fds
getFromCd (NullaryConstructor _) = []
getPrimitiveDecoder :: Text -> Text
getPrimitiveDecoder "String" = "D.string"
getPrimitiveDecoder "Int" = "D.int"
getPrimitiveDecoder "Float" = "D.float"
getPrimitiveDecoder "Bool" = "D.bool"
getPrimitiveDecoder s = T.concat ["encode", s]
getPrimitiveEncoder :: Text -> Text
getPrimitiveEncoder "String" = "E.string"
getPrimitiveEncoder "Int" = "E.int"
getPrimitiveEncoder "Float" = "E.float"
getPrimitiveEncoder "Bool" = "E.bool"
getPrimitiveEncoder s = T.concat ["encode", s]
generateElmDef :: TypeDescriptor -> Bool -> LibM EDec
generateElmDef td needPoly =
case td of
TEmpty (MData a _ _) tvars _ ->
pure $ EType a (getTypeVars tvars needPoly) EEmpty
TOccupied (MData a _ _) (ReifyInfo tvars cnstrs) _ c -> do
defC <-
if needPoly
then generateElmDecTHCS cnstrs
else generateElmDefC c
pure $ EType a (getTypeVars tvars needPoly) defC
_ -> error "Can only create definitions for use defined types"
getTypeVars :: [TypeVar] -> Bool -> [Text]
getTypeVars tds needPoly =
if needPoly
then renderTypeVar <$> tds
else []
generateElmDecTHCS :: [Con] -> LibM ECons
generateElmDecTHCS cs = do
a <- mapM generateElmDecTHC cs
pure $ ESum a
generateElmDecTHC :: Con -> LibM ECons
generateElmDecTHC (NormalC n tx) = do
ds <- mapM (\(_, t) -> wrapInPara <$> renderTHType t) tx
pure $ EProduct (pack $ nameToText n) ds
generateElmDecTHC (RecC n tx) = do
ds <-
(\(nm, _, t) -> do
x <- renderTHType t
pure (pack $ nameToText nm, x))
pure $ ERecord (pack $ nameToText n) ds
generateElmDecTHC _ = error "Not implemented"
generateElmDefC :: Constructors -> LibM ECons
generateElmDefC cds = do
cDefs <- mapM generateElmDefCD $ NE.toList cds
pure $ ESum cDefs
generateElmDefCD :: ConstructorDescriptor -> LibM ECons
generateElmDefCD cd =
case cd of
RecordConstructor cname nfs -> do
rfs <- generateRecordFields nfs
pure $ ERecord cname rfs
SimpleConstructor cname fs -> do
rfs <- generateUnNamedFields fs
pure $ EProduct cname rfs
NullaryConstructor cname -> pure $ ENullary cname
generateRecordFields :: NE.NonEmpty (Text, TypeDescriptor) -> LibM [ENamedField]
generateRecordFields fs =
case fs of
(nf :| []) -> mapM mapFn [nf]
n -> mapM mapFn $ NE.toList n
mapFn :: (Text, TypeDescriptor) -> LibM ENamedField
mapFn (a, b) = do
x <- renderType b
pure (a, x)
generateUnNamedFields :: NE.NonEmpty TypeDescriptor -> LibM [Text]
generateUnNamedFields fds = mapM renderType $ NE.toList fds