{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | Parsing Dhall expressions.
module Dhall.Parser.Expression where

import Control.Applicative     (Alternative (..), liftA2, optional)
import Data.ByteArray.Encoding (Base (..))
import Data.Foldable           (foldl')
import Data.Functor            (void)
import Data.List.NonEmpty      (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Semigroup          (Semigroup (..))
import Data.Text               (Text)
import Dhall.Src               (Src (..))
import Dhall.Syntax
import Prelude                 hiding (const, pi)
import Text.Parser.Combinators (choice, try, (<?>))

import qualified Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Monad.Combinators.NonEmpty as Combinators.NonEmpty
import qualified Data.ByteArray.Encoding
import qualified Data.ByteString
import qualified Data.Char                          as Char
import qualified Data.List
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty                 as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Sequence
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding
import qualified Dhall.Crypto
import qualified Text.Megaparsec

import Dhall.Parser.Combinators
import Dhall.Parser.Token

-- | Get the current source position
getSourcePos :: Text.Megaparsec.MonadParsec e s m =>
                m Text.Megaparsec.SourcePos
getSourcePos =
{-# INLINE getSourcePos #-}

-- | Get the current source offset (in tokens)
getOffset :: Text.Megaparsec.MonadParsec e s m => m Int
getOffset = Text.Megaparsec.stateOffset <$> Text.Megaparsec.getParserState
{-# INLINE getOffset #-}

-- | Set the current source offset
setOffset :: Text.Megaparsec.MonadParsec e s m => Int -> m ()
setOffset o = Text.Megaparsec.updateParserState $ \state ->
        { Text.Megaparsec.stateOffset = o }
{-# INLINE setOffset #-}

{-| Wrap a `Parser` to still match the same text but return only the `Src`
src :: Parser a -> Parser Src
src parser = do
    before      <- getSourcePos
    (tokens, _) <- Text.Megaparsec.match parser
    after       <- getSourcePos
    return (Src before after tokens)

-- | Same as `src`, except also return the parsed value
srcAnd :: Parser a -> Parser (Src, a)
srcAnd parser = do
    before      <- getSourcePos
    (tokens, x) <- Text.Megaparsec.match parser
    after       <- getSourcePos
    return (Src before after tokens, x)

{-| Wrap a `Parser` to still match the same text, but to wrap the resulting
    `Expr` in a `Note` constructor containing the `Src` span
noted :: Parser (Expr Src a) -> Parser (Expr Src a)
noted parser = do
    before      <- getSourcePos
    (tokens, e) <- Text.Megaparsec.match parser
    after       <- getSourcePos
    let src₀ = Src before after tokens
    case e of
        Note src₁ _ | laxSrcEq src₀ src₁ -> return e
        _                                -> return (Note src₀ e)

{-| Parse a complete expression (with leading and trailing whitespace)

    This corresponds to the @complete-expression@ rule from the official
completeExpression :: Parser a -> Parser (Expr Src a)
completeExpression embedded = completeExpression_
    Parsers {..} = parsers embedded

{-| Parse an \"import expression\"

    This is not the same thing as @`fmap` `Embed`@.  This parses any
    expression of the same or higher precedence as an import expression (such
    as a selector expression).  For example, this parses @(1)@

    This corresponds to the @import-expression@ rule from the official grammar
importExpression :: Parser a -> Parser (Expr Src a)
importExpression embedded = importExpression_
    Parsers {..} = parsers embedded

{-| For efficiency (and simplicity) we only expose two parsers from the
    result of the `parsers` function, since these are the only parsers needed
    outside of this module
data Parsers a = Parsers
    { completeExpression_ :: Parser (Expr Src a)
    , importExpression_   :: Parser (Expr Src a)

-- | Given a parser for imports, 
parsers :: Parser a -> Parsers a
parsers embedded = Parsers {..}
    completeExpression_ = whitespace *> expression <* whitespace

    expression =
            ( choice
                [ alternative0
                , alternative1
                , alternative2
                , alternative3
                , alternative4
                , alternative5
            ) <?> "expression"
        alternative0 = do
            a <- label
            b <- expression
            c <- expression
            return (Lam a b c)

        alternative1 = do
            try (_if *> nonemptyWhitespace)
            a <- expression
            try (_then *> nonemptyWhitespace)
            b <- expression
            try (_else *> nonemptyWhitespace)
            c <- expression
            return (BoolIf a b c)

        alternative2 = do
            let binding = do
                    src0 <- try (_let *> src nonemptyWhitespace)

                    c <- label

                    src1 <- src whitespace

                    d <- optional (do

                        src2 <- src nonemptyWhitespace

                        e <- expression


                        return (Just src2, e) )


                    src3 <- src whitespace

                    f <- expression


                    return (Binding (Just src0) c (Just src1) d (Just src3) f)

            as <- NonEmpty.some1 binding

            try (_in *> nonemptyWhitespace)

            b <- expression

            -- 'Note's in let-in-let:
            -- Subsequent @let@s that are not separated by an @in@ only get a
            -- single surrounding 'Note'. For example:
            -- let x = a
            -- let y = b
            -- in  let z = c
            --     in x
            -- is parsed as
            -- (Note …
            --   (Let x …
            --     (Let y …
            --       (Note …
            --         (Let z …
            return (Dhall.Syntax.wrapInLets as b)

        alternative3 = do
            try (_forall *> whitespace *> _openParens)
            a <- label
            b <- expression
            c <- expression
            return (Pi a b c)

        alternative4 = do
            try (_assert *> whitespace *> _colon)
            a <- expression
            return (Assert a)

        alternative5 = do
            a0 <- applicationExpression

            let (parseFirstOperatorExpression, parseOperatorExpression) =
                    operatorExpression (pure a0)

            a <- parseFirstOperatorExpression


            let alternative4A = do
                    b <- expression
                    return (Pi "_" a b)

            let alternative4B = do
                    b <- expression
                    case shallowDenote a of
                        ListLit Nothing [] ->
                            return (ListLit (Just b) [])
                        Merge c d Nothing ->
                            return (Merge c d (Just b))
                        ToMap c Nothing ->
                            return (ToMap c (Just b))
                        _ -> return (Annot a b)

            let alternative4C = do
                    case shallowDenote a of
                        Equivalent{}   -> empty
                        ImportAlt{}    -> empty
                        BoolOr{}       -> empty
                        NaturalPlus{}  -> empty
                        TextAppend{}   -> empty
                        ListAppend{}   -> empty
                        BoolAnd{}      -> empty
                        Combine{}      -> empty
                        Prefer{}       -> empty
                        CombineTypes{} -> empty
                        NaturalTimes{} -> empty
                        BoolEQ{}       -> empty
                        BoolNE{}       -> empty
                        App{}          -> empty
                        _              -> return ()

                    bs <- many (do
                        try (whitespace *> _with *> nonemptyWhitespace)

                        keys <- Combinators.NonEmpty.sepBy1 anyLabel (try (whitespace *> _dot) *> whitespace)




                        value <- parseOperatorExpression

                        return (\e -> With e keys value) )

                    return (foldl (\e f -> f e) a0 bs)

            alternative4A <|> alternative4B <|> alternative4C <|> pure a

    -- The firstApplicationExpression argument is necessary in order to
    -- left-factor the parsers for function types and @with@ expressions to
    -- minimize backtracking
    -- For a longer explanation, see:
    -- https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1770#discussion_r419022486
    operatorExpression firstApplicationExpression =
        foldr cons nil operatorParsers
        cons operatorParser (p0, p) =
            ( makeOperatorExpression p0 operatorParser p
            , makeOperatorExpression p  operatorParser p

        nil = (firstApplicationExpression, applicationExpression)

    makeOperatorExpression firstSubExpression operatorParser subExpression = do
            a <- firstSubExpression

            bs <- Text.Megaparsec.many $ do
                (Src _ _ textOp, op0) <- srcAnd (try (whitespace *> operatorParser))

                r0 <- subExpression

                let l@(Note (Src startL _ textL) _) `op` r@(Note (Src _ endR textR) _) =
                        Note (Src startL endR (textL <> textOp <> textR)) (l `op0` r)
                    -- We shouldn't hit this branch if things are working, but
                    -- that is not enforced in the types
                    l `op` r =
                        l `op0` r

                return (`op` r0)

            return (foldl' (\x f -> f x) a bs)

    operatorParsers :: [Parser (Expr s a -> Expr s a -> Expr s a)]
    operatorParsers =
        [ Equivalent              <$ _equivalent   <* whitespace
        , ImportAlt               <$ _importAlt    <* nonemptyWhitespace
        , BoolOr                  <$ _or           <* whitespace
        , NaturalPlus             <$ _plus         <* nonemptyWhitespace
        , TextAppend              <$ _textAppend   <* whitespace
        , ListAppend              <$ _listAppend   <* whitespace
        , BoolAnd                 <$ _and          <* whitespace
        , Combine Nothing         <$ _combine      <* whitespace
        , Prefer PreferFromSource <$ _prefer       <* whitespace
        , CombineTypes            <$ _combineTypes <* whitespace
        , NaturalTimes            <$ _times        <* whitespace
        -- Make sure that `==` is not actually the prefix of `===`
        , BoolEQ                  <$ try (_doubleEqual <* Text.Megaparsec.notFollowedBy (char '=')) <* whitespace
        , BoolNE                  <$ _notEqual     <* whitespace

    applicationExpression = do
            let alternative0 = do
                    _ <- try (_Some <* nonemptyWhitespace)

                    return (Some, Just "argument to ❰Some❱")

            let alternative1 = do
                    _ <- try (_toMap *> nonemptyWhitespace)

                    return (\a -> ToMap a Nothing, Just "argument to ❰toMap❱")

            let alternative2 = do
                    return (id, Nothing)

            (f, maybeMessage) <- alternative0 <|> alternative1 <|> alternative2

            let adapt parser =
                    case maybeMessage of
                        Nothing      -> parser
                        Just message -> parser <?> message

            a <- adapt (noted importExpression_)

            bs <- Text.Megaparsec.many . try $ do
                (sep, _) <- Text.Megaparsec.match nonemptyWhitespace
                b <- importExpression_
                return (sep, b)

            return (foldl' app (f a) bs)
            app a (sep, b)
                | Note (Src left _ bytesL) _ <- a
                , Note (Src _ right bytesR) _ <- b
                = Note (Src left right (bytesL <> sep <> bytesR)) (App a b)
            app a (_, b) =
                App a b

    importExpression_ = noted (choice [ alternative0, alternative1 ])
            alternative0 = do
                a <- embedded
                return (Embed a)

            alternative1 = completionExpression

    completionExpression = noted (do
        a <- selectorExpression

        mb <- optional (do
            try (whitespace *> _doubleColon)


            selectorExpression )

        case mb of
            Nothing -> return a
            Just b  -> return (RecordCompletion a b) )

    selectorExpression = noted (do
            a <- primitiveExpression

            let recordType = _openParens *> whitespace *> expression <* whitespace <* _closeParens

            let field               x  e = Field   e  x
            let projectBySet        xs e = Project e (Left  xs)
            let projectByExpression xs e = Project e (Right xs)

            let alternatives =
                        fmap field               anyLabel
                    <|> fmap projectBySet        labels
                    <|> fmap projectByExpression recordType

            b <- Text.Megaparsec.many (try (whitespace *> _dot *> whitespace *> alternatives))
            return (foldl' (\e k -> k e) a b) )

    primitiveExpression =
                ( choice
                    [ alternative00
                    , alternative01
                    , alternative02
                    , alternative03
                    , alternative04
                    , alternative05
                    , alternative06
                    , alternative07
                    , alternative37
                    , alternative09
                    , builtin
            <|> alternative38
            alternative00 = do
                n <- getOffset
                a <- try doubleLiteral
                b <- if isInfinite a
                       then setOffset n *> fail "double out of bounds"
                       else return a
                return (DoubleLit (DhallDouble b))

            alternative01 = do
                a <- try naturalLiteral
                return (NaturalLit a)

            alternative02 = do
                a <- try integerLiteral
                return (IntegerLit a)

            alternative03 = textLiteral

            alternative04 = (do


                _ <- optional (_comma *> whitespace)

                a <- recordTypeOrLiteral



                return a ) <?> "literal"

            alternative05 = unionType

            alternative06 = listLiteral

            alternative07 = do
                try (_merge *> nonemptyWhitespace)
                a <- importExpression_
                b <- importExpression_ <?> "second argument to ❰merge❱"
                return (Merge a b Nothing)

            alternative09 = do
                a <- try doubleInfinity
                return (DoubleLit (DhallDouble a))

            builtin = do
                let predicate c =
                            c == 'N'
                        ||  c == 'I'
                        ||  c == 'D'
                        ||  c == 'L'
                        ||  c == 'O'
                        ||  c == 'B'
                        ||  c == 'S'
                        ||  c == 'T'
                        ||  c == 'F'
                        ||  c == 'K'

                let nan = DhallDouble (0.0/0.0)

                c <- Text.Megaparsec.lookAhead (Text.Megaparsec.satisfy predicate)

                case c of
                    'N' ->
                            [ NaturalFold      <$ _NaturalFold
                            , NaturalBuild     <$ _NaturalBuild
                            , NaturalIsZero    <$ _NaturalIsZero
                            , NaturalEven      <$ _NaturalEven
                            , NaturalOdd       <$ _NaturalOdd
                            , NaturalSubtract  <$ _NaturalSubtract
                            , NaturalToInteger <$ _NaturalToInteger
                            , NaturalShow      <$ _NaturalShow
                            , Natural          <$ _Natural
                            , None             <$ _None
                            , DoubleLit nan    <$ _NaN
                    'I' ->
                            [ IntegerClamp     <$ _IntegerClamp
                            , IntegerNegate    <$ _IntegerNegate
                            , IntegerShow      <$ _IntegerShow
                            , IntegerToDouble  <$ _IntegerToDouble
                            , Integer          <$ _Integer

                    'D' ->
                            [ DoubleShow       <$ _DoubleShow
                            , Double           <$ _Double
                    'L' ->
                            [ ListBuild        <$ _ListBuild
                            , ListFold         <$ _ListFold
                            , ListLength       <$ _ListLength
                            , ListHead         <$ _ListHead
                            , ListLast         <$ _ListLast
                            , ListIndexed      <$ _ListIndexed
                            , ListReverse      <$ _ListReverse
                            , List             <$ _List
                    'O' ->    Optional         <$ _Optional
                    'B' ->    Bool             <$ _Bool
                    'S' ->    Const Sort       <$ _Sort
                    'T' ->
                            [ TextShow         <$ _TextShow
                            , Text             <$ _Text
                            , BoolLit True     <$ _True
                            , Const Type       <$ _Type
                    'F' ->    BoolLit False    <$ _False
                    'K' ->    Const Kind       <$ _Kind
                    _   ->    empty

            alternative37 = do
                a <- identifier
                return (Var a)

            alternative38 = do
                a <- expression
                return a

    doubleQuotedChunk =
                [ interpolation
                , unescapedCharacterFast
                , unescapedCharacterSlow
                , escapedCharacter
            interpolation = do
                _ <- text "${"
                e <- completeExpression_
                _ <- char '}'
                return (Chunks [(mempty, e)] mempty)

            unescapedCharacterFast = do
                t <- Text.Megaparsec.takeWhile1P Nothing predicate
                return (Chunks [] t)
                predicate c =
                    (   ('\x20' <= c && c <= '\x21'    )
                    ||  ('\x23' <= c && c <= '\x5B'    )
                    ||  ('\x5D' <= c && c <= '\x10FFFF')
                    ) && c /= '$'

            unescapedCharacterSlow = do
                _ <- char '$'
                return (Chunks [] "$")

            escapedCharacter = do
                _ <- char '\\'
                c <- choice
                    [ quotationMark
                    , dollarSign
                    , backSlash
                    , forwardSlash
                    , backSpace
                    , formFeed
                    , lineFeed
                    , carriageReturn
                    , tab
                    , unicode
                return (Chunks [] (Data.Text.singleton c))
                quotationMark = char '"'

                dollarSign = char '$'

                backSlash = char '\\'

                forwardSlash = char '/'

                backSpace = do _ <- char 'b'; return '\b'

                formFeed = do _ <- char 'f'; return '\f'

                lineFeed = do _ <- char 'n'; return '\n'

                carriageReturn = do _ <- char 'r'; return '\r'

                tab = do _ <- char 't'; return '\t'

                unicode = do
                    _  <- char 'u';

                    let toNumber = Data.List.foldl' (\x y -> x * 16 + y) 0

                    let fourCharacterEscapeSequence = do
                            ns <- Control.Monad.replicateM 4 hexNumber

                            let number = toNumber ns

                            Control.Monad.guard (validCodepoint number)
                                <|> fail "Invalid Unicode code point"

                            return number

                    let bracedEscapeSequence = do
                            _  <- char '{'
                            ns <- some hexNumber

                            let number = toNumber ns

                            Control.Monad.guard (number <= 0x10FFFD && validCodepoint number)
                                <|> fail "Invalid Unicode code point"

                            _  <- char '}'

                            return number

                    n <- bracedEscapeSequence <|> fourCharacterEscapeSequence

                    return (Char.chr n)

    doubleQuotedLiteral = do
            _      <- char '"'
            chunks <- Text.Megaparsec.many doubleQuotedChunk
            _      <- char '"'
            return (mconcat chunks)

    singleQuoteContinue =
                [ escapeSingleQuotes
                , interpolation
                , escapeInterpolation
                , endLiteral
                , unescapedCharacterFast
                , unescapedCharacterSlow
                , tab
                , endOfLine
                escapeSingleQuotes = do
                    _ <- "'''" :: Parser Text
                    b <- singleQuoteContinue
                    return ("''" <> b)

                interpolation = do
                    _ <- text "${"
                    a <- completeExpression_
                    _ <- char '}'
                    b <- singleQuoteContinue
                    return (Chunks [(mempty, a)] mempty <> b)

                escapeInterpolation = do
                    _ <- text "''${"
                    b <- singleQuoteContinue
                    return ("${" <> b)

                endLiteral = do
                    _ <- text "''"
                    return mempty

                unescapedCharacterFast = do
                    a <- Text.Megaparsec.takeWhile1P Nothing predicate
                    b <- singleQuoteContinue
                    return (Chunks [] a <> b)
                    predicate c =
                        ('\x20' <= c && c <= '\x10FFFF') && c /= '$' && c /= '\''

                unescapedCharacterSlow = do
                    a <- satisfy predicate
                    b <- singleQuoteContinue
                    return (Chunks [] a <> b)
                    predicate c = c == '$' || c == '\''

                endOfLine = do
                    a <- "\n" <|> "\r\n"
                    b <- singleQuoteContinue
                    return (Chunks [] a <> b)

                tab = do
                    _ <- char '\t' <?> "tab"
                    b <- singleQuoteContinue
                    return ("\t" <> b)

    singleQuoteLiteral = do
            _ <- text "''"
            _ <- endOfLine
            a <- singleQuoteContinue

            return (Dhall.Syntax.toDoubleQuoted a)
            endOfLine = (void (char '\n') <|> void (text "\r\n")) <?> "newline"

    textLiteral = (do
            literal <- doubleQuotedLiteral <|> singleQuoteLiteral
            return (TextLit literal) ) <?> "literal"

    recordTypeOrLiteral =
                [ alternative0
                , alternative1
                , alternative2
            alternative0 = do
                return (RecordLit mempty)

            alternative1 = nonEmptyRecordTypeOrLiteral

            alternative2 = return (Record mempty)

    nonEmptyRecordTypeOrLiteral = do
            let nonEmptyRecordType = do
                    a <- try (anyLabelOrSome <* whitespace <* _colon)


                    b <- expression


                    e <- Text.Megaparsec.many (do


                        c <- anyLabelOrSome




                        d <- expression


                        return (c, d) )

                    m <- toMap ((a, b) : e)

                    return (Record m)

            let keysValue = do
                    keys <- Combinators.NonEmpty.sepBy1 anyLabelOrSome (try (whitespace *> _dot) *> whitespace)

                    let normalRecordEntry = do
                            try (whitespace *> _equal)


                            value <- expression

                            let cons key (key', values) =
                                    (key, RecordLit [ (key', values) ])

                            let nil = (NonEmpty.last keys, value)

                            return (foldr cons nil (NonEmpty.init keys))

                    let punnedEntry =
                            case keys of
                                x :| [] -> return (x, Var (V x 0))
                                _       -> empty

                    (normalRecordEntry <|> punnedEntry) <* whitespace

            let nonEmptyRecordLiteral = do
                    as <- Text.Megaparsec.sepBy1 keysValue (_comma *> whitespace)

                    {- The `flip` is necessary because `toMapWith` is internally
                       based on `Data.Map.fromListWithKey` which combines keys
                       in reverse order
                    let combine k = liftA2 (flip (Combine (Just k)))

                    m <- toMapWith combine as

                    return (RecordLit m)

            nonEmptyRecordType <|> nonEmptyRecordLiteral

    unionType = (do


            _ <- optional (_bar *> whitespace)

            let unionTypeEntry = do
                    a <- anyLabelOrSome
                    b <- optional (_colon *> nonemptyWhitespace *> expression <* whitespace)
                    return (a, b)

            kvs <- Text.Megaparsec.sepBy unionTypeEntry (_bar *> whitespace)

            m <- toMap kvs


            return (Union m) ) <?> "literal"

    listLiteral = (do


            _ <- optional (_comma *> whitespace)

            a <- Text.Megaparsec.sepBy (expression <* whitespace) (_comma *> whitespace)


            return (ListLit Nothing (Data.Sequence.fromList a)) ) <?> "literal"

{-| Parse an environment variable import

    This corresponds to the @env@ rule from the official grammar
env :: Parser ImportType
env = do
    _ <- text "env:"
    a <- (alternative0 <|> alternative1)
    return (Env a)
    alternative0 = bashEnvironmentVariable

    alternative1 = do
        _ <- char '"'
        a <- posixEnvironmentVariable
        _ <- char '"'
        return a

-- | Parse a local import without trailing whitespace
localOnly :: Parser ImportType
localOnly =
        [ parentPath
        , herePath
        , homePath
        , try absolutePath
    parentPath = do
        _    <- ".." :: Parser Text
        file <- file_ FileComponent

        return (Local Parent file)

    herePath = do
        _    <- "." :: Parser Text
        file <- file_ FileComponent

        return (Local Here file)

    homePath = do
        _    <- "~" :: Parser Text
        file <- file_ FileComponent

        return (Local Home file)

    absolutePath = do
        file <- file_ FileComponent

        return (Local Absolute file)

{-| Parse a local import

    This corresponds to the @local@ rule from the official grammar
local :: Parser ImportType
local = do
    a <- localOnly
    return a

{-| Parse an HTTP(S) import

    This corresponds to the @http@ rule from the official grammar
http :: Parser ImportType
http = do
    url <- httpRaw
    headers <- optional (do
        try (whitespace *> _using *> nonemptyWhitespace)
        importExpression import_ )
    return (Remote (url { headers }))

{-| Parse a `Missing` import

    This corresponds to the @missing@ rule from the official grammar
missing :: Parser ImportType
missing = do
  return Missing

{-| Parse an `ImportType`

    This corresponds to the @import-type@ rule from the official grammar
importType_ :: Parser ImportType
importType_ = do
    let predicate c =
            c == '~' || c == '.' || c == '/' || c == 'h' || c == 'e' || c == 'm'

    _ <- Text.Megaparsec.lookAhead (Text.Megaparsec.satisfy predicate)

    choice [ local, http, env, missing ]

{-| Parse a `Dhall.Crypto.SHA256Digest`

    This corresponds to the @hash@ rule from the official grammar
importHash_ :: Parser Dhall.Crypto.SHA256Digest
importHash_ = do
    _ <- text "sha256:"
    t <- count 64 (satisfy hexdig <?> "hex digit")
    let strictBytes16 = Data.Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 t
    strictBytes <- case Data.ByteArray.Encoding.convertFromBase Base16 strictBytes16 of
        Left  string      -> fail string
        Right strictBytes -> return (strictBytes :: Data.ByteString.ByteString)
    case Dhall.Crypto.sha256DigestFromByteString strictBytes of
      Nothing -> fail "Invalid sha256 hash"
      Just h  -> pure h

{-| Parse an `ImportHashed`

    This corresponds to the @import-hashed@ rule from the official grammar
importHashed_ :: Parser ImportHashed
importHashed_ = do
    importType <- importType_
    hash       <- optional (try (nonemptyWhitespace *> importHash_))
    return (ImportHashed {..})

{-| Parse an `Import`

    This corresponds to the @import@ rule from the official grammar
import_ :: Parser Import
import_ = (do
    importHashed <- importHashed_
    importMode   <- alternative <|> pure Code
    return (Import {..}) ) <?> "import"
    alternative = do
      try (whitespace *> _as *> nonemptyWhitespace)

      (_Text >> pure RawText) <|> (_Location >> pure Location)