{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-| Newtypes for writing customizable 'FromDhall' and 'ToDhall' instances through the DerivingVia strategy. Inspired by Matt Parson's blog post [Mirror Mirror: Reflection and Encoding Via](https://www.parsonsmatt.org/2020/02/04/mirror_mirror.html), but applied to Dhall instead of JSON. This module is intended to be used with [DerivingVia](https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/latest/docs/html/users_guide/glasgow_exts.html#extension-DerivingVia) so it's only available for GHC >= v8.6.1. Check the section /Letting DerivingVia do the work/ if you want to see this module in action. (Click "Dhall.Deriving#derivingVia" to jump there) -} module Dhall.Deriving ( -- * Introduction -- $introduction -- * Writing FromDhall instances by hand -- $instancesByHand -- * Letting DerivingVia do the work -- $derivingVia -- * Behind the scenes of Codec -- $behindTheScenes -- * DerivingVia newtype Codec (..) -- * Type-level functions on InterpretOptions , ModifyOptions (..) , Field , Constructor , SetSingletonConstructors -- * Type-level functions on Text , TextFunction (..) , DropPrefix , TitleCase , CamelCase , PascalCase , SnakeCase , SpinalCase , TrainCase -- * Type-level versions of SingletonConstructors , ToSingletonConstructors(..) , Bare , Wrapped , Smart -- * Identity and Composition for ModifyOptions and TextFunction , AsIs , type (<<<) -- * Helper function on Text , dropPrefix -- * InterpretOptions setters , addFieldModifier , addConstructorModifier , setSingletonConstructors ) where import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..)) import Dhall import GHC.Generics (Generic (Rep)) import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, Symbol, symbolVal) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Manipulate as Case -- | Intended for use on @deriving via@ clauses for types with a -- 'Generic' instance. The @tag@ argument is used to construct an -- 'InterpretOptions' value which is used as the first argument -- to 'genericAutoWith'. newtype Codec tag a = Codec { Codec tag a -> a unCodec :: a } instance (Generic a, GenericFromDhall a (Rep a), ModifyOptions tag) => FromDhall (Codec tag a) where autoWith :: InputNormalizer -> Decoder (Codec tag a) autoWith InputNormalizer _ = a -> Codec tag a forall k (tag :: k) a. a -> Codec tag a Codec (a -> Codec tag a) -> Decoder a -> Decoder (Codec tag a) forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b <$> InterpretOptions -> Decoder a forall a. (Generic a, GenericFromDhall a (Rep a)) => InterpretOptions -> Decoder a genericAutoWith (InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions forall k (a :: k). ModifyOptions a => InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions modifyOptions @tag InterpretOptions defaultInterpretOptions) instance (Generic a, GenericToDhall (Rep a), ModifyOptions tag) => ToDhall (Codec tag a) where injectWith :: InputNormalizer -> Encoder (Codec tag a) injectWith InputNormalizer _ = Codec tag a -> a forall k (tag :: k) a. Codec tag a -> a unCodec (Codec tag a -> a) -> Encoder a -> Encoder (Codec tag a) forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Contravariant f => (a -> b) -> f b -> f a >$< InterpretOptions -> Encoder a forall a. (Generic a, GenericToDhall (Rep a)) => InterpretOptions -> Encoder a genericToDhallWith (InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions forall k (a :: k). ModifyOptions a => InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions modifyOptions @tag InterpretOptions defaultInterpretOptions) -- | Convert a type into a @InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions@ function class ModifyOptions a where modifyOptions :: InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions -- | The identity for functions on 'InterpretOptions' and on @Text@. -- Useful for deriving @FromDhall@ and @ToDhall@ with the default options. type AsIs = () instance ModifyOptions AsIs where modifyOptions :: InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions modifyOptions = InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions forall a. a -> a id instance TextFunction AsIs where textFunction :: Text -> Text textFunction = Text -> Text forall a. a -> a id -- | Composition for functions on 'InterpretOptions' and on @Text@. -- We use @<<<@ since @.@ isn't a valid type operator yet -- (it will be valid starting from ghc-8.8.1) data a <<< b infixr 1 <<< instance (ModifyOptions a, ModifyOptions b) => ModifyOptions (a <<< b) where modifyOptions :: InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions modifyOptions = ModifyOptions a => InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions forall k (a :: k). ModifyOptions a => InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions modifyOptions @a (InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions) -> (InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions) -> InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c . ModifyOptions b => InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions forall k (a :: k). ModifyOptions a => InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions modifyOptions @b instance (TextFunction a, TextFunction b) => TextFunction (a <<< b) where textFunction :: Text -> Text textFunction = TextFunction a => Text -> Text forall k (a :: k). TextFunction a => Text -> Text textFunction @a (Text -> Text) -> (Text -> Text) -> Text -> Text forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c . TextFunction b => Text -> Text forall k (a :: k). TextFunction a => Text -> Text textFunction @b -- | @Field t@ post-composes the @fieldModifier@ from @options@ with the -- value-level version of @t@, obtained with @TextFunction@ data Field a instance TextFunction a => ModifyOptions (Field a) where modifyOptions :: InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions modifyOptions = (Text -> Text) -> InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions addFieldModifier (TextFunction a => Text -> Text forall k (a :: k). TextFunction a => Text -> Text textFunction @a) -- | @Constructor t@ post-composes the @constructorModifier@ from @options@ -- with the value-level version of @t@, obtained with @TextFunction@ data Constructor a instance TextFunction a => ModifyOptions (Constructor a) where modifyOptions :: InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions modifyOptions = (Text -> Text) -> InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions addConstructorModifier (TextFunction a => Text -> Text forall k (a :: k). TextFunction a => Text -> Text textFunction @a) -- * Text Functions -- | Convert a type into a @Text -> Text@ function class TextFunction a where textFunction :: Text -> Text -- | @DropPrefix prefix@ corresponds to the value level -- function @'dropPrefix' prefix@ data DropPrefix (s :: Symbol) instance KnownSymbol s => TextFunction (DropPrefix s) where textFunction :: Text -> Text textFunction = Text -> Text -> Text dropPrefix (String -> Text Text.pack (Proxy s -> String forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *). KnownSymbol n => proxy n -> String symbolVal @s Proxy s forall k (t :: k). Proxy t Proxy)) -- | Convert casing to @Title Cased Phrase@ data TitleCase instance TextFunction TitleCase where textFunction :: Text -> Text textFunction = Text -> Text Case.toTitle -- | Convert casing to @camelCasedPhrase@ data CamelCase instance TextFunction CamelCase where textFunction :: Text -> Text textFunction = Text -> Text Case.toCamel -- | Convert casing to @PascalCasedPhrase@ data PascalCase instance TextFunction PascalCase where textFunction :: Text -> Text textFunction = Text -> Text Case.toPascal -- | Convert casing to @snake_cased_phrase@ data SnakeCase instance TextFunction SnakeCase where textFunction :: Text -> Text textFunction = Text -> Text Case.toSnake -- | Convert casing to @spinal-cased-phrase@ data SpinalCase instance TextFunction SpinalCase where textFunction :: Text -> Text textFunction = Text -> Text Case.toSpinal -- | Convert casing to @Train-Cased-Phrase@ data TrainCase instance TextFunction TrainCase where textFunction :: Text -> Text textFunction = Text -> Text Case.toTrain -- | @SetSingletonConstructors t@ replaces the @singletonConstructors@ -- from @options@ with the value-level version of @t@. data SetSingletonConstructors a instance ToSingletonConstructors a => ModifyOptions (SetSingletonConstructors a) where modifyOptions :: InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions modifyOptions = SingletonConstructors -> InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions setSingletonConstructors (ToSingletonConstructors a => SingletonConstructors forall (a :: SingletonConstructors). ToSingletonConstructors a => SingletonConstructors asSingletonConstructors @a) -- | Convert a type of kind @SingletonConstructors@ -- into a value of type @SingletonConstructors@ class ToSingletonConstructors (a :: SingletonConstructors) where asSingletonConstructors :: SingletonConstructors -- | Type-level version of 'Dhall.Bare'. -- Never wrap the field of a singleton constructor in a record type Bare = 'Bare instance ToSingletonConstructors Bare where asSingletonConstructors :: SingletonConstructors asSingletonConstructors = SingletonConstructors Bare -- | Type-level version of 'Dhall.Wrapped' -- Always wrap the field of a singleton constructor in a record type Wrapped = 'Wrapped instance ToSingletonConstructors Wrapped where asSingletonConstructors :: SingletonConstructors asSingletonConstructors = SingletonConstructors Wrapped -- | Type-level version of 'Dhall.Smart' -- Wrap the field of a singleton constructor in a record -- only if the field is named type Smart = 'Smart instance ToSingletonConstructors Smart where asSingletonConstructors :: SingletonConstructors asSingletonConstructors = SingletonConstructors Smart -- * Text helper -- | @dropPrefix prefix text@ returns the suffix of @text@ if its prefix -- matches @prefix@, or the entire @text@ otherwise dropPrefix :: Text -> (Text -> Text) dropPrefix :: Text -> Text -> Text dropPrefix Text prefix Text text = case Text -> Text -> Maybe Text Text.stripPrefix Text prefix Text text of Maybe Text Nothing -> Text text Just Text e -> Text e -- * InterpretOptions setters -- | @addFieldModifier f options@ post-composes the @fieldModifier@ -- from @options@ with @f@. addFieldModifier :: (Text -> Text) -> InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions addFieldModifier :: (Text -> Text) -> InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions addFieldModifier Text -> Text f InterpretOptions options = InterpretOptions options { fieldModifier :: Text -> Text fieldModifier = Text -> Text f (Text -> Text) -> (Text -> Text) -> Text -> Text forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c . InterpretOptions -> Text -> Text fieldModifier InterpretOptions options } -- | @addConstructorModifier f options@ post-composes the @constructorModifier@ -- from @options@ with @f@. addConstructorModifier :: (Text -> Text) -> InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions addConstructorModifier :: (Text -> Text) -> InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions addConstructorModifier Text -> Text f InterpretOptions options = InterpretOptions options { constructorModifier :: Text -> Text constructorModifier = Text -> Text f (Text -> Text) -> (Text -> Text) -> Text -> Text forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c . InterpretOptions -> Text -> Text constructorModifier InterpretOptions options } -- | @setSingletonConstructors v options@ replaces the @singletonConstructors@ -- from @options@ with @v@. setSingletonConstructors :: SingletonConstructors -> InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions setSingletonConstructors :: SingletonConstructors -> InterpretOptions -> InterpretOptions setSingletonConstructors SingletonConstructors v InterpretOptions options = InterpretOptions options { singletonConstructors :: SingletonConstructors singletonConstructors = SingletonConstructors v } {- $introduction Let's take the following Haskell data types: >>> :set -XDerivingStrategies >>> :{ newtype Name = Name { getName :: Text } deriving stock (Show) :} >>> :{ data Font = Arial | ComicSans | Helvetica | TimesNewRoman deriving stock (Show) :} >>> :{ data Person = Person { personName :: Name , personFavoriteFont :: Font } deriving stock (Show) :} And assume we want to read the following Dhall file as a @Person@: @ -- ./simon.dhall let Name = Text let Font = \< Arial | `Comic Sans` | Helvetica | `Times New Roman` \> let Person = { name : Name, favoriteFont : Font } in { name = \"Simon\", favoriteFont = Font.`Comic Sans` } : Person @ Usually, you would build a 'Decoder' by hand, like this >>> :{ font :: Decoder Font font = union ( (Arial <$ constructor "Arial" unit) <> (ComicSans <$ constructor "Comic Sans" unit) <> (Helvetica <$ constructor "Helvetica" unit) <> (TimesNewRoman <$ constructor "Times New Roman" unit) ) :} >>> :{ name :: Decoder Name name = Name <$> strictText :} >>> :{ person :: Decoder Person person = record ( Person <$> field "name" name <*> field "favoriteFont" font ) :} and then you use it like this >>> input person "./simon.dhall" Person {personName = Name {getName = "Simon"}, personFavoriteFont = ComicSans} So, it works! However, this is quite mechanic, and the compiler has pretty much all the information it needs to do it for you. Besides, you'd like to provide an instance of 'FromDhall' so you can use the polymorphic 'Decoder' 'auto' instead of explicitly calling @person@. -} {- $instancesByHand "Aha!," you think, "I'll write an empty @instance 'FromDhall' Person@". That in turn requires you to add two other instances for @Font@ and for @Name@, plus 'Generic' instances for each of those, but that's okay. >>> :set -XStandaloneDeriving >>> :set -XDeriveGeneric >>> :{ deriving stock instance Generic Name deriving stock instance Generic Font deriving stock instance Generic Person :} >>> :{ instance FromDhall Name instance FromDhall Font instance FromDhall Person :} However, when you try to read the same file with 'auto', you get this: >>> input auto "./simon.dhall" :: IO Person *** Exception: ...Error...: Expression doesn't match annotation ... { - personFavoriteFont : … , - personName : … , + favoriteFont : … , + name : … } ... 1│ ./simon.dhall : { personName : { getName : Text } 2│ , personFavoriteFont : < Arial | ComicSans | Helvetica | TimesNewRoman > 3│ } ... What happened? The field names don't quite match, since we're using prefixed field names in Haskell but no prefixes in Dhall. "Okay," you think, "I can write a custom instance which builds on 'Generic' thanks to 'genericAutoWith', I only need to supply a function to drop the prefixes and @camelCase@ the rest". So, using 'Data.Text.Manipulate.toCamel': >>> import Data.Text.Manipulate (toCamel) >>> import qualified Data.Text as Text >>> :{ instance FromDhall Person where autoWith _ = genericAutoWith defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = toCamel . Text.drop (Text.length "person") } :} Let's try to read that again: >>> input auto "./simon.dhall":: IO Person *** Exception: ...Error...: Expression doesn't match annotation ... { favoriteFont : < - ComicSans : … | - TimesNewRoman : … | + `Comic Sans` : … | + `Times New Roman` : … | … > , name : - { … : … } (a record type) + Text } ... 1│ ./simon.dhall : { name : { getName : Text } 2│ , favoriteFont : < Arial | ComicSans | Helvetica | TimesNewRoman > 3│ } ... Okay, we're almost there. We have two things to solve now. First, the @Font@ constructors are @PascalCased@ in Haskell, but @Title Cased@ in Dhall. We can communicate this to our 'FromDhall' instance using 'Data.Text.Manipulate.toTitle': >>> import Data.Text.Manipulate (toTitle) >>> :{ instance FromDhall Font where autoWith _ = genericAutoWith defaultInterpretOptions { constructorModifier = toTitle } :} Second, we defined the @Name@ type in Haskell as a newtype over @Text@, with a @getName@ field for unwrapping. In Dhall, however, @Name@ is a synonym of 'Data.Text.Text', which is why 'Dhall.input' above was expecting a record. The 'Dhall.Bare' option for 'singletonConstructors' is a perfect fit here: it translates Haskell singleton constructors into the Dhall version of the nested type, without wrapping it into a record. We can then tweak our 'FromDhall' instance like this: >>> :{ instance FromDhall Name where autoWith _ = genericAutoWith defaultInterpretOptions { singletonConstructors = Bare } :} Since we're running this interactively, we also need to update the instance for @Person@, but it's the same as before. >>> :{ instance FromDhall Person where autoWith _ = genericAutoWith defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = toCamel . Text.drop (Text.length "person") } :} Now, for the moment of truth: >>> input auto "./simon.dhall":: IO Person Person {personName = Name {getName = "Simon"}, personFavoriteFont = ComicSans} That took a bit more work than we wanted, though, and a lot of it was just boilerplate for defining the instances through `genericAutoWith`, tweaking a single parameter at a time. Even worse, if we also wanted to provide 'ToDhall' instances we would need to keep the options in sync between both instances, since otherwise the values wouldn't be able to round-trip from Dhall to Dhall through Haskell. -} {- $derivingVia #derivingVia# Starting with this dhall file: @ -- ./simon.dhall let Name = Text let Font = \< Arial | `Comic Sans` | Helvetica | `Times New Roman` \> let Person = { name : Name, favoriteFont : Font } in { name = \"Simon\", favoriteFont = Font.`Comic Sans` } : Person @ We can define the equivalent Haskell types as follows. Note that we derive the 'FromDhall' and 'ToDhall' instances @via 'Codec' tag TheType@, using a different @tag@ depending on the transformations we need to apply to the Haskell type to get the Dhall equivalent: >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> :set -XDeriveGeneric >>> :set -XDerivingVia >>> :set -XTypeOperators >>> :{ newtype Name = Name { getName :: Text } deriving stock (Generic, Show) deriving (FromDhall, ToDhall) via Codec (SetSingletonConstructors Bare) Name :} >>> :{ data Font = Arial | ComicSans | Helvetica | TimesNewRoman deriving stock (Generic, Show) deriving (FromDhall, ToDhall) via Codec (Constructor TitleCase) Font :} >>> :{ data Person = Person { personName :: Name , personFavoriteFont :: Font } deriving stock (Generic, Show) deriving (FromDhall, ToDhall) via Codec (Field (CamelCase <<< DropPrefix "person")) Person :} we can then read the file using 'auto': >>> simon <- input auto "./simon.dhall":: IO Person >>> print simon Person {personName = Name {getName = "Simon"}, personFavoriteFont = ComicSans} And using 'inject' we can get @simon@ back as a Dhall value: >>> import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text >>> import Dhall.Core (pretty) >>> Text.putStrLn . pretty . embed inject $ simon { name = "Simon" , favoriteFont = < Arial | `Comic Sans` | Helvetica | `Times New Roman` >.`Comic Sans` } -} {- $behindTheScenes @'Codec' tag a@ is really just a newtype over @a@, equipped with a phantom @tag@. The 'FromDhall' instance for 'Codec' uses the generic representation of @a@, together with the 'InterpretOptions' defined by @tag@ as a series of modifications to be applied on 'defaultInterpretOptions'. For the default behavior, using 'AsIs' (a synonym for @()@) as the @tag@ leaves the interpret options alone, so it's equivalent to the empty instance we first tried to use. @'Field' a@ and @'Constructor' a@ can be used to modify, respectively, the 'fieldModifier' and 'constructorModifier' options of 'InterpretOptions', by post-composing the modifier with @'textFunction' \@a@, that is, the value-level equivalent of @a@, obtained through the 'TextFunction' class. In the case of @Person@, we used @ Codec (Field (CamelCase <<< DropPrefix "person")) Person @ which means that the @Text -> Text@ version of @ CamelCase <<< DropPrefix "person" @ was used to modify the @fieldModifier@ option. In the value level, this translates to composing ('<<<') 'Data.Text.Manipulate.toCamel' ('CamelCase') with @'dropPrefix' "person"@ (@'DropPrefix' "person"@). Finally, @'SetSingletonConstructors' a@ can be used to set the 'singletonConstructors' option of 'InterpretOptions', by replacing the option with the value-level equivalent of @a@. -} {- $setup >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -}