dib-0.6.0: A simple, forward build system.

Safe HaskellNone




Dib is a light-weight, forward build system embedded in Haskell. Dib represents the build products as a chain of operations starting at the input. Reverse build systems such as Make and Jam instead attempt to figure out the operations to perform starting at the desired output and tracing back through a set of rules to find the correct input file. Dib has no such notion of "rules" and the general thought process for writing a build script answers the question "I have these files, how do I build them into the thing I want?", versus a reverse build system which answers (recursively) "I want this product, what files do I need to use as input?".


  • Target - The most granluar unit of a build. Represents a desired outcome: e.g. an executable, a folder of files, etc... Contains Stages, which do the actual work. Somewhat unfortunately, a 'Target'\'s name is its only identifier in the cache database, so debug/release and multiplatform Target variants should be named accordingly to prevent full-rebuilds when switching between them.
  • Stage - A portion of a pipeline for transforming input data into output data. These separate major portions of a pipeline: e.g. building source code into object files, linking object files into an executable, copying some data into place. Targets can have multiple Stages, which are executed in sequence, the output of one is used as the input to the next.
  • Gatherer - Used to generate the initial input SrcTransforms for the first Stage of a Target.
  • SrcTransform - Represents a mapping from input to output. Comes in four varieties: OneToOne, OneToMany, ManyToOne, ManyToMany. Some examples: compiling a C source file into an object file initially begins as a OneToOne, but is converted into a ManyToOne through dependency scanning (adding the dependencies to the input exploits the internal timestamp database for free). Copying files from one location to another would just be a simple OneToOne. A tool that takes in one file and generates a bunch of output files would use OneToMany.

Getting Started

Dib is both a library and an executable. The executable exists to cause a rebuild of the build script whenever it changes, and also as a convenience for invoking both the build and execution correctly. It's recommended that it be used for everything except extraordinary use cases. It can also generate an initial build script through the use of dib --init. Run the dib executable with no options for more information on the available templates.

An example of using the C Builder to build an executable called "myProject" with its source code in the "src/" directory is as follows:

module Main where

import Dib
import Dib.Builders.C
import qualified Data.Text as T

projectInfo = defaultGCCConfig {
  outputName = "myProject",
  targetName = "myProject",
  srcDir = "src",
  compileFlags = "",
  linkFlags = "",
  outputLocation = ObjAndBinDirs "obj" ".",
  includeDirs = ["src"]

project = makeCTarget projectInfo
clean = makeCleanTarget projectInfo

targets = [project, clean]

main = dib targets

This was generated with dib --init c myProject gcc src.

A build script is expected to declare the available Targets and then pass them to the dib function. Only the top-level Targets need to be passed to dib; it will scrape out the dependencies from there. The first Target in the list is the default Target to build if the dib executable is called with no arguments.

Additional Information

Arguments can be passed on the command line to the dib executable. These can be retrieved in the build with getArgDict. The user is also free to use environment variables as parameter input.

The invocation might look like the following: dib target key=value key=value .... Please note that there are no spaces between the keys and values. Quoted strings are untested and unlikely to work correctly. The Target is optional, and can appear anywhere in the command. If no Target is specified, the default will be used.



data SrcTransform Source #

Data type for expressing mapping of input files to output files


OneToOne Text Text

One input to one output file.

OneToMany Text [Text]

One input file to many output files.

ManyToOne [Text] Text

Many input files to one output file.

ManyToMany [Text] [Text]

Many input to many output files.

dib :: [Target] -> IO () Source #

The function that should be called to dispatch the build. Takes a list of the top-level (root) Targets.

getArgDict :: IO ArgDict Source #

Returns the argument dictionary.

addEnvToDict :: ArgDict -> [(String, String)] -> IO ArgDict Source #

Adds all of the variables in the execution environment into the argument dictionary. Allows for make-like variable passing.

makeArgDictLookupFunc :: String -> String -> ArgDict -> String Source #

Makes a function that can be used to look up a value in the argument dictionary, returning a default value if the argument does not exist.