effective-aspects-mzv- A monadic embedding of aspect oriented programming, using "Monads, Zippers and Views" instead of mtl.

Safe HaskellNone



class (Typeable1Monad m, OpenApp m) => AOPMonad m whereSource


deploy :: LessGen (a -> b) (c -> m d) => Aspect m a b c d -> m ()Source

undeploy :: LessGen (a -> b) (c -> m d) => Aspect m a b c d -> m ()Source


(Typeable1Monad m, MonadDeploy AOT m) => AOPMonad (AOT m)

The semantics of aspect deployment are defined in the MonadDeploy typeclass. AOT assumes it is on top of an MonadDeploy instance, and uses that functions for aspect deployment.

class (Typeable1Monad m, Typeable1Monad (t m)) => MonadDeploy t m whereSource


deployInEnv :: LessGen (a -> b) (c -> t m d) => Aspect (t m) a b c d -> AspectEnv (t m) -> m (AspectEnv (t m))Source

undeployInEnv :: LessGen (a -> b) (c -> t m d) => Aspect (t m) a b c d -> AspectEnv (t m) -> m (AspectEnv (t m))Source


(Typeable1Monad m, Typeable1Monad (t m)) => MonadDeploy t m

Default aspect semantics, aspects are deployed and undeployed at the top level.