Safe HaskellNone



Generally speaking, this module is only useful to discover instances of unary type classes where the instance is unconstrained.

That is to say - not all that useful in libraries.

However, this has ended up being super useful to me in a bunch of application contexts. Consider persistent-discover, which grabs all the PersistEntity instances in scope and makes the [EntityDef] for them. Or consider a front-end types generating module, which needs to import a ton of modules, and then call toSomeFrontEndClass :: SomeClass a => Proxy a -> SomeThing on each thing.

This library can simplify that process.



The main interface

discoverInstances :: forall (c :: _ -> Constraint). Typeable c => SpliceQ [SomeDict c] Source #

This TemplateHaskell function accepts a type and splices in a list of SomeDicts that provide evidence that the type is an instance of the class that you asked for.

There are some limitations.

  • The class can only accept a single parameter.
  • The instances returned do not have a context.

Example Use:

eq :: [SomeDict Eq]
eq = $$(discoverInstances)

This function uses typed TemplateHaskell, which means you don't need to provide a type annotation directly. However, you can pass a type directly.

ord :: [SomeDict Ord]
ord = $$(discoverInstances @Ord)

GHC supports using the $$ syntax without parentheses if the expression is a single term. So you can also write this:

functor :: [SomeDict Functor]
functor = $$discoverInstances

But you'll get an error if you type-apply like that.


Using the results of discoverInstances

Once you've acquired a SomeDict c for some type class c that you care about, it's not entirely clear how you might use it.

The SomeDictOf module contains functions for working with these, but the simplest thing to do is probably pattern match on them directly. The use case that this library was designed to support is iterating over all the visible instances of a class and performing some operation on the class.

Consider the persistent database library. The PersistEntity type class defines a method entityDef :: PersistEntity a => proxy a -> EntityDef, where the EntityDef type contains information that relates the type to the database encoding for the type. Let's get all the EntityDefs for the types in scope:

entityDefs :: [EntityDef]
entityDefs =
         (\(SomeDictOf proxy) -> entityDef proxy)
         $$(discoverInstances @PersistEntity)

The EntityDef for an entity include the documentation comments written for the entity. So we can print out all the documentation for the database tables.

Another intended use is to render generated code. We use the aeson-typescript library to generate TypeScript code for our API. Without this library, we maintain a list of types to generate code for. This list is duplicated in the imports, as well as the data declarations.

import Model.Foo
import Model.Bar
import Model.Baz
import Model.Quux

renderTypeScript :: IO ()
renderTypeScript = do
    writeToFile $ concat
        [ writeType @Foo
        , writeType @Bar
        , writeType @Baz
        , writeType @Quux

With discoverInstances, we can skip a lot of this work.

import Model.Foo
import Model.Bar
import Model.Baz
import Model.Quux

renderTypeScript :: IO ()
renderTypeScript = do
    writeToFile $ concat
        $ flip map $$(discoverInstances @TypeScript)
        $ \(SomeDictOf (Proxy :: Proxy ty) ->
            writeType @ty

The above two patterns are encapsulated in withInstances. We can rewrite them like this:

entityDefs =
        $$(discoverInstances @PersistEntity)
        $ \proxy -> entityDef proxy

renderTypeScript :: IO ()
renderTypeScript = do
    writeToFile $ concat
        $ withInstances $$(discoverInstances @TypeScript)
        $ \(Proxy :: Proxy ty) ->
            writeType @ty

Another use case is to load all models out of the database, to ensure that serialization and deserialization logic works. forInstances is useful for operating over instances effectfully.

loadAllModels :: SqlPersistM ()
loadAllModels = do
    forInstances $$(discoverInstances @PersistEntity) \(Proxy :: Proxy a) -> do
        selectList [] []  :: SqlPersistM [Entity a]

withInstances :: Functor f => f (SomeDict c) -> (forall a. c a => Proxy a -> r) -> f r Source #

An alias for the pattern:

flip map $$discoverInstances $ \(SomeDictOf p) -> f p


forInstances :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => t (SomeDict c) -> (forall a. c a => Proxy a -> f r) -> f (t r) Source #

An alias for the pattern:

for $$discoverInstances $ \(SomeDictOf p) -> do
    f p


module SomeDictOf


module Data.Proxy