diagrams-qrcode-1.1.1: Draw QR codes to SVG, PNG, PDF or PS files.

Safe HaskellNone




pathList :: (Bounded a, Eq a, Integral ix) => [((ix, ix), a)] -> Path R2Source

Convert a QR code represented as a list of bounded values into a Path. minBound values are considered to be "off", while every other value is considered to be "on".

pathMatrix :: (Bounded a, Eq a) => [[a]] -> Path R2Source

Same as pathList, but from a matrix represented as a list of lists.

pathArray :: (Bounded a, Eq a, Integral ix, Ix ix) => Array (ix, ix) a -> Path R2Source

Same as pathList, but from an array.

stroke :: (Backend b R2, Renderable (Path R2) b) => Path R2 -> Diagram b R2Source

Stroke using default QR code colors (black on white) and with the "quiet" region.