{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | If you don't know exactly what this module is for and precisely
-- how to use the types within, you should move on, quickly!
-- [Implementation Notes]
-- This module provides facilities for forcibly sending non-serializable
-- data via cloud haskell's messaging primitives, such as @send@ et al.
-- Of course, if you attmept to do this when interacting with a remote process,
-- your application will break.
-- NB: this module will be deprecated in the next dot release, pending rewrite
-- of the libraries that currently rely on it, to use the new supporting APIs
-- for STM interactions in distributed-process-client-server.
module Control.Distributed.Process.Extras.Internal.Unsafe
  ( -- * Copying non-serializable data
  , pCopy
  , matchP
  , matchChanP
  , pUnwrap
    -- * Arbitrary (unmanaged) message streams
  , InputStream(Null)
  , newInputStream
  , matchInputStream
  , readInputStream
  , InvalidBinaryShim(..)
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent.STM (STM, atomically)
import Control.Distributed.Process
  ( matchAny
  , matchChan
  , matchSTM
  , match
  , handleMessage
  , receiveChan
  , liftIO
  , die
  , Match
  , ReceivePort
  , Message
  , Process
import Control.Distributed.Process.Serializable (Serializable)
import Data.Binary
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import GHC.Generics

data InvalidBinaryShim = InvalidBinaryShim
  deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq)

-- NB: PCopy is a shim, allowing us to copy a pointer to otherwise
-- non-serializable data directly to another local process'
-- mailbox with no serialisation or even deepseq evaluation
-- required. We disallow remote queries (i.e., from other nodes)
-- and thus the Binary instance below is never used (though it's
-- required by the type system) and will in fact generate errors if
-- you attempt to use it at runtime. In other words, if you attempt
-- to make a @Message@ out of this, you'd better make sure you're
-- calling @unsafeCreateUnencodedMessage@, otherwise /BOOM/! You have
-- been warned.
data PCopy a = PCopy !a
  deriving (Typeable, Generic)
instance (NFData a) => NFData (PCopy a) where

instance (Typeable a) => Binary (PCopy a) where
  put _ = error "InvalidBinaryShim"
  get   = error "InvalidBinaryShim"

-- | Wrap any @Typeable@ datum in a @PCopy@. We hide the constructor to
-- discourage arbitrary uses of the type, since @PCopy@ is a specialised
-- and potentially dangerous construct.
pCopy :: (Typeable a) => a -> PCopy a
pCopy = PCopy

-- | Matches on @PCopy m@ and returns the /m/ within.
-- This potentially allows us to bypass serialization (and the type constraints
-- it enforces) for local message passing (i.e., with @UnencodedMessage@ data),
-- since PCopy is just a shim.
matchP :: (Typeable m) => Match (Maybe m)
matchP = matchAny pUnwrap

-- | Given a raw @Message@, attempt to unwrap a @Typeable@ datum from
-- an enclosing @PCopy@ wrapper.
pUnwrap :: (Typeable m) => Message -> Process (Maybe m)
pUnwrap m = handleMessage m (\(PCopy m' :: PCopy m) -> return m')

-- | Matches on a @TypedChannel (PCopy a)@.
matchChanP :: (Typeable m) => ReceivePort (PCopy m) -> Match m
matchChanP rp = matchChan rp (\(PCopy m' :: PCopy m) -> return m')

-- | A generic input channel that can be read from in the same fashion
-- as a typed channel (i.e., @ReceivePort@). To read from an input stream
-- in isolation, see 'readInputStream'. To compose an 'InputStream' with
-- reads on a process' mailbox (and/or typed channels), see 'matchInputStream'.
data InputStream a = ReadChan (ReceivePort a) | ReadSTM (STM a) | Null
  deriving (Typeable)

data NullInputStream = NullInputStream
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show, Eq)
instance Binary NullInputStream where
instance NFData NullInputStream where

-- [note: InputStream]
-- InputStream wraps either a ReceivePort or an arbitrary STM action. Used
-- internally when we want to allow internal clients to completely bypass
-- regular messaging primitives (which is rare but occaisionally useful),
-- the type (only, minus its constructors) is exposed to users of some
-- @Exchange@ APIs.

-- | Create a new 'InputStream'.
newInputStream :: forall a. (Typeable a)
               => Either (ReceivePort a) (STM a)
               -> InputStream a
newInputStream (Left rp)   = ReadChan rp
newInputStream (Right stm) = ReadSTM stm

-- | Read from an 'InputStream'. This is a blocking operation.
readInputStream :: (Serializable a) => InputStream a -> Process a
readInputStream (ReadChan rp) = receiveChan rp
readInputStream (ReadSTM stm) = liftIO $ atomically stm
readInputStream Null          = die $ NullInputStream

-- | Constructs a @Match@ for a given 'InputChannel'.
matchInputStream :: InputStream a -> Match a
matchInputStream (ReadChan rp) = matchChan rp return
matchInputStream (ReadSTM stm) = matchSTM stm return
matchInputStream Null          = match (\NullInputStream -> do
                                           error "NullInputStream")