ditto-0.4.1: ditto is a type-safe HTML form generation and validation library
Safe HaskellNone



This module defines the Proof type, some proofs, and some helper functions.

A Proof does three things:

  • verifies that the input value meets some criteria
  • optionally transforms the input value to another value while preserving that criteria
  • puts the proof name in type-signature where the type-checker can use it


data Proof m err a b Source #

A Proof attempts to prove something about a value.

If successful, it can also transform the value to a new value. The proof should hold for the new value as well.

Generally, each Proof has a unique data-type associated with it which names the proof, such as:





Instances details
Functor m => Functor (Proof m err a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Ditto.Proof


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> Proof m err a a0 -> Proof m err a b #

(<$) :: a0 -> Proof m err a b -> Proof m err a a0 #

prove :: (Monad m, Monoid view, FormError input error) => Form m input error view a -> Proof m error a b -> Form m input error view b Source #

apply a Proof to a Form

transformations (proofs minus the proof).

transformEitherM :: (Monad m, Monoid view, FormError input error) => Form m input error view a -> (a -> m (Either error b)) -> (a -> b) -> Form m input error view b Source #

transform the Form result using a monadic Either function.

transformEither :: (Monad m, Monoid view, FormError input error) => Form m input error view a -> (a -> Either error b) -> (a -> b) -> Form m input error view b Source #

transform the Form result using an Either function.

Various Proofs

notNullProof :: Monad m => error -> Proof m error [a] [a] Source #

prove that a list is not empty

decimal Source #


:: (Monad m, Eq i, Num i) 
=> (String -> error)

create an error message (String is the value that did not parse)

-> i 
-> Proof m error String i 

read an unsigned number in decimal notation

signedDecimal :: (Monad m, Eq i, Real i) => (String -> error) -> i -> Proof m error String i Source #

read signed decimal number

realFrac :: (Monad m, RealFrac a) => (String -> error) -> a -> Proof m error String a Source #

read RealFrac number

realFracSigned :: (Monad m, RealFrac a) => (String -> error) -> a -> Proof m error String a Source #

read a signed RealFrac number