dunai- Generalised reactive framework supporting classic, arrowized and monadic FRP.

Safe HaskellSafe




MSFs with a Reader monadic layer.

This module contains functions to work with MSFs that include a Reader monadic layer. This includes functions to create new MSFs that include an additional layer, and functions to flatten that layer out of the MSF's transformer stack.



Reader MSF wrapping/unwrapping.

readerS :: Monad m => MSF m (s, a) b -> MSF (ReaderT s m) a b Source #

Build an MSF in the Reader monad from one that takes the reader environment as an extra input. This is the opposite of runReaderS.

runReaderS :: Monad m => MSF (ReaderT s m) a b -> MSF m (s, a) b Source #

Build an MSF that takes an environment as an extra input from one on the Reader monad. This is the opposite of readerS.

runReaderS_ :: Monad m => MSF (ReaderT s m) a b -> s -> MSF m a b Source #

Build an MSF function that takes a fixed environment as additional input, from an MSF in the Reader monad.

This should be always equal to:

runReaderS_ msf s = arr (a -> (s,a)) >>> runReaderS msf

although possibly more efficient.

Alternative implementation using internal type.

readerS' :: Monad m => MSF m (s, a) b -> MSF (ReaderT s m) a b Source #

Alternative version of readerS.

runReaderS' :: Monad m => MSF (ReaderT s m) a b -> MSF m (s, a) b Source #

Alternative version of runReaderS wrapping/unwrapping functions.

Alternative implementation using generic lifting.

runReaderS'' :: Monad m => MSF (ReaderT s m) a b -> MSF m (s, a) b Source #

Alternative version of runReaderS.