{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Diagrams.TwoD.Polygons(
, PolyOrientation(..)
, PolygonOpts(..), polyType, polyOrient, polyCenter
, polygon
, polyTrail
, polyPolarTrail
, polySidesTrail
, polyRegularTrail
, orient
, StarOpts(..)
, star
, GraphPart(..)
, orbits, mkGraph
) where
import Control.Lens (Lens', generateSignatures, lensRules,
makeLensesWith, view, (.~), (^.))
import Control.Monad (forM, liftM)
import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST)
import Data.Array.ST (STUArray, newArray, readArray,
import Data.Default.Class
import Data.List (maximumBy, minimumBy)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Data.Monoid (mconcat, mempty)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Diagrams.Angle
import Diagrams.Core
import Diagrams.Located
import Diagrams.Path
import Diagrams.Points (centroid)
import Diagrams.Trail
import Diagrams.TrailLike
import Diagrams.TwoD.Types
import Diagrams.TwoD.Vector (leftTurn, unitX, unitY, unit_Y)
import Diagrams.Util (tau, ( # ))
import Linear.Affine
import Linear.Metric
import Linear.Vector
data PolyType n = PolyPolar [Angle n] [n]
| PolySides [Angle n] [n]
| PolyRegular Int n
data PolyOrientation n = NoOrient
| OrientH
| OrientV
| OrientTo (V2 n)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
data PolygonOpts n = PolygonOpts
{ _polyType :: PolyType n
, _polyOrient :: PolyOrientation n
, _polyCenter :: Point V2 n
makeLensesWith (generateSignatures .~ False $ lensRules) ''PolygonOpts
-- | Specification for the polygon's vertices.
polyType :: Lens' (PolygonOpts n) (PolyType n)
-- | Should a rotation be applied to the polygon in order to orient it in a
-- particular way?
polyOrient :: Lens' (PolygonOpts n) (PolyOrientation n)
-- | Should a translation be applied to the polygon in order to place the center
-- at a particular location?
polyCenter :: Lens' (PolygonOpts n) (Point V2 n)
-- | The default polygon is a regular pentagon of radius 1, centered
-- at the origin, aligned to the x-axis.
instance Num n => Default (PolygonOpts n) where
def = PolygonOpts (PolyRegular 5 1) OrientH origin
-- | Generate a polygon. See 'PolygonOpts' for more information.
polyTrail :: OrderedField n => PolygonOpts n -> Located (Trail V2 n)
polyTrail po = transform ori tr
tr = case po^.polyType of
PolyPolar ans szs -> polyPolarTrail ans szs
PolySides ans szs -> polySidesTrail ans szs
PolyRegular n r -> polyRegularTrail n r
ori = case po^.polyOrient of
OrientH -> orient unit_Y tr
OrientV -> orient unitX tr
OrientTo v -> orient v tr
NoOrient -> mempty
-- | Generate the polygon described by the given options.
polygon :: (InSpace V2 n t, TrailLike t) => PolygonOpts n -> t
polygon = trailLike . polyTrail
-- | Generate the located trail of a polygon specified by polar data
-- (central angles and radii). See 'PolyPolar'.
polyPolarTrail :: OrderedField n => [Angle n] -> [n] -> Located (Trail V2 n)
polyPolarTrail [] _ = emptyTrail `at` origin
polyPolarTrail _ [] = emptyTrail `at` origin
polyPolarTrail ans (r:rs) = tr `at` p1
p1 = p2 (1,0) # scale r
tr = closeTrail . trailFromVertices $
(\a l -> rotate a . scale l $ p2 (1,0))
(scanl (^+^) zero ans)
-- | Generate the vertices of a polygon specified by side length and
-- angles, and a starting point for the trail such that the origin
-- is at the centroid of the vertices. See 'PolySides'.
polySidesTrail :: OrderedField n => [Angle n] -> [n] -> Located (Trail V2 n)
polySidesTrail ans ls = tr `at` (centroid ps # scale (-1))
ans' = scanl (^+^) zero ans
offsets = zipWith rotate ans' (map (unitY ^*) ls)
ps = scanl (.+^) origin offsets
tr = closeTrail . trailFromOffsets $ offsets
-- | Generate the vertices of a regular polygon. See 'PolyRegular'.
polyRegularTrail :: OrderedField n => Int -> n -> Located (Trail V2 n)
polyRegularTrail n r = polyPolarTrail
(replicate (n - 1) $ fullTurn ^/ fromIntegral n)
(repeat r)
-- | Generate a transformation to orient a trail. @orient v t@
-- generates the smallest rotation such that one of the segments
-- adjacent to the vertex furthest in the direction of @v@ is
-- perpendicular to @v@.
orient :: OrderedField n => V2 n -> Located (Trail V2 n) -> Transformation V2 n
orient v = orientPoints v . trailVertices
orientPoints :: OrderedField n => V2 n -> [Point V2 n] -> Transformation V2 n
orientPoints _ [] = mempty
orientPoints _ [_] = mempty
orientPoints v xs = rotation a
(n1,x,n2) = maximumBy (comparing (distAlong v . sndOf3))
(zip3 (tail (cycle xs)) xs (last xs : init xs))
distAlong w ((.-. origin) -> p) = signum (w `dot` p) * norm (project w p)
sndOf3 (_,b,_) = b
-- a :: Angle (Scalar v)
a = minimumBy (comparing $ abs . view rad)
. map (angleFromNormal . (.-. x)) $ [n1,n2]
v' = signorm v
-- angleFromNormal :: v -> Angle (Scalar v)
angleFromNormal o
| leftTurn o' v' = phi
| otherwise = negated phi
o' = signorm o
theta = acos (v' `dot` o')
-- phi :: Angle (Scalar v)
| theta <= tau/4 = tau/4 - theta @@ rad
| otherwise = theta - tau/4 @@ rad
-- Function graphs
-- $graphs
-- These functions are used to implement 'star', but are exported on
-- the offchance that someone else finds them useful.
-- | Pieces of a function graph can either be cycles or \"hairs\".
data GraphPart a = Cycle [a]
| Hair [a]
deriving (Show, Functor)
-- | @orbits f n@ computes the graph of @f@ on the integers mod @n@.
orbits :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> [GraphPart Int]
orbits f n = runST genOrbits
f_n i = f i `mod` n
genOrbits :: ST s [GraphPart Int]
genOrbits = newArray (0,n-1) False >>= genOrbits'
genOrbits' :: STUArray s Int Bool -> ST s [GraphPart Int]
genOrbits' marks = liftM (concat . catMaybes) (forM [0 .. n-1] (genPart marks))
genPart :: STUArray s Int Bool -> Int -> ST s (Maybe [GraphPart Int])
genPart marks i = do
tr <- markRho i marks
case tr of
[] -> return Nothing
_ -> return . Just . splitParts $ tr
markRho :: Int -> STUArray s Int Bool -> ST s [Int]
markRho i marks = do
isMarked <- readArray marks i
if isMarked
then return []
else writeArray marks i True >>
liftM (i:) (markRho (f_n i) marks)
splitParts :: [Int] -> [GraphPart Int]
splitParts tr = hair ++ cyc
where hair | not (null tl) = [Hair $ tl ++ [f_n (last tl)]]
| otherwise = []
cyc | not (null body) = [Cycle body]
| otherwise = []
l = last tr
(tl, body) = span (/= f_n l) tr
-- | Generate a function graph from the given function and labels.
mkGraph :: (Int -> Int) -> [a] -> [GraphPart a]
mkGraph f xs = (map . fmap) (xs!!) $ orbits f (length xs)
-- Star polygons
-- | Options for creating \"star\" polygons, where the edges connect
-- possibly non-adjacent vertices.
data StarOpts = StarFun (Int -> Int)
-- ^ Specify the order in which the vertices should be
-- connected by a function that maps each vertex
-- index to the index of the vertex that should come
-- next. Indexing of vertices begins at 0.
| StarSkip Int
-- ^ Specify a star polygon by a \"skip\". A skip of
-- 1 indicates a normal polygon, where edges go
-- between successive vertices. A skip of 2 means
-- that edges will connect every second vertex,
-- skipping one in between. Generally, a skip of
-- /n/ means that edges will connect every /n/th
-- vertex.
-- | Create a generalized /star/ /polygon/. The 'StarOpts' are used
-- to determine in which order the given vertices should be
-- connected. The intention is that the second argument of type
-- @[Point v]@ could be generated by a call to 'polygon', 'regPoly', or
-- the like, since a list of vertices is 'TrailLike'. But of course
-- the list can be generated any way you like. A @'Path' 'v'@ is
-- returned (instead of any 'TrailLike') because the resulting path
-- may have more than one component, for example if the vertices are
-- to be connected in several disjoint cycles.
star :: OrderedField n => StarOpts -> [Point V2 n] -> Path V2 n
star sOpts vs = graphToPath $ mkGraph f vs
where f = case sOpts of
StarFun g -> g
StarSkip k -> (+k)
graphToPath = mconcat . map partToPath
partToPath (Cycle ps) = pathFromLocTrail
. mapLoc closeTrail
. fromVertices
$ ps
partToPath (Hair ps) = fromVertices ps