module DzenDhall.Commands.Plug where

import           DzenDhall.App
import           DzenDhall.Config
import           DzenDhall.Extra
import           DzenDhall.Runtime.Data
import           DzenDhall.Arguments (PlugCommand (..), ConfirmPlug(..))

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Exception hiding (try)
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import           Data.Either
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Text (Text)
import           Dhall hiding (void)
import           Dhall.Core
import           Lens.Micro
import           Network.HTTP.Client.Conduit
import           Network.HTTP.Simple
import           Network.HTTP.Types
import           Network.URI
import           Prelude
import           System.Directory
import           System.Exit
import           System.FilePath ((</>))
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8                      as BSU
import qualified Data.Text                                 as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding                        as STE
import qualified Data.Text.IO
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc                 as Pretty
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal as Pretty.Terminal
import qualified Dhall.Parser                              as Dhall
import qualified Dhall.Pretty
import qualified Dhall.Pretty                              as Pretty
import qualified System.IO
import qualified Text.Megaparsec                           as MP
import qualified Text.Parsec                               as P

plugCommand :: PlugCommand -> App Common ()
plugCommand (PlugCommand spec shouldConfirm) = do

  withEither (parseSourceSpec spec) invalidSourceSpec
    \sourceSpec -> do
      rawContents <- liftIO $
        getPluginContents sourceSpec

      withMaybe (parsePlugin rawContents) (invalidFile rawContents)
        \expr -> do

          eiMeta <- readPluginMeta sourceSpec rawContents

          withEither eiMeta invalidMeta
            \meta -> do

              let pluginName = meta ^. pmName

              checkIfPluginFileExists pluginName

              when (shouldConfirm == Confirm) do
                suggestReviewing expr


              writePluginFile pluginName rawContents

              printUsage meta

data PluginSourceSpec
  = FromGithub
  -- ^ Load from Github by username and repository
    { userName   :: String
    , repository :: String
    , revision   :: String
  | FromOrg { name     :: String
            , revision :: String
  -- ^ Load from @ by name.
  | FromURL URI
  -- ^ Load from URL
  | FromFile FilePath
  deriving (Eq, Show)

askConfirmation :: App Common ()
askConfirmation = do

  echo =<< highlight "Are you sure you want to install this plugin? (Y/n)"

  response <- liftIO getLine
  unless (isYes response) $
    exit 1 "Aborting."

suggestReviewing :: Expr Dhall.Src Import -> App Common ()
suggestReviewing expr = do
  echo =<< highlight "Please review the plugin code:"
  echo ""

  let expr' =
        Dhall.Pretty.prettyCharacterSet Dhall.Pretty.Unicode expr

  supportsANSI <- getRuntime <&> (^. rtSupportsANSI)

  liftIO $
    if supportsANSI
      (fmap Pretty.annToAnsiStyle (Pretty.layoutSmart Pretty.layoutOpts expr'))
      (Pretty.layoutSmart Pretty.layoutOpts (Pretty.unAnnotate expr'))

  echo ""
  echo =<< highlight "Please review the code above."

printUsage :: PluginMeta -> App Common ()
printUsage meta = do
  msg <- highlight $
    "New plugin \"" <> meta ^. pmName <> "\" can now be used as follows:"
  echoLines [ msg
            , ""
            , ""
            , meta ^. pmUsage

invalidSourceSpec :: P.ParseError -> App Common ()
invalidSourceSpec err =
  exit 1 $ fromLines
  [ "Invalid plugin source specification:"
  , ""
  , showPack err

invalidFile :: Text -> App Common ()
invalidFile rawContents =
  exit 2 $ fromLines
  [ "Error: not a valid Dhall file:"
  , ""
  , rawContents

httpHandler :: HttpException -> IO a
httpHandler exception = do
  Data.Text.IO.putStrLn "Exception occured while trying to load plugin source:"
  case exception of
    HttpExceptionRequest _request (StatusCodeException response _) -> do
      let status  = getResponseStatus response
          code    = getResponseStatusCode response
          message = BSU.toString $ statusMessage status
      putStrLn $ "Error: " <> show code <> ", " <> message

    _ -> print exception
  exitWith $ ExitFailure 1

parseSourceSpec :: String -> Either P.ParseError PluginSourceSpec
parseSourceSpec spec = P.runParser sourceSpecParser () spec spec

    sourceSpecParser :: P.Parsec String () PluginSourceSpec
    sourceSpecParser = ( P.try fromURL
                     <|> P.try fromGithub
                     <|> P.try fromOrg
                     <|> P.try fromFile
                       ) <* P.eof

    fromURL :: P.Parsec String () PluginSourceSpec
    fromURL = do
      anything <- P.many1 (P.satisfy (const True))
      case parseURI anything of
        Just uri -> pure $ FromURL uri
        Nothing -> P.unexpected "Not a URI"

    fromGithub :: P.Parsec String () PluginSourceSpec
    fromGithub = do
      userName <- saneIdentifier
      void $ P.char '/'
      repository <- saneIdentifier
      revision <- revisionParser
      pure $ FromGithub {..}

    fromOrg :: P.Parsec String () PluginSourceSpec
    fromOrg = do
      name <- saneIdentifier
      revision <- revisionParser
      pure $ FromOrg {..}

    fromFile :: P.Parsec String () PluginSourceSpec
    fromFile = do
      FromFile <$>
        liftM2 (:) (P.char '.' <|> P.char '/') (P.many1 $ P.satisfy (const True))

    revisionParser = P.option "master" do
      void $ P.char '@'
      P.many1 (P.alphaNum <|> P.char '-' <|> P.char '_' <|> P.char '.')

saneIdentifier :: P.Parsec String () String
saneIdentifier = P.many1 (P.alphaNum <|> P.char '-' <|> P.char '_')

getPluginSource :: PluginSourceSpec -> String
getPluginSource FromGithub{userName, repository, revision} =
  "" <> userName
  <> "/" <> repository
  <> "/" <> revision
  <> "/plugin.dhall"
getPluginSource (FromOrg { name, revision }) =
  "" <> revision
  <> "/" <> name
  <> "/plugin.dhall"
getPluginSource (FromURL url) = do
  uriToString id url ""
getPluginSource (FromFile filePath) =

getPluginContents :: PluginSourceSpec -> IO Text
getPluginContents (FromFile filePath)  =
  Data.Text.IO.readFile filePath
getPluginContents other =
  getPluginContentsFromURL $ getPluginSource other

-- | Load plugin from URL and validate it by parsing.
getPluginContentsFromURL :: String -> IO Text
getPluginContentsFromURL url = handle httpHandler do

  req <- parseUrlThrow url
  res <- httpBS req

  let body     = getResponseBody res
      contents = STE.decodeUtf8 body

  pure contents

-- | Try parsing a file.
parsePlugin :: Text -> Maybe (Expr Dhall.Src Import)
parsePlugin =
  MP.parseMaybe (Dhall.unParser Dhall.expr)

data MetaValidationError
  = NoParse
  | InvalidPluginName Text

instance Show MetaValidationError where
  show NoParse =
    "No parse. This plugin is either malformed or was written for another API version. (current API version: " <> show apiVersion <> ")"

  show (InvalidPluginName pluginName) =
    "Plugin name must be a valid Dhall identifier: " <> T.unpack pluginName

invalidMeta :: MetaValidationError -> App stage ()
invalidMeta err = do
  exit 2 (showPack err)

-- | Try to load plugin meta by inserting a plugin into the current environment
-- (using 'inputWithSettings').
readPluginMeta :: PluginSourceSpec -> Text -> App Common (Either MetaValidationError PluginMeta)
readPluginMeta sourceSpec contents = do
  dhallDir <- getRuntime <&> (^. rtConfigDir)

  -- A dirty hack - we just access the `meta` field, discarding `main`
  -- so that there is no need to deal with its type.
  let metaBody      = "(" <> contents <> ").meta"
      inputSettings =
        defaultInputSettings &
        rootDirectory .~ (dhallDir </> "plugins") &
        sourceName    .~ getPluginSource sourceSpec

  -- TODO: convert exception to `NoParse`
  meta <- explained $ inputWithSettings inputSettings pluginMetaDecoder metaBody

  let name          = meta ^. pmName
      parseResult   = P.runParser saneIdentifier () "Plugin name" (T.unpack name)

  liftIO $ runExceptT do

    -- TODO: add more validations

    unless (isRight parseResult) do
      throwE (InvalidPluginName name)

    pure meta

checkIfPluginFileExists :: Text -> App Common ()
checkIfPluginFileExists pluginName = do
  (pluginsDir, pluginFile) <- getPluginPaths pluginName

  dirExists <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist pluginsDir

  unless dirExists do
    exit 1 $
      "Directory " <> T.pack pluginsDir <> " does not exist! Run `dzen-dhall init` first."

  fileExists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist pluginFile

  when fileExists do
    exit 1 $
      "File " <> T.pack pluginFile <> " already exists."

writePluginFile :: Text -> Text -> App Common ()
writePluginFile pluginName contents = do
  pluginFile <- snd <$> getPluginPaths pluginName
  liftIO $ Data.Text.IO.writeFile pluginFile contents

-- | Given a plugin name, get the file of the plugin and locate the plugins directory.
getPluginPaths :: Text -> App Common (String, String)
getPluginPaths pluginName = do
  dhallDir <- getRuntime <&> (^. rtConfigDir)

  let pluginsDir = dhallDir </> "plugins"
      pluginFile = pluginsDir </> T.unpack pluginName <> ".dhall"

  pure (pluginsDir, pluginFile)