-- Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
-- LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
-- of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Duckling.Numeral.Helpers
  ( decimalsToDouble
  , double
  , integer
  , multiply
  , isMultipliable
  , isNatural
  , isPositive
  , divide
  , notOkForAnyTime
  , numberBetween
  , numberWith
  , numeralMapEL
  , oneOf
  , parseDouble
  , parseInt
  , parseInteger
  , withGrain
  , withMultipliable
  , parseDecimal
  ) where

import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import Prelude
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Atto
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.Text as Text

import Duckling.Dimensions.Types
import Duckling.Numeral.Types
import Duckling.Types hiding (Entity(value))

zeroT :: Text
zeroT = Text.singleton '0'

dot :: Text
dot = Text.singleton '.'

comma :: Text
comma = Text.singleton ','

parseInt :: Text -> Maybe Int
parseInt = (fromIntegral <$>) . parseInteger

parseInteger :: Text -> Maybe Integer
parseInteger =
  either (const Nothing) Just . Atto.parseOnly (Atto.signed Atto.decimal)

-- | Add leading 0 when leading . for double parsing to succeed
parseDouble :: Text -> Maybe Double
parseDouble s
  | Text.head s == '.' = go $ Text.append zeroT s
  | otherwise = go s
  where go = either (const Nothing) Just . Atto.parseOnly Atto.double

-- | 77 -> .77
-- | Find the first power of ten larger that the actual number
-- | Use it to divide x
decimalsToDouble :: Double -> Double
decimalsToDouble x =
  let xs = filter (\y -> x - y < 0)
         . take 10
         . iterate (*10) $ 1 in
    case xs of
      [] -> 0
      (multiplier : _) -> x / multiplier

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Patterns

numberWith :: (NumeralData -> t) -> (t -> Bool) -> PatternItem
numberWith f pred = Predicate $ \x ->
  case x of
    (Token Numeral x@NumeralData{}) -> pred (f x)
    _ -> False

numberBetween :: Double -> Double -> PatternItem
numberBetween low up = Predicate $ \x ->
  case x of
    (Token Numeral NumeralData {value = v, multipliable = False}) ->
      low <= v && v < up
    _ -> False

isNatural :: Predicate
isNatural (Token Numeral NumeralData {value = v}) =
  isInteger v && v > 0
isNatural _ = False

isPositive :: Predicate
isPositive (Token Numeral NumeralData{value = v}) = v >= 0
isPositive _ = False

isMultipliable :: Predicate
isMultipliable (Token Numeral nd) = multipliable nd
isMultipliable _ = False

oneOf :: [Double] -> PatternItem
oneOf vs = Predicate $ \x ->
  case x of
    (Token Numeral NumeralData {value = v}) -> elem v vs
    _ -> False

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Production

withMultipliable :: Token -> Maybe Token
withMultipliable (Token Numeral x@NumeralData{}) =
  Just . Token Numeral $ x {multipliable = True}
withMultipliable _ = Nothing

withGrain :: Int -> Token -> Maybe Token
withGrain g (Token Numeral x@NumeralData{}) =
  Just . Token Numeral $ x {grain = Just g}
withGrain _ _ = Nothing

notOkForAnyTime :: Token -> Maybe Token
notOkForAnyTime (Token Numeral x) =
  Just . Token Numeral $ x {okForAnyTime = False}
notOkForAnyTime _ = Nothing

double :: Double -> Maybe Token
double x = Just . Token Numeral $ NumeralData
  { value = x
  , grain = Nothing
  , multipliable = False
  , okForAnyTime = True

integer :: Integer -> Maybe Token
integer = double . fromIntegral

multiply :: Token -> Token -> Maybe Token
  (Token Numeral NumeralData{value = v1})
  (Token Numeral NumeralData{value = v2, grain = g}) = case g of
  Nothing -> double $ v1 * v2
  Just grain | v2 > v1 -> double (v1 * v2) >>= withGrain grain
             | otherwise -> Nothing
multiply _ _ = Nothing

divide :: Token -> Token -> Maybe Token
  (Token Numeral NumeralData{value = v1})
  (Token Numeral NumeralData{value = v2}) = case v1 / v2 of
    x | isInfinite x || isNaN x -> Nothing
    x -> double x
divide _ _ = Nothing

parseDecimal :: Bool -> Text -> Maybe Token
parseDecimal isDot match
  | isDot = parseDouble match >>= double
  | otherwise =
    parseDouble (Text.replace comma dot match)
    >>= double

-- TODO: Single-word composition (#110)
numeralMapEL :: HashMap Text Int
numeralMapEL = HashMap.fromList
  [ ( "δι"          , 2  )
  , ( "δί"          , 2  )
  , ( "τρι"         , 3  )
  , ( "τρί"         , 3  )
  , ( "τετρ"        , 4  )
  , ( "πεντ"        , 5  )
  , ( "πενθ"        , 5  )
  , ( "εξ"          , 6  )
  , ( "επτ"         , 7  )
  , ( "εφτ"         , 7  )
  , ( "οκτ"         , 8  )
  , ( "οχτ"         , 8  )
  , ( "εννι"        , 9  )
  , ( "δεκ"         , 10 )
  , ( "δεκαπεντ"    , 15 )
  , ( "δεκαπενθ"    , 15 )
  , ( "εικοσ"       , 20 )
  , ( "εικοσιπεντ"  , 25 )
  , ( "εικοσιπενθ"  , 25 )
  , ( "τριαντ"      , 30 )
  , ( "τριανταπεντ" , 35 )
  , ( "τριανταπενθ" , 35 )
  , ( "σαραντ"      , 40 )
  , ( "σαρανταπεντ" , 45 )
  , ( "σαρανταπενθ" , 45 )
  , ( "πενηντ"      , 50 )
  , ( "πενηνταπετν" , 55 )
  , ( "πενηνταπετθ" , 55 )
  , ( "εξηντ"       , 60 )
  , ( "ενενηντ"     , 90 )
  -- The following are used as prefixes
  , ( "μιά"         , 1  )
  , ( "ενά"         , 1  )
  , ( "δυό"         , 2  )
  , ( "τρεισή"      , 3  )
  , ( "τεσσερισή"   , 4  )
  , ( "τεσσερσή"    , 4  )
  , ( "πεντέ"       , 5  )
  , ( "εξί"         , 6  )
  , ( "επτά"        , 7  )
  , ( "εφτά"        , 7  )
  , ( "οκτώ"        , 8  )
  , ( "οχτώ"        , 8  )
  , ( "εννιά"       , 9  )
  , ( "δεκά"        , 10 )
  , ( "εντεκά"      , 11 )
  , ( "δωδεκά"      , 12 )