diagrams-lib- Embedded domain-specific language for declarative graphics

Copyright(c) 2013 diagrams-lib team (see LICENSE)
LicenseBSD-style (see LICENSE)
Safe HaskellNone




Transformations specific to three dimensions, with a few generic transformations (uniform scaling, translation) also re-exported for convenience.




aboutX :: Floating n => Angle n -> Transformation V3 n Source

Like aboutZ, but rotates about the X axis, bringing positive y-values towards the positive z-axis.

aboutY :: Floating n => Angle n -> Transformation V3 n Source

Like aboutZ, but rotates about the Y axis, bringing postive x-values towards the negative z-axis.

aboutZ :: Floating n => Angle n -> Transformation V3 n Source

Create a transformation which rotates by the given angle about a line parallel the Z axis passing through the local origin. A positive angle brings positive x-values towards the positive-y axis.

The angle can be expressed using any type which is an instance of Angle. For example, aboutZ (1/4 @@ turn), aboutZ (tau/4 @@ rad), and aboutZ (90 @@ deg) all represent the same transformation, namely, a counterclockwise rotation by a right angle. For more general rotations, see rotationAbout.

Note that writing aboutZ (1/4), with no type annotation, will yield an error since GHC cannot figure out which sort of angle you want to use.

rotationAbout Source


:: Floating n 
=> Point V3 n

origin of rotation

-> Direction V3 n

direction of rotation axis

-> Angle n

angle of rotation

-> Transformation V3 n 

rotationAbout p d a is a rotation about a line parallel to d passing through p.

rotateAbout Source


:: (InSpace V3 n t, Floating n, Transformable t) 
=> Point V3 n

origin of rotation

-> Direction V3 n

direction of rotation axis

-> Angle n

angle of rotation

-> t 
-> t 

rotationAbout p d a is a rotation about a line parallel to d passing through p.

pointAt :: Floating n => Direction V3 n -> Direction V3 n -> Direction V3 n -> Transformation V3 n Source

pointAt about initial final produces a rotation which brings the direction initial to point in the direction final by first panning around about, then tilting about the axis perpendicular to about and final. In particular, if this can be accomplished without tilting, it will be, otherwise if only tilting is necessary, no panning will occur. The tilt will always be between ± 1/4 turn.

pointAt' :: Floating n => V3 n -> V3 n -> V3 n -> Transformation V3 n Source

pointAt' has the same behavior as pointAt, but takes vectors instead of directions.


scalingX :: (Additive v, R1 v, Fractional n) => n -> Transformation v n Source

Construct a transformation which scales by the given factor in the x (horizontal) direction.

scalingY :: (Additive v, R2 v, Fractional n) => n -> Transformation v n Source

Construct a transformation which scales by the given factor in the y (vertical) direction.

scalingZ :: (Additive v, R3 v, Fractional n) => n -> Transformation v n Source

Construct a transformation which scales by the given factor in the z direction.

scaleX :: (InSpace v n t, R2 v, Fractional n, Transformable t) => n -> t -> t Source

Scale a diagram by the given factor in the x (horizontal) direction. To scale uniformly, use scale.

scaleY :: (InSpace v n t, R2 v, Fractional n, Transformable t) => n -> t -> t Source

Scale a diagram by the given factor in the y (vertical) direction. To scale uniformly, use scale.

scaleZ :: (InSpace v n t, R3 v, Fractional n, Transformable t) => n -> t -> t Source

Scale a diagram by the given factor in the z direction. To scale uniformly, use scale.

scaling :: (Additive v, Fractional n) => n -> Transformation v n

Create a uniform scaling transformation.

scale :: (InSpace v n a, Eq n, Fractional n, Transformable a) => n -> a -> a

Scale uniformly in every dimension by the given scalar.


translationX :: (Additive v, R1 v, Num n) => n -> Transformation v n Source

Construct a transformation which translates by the given distance in the x (horizontal) direction.

translateX :: (InSpace v n t, R1 v, Transformable t) => n -> t -> t Source

Translate a diagram by the given distance in the x (horizontal) direction.

translationY :: (Additive v, R2 v, Num n) => n -> Transformation v n Source

Construct a transformation which translates by the given distance in the y (vertical) direction.

translateY :: (InSpace v n t, R2 v, Transformable t) => n -> t -> t Source

Translate a diagram by the given distance in the y (vertical) direction.

translationZ :: (Additive v, R3 v, Num n) => n -> Transformation v n Source

Construct a transformation which translates by the given distance in the z direction.

translateZ :: (InSpace v n t, R3 v, Transformable t) => n -> t -> t Source

Translate a diagram by the given distance in the y direction.

translation :: v n -> Transformation v n

Create a translation.

translate :: (Num (N t), Transformable t) => Vn t -> t -> t

Translate by a vector.


reflectionX :: (Additive v, R1 v, Num n) => Transformation v n Source

Construct a transformation which flips a diagram from left to right, i.e. sends the point (x,y) to (-x,y).

reflectX :: (InSpace v n t, R1 v, Transformable t) => t -> t Source

Flip a diagram from left to right, i.e. send the point (x,y) to (-x,y).

reflectionY :: (Additive v, R2 v, Num n) => Transformation v n Source

Construct a transformation which flips a diagram from top to bottom, i.e. sends the point (x,y) to (x,-y).

reflectY :: (InSpace v n t, R2 v, Transformable t) => t -> t Source

Flip a diagram from top to bottom, i.e. send the point (x,y) to (x,-y).

reflectionZ :: (Additive v, R3 v, Num n) => Transformation v n Source

Construct a transformation which flips a diagram across z=0, i.e. sends the point (x,y,z) to (x,y,-z).

reflectZ :: (InSpace v n t, R3 v, Transformable t) => t -> t Source

Flip a diagram across z=0, i.e. send the point (x,y,z) to (x,y,-z).

reflectionAcross :: (Metric v, Fractional n) => Point v n -> v n -> Transformation v n Source

reflectionAcross p v is a reflection across the plane through the point p and normal to vector v. This also works as a 2D transform where v is the normal to the line passing through point p.

reflectAcross :: (InSpace v n t, Metric v, Fractional n, Transformable t) => Point v n -> v n -> t -> t Source

reflectAcross p v reflects a diagram across the plane though the point p and the vector v. This also works as a 2D transform where v is the normal to the line passing through point p.