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distributed-process-0.7.4: Cloud Haskell: Erlang-style concurrency in Haskell

Safe HaskellNone




Towards Haskell in the Cloud (Epstein et al., Haskell Symposium 2011) proposes a new type construct called static that characterizes values that are known statically. Cloud Haskell uses the Static implementation from Control.Distributed.Static. That module comes with its own extensive documentation, which you should read if you want to know the details. Here we explain the Template Haskell support only.

Static values

Given a top-level (possibly polymorphic, but unqualified) definition

f :: forall a1 .. an. T
f = ...

you can use a Template Haskell splice to create a static version of f:

$(mkStatic 'f) :: forall a1 .. an. (Typeable a1, .., Typeable an) => Static T

Every module that you write that contains calls to mkStatic needs to have a call to remotable:

remotable [ 'f, 'g, ... ]

where you must pass every function (or other value) that you pass as an argument to mkStatic. The call to remotable will create a definition

__remoteTable :: RemoteTable -> RemoteTable

which can be used to construct the RemoteTable used to initialize Cloud Haskell. You should have (at most) one call to remotable per module, and compose all created functions when initializing Cloud Haskell:

let rtable :: RemoteTable
    rtable = M1.__remoteTable
           . M2.__remoteTable
           . ...
           . Mn.__remoteTable
           $ initRemoteTable

NOTE: If you get a type error from ghc along these lines

 The exact Name `a_a30k' is not in scope
      Probable cause: you used a unique name (NameU) in Template Haskell but did not bind it

then you need to enable the ScopedTypeVariables language extension.

Static serialization dictionaries

Some Cloud Haskell primitives require static serialization dictionaries (**):

call :: Serializable a => Static (SerializableDict a) -> NodeId -> Closure (Process a) -> Process a

Given some serializable type T you can define

sdictT :: SerializableDict T
sdictT = SerializableDict

and then have

$(mkStatic 'sdictT) :: Static (SerializableDict T)

However, since these dictionaries are so frequently required Cloud Haskell provides special support for them. When you call remotable on a monomorphic function f :: T1 -> T2

remotable ['f]

then a serialization dictionary is automatically created for you, which you can access with

$(functionSDict 'f) :: Static (SerializableDict T1)

In addition, if f :: T1 -> Process T2, then a second dictionary is created

$(functionTDict 'f) :: Static (SerializableDict T2)

Suppose you have a process

isPrime :: Integer -> Process Bool


$(mkClosure 'isPrime) :: Integer -> Closure (Process Bool)

which you can then call, for example, to have a remote node check if a number is prime.

In general, if you have a monomorphic function

f :: T1 -> T2


$(mkClosure 'f) :: T1 -> Closure T2

provided that T1 is serializable (*) (remember to pass f to remotable).

(You can also create closures manually--see the documentation of Control.Distributed.Static for examples.)


Here is a small self-contained example that uses closures and serialization dictionaries. It makes use of the Control.Distributed.Process.SimpleLocalnet Cloud Haskell backend.

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Control.Distributed.Process
import Control.Distributed.Process.Closure
import Control.Distributed.Process.Backend.SimpleLocalnet
import Control.Distributed.Process.Node (initRemoteTable)

isPrime :: Integer -> Process Bool
isPrime n = return . (n `elem`) . takeWhile (<= n) . sieve $ [2..]
    sieve :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
    sieve (p : xs) = p : sieve [x | x <- xs, x `mod` p > 0]

remotable ['isPrime]

master :: [NodeId] -> Process ()
master [] = liftIO $ putStrLn "no slaves"
master (slave:_) = do
  isPrime79 <- call $(functionTDict 'isPrime) slave ($(mkClosure 'isPrime) (79 :: Integer))
  liftIO $ print isPrime79

main :: IO ()
main = do
  args <- getArgs
  case args of
    ["master", host, port] -> do
      backend <- initializeBackend host port rtable
      startMaster backend master
    ["slave", host, port] -> do
      backend <- initializeBackend host port rtable
      startSlave backend
    rtable :: RemoteTable
    rtable = __remoteTable initRemoteTable

(*) If T1 is not serializable you will get a type error in the generated code. Unfortunately, the Template Haskell infrastructure cannot check a priori if T1 is serializable or not due to a bug in the Template Haskell libraries (http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7066)

(**) Even though call is passed an explicit serialization dictionary, we still need the Serializable constraint because Static is not the true static. If it was, we could unstatic the dictionary and pattern match on it to bring the Typeable instance into scope, but unless proper static support is added to ghc we need both the type class argument and the explicit dictionary.


Serialization dictionaries (and their static versions)

staticDecode :: Typeable a => Static (SerializableDict a) -> Static (ByteString -> a) Source #

Static decoder, given a static serialization dictionary.

See module documentation of Control.Distributed.Process.Closure for an example.

sdictUnit :: Static (SerializableDict ()) Source #

Serialization dictionary for '()'

sdictStatic :: Typeable a => Static (TypeableDict a) -> Static (SerializableDict (Static a)) Source #

Serialization dictionary for Static.

sdictClosure :: Typeable a => Static (TypeableDict a) -> Static (SerializableDict (Closure a)) Source #

Serialization dictionary for Closure.

The CP type and associated combinators

type CP a b = Closure (a -> Process b) Source #

CP a b is a process with input of type a and output of type b

idCP :: Typeable a => CP a a Source #

CP version of id

splitCP :: (Typeable a, Typeable b, Typeable c, Typeable d) => CP a c -> CP b d -> CP (a, b) (c, d) Source #

CP version of (***)

returnCP :: forall a. Serializable a => Static (SerializableDict a) -> a -> Closure (Process a) Source #

CP version of return

bindCP :: forall a b. (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Closure (Process a) -> CP a b -> Closure (Process b) Source #

(Not quite the) CP version of (>>=)

seqCP :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Closure (Process a) -> Closure (Process b) -> Closure (Process b) Source #

CP version of (>>)

CP versions of Cloud Haskell primitives

cpLink :: ProcessId -> Closure (Process ()) Source #

CP version of link

cpSend :: forall a. Typeable a => Static (SerializableDict a) -> ProcessId -> CP a () Source #

CP version of send

Working with static values and closures (without Template Haskell)

type RemoteRegister = RemoteTable -> RemoteTable Source #

A RemoteRegister is a trasformer on a RemoteTable to register additional static values.

class MkTDict a where Source #

Minimal complete definition


mkStaticVal :: Serializable a => String -> a -> (Static a, RemoteRegister) Source #

This takes an explicit name and a value, and produces both a static reference to the name and a RemoteRegister for it.

mkClosureValSingle :: forall a b. (Serializable a, Typeable b, MkTDict b) => String -> (a -> b) -> (a -> Closure b, RemoteRegister) Source #

This takes an explicit name, a function of arity one, and creates a creates a function yielding a closure and a remote register for it.

mkClosureVal :: forall func argTuple result closureFunction. (Curry (argTuple -> Closure result) closureFunction, MkTDict result, Uncurry HTrue argTuple func result, Typeable result, Serializable argTuple, IsFunction func HTrue) => String -> func -> (closureFunction, RemoteRegister) Source #

This takes an explict name, a function of any arity, and creates a function yielding a closure and a remote register for it.

call' :: forall a. Serializable a => NodeId -> Closure (Process a) -> Process a Source #

Works just like standard call, but with a simpler signature.

Template Haskell support for creating static values and closures

remotable :: [Name] -> Q [Dec] Source #

Create the closure, decoder, and metadata definitions for the given list of functions

remotableDecl :: [Q [Dec]] -> Q [Dec] Source #

Like remotable, but parameterized by the declaration of a function instead of the function name. So where for remotable you'd do

f :: T1 -> T2
f = ...

remotable ['f]

with remotableDecl you would instead do

remotableDecl [
   [d| f :: T1 -> T2 ;
       f = ...

remotableDecl creates the function specified as well as the various dictionaries and static versions that remotable also creates. remotableDecl is sometimes necessary when you want to refer to, say, $(mkClosure 'f) within the definition of f itself.

NOTE: remotableDecl creates __remoteTableDecl instead of __remoteTable so that you can use both remotable and remotableDecl within the same module.

mkStatic :: Name -> Q Exp Source #

Construct a static value.

If f : forall a1 .. an. T then $(mkStatic 'f) :: forall a1 .. an. Static T. Be sure to pass f to remotable.

mkClosure :: Name -> Q Exp Source #

If f : T1 -> T2 then $(mkClosure 'f) :: T1 -> Closure T2.

TODO: The current version of mkClosure is too polymorphic (@forall a. Binary a => a -> Closure T2).

mkStaticClosure :: Name -> Q Exp Source #

Make a Closure from a static function. This is useful for making a closure for a top-level Process () function, because using mkClosure would require adding a dummy () argument.

functionSDict :: Name -> Q Exp Source #

If f : T1 -> T2 is a monomorphic function then $(functionSDict 'f) :: Static (SerializableDict T1).

Be sure to pass f to remotable.

functionTDict :: Name -> Q Exp Source #

If f : T1 -> Process T2 is a monomorphic function then $(functionTDict 'f) :: Static (SerializableDict T2).

Be sure to pass f to remotable.