diagrams-lib-0.4: Embedded domain-specific language for declarative graphics





Diagram combinators specialized to two dimensions. For more general combinators, see Diagrams.Combinators.


Binary combinators

(===) :: (HasOrigin a, Boundable a, V a ~ R2, Monoid a) => a -> a -> aSource

Place two diagrams (or other boundable objects) vertically adjacent to one another, with the first diagram above the second. Since Haskell ignores whitespace in expressions, one can thus write


to place c above d.

(|||) :: (HasOrigin a, Boundable a, V a ~ R2, Monoid a) => a -> a -> aSource

Place two diagrams (or other boundable objects) horizontally adjacent to one another, with the first diagram to the left of the second.

n-ary combinators

hcat :: (HasOrigin a, Boundable a, V a ~ R2, Monoid a) => [a] -> aSource

Lay out a list of boundable objects in a row from left to right, so that their local origins lie along a single horizontal line, with successive bounding regions tangent to one another.

  • For more control over the spacing, see hcat'.
  • To align the diagrams vertically (or otherwise), use alignment combinators (such as alignT or alignB) from Diagrams.TwoD.Align before applying hcat.
  • For non-axis-aligned layout, see cat.

hcat' :: (HasOrigin a, Boundable a, V a ~ R2, Monoid a) => CatOpts R2 -> [a] -> aSource

A variant of hcat taking an extra CatOpts record to control the spacing. See the cat' documentation for a description of the possibilities.

vcat :: (HasOrigin a, Boundable a, V a ~ R2, Monoid a) => [a] -> aSource

Lay out a list of boundable objects in a column from top to bottom, so that their local origins lie along a single vertical line, with successive bounding regions tangent to one another.

  • For more control over the spacing, see vcat'.
  • To align the diagrams horizontally (or otherwise), use alignment combinators (such as alignL or alignR) from Diagrams.TwoD.Align before applying vcat.
  • For non-axis-aligned layout, see cat.

vcat' :: (HasOrigin a, Boundable a, V a ~ R2, Monoid a) => CatOpts R2 -> [a] -> aSource

A variant of vcat taking an extra CatOpts record to control the spacing. See the cat' documentation for a description of the possibilities.


strutX :: (Backend b R2, Monoid m) => Double -> AnnDiagram b R2 mSource

strutX d is an empty diagram with width d, height 0, and a centered local origin. Note that strutX (-w) behaves the same as strutX w.

strutY :: (Backend b R2, Monoid m) => Double -> AnnDiagram b R2 mSource

strutY d is an empty diagram with height d, width 0, and a centered local origin. Note that strutX (-w) behaves the same as strutX w.