{-| Contains all utilities related to markdown processing
module Dhall.Docs.Markdown
    ( MarkdownParseError(..)
    , markdownToHtml
    ) where

import Data.Text       (Text)
import Lucid
import Path            (File, Path, Rel)
import Text.Megaparsec (ParseErrorBundle (..))
import Text.MMark      (MMarkErr)

import qualified Path
import qualified Text.MMark as MMark

-- | Wrapper around `MMarkErr` errors
newtype MarkdownParseError = MarkdownParseError
    { unwrap :: ParseErrorBundle Text MMarkErr

{-| Takes a text that could contain markdown and returns the generated HTML.
    If an error occurs while parsing, it also returns the error information.
    :: Path Rel File -- ^ Used by `Mmark.parse` for error messages
    -> Text          -- ^ Text to parse
    -> Either MarkdownParseError (Html ())
markdownToHtml relFile contents =
    case MMark.parse (Path.fromRelFile relFile) contents of
        Left err -> Left MarkdownParseError { unwrap = err }
        Right mmark -> Right $ MMark.render mmark