dhall-toml-1.0.1: Convert between Dhall and TOML
Safe HaskellNone



This module exports the dhallToToml function for translating a Dhall syntax tree to a TOML syntax tree (TOML) for the tomland library.

For converting source code into a Dhall syntax tree see the dhall package, and for converting the TOML syntax tree to source code see the tomland package.

This module also exports dhallToTomlMain which implements the dhall-to-toml command which converts Dhall source directly into TOML source.

Not all Dhall expressions can be converted to TOML since TOML is not a programming language. The only things you can convert are:

  • Bools
  • Naturals
  • Integers
  • Doubles
  • Text values
  • Lists
  • Optional values
  • unions
  • records

Additionally the Dhall top-level value being converted **must be a record** since TOML cannot represent bare values (ex. a single boolean or integer)

Dhall Bools translates to TOML bools:

$ dhall-to-toml <<< ' { t = True, f = False }'
f = false
t = true

Dhall numbers translate to TOML numbers:

$ dhall-to-toml <<< '{ i = 1, d = 1.2 }'
d = 1.2
i = 1

Dhall Text translates to TOML text:

$ dhall-to-toml <<< '{ t = "Hello!" }'
t = "Hello!"

Dhall Lists of records translates to TOML array of tables:

$ dhall-to-toml <<< '{ l = [ { a = 1 } , { a = 2 }] }'
  a = 1

  a = 2

All other Lists are translated to TOML inline lists:

$ dhall-to-toml <<< '{ l1 = [1, 2, 3], l2 = [[1, 1], [2, 2]] }'
l1 = [1, 2, 3]
l2 = [[1, 1], [2, 2]]

Note, lists of lists of objects are currently not supported, for example, [[{a = 1}]] will not be converted.

Dhall Optional values are ignored if None or the unwraped value if Some

$ dhall-to-toml <<< '{ n = None Natural, s = Some 1 }'
s = 1

Dhall records translate to TOML tables:

$ dhall-to-toml <<< '{ v = 1, r1 = { a = 1, b = 2, nested = { a = 3 } } }'
v = 1

  a = 1
  b = 2

    c = 3

Dhall unions translate to the wrapped value, or a string if the alternative is empty:

$ dhall-to-toml <<< '{ u = < A | B >.A }'
u = "A"
$ dhall-to-toml <<< '{ u = < A : Natural | B >.A 10}'
u = 10

Also, all Dhall expressions are normalized before translation:

$ dhall-to-toml <<< ' { b = True == False }'
b = false

Dhall To TOML

dhallToToml :: Expr s Void -> Either CompileError TOML Source #

Converts a Dhall expression into a tomland TOML expression

>>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
>>> :set -XOverloadedLists
>>> import Dhall.Core
>>> import Toml.Type.Printer
>>> f = makeRecordField
>>> let toml = dhallToToml $ RecordLit [("foo", f $ NaturalLit 1), ("bar", f $ TextLit "ABC")]
>>> toml == Right (TOML {tomlPairs = HashMap.fromList [("foo",AnyValue (Toml.Value.Integer 1)),("bar",AnyValue (Toml.Value.Text "ABC"))], tomlTables = HashMap.fromList [], tomlTableArrays = HashMap.fromList []})
>>> fmap Toml.Type.Printer.pretty toml
Right "bar = \"ABC\"\nfoo = 1\n"

dhallToTomlMain :: IO () Source #

Runs the dhall-to-toml command
