easy-bitcoin- types and functions for bitcoin applications

Copyright(c) Alejandro Durán Pallarés, 2015
Safe HaskellNone




EasyBitcoin is a simple haskell library providing types and class-instances for bitcoin related code; it also include an small set of functions to handle addresses, transactions and escrows.

Some small examples can be found here .


Usage Example:

As a toy example, let's imagine the following scenario:

  • On a blog, there's a donation address mm8LjcoUYdPNKgWshGs7dueFu33aK56ckb (private key 91vaDsoxZACAZeGM89Y7dBnbTB7wrvtBeEkMTpL2sCgEtHf4RBn).
  • The blog is written by blogger A, who wrote 70% of the posts, and blogger B, who wrote the remaining 30%.
  • They want split the donation proportionally to the number of posts they have written.
  • Blogger A has as personal address miHWju2dzq9RcUPESzYBgVWa3W3swTXtLo .
  • Blogger B has as personal address mvsXpubWQSw2dK2L85iYFppnNjGm439aWK .

As this is an example, we won't use real bitcoin, but testnet bitcoin, also, we'll use Coinbase's public bitcoin client, Toshi, so we don't have to install anything in our computer:


   import Network.EasyBitcoin
   import Control.Monad(forever)
   import Network.HTTP.Client(HttpException(StatusCodeException))
   import Network.Wreq(get,post,statusCode,responseBody)
   import Control.Exception(handleJust)
   import Control.Lens
   import Data.Aeson.Lens
   import Data.Aeson
   import Safe
   import Control.Applicative
   import Control.Monad
   import Control.Concurrent

   incoming  = read "91vaDsoxZACAZeGM89Y7dBnbTB7wrvtBeEkMTpL2sCgEtHf4RBn" :: Key Private TestNet 
   outgoingA = read "miHWju2dzq9RcUPESzYBgVWa3W3swTXtLo"                  :: Address TestNet
   outgoingB = read "mvsXpubWQSw2dK2L85iYFppnNjGm439aWK"                  :: Address TestNet
   fee           = btc 0.0001  -- the miner fee to use.
   threshold     = btc 0.2     -- won't send any transaction till reach this amount. This is important
                               -- to avoid creating "dust" transactions.

   server        = "https://testnet3.toshi.io/" -- The Coinbase Toshi client testnet url.
   secondsToPool = 20

   -- General workflow:
   --    each 20 seconds:
   --       - read from Toshi all unspent outpoints.
   --       - if not enough funds holds on the unspent outpoints:
   --           continue next iteration.
   --       - else:
   --           combining all available outpoints into a transaction to miHWju2dzq9RcUPESzYBgVWa3W3swTXtLo and mvsXpubWQSw2dK2L85iYFppnNjGm439aWK
   --           send this transaction to Toshi to be broad-casted into the network.

   main::IO ()
   main = do putStrLn $ "Rebrodcasting from " ++ show (address incoming) ++ " to "++ show outgoingA ++ " and " ++ show outgoingB
             forever  $ do readToshi >>= maybe (return ()) sendToshi . createTransaction 
                           threadDelay (secondsToPool*1000000)

   -- If not enough funds, returns Nothing, otherwise, returns the transaction to be sent.
   createTransaction :: [(Outpoint, BTC TestNet)] -> Maybe (Tx TestNet)
   createTransaction inputs = if amount > threshold then Just txToSend
                                                    else Nothing
         amount    = sum  (fmap snd inputs) - fee 
         amountToA = btc (asBtc amount * 0.7)
         amountToB = amount - amountToA
         txToSend  = transaction (outpoint,incoming) | (outpoint, _ ) <- inputs  [(outgoingB,amountToB)]

   sendToshi :: Tx TestNet -> IO ()
   sendToshi tx = do putStrLn $ "Sending tx: " ++ show (txid tx)
                     post (server ++ "apiv0/transactions") (toJSON$show tx)
                     return ()

   -- Querying and parsing the Toshi client about the unspent_outputs holds on the address defined by the private key 
   -- 91vaDsoxZACAZeGM89Y7dBnbTB7wrvtBeEkMTpL2sCgEtHf4RBn (that is mm8LjcoUYdPNKgWshGs7dueFu33aK56ckb).
   readToshi :: IO [(Outpoint, BTC TestNet)]
   readToshi = handleJust isNotFound (const$ return []) 
             $ do body <- get $ server ++ "apiv0addresses"++ show (address incoming) ++ "unspent_outputs" 
                  return $ body ^.. responseBody . values . to parseOutpoint . _Just
       -- Toshi returns 404 if the address has never received any tx
       isNotFound ex = case ex of 
                        StatusCodeException s _ _
                          | s ^. statusCode == 404 -> Just ()
                        _                          -> Nothing 

       parseOutpoint val = do vout   <- (val ^? key "output_index"     ._JSON)
                              txid   <- (val ^? key "transaction_hash" ._JSON. to readMay._Just)
                              amount <- (val ^? key "amount"           ._JSON. to satoshis)
                              Just (Outpoint txid vout, amount)



data Address net Source

Bitcoin address, either Pay2PKH or Pay2SH


class Addressable add where Source

Values from where an address can be derived. Keys, are interpreted as compressed by default, if need to derive an address from an uncompressed key, use addressFromUncompressed instead.


address :: BlockNetwork net => add net -> Address net Source


Addressable RedeemScript Source 
Addressable (Key v) Source

As addresses are obtained from public keys hashes, when deriving from a private key, it will first get derived to public

address key  = address (derivePublic key)

Addresses derived from Keys will always be Pay2PKH addresses:

isPay2PKH (address key) = True

isPay2SH :: Address net -> Bool Source

Address was derived from an script hash. Though these addresses can represent the hash of any script, only redeem scripts for multi-signature are currently supported.

isPay2PKH :: Address net -> Bool Source

Address was derived from a public key hash.

addressFromUncompressed :: Key v net -> Address net Source

Derive an address from a key as uncompressed.


data Key visibility net Source

Keys represents public and private bitcoin keys.

Keys can be used either as singleton keys or as hierarchical deterministic keys as defined on BIP0032. It supports compressed and uncompressed keys. It has an additional phantom type to describe on which network this key is supposed to be used .

Its Read instance understands the WIF format for singleton private keys, the BIP0032 format for private and public hierarchical deterministic keys, and for singleton public keys it also understands hexadecimal representation of binary serialized OpenSSL public keys.

When parsing a key, if no information about its hierarchal position is available, for example when reading from a WIF format, it is consider to be root.

Its Show instance works always as defined on BIP0032 In case you need to show it as singleton, you can use the functions showAsSingletonKey and showAsSingletonKeyUncompressed.


Addressable (Key v) Source

As addresses are obtained from public keys hashes, when deriving from a private key, it will first get derived to public

address key  = address (derivePublic key)

Addresses derived from Keys will always be Pay2PKH addresses:

isPay2PKH (address key) = True
Eq (Key v net) Source 
BlockNetwork net => Read (Key Private net) Source 
BlockNetwork net => Read (Key Public net) Source 
BlockNetwork net => Show (Key Private net) Source 
BlockNetwork net => Show (Key Public net) Source 
BlockNetwork net => Binary (Key Private net) Source 
BlockNetwork net => Binary (Key Public net) Source 

data Visibility Source

Key Public net represents public keys, Key Private net represents private keys.



derive :: Int -> Key v net -> Key v net Source

Derives the n-th child of a key, keeping it public if the parent was public, otherwise private.

derivePublic :: Key v net -> Key Public net Source

Transform a private key into a public key, or does nothing if it was already a public key.

derive n . derivePublic = derivePublic . derive n

deriveHardened :: Int -> Key Private net -> Key Private net Source

Like derive but derives a hardened child. Hardened child can only be derived from private keys.

deriveRoot :: Key v net -> Key v net Source

Takes a hierarchical key keeping its ECSDA point or exponent, but setting it as root.

It is equivalent to:

deriveRoot = read . showAsSingletonKey

showAsCompressedSingletonKey :: BlockNetwork net => Key v net -> String Source

Show the key as a singleton compressed key as defined by the WIF format for private keys and as hexadecimal representation of the OpenSSL binary serialization for public keys.

showAsUncompressedSingletonKey :: BlockNetwork net => Key v net -> String Source

Like showAsCompressedSingletonKey but interpreting the keys as uncompressed. Notice this function is for legacy keys, as currently most software only use compressed keys.

(===) :: Key v net -> Key v net -> Bool Source

Compares 2 keys not taking into account their hierarchical position.

k1 === k2    =  deriveRoot k1 == deriveRoot k2


data Outpoint Source

Represents a reference to a transaction output, that is, a transaction hash (Txid) plus the output position within the output vector of the referenced transaction.


Outpoint Txid Int 

data Txid Source

A transaction identification as a hash of the transaction. 2 transaction are consider different if they have different Txids. In some cases, it might be possible for a peer to modify a transaction into an equivalent one having a different Txid, for futher info read about the "transaction-malleability-issue".

A transaction hash used to indentify a transaction. Notice that due to the "transaction-malleability-issue", it is possible for an adversary, to derivated a new equivalent transaction with a different Txid.

txid :: Tx net -> Txid Source

Compute the Txid of a given transaction.

data Tx net Source

Bitcoin transaction. When parsed, only syntax validation is performanced, particulary, signature validation is not.


Eq (Tx net) Source 
Read (Tx net) Source 
Show (Tx net) Source 
Binary (Tx net) Source 

transaction Source


:: BlockNetwork net 
=> [(Outpoint, Key Private net)]

Transaction's inputs

-> (Address net, BTC net)

Transaction's output

-> [(Address net, BTC net)]

Additional optional outputs

-> Tx net 

Creates a transaction ready to be broadcasted.

unsignedTransaction :: [Outpoint] -> [(Address net, BTC net)] -> Tx net Source

Return a transaction without signatures so it can be signed later on or by other participants (in case of multisignature escrows).

txOutputs :: BlockNetwork net => Tx net -> [(Maybe (Address net), BTC net)] Source

Return's the amount spent for each transaction's output and its address in case it can be parsed (Pay2PKH or Pay2SH).

txInputs :: Tx net -> [Outpoint] Source

Returns those Outpoints used by the transaction's inputs

Escrows and Signatures:

data RedeemScript net Source

Contains: * number of requiered signatures. * public keys allowed to use for signing. The signature order does matter, it should sign using the keys from the tail of the list till the button, so for eaxample, given RedeemScript 2 [k_a,k_b,key_c] , signA.signB , signA.signC and signB.signC would valid combination, but signB.signA would not.



data SigHash Source

A SigHash stands for Signature Hash Type, and it describes what parts of the transaction shall be signed. Check the docs for more info




anyoneCanPay :: !Bool


anyoneCanPay :: !Bool


anyoneCanPay :: !Bool

data TxSignature Source

A TxSignature is a combination of a ecdsa signature and the SigHash used while signing.

signTxAt Source


:: BlockNetwork net 
=> Tx net

Transaction to sign

-> Outpoint

Reference the input within the transaction to be signed.

-> Maybe (RedeemScript net)

If using to see multisig-escrow, this should contain the redeemScript defining that escrow.

-> Key Private net

Key to sign

-> Tx net 

Sign an specific input of a transaction.

scriptSig :: Outpoint -> Traversal' (Tx net) ScriptSig Source

A Traversal focusing on the ScriptSig of a transaction at a particular input referenced by an Outpoint Notice, a valid transaction will always have exactly 0 or 1 scriptSig for a given Outpoint; invalid transactions might have more than one.

escrowSignatures :: BlockNetwork net => Prism' ScriptSig ([TxSignature], Maybe (RedeemScript net)) Source

The prism successes when the scriptSig is either empty, partially or full signed escrow-multisig.

escrowSignaturesFor :: BlockNetwork net => RedeemScript net -> Prism' ScriptSig [TxSignature] Source

The prism successes when the scriptSig is either empty, partially or full signed escrow-multisig; unless it is empty, it will also require than the redeem used by the scriptSig is an specific one.

simpleSignature :: Prism' ScriptSig (TxSignature, Key Public net) Source

The prism successes when the scriptSig is from an already signed Pay2PKH, it does not check whether this signature is valid or not.

checkInput :: BlockNetwork net => Tx net -> Outpoint -> Address net -> Bool Source

Check an specific input of a transaction is fully signed, it understand both, Pay2PKH and Pay2SH for multisig-escrow. for other kinds of transaction it will return always False.

In case of multisig-escrow, it also check signatures use the right order defined on the RedeemScript.

checkSignatureAt Source


:: BlockNetwork net 
=> Tx net

Transaction to verify.

-> Outpoint

Reference the input within the transaction to be verified.

-> Maybe (RedeemScript net)

In case of multisig-escrow this should contain the RedeemScript.

-> TxSignature

The signature to verify.

-> Key v net

The signature's key.

-> Bool 

Verify a signature for a transaction input was done using an specific key.

createSignature :: BlockNetwork net => Tx net -> Outpoint -> Maybe (RedeemScript net) -> Key Private net -> TxSignature Source

Creates a "sig-all" signature of a transaction input.

createSignatureAs :: BlockNetwork net => SigHash -> Tx net -> Outpoint -> Maybe (RedeemScript net) -> Key Private net -> TxSignature Source

Creates an specif type of signature for a transaction's input.

data BTC a Source

Bitcoins are represented internally as an integer value, but showed and read as a decimal values. When importing them, extra significative digits will be silently dropped.


btc :: Double -> BTC net Source

mBTC :: Double -> BTC net Source

Network Parameters:

data ProdNet Source

Original bitcoin network, where "real" bitcoin used on production system.

data TestNet Source

Bitcoin network for test, where "fake" bitcoins can be used to test systems.

data Params net Source

Network parameters to adapt the library to work with different networks, such when using it for different alt-coins.




addrPrefix :: Word8

Prefix for base58 PubKey hash address

scriptPrefix :: Word8

Prefix for base58 script hash address

wifFormat :: Word8

Prefix for private key WIF format

extPubKeyPrefix :: Word32

Prefix for extended public keys (BIP0032)

extPrvKeyPrefix :: Word32

Prefix for extended private keys (BIP0032)
