effectful-core- An easy to use, performant extensible effects library.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Statically dispatched effects.



Unlike dynamically dispatched effects, statically dispatched effects have a single, set interpretation that cannot be changed at runtime, which makes them useful in specific scenarios. For example:

  • If you'd like to ensure that a specific effect will behave in a certain way at all times, using a statically dispatched version is the only way to ensure that.
  • If the effect you're about to define has only one reasonable implementation, it makes a lot of sense to make it statically dispatched.

When in doubt, use dynamic dispatch as it's more flexible.

An example

Let's say that there exists a logging library whose functionality we'd like to turn into an effect. Its Logger data type (after simplification) is represented in the following way:

>>> data Logger = Logger { logMessage :: String -> IO () }

Because the Logger type itself allows customization of how messages are logged, it is an excellent candidate to be turned into a statically dispatched effect.

Such effect is represented by an empty data type of kind Effect:

>>> data Log :: Effect

When it comes to the dispatch, we also need to signify whether core operations of the effect will perform side effects. Since GHC is not a polygraph, you can lie, though being truthful is recommended 🙂

>>> type instance DispatchOf Log = Static WithSideEffects

The environment of Eff will hold the data type that represents the effect. It is defined by the appropriate instance of the StaticRep data family:

>>> newtype instance StaticRep Log = Log Logger

Note: all operations of a statically dispatched effect will have a read/write access to this data type as long as they can see its constructors, hence it's best not to export them from the module that defines the effect.

The logging operation can be defined as follows:

>>> :{
 log :: (IOE :> es, Log :> es) => String -> Eff es ()
 log msg = do
   Log logger <- getStaticRep
   liftIO $ logMessage logger msg

That works, but has an unfortunate consequence: in order to use the log operation the IOE effect needs to be in scope! This is bad, because we're trying to limit (ideally, fully eliminate) the need to have the full power of IO available in the application code. The solution is to use one of the escape hatches that allow unrestricted access to the internal representation of Eff:

>>> :{
 log :: Log :> es => String -> Eff es ()
 log msg = do
   Log logger <- getStaticRep
   unsafeEff_ $ logMessage logger msg

However, since logging is most often an operation with side effects, in order for this approach to be sound, the function that introduces the Log effect needs to require the IOE effect.

If you forget to do that, don't worry. As long as the DispatchOf instance was correctly defined to be Static WithSideEffects, you will get a reminder:

>>> :{
 runLog :: Logger -> Eff (Log : es) a -> Eff es a
 runLog logger = evalStaticRep (Log logger)
...No instance for ...IOE :> es... arising from a use of ‘evalStaticRep’

Including IOE :> es in the context fixes the problem:

>>> :{
 runLog :: IOE :> es => Logger -> Eff (Log : es) a -> Eff es a
 runLog logger = evalStaticRep (Log logger)

In general, whenever any operation of a statically dispatched effect performs side effects using one of the unsafe functions, all functions that introduce this effect need to require the IOE effect (otherwise it would be possible to run it via runPureEff).

Now we can use the newly defined effect to log messages:

>>> dummyLogger = Logger { logMessage = \_ -> pure () }
>>> stdoutLogger = Logger { logMessage = putStrLn }
>>> :{
  action = do
    log "Computing things..."
    log "Sleeping..."
    log "Computing more things..."
    pure True
>>> :t action
action :: (Log :> es) => Eff es Bool
>>> runEff . runLog stdoutLogger $ action
Computing things...
Computing more things...
>>> runEff . runLog dummyLogger $ action

Low level API

data family StaticRep (e :: Effect) :: Type Source #

Internal representations of statically dispatched effects.


Instances details
newtype StaticRep IOE Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Effectful.Internal.Monad

data StaticRep Prim Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Effectful.Internal.Monad

newtype StaticRep (Error e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Effectful.Error.Static

newtype StaticRep (Error e) = Error ErrorId
newtype StaticRep (Reader r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Effectful.Reader.Static

newtype StaticRep (Reader r) = Reader r
newtype StaticRep (State s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Effectful.State.Static.Local

newtype StaticRep (State s) = State s
newtype StaticRep (State s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Effectful.State.Static.Shared

newtype StaticRep (State s) = State (MVar' s)
newtype StaticRep (Writer w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Effectful.Writer.Static.Local

newtype StaticRep (Writer w) = Writer w
newtype StaticRep (Writer w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Effectful.Writer.Static.Shared

newtype StaticRep (Writer w) = Writer (MVar' w)
data StaticRep (Labeled label e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Effectful.Labeled

data StaticRep (Labeled label e)
data StaticRep (Provider e input f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Effectful.Provider

data StaticRep (Provider e input f) where
data StaticRep (ProviderList providedEs input f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Effectful.Provider.List

data StaticRep (ProviderList providedEs input f) where

data SideEffects Source #

Signifies whether core operations of a statically dispatched effect perform side effects. If an effect is marked as such, the runStaticRep family of functions will require the IOE effect to be in context via the MaybeIOE type family.

type family MaybeIOE (sideEffects :: SideEffects) (es :: [Effect]) :: Constraint where ... Source #

Require the IOE effect for running statically dispatched effects whose operations perform side effects.

Extending the environment

runStaticRep Source #


:: (HasCallStack, DispatchOf e ~ Static sideEffects, MaybeIOE sideEffects es) 
=> StaticRep e

The initial representation.

-> Eff (e : es) a 
-> Eff es (a, StaticRep e) 

Run a statically dispatched effect with the given initial representation and return the final value along with the final representation.

evalStaticRep Source #


:: (HasCallStack, DispatchOf e ~ Static sideEffects, MaybeIOE sideEffects es) 
=> StaticRep e

The initial representation.

-> Eff (e : es) a 
-> Eff es a 

Run a statically dispatched effect with the given initial representation and return the final value, discarding the final representation.

execStaticRep Source #


:: (HasCallStack, DispatchOf e ~ Static sideEffects, MaybeIOE sideEffects es) 
=> StaticRep e

The initial representation.

-> Eff (e : es) a 
-> Eff es (StaticRep e) 

Run a statically dispatched effect with the given initial representation and return the final representation, discarding the final value.

Data retrieval and update

getStaticRep :: (HasCallStack, DispatchOf e ~ Static sideEffects, e :> es) => Eff es (StaticRep e) Source #

Fetch the current representation of the effect.

putStaticRep :: (HasCallStack, DispatchOf e ~ Static sideEffects, e :> es) => StaticRep e -> Eff es () Source #

Set the current representation of the effect to the given value.

stateStaticRep Source #


:: (HasCallStack, DispatchOf e ~ Static sideEffects, e :> es) 
=> (StaticRep e -> (a, StaticRep e))

The function to modify the representation.

-> Eff es a 

Apply the function to the current representation of the effect and return a value.

stateStaticRepM Source #


:: (HasCallStack, DispatchOf e ~ Static sideEffects, e :> es) 
=> (StaticRep e -> Eff es (a, StaticRep e))

The function to modify the representation.

-> Eff es a 

Apply the monadic function to the current representation of the effect and return a value.

localStaticRep Source #


:: (HasCallStack, DispatchOf e ~ Static sideEffects, e :> es) 
=> (StaticRep e -> StaticRep e)

The function to temporarily modify the representation.

-> Eff es a 
-> Eff es a 

Execute a computation with a temporarily modified representation of the effect.


seqUnliftIO Source #


:: HasCallStack 
=> Env es

The environment.

-> ((forall r. Eff es r -> IO r) -> IO a)

Continuation with the unlifting function in scope.

-> IO a 

Create an unlifting function with the SeqUnlift strategy.

concUnliftIO Source #


:: HasCallStack 
=> Env es

The environment.

-> Persistence 
-> Limit 
-> ((forall r. Eff es r -> IO r) -> IO a)

Continuation with the unlifting function in scope.

-> IO a 

Create an unlifting function with the ConcUnlift strategy.

unsafeSeqUnliftIO Source #


:: HasCallStack 
=> ((forall r. Eff es r -> IO r) -> IO a)

Continuation with the unlifting function in scope.

-> Eff es a 

Create an unlifting function with the SeqUnlift strategy.

This function is unsafe because it can be used to introduce arbitrary IO actions into pure Eff computations.

unsafeConcUnliftIO Source #


:: HasCallStack 
=> Persistence 
-> Limit 
-> ((forall r. Eff es r -> IO r) -> IO a)

Continuation with the unlifting function in scope.

-> Eff es a 

Create an unlifting function with the ConcUnlift strategy.

This function is unsafe because it can be used to introduce arbitrary IO actions into pure Eff computations.


unEff :: Eff es a -> Env es -> IO a Source #

Peel off the constructor of Eff.

unsafeEff :: (Env es -> IO a) -> Eff es a Source #

Access the underlying IO monad along with the environment.

This function is unsafe because it can be used to introduce arbitrary IO actions into pure Eff computations.

unsafeEff_ :: IO a -> Eff es a Source #

Access the underlying IO monad.

This function is unsafe because it can be used to introduce arbitrary IO actions into pure Eff computations.

unsafeLiftMapIO :: HasCallStack => (IO a -> IO b) -> Eff es a -> Eff es b Source #

Utility for lifting IO computations of type

IO a -> IO b


Eff es a -> Eff es b

Note: the computation must not run its argument in a separate thread, attempting to do so will result in a runtime error.

This function is unsafe because it can be used to introduce arbitrary IO actions into pure Eff computations.


type HasCallStack = ?callStack :: CallStack #

Request a CallStack.

NOTE: The implicit parameter ?callStack :: CallStack is an implementation detail and should not be considered part of the CallStack API, we may decide to change the implementation in the future.

Since: base-