Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- type RepoPatch p = (AnnotateRP p, Apply p, ApplyState p ~ ApplyState (PrimOf p), Check p, Commute p, Conflict p, Effect p, Eq2 p, FromPrim p, IsHunk p, IsHunk (PrimOf p), Merge p, PatchInspect p, PatchListFormat p, PrimPatchBase p, ReadPatch p, RepairToFL p, ShowContextPatch p, ShowPatch p, Summary p, ToPrim p, Unwind p)
- type AnnotateRP p = (Annotate (PrimOf p), Invert (PrimOf p), Effect p)
- class Apply p where
- type ApplyState p :: (* -> *) -> *
- apply :: ApplyMonad (ApplyState p) m => p wX wY -> m ()
- unapply :: ApplyMonad (ApplyState p) m => p wX wY -> m ()
- class Check p where
- isInconsistent :: p wX wY -> Maybe Doc
- class Commute p where
- class Conflict p where
- isConflicted :: p wX wY -> Bool
- resolveConflicts :: RL p wO wX -> RL p wX wY -> [ConflictDetails (PrimOf p) wY]
- class Effect p where
- class Eq2 p where
- class FromPrim p where
- class IsHunk p where
- isHunk :: p wX wY -> Maybe (FileHunk (ObjectIdOfPatch p) wX wY)
- class CleanMerge p => Merge p where
- class PatchInspect p where
- listTouchedFiles :: p wX wY -> [AnchoredPath]
- hunkMatches :: (ByteString -> Bool) -> p wX wY -> Bool
- class PatchListFormat p where
- class PrimPatch (PrimOf p) => PrimPatchBase p where
- type PrimOf (p :: * -> * -> *) :: * -> * -> *
- class ReadPatch p where
- readPatch' :: Parser (Sealed (p wX))
- class Apply p => RepairToFL p where
- applyAndTryToFixFL :: ApplyMonad (ApplyState p) m => p wX wY -> m (Maybe (String, FL p wX wY))
- class ShowPatchBasic p => ShowContextPatch p where
- showPatchWithContextAndApply :: ApplyMonad (ApplyState p) m => ShowPatchFor -> p wX wY -> m Doc
- class ShowPatchBasic p => ShowPatch p where
- class ShowPatchBasic p where
- showPatch :: ShowPatchFor -> p wX wY -> Doc
- class Summary p where
- conflictedEffect :: p wX wY -> [IsConflictedPrim (PrimOf p)]
- class ToPrim p where
- class Unwind p where
- fullUnwind :: p wX wY -> Unwound (PrimOf p) wX wY
type RepoPatch p = (AnnotateRP p, Apply p, ApplyState p ~ ApplyState (PrimOf p), Check p, Commute p, Conflict p, Effect p, Eq2 p, FromPrim p, IsHunk p, IsHunk (PrimOf p), Merge p, PatchInspect p, PatchListFormat p, PrimPatchBase p, ReadPatch p, RepairToFL p, ShowContextPatch p, ShowPatch p, Summary p, ToPrim p, Unwind p) Source #
type AnnotateRP p = (Annotate (PrimOf p), Invert (PrimOf p), Effect p) Source #
This constraint expresses what is needed for a repo patch to support the high-level interface to annotation (currently annotateFile and annotateDirectory)
Minimal complete definition
Associated Types
type ApplyState p :: (* -> *) -> * Source #
apply :: ApplyMonad (ApplyState p) m => p wX wY -> m () Source #
unapply :: ApplyMonad (ApplyState p) m => p wX wY -> m () Source #
default unapply :: (ApplyMonad (ApplyState p) m, Invert p) => p wX wY -> m () Source #
Minimal complete definition
isInconsistent :: p wX wY -> Maybe Doc Source #
Check p => Check (Named p) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.Named | |
Check (RepoPatchV1 prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V1.Core Methods isInconsistent :: RepoPatchV1 prim wX wY -> Maybe Doc Source # | |
PrimPatch prim => Check (RepoPatchV2 prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V2.RepoPatch Methods isInconsistent :: RepoPatchV2 prim wX wY -> Maybe Doc Source # | |
Check p => Check (FL p) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.Repair | |
Check p => Check (RL p) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.Repair | |
PrimPatch prim => Check (RepoPatchV3 name prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V3.Core Methods isInconsistent :: RepoPatchV3 name prim wX wY -> Maybe Doc Source # |
class Commute p where Source #
Class of patches that that can be commuted.
Instances should obey the following laws:
- commute-symmetry
commute (p:>q) == Just (q':>p') <=> commute (q':>p') == Just (p':>q)
- invert-commute
If patches are invertible, then
commute (p:>q) == Just (q':>p') <=> commute (invert q:>invert p) == Just (invert p':>invert q')
The more general law
- square-commute
commute (p:>q) == Just (q':>p') => commute (invert p:>q') == Just (q:>invert p')
is valid in general only provided we know (a priori) that
succeeds, in other words, that p and q are not in conflict with each
other. See Darcs.Patch.CommuteNoConflicts for an extended discussion.commute
class Conflict p where Source #
isConflicted :: p wX wY -> Bool Source #
resolveConflicts :: RL p wO wX -> RL p wX wY -> [ConflictDetails (PrimOf p) wY] Source #
The first parameter is a context containing all patches
preceding the ones for which we want to calculate the conflict
resolution, which is the second parameter.
Each element of the result list represents the resolution
of one maximal set of transitively conflicting alternatives,
in other words, a connected subset of the conflict graph.
But the elements themselves must not conflict with each other,
guaranteeing that they can be cleanly merged into a single FL
of prims.
(Commute p, Conflict p, Summary p, PrimPatchBase p, PatchListFormat p, ShowPatch p) => Conflict (Named p) Source # | This instance takes care of handling the interaction between conflict resolution and explicit dependencies. A conflict involves a set of two or more patches and the general rule is that the conflict is considered resolved if there is another (later) patch that (transitively) depends on each of the (mutually) conflicting patches. This principle extends to explicit dependencies between In general a Named A [] a Named B [] (b1;b2) Named C [] c Named D [A,B] _ where, at the RepoPatch level, When we decide that a set of conflicting Named patches is resolved, we move the RepoPatches contained in them to the context of the resolution. For all other named patches, we must commute as much of their contents as possible past the ones marked as resolved, using commutation at the RepoPatch level (i.e. ignoring explicit dependencies). |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.Named Methods isConflicted :: Named p wX wY -> Bool Source # resolveConflicts :: RL (Named p) wO wX -> RL (Named p) wX wY -> [ConflictDetails (PrimOf (Named p)) wY] Source # | |
(Commute p, Conflict p, Summary p, PrimPatchBase p, PatchListFormat p, ShowPatch p) => Conflict (PatchInfoAnd p) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.PatchInfoAnd Methods isConflicted :: PatchInfoAnd p wX wY -> Bool Source # resolveConflicts :: RL (PatchInfoAnd p) wO wX -> RL (PatchInfoAnd p) wX wY -> [ConflictDetails (PrimOf (PatchInfoAnd p)) wY] Source # | |
PrimPatch prim => Conflict (RepoPatchV1 prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V1.Commute Methods isConflicted :: RepoPatchV1 prim wX wY -> Bool Source # resolveConflicts :: RL (RepoPatchV1 prim) wO wX -> RL (RepoPatchV1 prim) wX wY -> [ConflictDetails (PrimOf (RepoPatchV1 prim)) wY] Source # | |
PrimPatch prim => Conflict (RepoPatchV2 prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V2.RepoPatch Methods isConflicted :: RepoPatchV2 prim wX wY -> Bool Source # resolveConflicts :: RL (RepoPatchV2 prim) wO wX -> RL (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wY -> [ConflictDetails (PrimOf (RepoPatchV2 prim)) wY] Source # | |
(SignedId name, StorableId name, PrimPatch prim) => Conflict (RepoPatchV3 name prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V3.Resolution Methods isConflicted :: RepoPatchV3 name prim wX wY -> Bool Source # resolveConflicts :: RL (RepoPatchV3 name prim) wO wX -> RL (RepoPatchV3 name prim) wX wY -> [ConflictDetails (PrimOf (RepoPatchV3 name prim)) wY] Source # |
Patches whose concrete effect can be expressed as a list of primitive patches.
A minimal definition would be either of effect
or effectRL
Effect p => Effect (Named p) Source # | |
Effect p => Effect (PatchInfoAndG p) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.PatchInfoAnd Methods effect :: PatchInfoAndG p wX wY -> FL (PrimOf (PatchInfoAndG p)) wX wY Source # | |
Effect p => Effect (WithDroppedDeps p) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.Rebase.Change Methods effect :: WithDroppedDeps p wX wY -> FL (PrimOf (WithDroppedDeps p)) wX wY Source # | |
PrimPatch prim => Effect (RepoPatchV1 prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V1.Commute Methods effect :: RepoPatchV1 prim wX wY -> FL (PrimOf (RepoPatchV1 prim)) wX wY Source # | |
PrimPatch prim => Effect (RepoPatchV2 prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V2.RepoPatch Methods effect :: RepoPatchV2 prim wX wY -> FL (PrimOf (RepoPatchV2 prim)) wX wY Source # | |
Effect p => Effect (FL p) Source # | |
Effect p => Effect (RL p) Source # | |
Effect (RepoPatchV3 name prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V3.Core Methods effect :: RepoPatchV3 name prim wX wY -> FL (PrimOf (RepoPatchV3 name prim)) wX wY Source # |
An witness aware equality class.
A minimal definition defines any one of unsafeCompare
, =\/=
and =/\=
Minimal complete definition
unsafeCompare :: p wA wB -> p wC wD -> Bool Source #
It is unsafe to define a class instance via this method, because
if it returns True then the default implementations of =\/=
and =/\=
will coerce the equality of two witnesses.
Calling this method is safe, although =\/=
or =/\=
would be better
choices as it is not usually meaningul to compare two patches that
don't share either a starting or an ending context
(=\/=) :: p wA wB -> p wA wC -> EqCheck wB wC infix 4 Source #
Compare two things with the same starting witness. If the things compare equal, evidence of the ending witnesses being equal will be returned.
(=/\=) :: p wA wC -> p wB wC -> EqCheck wA wB infix 4 Source #
Compare two things with the same ending witness. If the things compare equal, evidence of the starting witnesses being equal will be returned.
class FromPrim p where Source #
Minimal complete definition
fromAnonymousPrim :: PrimOf p wX wY -> p wX wY Source #
fromPrim :: PatchId p -> PrimOf p wX wY -> p wX wY Source #
fromPrims :: PatchInfo -> FL (PrimOf p) wX wY -> FL p wX wY Source #
class CleanMerge p => Merge p where Source #
Patches that can always be merged, even if they conflict.
Instances should obey the following laws:
- symmetry
merge (p :\/: q) == q' :/\: p' <=> merge (q :\/: p) == p' :/\: q'
- merge-commute
merge (p :\/: q) == q' :/\: p' ==> commute (p :> q') == Just (q :> p')
that is, the two branches of a merge commute to each other.
- extension
cleanMerge (p :\/: q) == Just (q' :/\: p') => merge (p :\/: q) == q' :/\: p'
that is,
is an extension ofcleanMerge
Merge p => Merge (Named p) Source # | |
(PatchId p ~ PatchInfo, Merge p) => Merge (PatchInfoAndG p) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.PatchInfoAnd Methods merge :: (PatchInfoAndG p :\/: PatchInfoAndG p) wX wY -> (PatchInfoAndG p :/\: PatchInfoAndG p) wX wY Source # | |
PrimPatch prim => Merge (RepoPatchV1 prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V1.Commute Methods merge :: (RepoPatchV1 prim :\/: RepoPatchV1 prim) wX wY -> (RepoPatchV1 prim :/\: RepoPatchV1 prim) wX wY Source # | |
PrimPatch prim => Merge (RepoPatchV2 prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V2.RepoPatch Methods merge :: (RepoPatchV2 prim :\/: RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wY -> (RepoPatchV2 prim :/\: RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wY Source # | |
Merge p => Merge (FL p) Source # | |
(SignedId name, StorableId name, PrimPatch prim) => Merge (RepoPatchV3 name prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V3.Core Methods merge :: (RepoPatchV3 name prim :\/: RepoPatchV3 name prim) wX wY -> (RepoPatchV3 name prim :/\: RepoPatchV3 name prim) wX wY Source # |
class PatchInspect p where Source #
listTouchedFiles :: p wX wY -> [AnchoredPath] Source #
hunkMatches :: (ByteString -> Bool) -> p wX wY -> Bool Source #
class PatchListFormat p where Source #
Showing and reading lists of patches. This class allows us to control how
lists of patches are formatted on disk. For legacy reasons V1 patches have
their own special treatment (see ListFormat
). Other patch types use the
default format which just puts them in a sequence without separators or any
This means that 'FL (FL p)' etc would be ambiguous, so there are no instances for 'FL p' or other list types.
Minimal complete definition
patchListFormat :: ListFormat p Source #
class PrimPatch (PrimOf p) => PrimPatchBase p Source #
PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (Invertible p) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.Invertible | |
PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (Named p) Source # | |
PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (PatchInfoAndG p) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.PatchInfoAnd | |
PrimPatch prim => PrimPatchBase (RebaseChange prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.Rebase.Change | |
PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (WithDroppedDeps p) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.Rebase.Change | |
PrimPatch prim => PrimPatchBase (RebaseFixup prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.Rebase.Fixup | |
PrimPatch prim => PrimPatchBase (RepoPatchV1 prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V1.Core | |
PrimPatch prim => PrimPatchBase (RepoPatchV2 prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V2.RepoPatch | |
PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (FL p) Source # | |
PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (RL p) Source # | |
PrimPatch prim => PrimPatchBase (RepoPatchV3 name prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V3.Core |
class ReadPatch p where Source #
This class is used to decode patches from their binary representation.
readPatch' :: Parser (Sealed (p wX)) Source #
class Apply p => RepairToFL p where Source #
is implemented by single patches that can be repaired (Prim,
Patch, RepoPatchV2) There is a default so that patch types with no current
legacy problems don't need to have an implementation.
Minimal complete definition
applyAndTryToFixFL :: ApplyMonad (ApplyState p) m => p wX wY -> m (Maybe (String, FL p wX wY)) Source #
class ShowPatchBasic p => ShowContextPatch p where Source #
showPatchWithContextAndApply :: ApplyMonad (ApplyState p) m => ShowPatchFor -> p wX wY -> m Doc Source #
Show a patch with context lines added, as diff -u does. Thus, it
differs from showPatch only for hunks. It is used for instance before
putting it into a bundle. As this unified context is not included in
patch representation, this requires access to the ApplyState
Note that this applies the patch in the ApplyMonad
given by the
context. This is done in order to simplify showing multiple patches in a
series, since each patch may change the context lines for later changes.
For a version that does not apply the patch see showPatchWithContext
class ShowPatchBasic p => ShowPatch p where Source #
This class is used only for user interaction, not for storage. The default
implementations for description
and content
are suitable only for
and RepoPatch
types. Logically, description
should default
to mempty
while content
should default to displayPatch
. We define them
the other way around so that showFriendly
reasonable results for all patch types.
Minimal complete definition
content :: p wX wY -> Doc Source #
description :: p wX wY -> Doc Source #
summary :: p wX wY -> Doc Source #
summaryFL :: FL p wX wY -> Doc Source #
class ShowPatchBasic p where Source #
showPatch :: ShowPatchFor -> p wX wY -> Doc Source #
class Summary p where Source #
conflictedEffect :: p wX wY -> [IsConflictedPrim (PrimOf p)] Source #
ToPrim (RepoPatchV1 prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V1.Core Methods toPrim :: RepoPatchV1 prim wX wY -> Maybe (PrimOf (RepoPatchV1 prim) wX wY) Source # | |
ToPrim (RepoPatchV2 prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V2.RepoPatch Methods toPrim :: RepoPatchV2 prim wX wY -> Maybe (PrimOf (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wY) Source # | |
ToPrim (RepoPatchV3 name prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V3.Core Methods toPrim :: RepoPatchV3 name prim wX wY -> Maybe (PrimOf (RepoPatchV3 name prim) wX wY) Source # |
fullUnwind :: p wX wY -> Unwound (PrimOf p) wX wY Source #
Get hold of the underlying primitives for a given patch, placed in the context of the patch. If there are conflicts then context patches will be needed.
(PrimPatchBase p, Unwind p) => Unwind (Named p) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.Named | |
PrimPatch prim => Unwind (RepoPatchV1 prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V1.Commute Methods fullUnwind :: RepoPatchV1 prim wX wY -> Unwound (PrimOf (RepoPatchV1 prim)) wX wY Source # | |
PrimPatch prim => Unwind (RepoPatchV2 prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V2.RepoPatch Methods fullUnwind :: RepoPatchV2 prim wX wY -> Unwound (PrimOf (RepoPatchV2 prim)) wX wY Source # | |
(Invert prim, Commute prim, Eq2 prim) => Unwind (RepoPatchV3 name prim) Source # | |
Defined in Darcs.Patch.V3.Core Methods fullUnwind :: RepoPatchV3 name prim wX wY -> Unwound (PrimOf (RepoPatchV3 name prim)) wX wY Source # |