{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Control.Distributed.Process.Extras.Call
-- Copyright   :  (c) Parallel Scientific (Jeff Epstein) 2012
-- License     :  BSD3 (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainers :  Jeff Epstein, Tim Watson
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (requires concurrency)
-- This module provides a facility for Remote Procedure Call (rpc) style
-- interactions with Cloud Haskell processes.
-- Clients make synchronous calls to a running process (i.e., server) using the
-- 'callAt', 'callTimeout' and 'multicall' functions. Processes acting as the
-- server are constructed using Cloud Haskell's 'receive' family of primitives
-- and the 'callResponse' family of functions in this module.

module Control.Distributed.Process.Extras.Call
  ( -- client API
  , callTimeout
  , multicall
    -- server API
  , callResponse
  , callResponseIf
  , callResponseDefer
  , callResponseDeferIf
  , callForward
  , callResponseAsync
  ) where

import Control.Distributed.Process
import Control.Distributed.Process.Serializable (Serializable)
import Control.Monad (forM, forM_, join)
import Data.List (delete)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Binary (Binary,get,put)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)

import Control.Distributed.Process.Extras hiding (monitor, send)
import Control.Distributed.Process.Extras.Time

-- * Multicall

-- | Sends a message of type a to the given process, to be handled by a
-- corresponding callResponse... function, which will send back a message of
-- type b. The tag is per-process unique identifier of the transaction. If the
-- timeout expires or the target process dies, Nothing will be returned.
callTimeout :: (Serializable a, Serializable b)
            => ProcessId -> a -> Tag -> Timeout -> Process (Maybe b)
callTimeout pid msg tag time =
  do res <- multicall [pid] msg tag time
     return $ join (listToMaybe res)

-- | Like 'callTimeout', but with no timeout.
-- Returns Nothing if the target process dies.
callAt :: (Serializable a, Serializable b)
       => ProcessId -> a -> Tag -> Process (Maybe b)
callAt pid msg tag = callTimeout pid msg tag infiniteWait

-- | Like 'callTimeout', but sends the message to multiple
-- recipients and collects the results.
multicall :: forall a b.(Serializable a, Serializable b)
             => [ProcessId] -> a -> Tag -> Timeout -> Process [Maybe b]
multicall nodes msg tag time =
  do caller <- getSelfPid
     receiver <- spawnLocal $
         do receiver_pid <- getSelfPid
            mon_caller <- monitor caller
            () <- expect
            monitortags <- forM nodes monitor
            forM_ nodes $ \node -> send node (Multicall, node,
                                              receiver_pid, tag, msg)
            maybeTimeout time tag receiver_pid
            results <- recv nodes monitortags mon_caller
            send caller (MulticallResponse,tag,results)
     mon_receiver <- monitor receiver
     send receiver ()
     receiveWait [
         matchIf (\(MulticallResponse,mtag,_) -> mtag == tag)
                 (\(MulticallResponse,_,val) -> return val),
         matchIf (\(ProcessMonitorNotification ref _pid reason)
                  -> ref == mon_receiver && reason /= DiedNormal)
                 (\_ -> error "multicall: unexpected termination of worker")
    recv nodes' monitortags mon_caller = do
      resultmap <- recv1 mon_caller
                         (nodes', monitortags, M.empty) :: Process (M.Map ProcessId b)
      return $ ordered nodes' resultmap

    ordered []     _ = []
    ordered (x:xs) m = M.lookup x m : ordered xs m

    recv1 _   ([],_,results) = return results
    recv1 _   (_,[],results) = return results
    recv1 ref (nodesleft,monitortagsleft,results) =
          receiveWait [
              matchIf (\(ProcessMonitorNotification ref' _ _)
                         -> ref' == ref)
                      (\_ -> return Nothing)
            , matchIf (\(ProcessMonitorNotification ref' pid reason) ->
                      ref' `elem` monitortagsleft &&
                      pid `elem` nodesleft
                      && reason /= DiedNormal)
                      (\(ProcessMonitorNotification ref' pid _reason) ->
                        return $ Just (delete pid nodesleft,
                                       delete ref' monitortagsleft, results))
            , matchIf (\(MulticallResponse, mtag, _, _) -> mtag == tag)
                      (\(MulticallResponse, _, responder, msgx) ->
                        return $ Just (delete responder nodesleft,
                                       M.insert responder (msgx :: b) results))
            , matchIf (\(TimeoutNotification mtag) -> mtag == tag )
                      (\_ -> return Nothing)
          >>= maybe (return results) (recv1 ref)

data MulticallResponseType a =
       | MulticallForward ProcessId a
       | MulticallReject deriving Eq

callResponseImpl :: (Serializable a,Serializable b)
                 => (a -> MulticallResponseType c) ->
                    (a -> (b -> Process())-> Process c) -> Match c
callResponseImpl cond proc =
  matchIf (\(Multicall,_responder,_,_,msg) ->
            case cond msg of
              MulticallReject -> False
              _               -> True)
          (\wholemsg@(Multicall,responder,sender,tag,msg) ->
            case cond msg of
              -- TODO: sender should get a ProcessMonitorNotification if
              -- our target dies, or we should link to it (?)
              MulticallForward target ret -> send target wholemsg >> return ret
              -- TODO: use `die Reason` when issue #110 is resolved
              MulticallReject -> error "multicallResponseImpl: Indecisive condition"
              MulticallAccept ->
                let resultSender tosend =
                      send sender (MulticallResponse,
                in proc msg resultSender)

-- | Produces a Match that can be used with the 'receiveWait' family of
-- message-receiving functions. @callResponse@ will respond to a message of
-- type a sent by 'callTimeout', and will respond with a value of type b.
callResponse :: (Serializable a,Serializable b)
                => (a -> Process (b,c)) -> Match c
callResponse = callResponseIf (const True)

callResponseDeferIf  :: (Serializable a,Serializable b)
                     => (a -> Bool)
                     -> (a -> (b -> Process()) -> Process c)
                     -> Match c
callResponseDeferIf cond =
  callResponseImpl (\msg ->
                     if cond msg
                     then MulticallAccept
                     else MulticallReject)

callResponseDefer  :: (Serializable a,Serializable b)
                   => (a -> (b -> Process())-> Process c) -> Match c
callResponseDefer = callResponseDeferIf (const True)

-- | Produces a Match that can be used with the 'receiveWait' family of
-- message-receiving functions. When calllForward receives a message of type
-- from from 'callTimeout' (and similar), it will forward the message to another
-- process, who will be responsible for responding to it. It is the user's
-- responsibility to ensure that the forwarding process is linked to the
-- destination process, so that if it fails, the sender will be notified.
callForward :: Serializable a => (a -> (ProcessId, c)) -> Match c
callForward proc =
     (\msg -> let (pid, ret) = proc msg
              in MulticallForward pid ret )
     (\_ sender ->
       (sender::(() -> Process ())) `mention`
          error "multicallForward: Indecisive condition")

-- | The message handling code is started in a separate thread. It's not
-- automatically linked to the calling thread, so if you want it to be
-- terminated when the message handling thread dies, you'll need to call
-- link yourself.
callResponseAsync :: (Serializable a,Serializable b)
                  => (a -> Maybe c) -> (a -> Process b) -> Match c
callResponseAsync cond proc =
         (\msg ->
            case cond msg of
              Nothing -> MulticallReject
              Just _ -> MulticallAccept)
         (\msg sender ->
            do _ <- spawnLocal $ -- TODO linkOnFailure to spawned procss
                 do val <- proc msg
                    sender val
               case cond msg of
                 Nothing -> error "multicallResponseAsync: Indecisive condition"
                 Just ret -> return ret )

callResponseIf :: (Serializable a,Serializable b)
               => (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Process (b,c)) -> Match c
callResponseIf cond proc =
             (\msg ->
                 case cond msg of
                   True -> MulticallAccept
                   False -> MulticallReject)
             (\msg sender ->
                 do (tosend,toreturn) <- proc msg
                    sender tosend
                    return toreturn)

maybeTimeout :: Timeout -> Tag -> ProcessId -> Process ()
maybeTimeout Nothing _ _ = return ()
maybeTimeout (Just time) tag p = timeout time tag p

-- * Private types

mention :: a -> b -> b
mention _a b = b

data Multicall = Multicall
       deriving (Typeable)
instance Binary Multicall where
       get = return Multicall
       put _ = return ()
data MulticallResponse = MulticallResponse
       deriving (Typeable)
instance Binary MulticallResponse where
       get = return MulticallResponse
       put _ = return ()