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data-category-0.7.2: Category theory

LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
Safe HaskellSafe






class Category k where Source #

An instance of Category k declares the arrow k as a category.


src :: k a b -> Obj k a Source #

tgt :: k a b -> Obj k b Source #

(.) :: k b c -> k a b -> k a c infixr 8 Source #

Category Cat Source #

Cat is the category with categories as objects and funtors as arrows.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Functor


src :: Cat a b -> Obj Cat a Source #

tgt :: Cat a b -> Obj Cat b Source #

(.) :: Cat b c -> Cat a b -> Cat a c Source #

Category AdjArrow Source #

The category with categories as objects and adjunctions as arrows.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Adjunction


src :: AdjArrow a b -> Obj AdjArrow a Source #

tgt :: AdjArrow a b -> Obj AdjArrow b Source #

(.) :: AdjArrow b c -> AdjArrow a b -> AdjArrow a c Source #

Category Unit Source #

Unit is the category with one object.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Unit


src :: Unit a b -> Obj Unit a Source #

tgt :: Unit a b -> Obj Unit b Source #

(.) :: Unit b c -> Unit a b -> Unit a c Source #

Category Void Source #

Void is the category with no objects.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Void


src :: Void a b -> Obj Void a Source #

tgt :: Void a b -> Obj Void b Source #

(.) :: Void b c -> Void a b -> Void a c Source #

Category Simplex Source #

The (augmented) simplex category is the category of finite ordinals and order preserving maps.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Simplex


src :: Simplex a b -> Obj Simplex a Source #

tgt :: Simplex a b -> Obj Simplex b Source #

(.) :: Simplex b c -> Simplex a b -> Simplex a c Source #

Category Cube Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Cube


src :: Cube a b -> Obj Cube a Source #

tgt :: Cube a b -> Obj Cube b Source #

(.) :: Cube b c -> Cube a b -> Cube a c Source #

Category Boolean Source #

Boolean is the category with true and false as objects, and an arrow from false to true.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Boolean


src :: Boolean a b -> Obj Boolean a Source #

tgt :: Boolean a b -> Obj Boolean b Source #

(.) :: Boolean b c -> Boolean a b -> Boolean a c Source #

Category k => Category (Op k) Source #

Op k is opposite category of the category k.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category


src :: Op k a b -> Obj (Op k) a Source #

tgt :: Op k a b -> Obj (Op k) b Source #

(.) :: Op k b c -> Op k a b -> Op k a c Source #

(Functor f, Dom f ~ (Op c :**: d), Cod f ~ ((->) :: Type -> Type -> Type), Category c, Category d) => Category (Cograph f) Source #

The cograph of the profunctor f.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Coproduct


src :: Cograph f a b -> Obj (Cograph f) a Source #

tgt :: Cograph f a b -> Obj (Cograph f) b Source #

(.) :: Cograph f b c -> Cograph f a b -> Cograph f a c Source #

Category (Kleisli m) Source #

The category of Kleisli arrows.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Kleisli


src :: Kleisli m a b -> Obj (Kleisli m) a Source #

tgt :: Kleisli m a b -> Obj (Kleisli m) b Source #

(.) :: Kleisli m b c -> Kleisli m a b -> Kleisli m a c Source #

Category (f (Fix f)) => Category (Fix f) Source #

Fix f is the fixed point category for a category combinator f.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Fix


src :: Fix f a b -> Obj (Fix f) a Source #

tgt :: Fix f a b -> Obj (Fix f) b Source #

(.) :: Fix f b c -> Fix f a b -> Fix f a c Source #

ECategory k => Category (Underlying k) Source #

The underlying category of an enriched category

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Enriched


src :: Underlying k a b -> Obj (Underlying k) a Source #

tgt :: Underlying k a b -> Obj (Underlying k) b Source #

(.) :: Underlying k b c -> Underlying k a b -> Underlying k a c Source #

Category ((->) :: Type -> Type -> Type) Source #

The category with Haskell types as objects and Haskell functions as arrows.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category


src :: (a -> b) -> Obj (->) a Source #

tgt :: (a -> b) -> Obj (->) b Source #

(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c Source #

(Category c1, Category c2) => Category (c1 :**: c2) Source #

The product category of categories c1 and c2.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Product


src :: (c1 :**: c2) a b -> Obj (c1 :**: c2) a Source #

tgt :: (c1 :**: c2) a b -> Obj (c1 :**: c2) b Source #

(.) :: (c1 :**: c2) b c -> (c1 :**: c2) a b -> (c1 :**: c2) a c Source #

Category d => Category (Nat c d) Source #

Functor category D^C. Objects of D^C are functors from C to D. Arrows of D^C are natural transformations.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.NaturalTransformation


src :: Nat c d a b -> Obj (Nat c d) a Source #

tgt :: Nat c d a b -> Obj (Nat c d) b Source #

(.) :: Nat c d b c0 -> Nat c d a b -> Nat c d a c0 Source #

(Category c1, Category c2) => Category (c1 :>>: c2) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Coproduct


src :: (c1 :>>: c2) a b -> Obj (c1 :>>: c2) a Source #

tgt :: (c1 :>>: c2) a b -> Obj (c1 :>>: c2) b Source #

(.) :: (c1 :>>: c2) b c -> (c1 :>>: c2) a b -> (c1 :>>: c2) a c Source #

(Category c1, Category c2) => Category (c1 :++: c2) Source #

The coproduct category of categories c1 and c2.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Coproduct


src :: (c1 :++: c2) a b -> Obj (c1 :++: c2) a Source #

tgt :: (c1 :++: c2) a b -> Obj (c1 :++: c2) b Source #

(.) :: (c1 :++: c2) b c -> (c1 :++: c2) a b -> (c1 :++: c2) a c Source #

Category (MonoidAsCategory f m) Source #

A monoid as a category with one object.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Monoidal


src :: MonoidAsCategory f m a b -> Obj (MonoidAsCategory f m) a Source #

tgt :: MonoidAsCategory f m a b -> Obj (MonoidAsCategory f m) b Source #

(.) :: MonoidAsCategory f m b c -> MonoidAsCategory f m a b -> MonoidAsCategory f m a c Source #

Category (Dialg f g) Source #

The category of (F,G)-dialgebras.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Dialg


src :: Dialg f g a b -> Obj (Dialg f g) a Source #

tgt :: Dialg f g a b -> Obj (Dialg f g) b Source #

(.) :: Dialg f g b c -> Dialg f g a b -> Dialg f g a c Source #

(Category (Dom t), Category (Dom s)) => Category (t :/\: s) Source #

The comma category T \downarrow S

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Comma


src :: (t :/\: s) a b -> Obj (t :/\: s) a Source #

tgt :: (t :/\: s) a b -> Obj (t :/\: s) b Source #

(.) :: (t :/\: s) b c -> (t :/\: s) a b -> (t :/\: s) a c Source #

type Obj k a = k a a Source #

Whenever objects are required at value level, they are represented by their identity arrows.

Opposite category

newtype Op k a b Source #




Category k => Category (Op k) Source #

Op k is opposite category of the category k.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category


src :: Op k a b -> Obj (Op k) a Source #

tgt :: Op k a b -> Obj (Op k) b Source #

(.) :: Op k b c -> Op k a b -> Op k a c Source #

HasBinaryProducts k => HasBinaryCoproducts (Op k) Source #

Binary products are the dual of binary coproducts.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Limit

Associated Types

type BinaryCoproduct (Op k) x y :: Type Source #


inj1 :: Obj (Op k) x -> Obj (Op k) y -> Op k x (BinaryCoproduct (Op k) x y) Source #

inj2 :: Obj (Op k) x -> Obj (Op k) y -> Op k y (BinaryCoproduct (Op k) x y) Source #

(|||) :: Op k x a -> Op k y a -> Op k (BinaryCoproduct (Op k) x y) a Source #

(+++) :: Op k a1 b1 -> Op k a2 b2 -> Op k (BinaryCoproduct (Op k) a1 a2) (BinaryCoproduct (Op k) b1 b2) Source #

HasBinaryCoproducts k => HasBinaryProducts (Op k) Source #

Binary products are the dual of binary coproducts.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Limit

Associated Types

type BinaryProduct (Op k) x y :: Type Source #


proj1 :: Obj (Op k) x -> Obj (Op k) y -> Op k (BinaryProduct (Op k) x y) x Source #

proj2 :: Obj (Op k) x -> Obj (Op k) y -> Op k (BinaryProduct (Op k) x y) y Source #

(&&&) :: Op k a x -> Op k a y -> Op k a (BinaryProduct (Op k) x y) Source #

(***) :: Op k a1 b1 -> Op k a2 b2 -> Op k (BinaryProduct (Op k) a1 a2) (BinaryProduct (Op k) b1 b2) Source #

HasTerminalObject k => HasInitialObject (Op k) Source #

Terminal objects are the dual of initial objects.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Limit

Associated Types

type InitialObject (Op k) :: Type Source #


initialObject :: Obj (Op k) (InitialObject (Op k)) Source #

initialize :: Obj (Op k) a -> Op k (InitialObject (Op k)) a Source #

HasInitialObject k => HasTerminalObject (Op k) Source #

Terminal objects are the dual of initial objects.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Limit

Associated Types

type TerminalObject (Op k) :: Type Source #


terminalObject :: Obj (Op k) (TerminalObject (Op k)) Source #

terminate :: Obj (Op k) a -> Op k a (TerminalObject (Op k)) Source #

Category k => CartesianClosed (Presheaves k) Source #

The category of presheaves on a category C is cartesian closed for any C.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.CartesianClosed

Associated Types

type Exponential (Presheaves k) y z :: Type Source #

type InitialObject (Op k) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Limit

type TerminalObject (Op k) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Limit

type BinaryCoproduct (Op k) x y Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Limit

type BinaryCoproduct (Op k) x y = BinaryProduct k x y
type BinaryProduct (Op k) x y Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.Limit

type BinaryProduct (Op k) x y = BinaryCoproduct k x y
type Exponential (Presheaves k) y z Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Category.CartesianClosed